View Full Version : Angel: Cordelia Unleashed Part V

10-06-2006, 01:11 AM
Disclaimer:These Characters belong to Joss Whedon,and the rest of the
geniuses at Mutant Enemy. We just borrow them to have fun.

Rating:NC-17(Violence,Bondage,and of course sex)


Setting:Holtz has been brought from the 18th century to kill Darla.Lilah
Morgan gave commandos to help. Darla's Pregnancy Is causing
major problems between Angel,and Cordelia.Angel had to stop
Cordelia from staking Darla. The attack on the hotel has forced
the gang to flee. However Darla has fled from the others,and
Angel has to find her while the others have gone to Lorne's.
Angel:Cordelia Unleashed Part V:The Change
By Robbins(marvelrobbins@Yahoo.com)

Special Contributions by IYG
Darla Is on a roof looking. Angel finds her.

"You always did like the view" he tells her. "Leave Angel" she tells him. "I
can't do that Darla. We are having a child" he says. "I release you from
any obligations. Go back to your bitch. We will fine without you" she tells

"Darla,this Isn't an Ideal situation. But,we are going to be parents. And I
am not letting you go" he says. "You didn't have any trouble letting me
go the night after you fucked me,and we conceived our son" Darla says.

"Darla,I never excepted this" he tells her. "You Idiot! You think I am
upset about you knocking me up." she says.

Angel Is puzzled. "Your not?" he asks.

"I am upset that you took everything I had,and threw It out. But,you can
let that bitch tie you up,and whip you. I could have done that. But,you
took my love,and threw it out like a cheap whore" she tells him.

Angel Is surprised. "Darla,you are not capable of" he says before she
cuts him off. "I have always loved you. Why else would I have put up
with the things with Drucilla that I did" she says.
Back In 1870 Darla walked Into the room she shared with Angelas to find
Drucilla laying naked on the bed laughing.

"What's going on here?" Darla asked. "Hello Grandmother" Drucilla said.

Darla hated when she called her that. She turns to see Angelas.

"Why Is she here?" Darla asked.

Angelas walked to the bed. "I thought we could have some fun with her"
he says. He grabs a hold of her breasts,and squeezes them. Drucilla

"The three of us together?" she asks. "Yes." he replies. "I like us having fun
just the two of us. Why should I let her join In?" Darla asks. "Come on
Darla. It will be fun." he tells her.

Darla walks over to the bed. "My girls,why don't the two of you kiss?" he

Darla kisses Drucilla. Angelas drops his paints. Darla takes a hold of
Drucilla's breasts. She squeezes them. Angelas
slams his cock Into Drucilla's pussy.

"Oh Daddy!" Drucilla moans as Angelas rides her pussy.

Darla undresses as Angelas continues to ride Drucilla.

Darla gets on Drucilla. She Is just above Angelas. She spreads her legs.

"Suck my dear" Darla tells her. "Whatever you say Grandmother" Drucilla

Darla didn't like being called that by she soon forget about that as Drucilla
licked her pussy good with her tongue. She thought If he wants her to
join them she can tolerate that.

Angel never excepted this conversation to go this way.

"You don't want me. You want your bitch. I,and your son don't need you. I
will make do without you." Darla tells him.

Darla remembers a night right after Drucilla revamped her.
Darla says on the bed. Drucilla Is removing her panties. Darla still can't
get Angel off her mind. She loves him. Why won't he see that. She will
make him come back to her. In the meantime she will let Drucilla help
get her mind off him. Drucilla spreads Darla's legs.

"Oh Grandmother. I have missed seeing It" Drucilla says.

Darla hates being called that. "Drucilla! get to work!" Darla tells her.

Drucilla puts her face Into Darla's cunt,and start to lick away at her

Darla enjoys the job Drucilla Is doing.

"Oh my dear that's good" Darla moans.
Angel can't let Darla go. "I want to take responsibility for him. I want
to be there for him' he tells her.

"I come with the baby. We are a package deal' she tells him.

Angel understands what she Is saying. As long as Darla could help get
his mind off of Buffy,and her feelings for Dawn It didn't matter. He
comes up to her, and kisses her.

"I may have went along with Drucilla. But,with our son I will not tolerate
you with your bitch." Darla tells him.
"It's over between me,and Cordelia now. I have you,and our son" he

Darla feels happy at this. and she can't wait till Cordelia learns about this.
Lilah Morgan Is at her desk. Bryan walks In.

"The attack on the hotel failed." he tells her. "Damn It!" Lilah replies.

"And there Is more bad news" he says. "What?" she replies. "Gavin Is
nosing around." he tells her.

She doesn't like this. He goes up to her.

"Your so tense." he says,and begins to rub her shoulders. Lilah enjoys It.

"That feels so good" she says. He thinks to himself being able to touch
her Is good.

"What do you want to do about him?" Bryan asks. "I can handle Gavin.
You just do what you do for me" she replies.

Bryan smiles.
At Caritas Wesley,Cordelia,Gunn,and Fred are with Lorne when Angel
comes In with Darla.

"I could use some help" Angel says.

Fred helps Angel get Darla to a chair.

"You've run Into some trouble" Lorne says. "I could use good news."
Angel says.

"I have a theory on how you two were able to conceive." Wesley says.

"Let's hear It" Angel says. "What If you having a soul allowes you to
father a child" Wesley says. "That means I could have had a child
with Buffy" Angel says.

Darla gives Angel a dirty look. He knows she Is pissed.

"How could she carry It?" Angel asks. "Maybe when you went on the
mission to try to save her something happened to her,and when
Drucilla revamped her she was left with the ability to have children"
Wesley says.

"And then when you fucked her you left your seed In her" Cordelia

Lorne notices how mad Cordelia Is. Angel was left In a no win
situation here. He enjoyed having Cordelia punish him but he had a
responsibility to Darla,and the baby.

Darla screams. "Guys,I think her water just broke" Fred says.

Lorne sees this. "Oh man,that was a good chair too" he says.

"I am In pain here!" Darla says.

Just then grenades are thrown Into the club.
Outside Caritas Wesley,and Gunn come with weapons,and fight some
demons as Angel,and Fred come out with Darla. Darla Is In pain. She
collapses on the ground as Gunn,and Wesley continue fighting Demons.

"Angel!" Darla says. "I'm here Darla' he replies. "I made you In a ally,and
now our son Is going to be born In one. it's kinda funny" Darla
says,and then laughs. She then screams In pain.

Holtz watches them.

"Our son Is the best thing we have ever done my darling boy" Darla

Fred Is unnerved by that. Darla screams. Holtz takes out a crossbow.

Wesley,and Gunn continue to fight Demons.

Darla screams.

"Push Darla!" Angel says. "You push! Men,you screw us women,and
then we get all the pain!" Darla screams,and pushes.

Holtz sees a baby boy come out of Darla,and holds.

"Oh my god" Fred says.

"We have a son Darla" Angel says. "I want to hold him" Darla says.

Fred puts him In Darla's arms. Darla cradles him.

SahJhan appears behind Holtz. "Finish It" he tells Holtz.

Angel sees them. "We have to go Darla" he says.

Angel,and Fred help Darla,carrying the baby,up. Angel,and Holtz face
each other. Holtz drops the crossbow. SahJhan Is upset.

"Don't let them go!" SahJhan says.

Angel picks up a sword,and joins Gunn,and Wesley In finishing off the
demons. Darla rocks the baby. Angel,Gunn,Wesley,Darla,and Fred leave.

"You promised no mercy!" SahJhan says. "And I will show none.
Darla,and Angelas will learn what I felt when they killed my family" Holtz
Gavin Parks,a Asian American lawyer at Wolfram and Hart,arrives at the
secret private apartment of Linwood,the President of Special Projects,he
had a tip on activities that may Involve Lilah. He was hoping to get her
sacked,and get her job. He sits down.

Linwood comes out. "What Is It?" he says to Gavin. "It's about Angel"
he replies.

Gavin then sees Lilah dressed In a robe. "If It Is about Angel I should
know about It" she says. "Her Input Is always Invaluable" Linwood says.

Gavin figures Lilah has worked on Linwood. And It was pointless trying
to get to Lilah this way. Although he understood what he saw In Lilah.
She Is very attractive he thought. But,a major bitch.

"There was a attack on the hotel" Gavin says.

Angel,Wesley,Gunn,and Darla are back at the hotel. Darla Is rocking the

"So,my man your a daddy now. Any thought of a name. Charles Is a
great name"Gunn says. "No!" Darla says.

"How about Connor?" Angel asks Darla. "I like that" Darla says.

Cordelia walks In with Lorne. He has a bag.

"Why the bag?" Angel asks. "Since you guys always destroy my club I
am moving In" Lorne says.

"This place keeps getting more,and more people. You would think It Is a
hotel." Gunn says.

Lorne goes up to Darla. "Let me hold him" Lorne says. "No! He needs his
Mommy" Darla says. "Kinda protective" Lorne says.

Cordelia gives Angel a dirty look. Angel goes by Darla.

"It's time to tell you guys Darla Is staying here. We are raising Connor
right here together" Angel says.

They are stunned. Cordelia Is furious.

"Are you out of your mind! That bitch should be staked! I am telling you
Angel for the last time get rid of the bitch!I am your Mistress! And I
won't tolerate her anymore!" Cordelia says.

The rest are stunned by this. Angel grabs Cordelia.

"Cordelia,the only bitch here Is you." Angel says.

Fred comes In with some milk.

"I want you gone!" Angel says. "What!" Cordelia replies. "I am tired of
your demands. I have a son,and Darla Is his mother. She stays. And you
need to get out,and don't come back!" Angel says.

Angel takes her,and throws her out of the hotel. Fred goes up to Darla
with the milk. Darla takes the milk,and starts to feed Connor.

"Darla,and Connor are part of our lives here now. if Cordelia can face that
I will let her return. But,my son deserves both his parents." Angel says.

"Fair enough" Wesley says. "I can understand" Fred says.

Darla goes Into the office with Connor. Lorne goes up to Angel.

"I think your making a mistake throwing Cordelia out" Lorne says."Nothing
can happen between us anymore" Angel says.

Wesley watches Fred.

"I am going home" Wesley says,and leaves.
In the office Darla Is nursing Connor.

"My Beautiful Boy" Darla says. "You,me,and your daddy are going to be
happy together now that Daddy has gotten rid of his bitch. Mommy
will make sure you get only the best,and your Daddy will make sure
noone ever hurts you" Darla says as she Is feeding him milk.
Angel is talking to Gunn.

"I need you tomorrow to see If we can get blood from a blood bank for
Darla' Angel says. "Your getting her human blood?" Gunn asks. "Yes"
Angel replies. "I guess your the boss" Gunn replies. "And we are going
to have to get a crib for our room for the baby" Angel says.

Gunn nods.
Wesley walks Into his apartment. He has been drinking. He sees
Cordelia there.

"Get out" he says. "I think we should have a talk" she says. "Angel
won't let you come back till you accept Connor,and Darla" he
says. "We have both been burned by those we loved" she says.

He says nothing.

"Until that bitch showed up with her bastard me,and Angel were
closer than we ever were. And I have seen the way you look at
Fred" Cordelia says.

"Shut up" he says. "Only she wants Vampires,and Blacks" Cordelia
says."Get Out!" Wesley says. "She has no Interest In you" she
says. "Don't mention her anymore" Wesley says. "Maybe Fred Is
having Gunn ride her right now" she says.

Wesley snaps. He grabs ahold of Cordelia,and takes her Into his
bedroom. He kisses her. He makes her go against the wall. He pulls
her paints,and panties down. Cordelia never thought Wesley was
capable of this. He unzips his paints,and sticks his dick Into her

"Just shut up Cordelia!" he tells her,and begins to fuck her In the

Cordelia enjoys the pleasure. She thinks to herself Fred Is his weak

Wesley thinks to himself It Is Fred he Is really doing.
Angel Is In the bedroom. He turns around to see Darla looking very

"Where Is Connor?" Angel asks. "Lorne Is watching him. While we
have this alone time we should make the most of It" Darla says
walking up close to him.

Angel knows what she Is suggesting. "We can't Darla" he tells
her. "Why not? We sure have done It before" Darla says. "We can't
take the chance I might get a moment of true happiness,and then I
might want to drink our son" he tells her. "I would kill you before I
let you hurt my baby" she tells him.

"The point Is we can't have sex Darla" he tells her.

Darla doesn't like this,and storms out.
Gunn walks Into Fred's room looking for her to see her laying nude on
the bed. Gunn Is surprised.

"I've been waiting for you Charles. You can do anything to me you
want"Fred says.

Gunn likes the sound of that,and quickly starts to undress. Fred smiles.
Wesley sits on the bed as Cordelia gets dressed.

"That was something" she says.

He says nothing.

"Your not going to start crying over me now? I am not Fred" Cordelia

"Don't ever mention her here again" Wesley tells her.

Cordelia thinks Fred Is the way to get him worked up.
In his room Angel thinks about Darla. He knows sooner,or later she will
want something from him. He turns around to see Darla dressed In
Black Leather holding a whip,and some chains. He Is stunned.

"You like?" she asks.

He says nothing.

"Is this what your bitch dressed for you?" Darla asks.

Angel Is afraid to say anything.

"I can punish you as well as she could" Darla says. Angel makes a
decision. "All right" Angel says.

Darla smiles.
Gunn rides his dick Into Fred's pussy long and Hard. Fred enjoys It.

"Oh Charles! Your dick Is so big and hard!" Fred Moans.

Gunn enjoys riding Fred. She Is the best he thinks to himself.

"Oh Shit! I am Cuming Charles! I am Cuming!" Fred Moans.
Angel is chained to the ceiling. He Is nude. Darla Is behind him. She
hits his back with a whip. She does It several times.

"So,Is that as good as your bitch?" Darla says.

Angel says nothing. Darla hits him even harder. Darla laughs. She thinks
to herself this Is how It will be from now on. She takes care of
Connor,and punishes Angel.
Holtz sits In a warehouse. SahJhan Is there.

"You were suppose to kill Darla!" SahJhan says. "Darla will be
taken care of"Holtz says. "You had your chance,and blew It!" he
tells Holtz. "Angelas,and Darla have a child now. That will make
them weak. When the time comes I will take the child from them.
When Darla loses her child like I lost my Children she will die. And
then Angelas will have lost his bitch,and his little bastard he will
know what I feel." Holtz says. "That's not what she wanted"
SahJhan says. "Who Is she?" Holtz asks.

"Right here" says a voice. SahJhan Is scarred. Holtz sees Cordelia.

"SahJhan,I told you I wanted that bitch dead! I didn't want her
giving birth!" Cordelia says. "I did my best. He failed." SahJhan

"Why do you want Darla dead?" Holtz says. "She got In my way.
Took my bitch from me. Threatens my plans. I can't have that."
she says.

"Darla will die" Holtz says. "Angel will not. He Is my bitch. He will
be reminded of that. And beg for my forgiveness" she says.

Holtz Is surprised by this. Cordelia turns to SahJhan.

"Fail me again. And you will no longer be able to exist In this
dimension"Cordelia tells him. "I understand" SahJhan says. "Good"
Cordelia says.

SahJhan knows he Is In deep shit with Cordelia.

"Keep your connection with Lilah. She Is useful. And I may have
use of her In my plans" Cordelia says. She Is plotting. Darla will
pay for what she has done to her.

To be continued