Magic Mountain
With Nina Dobrev
Written by TPG
CODES: FM+, DP, anal, blowjob
DISCLAIMER: This FICTIONAL story was written for entertainment purposes only. In other words get a fucking sense of humor!

As luck would have it, Eddie had called in sick that day and I just happened to be the unlucky sap who had been instructed to take his place for the afternoon.

Naturally, I had hoped to give him a piece of my mind the moment he returned to work, but instead it was this twist of fate that set in motion a series of events that led to one of the best experiences of my life.

I had been employed at Disney World for just a few short weeks, yet it was already proving to be quite tedious.

Most times I would work the concession stand or be directed behind the counter in the gift shop, but every so often I would be asked to fill in for other less competent employees and made to put on one of the various cartoon character costumes to entertain the guests.

As humiliating at this was, the only comfort I took from this was the fact that I was completely disguised.

Still, as fun as this may have seemed on paper, it was an exhausting job getting around in the tremendous heat, all the while trying to entertain the crowds and being all "merry" and shit.

With that said, my shift that day was threatening to be just as boring as any other at the theme park until I was instructed to head over to the other side of the complex to the "Haunted Mansion" pavilion.

There I was directed to pose with several guests and three visiting actresses, one of which was "Vampire Diaries" star Nina Dobrev.

Right away the ladies seemed to be quite friendly and flirtatious, and in high spirits. And to my delight all three took turns posing with me for the camera. But when it came time for Nina and I to take our picture, I immediately felt my cock stir as I felt her press her sweet pert breasts up against my arm.

In fact, not only did this happen on one occasion, but she repeated the action another three more times. I'm almost certain she knew what she was doing, and the effect it was having on me.

Fortunately for me the costume did a good job of hiding my budding erection as the ladies continued to flirt and fool around with my "Mickey Mouse" character.

It was during this time that I heard the ladies ask my supervisor if they could venture into the Haunted Mansion, but were immediately shot down and informed that it was currently off limits.

Unfortunately for them, the attraction itself was closed for renovation and Nina was clearly disappointed. Noting this, I waited for my supervisor to step away before I leaned over and asked the TV star if she and her friends actually wanted to go inside.

"Oh! Oh my god." Dobrev gasped at the mere sound of my voice. "It speaks? You scared me half to death."

I apologized for frightening her, and while they all laughed with surprise I asked them if they still wanted to sneak a peek into the newly developed house of horrors.

"The place is still being upgraded." I explained. "But it looks and sounds really good inside."

At first the girls maintained that it wasn't very important to them, but then confessed that it was essentially the only reason Nina had agreed to come to Disney World.

As it so happened, the 23-year-old starlet had been intrigued by everything "Horror" and "Supernatural" ever since she had embarked on her role as Elena Gilbert on "The Vampire Diaries."

While the ladies debated about what they wanted to do, I chimed in and explained that I was more than happy to show them around if they only agreed to wait a few minutes for my shift to end.

"That way I can take off this ridiculous outfit and show you girls some behind-the-scenes stuff." I offered. "If you're interested of course?"

Right away I could tell from the mixed reactions that they weren't very enthused, especially as they had no idea what I really looked like under the full body costume.

"Hm. I dunno." Nina's friend replied.

"Yeah. How do we know what you really look like under there?" her other friend added bluntly.

"Kayla!" Nina gasped at her rudeness. "I'm sorry about that."

"No, not at all." I replied through the Mickey Mouse costume. "Don't mention it. Heck. I'd probably be thinking the same thing if I were you, wondering if there's a real troll under here."

The ladies laughed at my comment before they openly discussed if they should take me up on my offer and risk sneaking around to get an exclusive behind-the-scenes look inside the "Mansion" but quickly concluded that since it only mattered to Nina, that she should be the one to make the final decision.

In the meanwhile her friends didn't stop chatting among themselves, speculating as to what I looked like under the suit, and it quickly occurred to me that the two issues had a lot to do with each other.

"Hm. I have to admit," the actress remarked. "I do like the sound of his voice."

"Me too."

A minute later Nina's friends busied themselves with coffee, giving the TV star and I a chance to chat and get to know each other better, where she explained how the three of them were staying in the hotel across the street for the weekend.

Feeling bold (due to my anonymity) I offered to give Nina and her friends a private tour of the entire theme park, in exchange for her cell phone number. The starlet couldn't stop laughing as she claimed that I had essentially perverted her childhood memories by having Mickey Mouse hit on her.

"I could always do it in that high pitched voice if you like?" I teased. "Hey kids, wanna hook up?"

"No. Please. No." she laughed hysterically.

"You think this is bad, you should see the stuff that goes on in the locker room downstairs." I joked. "Watching the other characters get it on."

"Oh god." Dobrev laughed. "Don't tell me that."

Fortunately for me, the actress appeared to have a great sense of humor and agreed to give me her number before heading back to the hotel with her actress friends for the day. To say I was excited would be an understatement, especially since Nina claimed that she didn't have any plans for the evening and looked forward to my call.

A few hours later it was just after midnight as I finished my final shift and helped myself to a quick shower and shave. I took this opportunity to call her phone. At first Dobrev didn't seem to answer, and then the line rang out and went to a message service.

Disappointed, I tried the number again only to be greeted by a busy signal. I cleaned myself up and tried the number once more but each time was bitterly disappointed to hear it was busy. If I didn't know any better I could swear she was trying to avoid me.

Pissed off, I finally screwed up the phone number and threw it in the bin before I went back to my locker to grab my things.

I took a deep breath and ultimately returned back to the phone and tried to call her number once again, and to my delight Nina actually picked up the phone on the second ring but I could barely hear her over the loud music, as she was apparently in the hotel lounge enjoying a drink and a live show with her friends.

Right away I could tell from her slurred speech that she was clearly intoxicated, and yet she agreed to see me again.

"Hey, are you going to join us for a drink?" she playfully offered.

As tempting as this offer sounded I paused for a moment in confusion.

"Oh. Really?" I replied. "Because I thought you wanted to hook up and get that special tour?"

"Oh, right-right-right." she corrected. "Okay. We can come to you."

15mins later I nervously waited for her to cross the street and meet me at a side exit, and was soon taken aback as I quickly realized that Nina was no longer casually dress as she was earlier, but now was dressed to the nines and scantily clad in a very sexy short black dress and high heeled stilettos.

My mouth almost hit the floor as her sexy little ensemble showed off her firm slender figure and long smooth legs. Unfortunately for me, she was not alone and had one of her friends accompany her to the meeting.

I immediately found this amusing as they no doubt took this precaution to see if I was indeed attractive or not.

The entire ordeal was actually quite funny as it suddenly seemed as though we were both on a blind date of sorts.

"Scott? Is that really you?" Nina fawned.

"Are you sure you're not playing a trick on us?" her friend chimed in. "You're much taller than I remember."

"I told you guys I wasn't a troll."

The ladies looked at each other before I invited them both inside the theme park. To my amusement, Nina quickly flashed her friend a knowing look and reassured her that we were now fine on our own.

"Are you sure you don't won't me to tag along?" her friend Candice offered.

"No, I'm fine. Really." she insisted. "Besides, I can call you guys if we get lost or something."

"Please take care of her tonight." Candice directed at me. "She's already had a few drinks at the bar downstairs, and she's totally hammered."

"What? No I'm not."

"Yeah right." her friend giggled. "How many cocktails has it been so far, six or seven?"

"I have no idea what she's talking about." Nina claimed.

"Not a problem." I reassured her friend. "I promise to take care of her."

With that said, the ladies shared a quick peck on the cheek before Nina was officially left in my care.

"So," the strikingly beautiful actress slurred. "You promised to give me a special tour tonight. This better be good."

I simply smiled and invited her through the electrified fence before locking the gate behind her.

With storm clouds forming in the distance, I told her that we didn't have much time to waste but Nina didn't seem to care about the weather and insisted that I show her everything.

Twenty minutes later the park was essentially left deserted as I commandeered a golf buggy and showed her around the eerily empty Magic Mountain. The entire time we spent together the Canadian beauty openly flirted with me, and there seemed to be an undeniable attraction there.

Nina then mentioned that she wanted to go to the Haunted Mansion pavilion, where we had met, as she apparently got a kick out of all things spooky.

As we made our way there, I tried to build up the suspense by telling her that it was a pretty frightening exhibit, especially at this time of night but she smugly claimed that nothing frightened her.

"Trust me," she scoffed. "It's pretty hard to get a reaction out of me. Don't forget, I do play a vampire on TV remember?"

Unbeknown to Nina, I had a surprise waiting for her there and soon parked the buggy a few streets away and suggested that we walk through the creepy graveyard for extra effect.

But it was there that she almost toppled over and fell due to her clunky shoes, and inebriated state. Thinking quickly I actually caught her in my arms, before we shared a moment and she spontaneously kissed me on the lips.

To my delight, the setting couldn't have been any more perfect as it proceeded to rain on us. The clap of thunder was heard in the distance as we now stood there in the middle of the graveyard groping and making out fervently like two love sick teenagers.

Nina literally melted in my arms and sighed into my mouth as I slipped a hand underneath her short dress and lightly brushed my fingertips against her warm lace panties, caressing her sex and stroking the outline of her smooth vulva.

The actress moaned and responded to this bold action by wrapping her legs around me hips and plunging her wet tongue down my throat, leaving little doubt as to what she had been drinking earlier, her tongue tasting heavily of Absolut Vodka.

With the weight of her entire body on my knees, I collapsed back onto a granite stone which allowed her to sit a stride over my hips, my hands cupping and squeezing her perfect ass.

"Mm. This is so cool." she muttered a moment later, referring to our spooky surroundings.

"Absolutely." I replied, as I leisurely fondled her flawless behind.

It was just about the tightest, firmest, prettiest little butt I had ever had the good fortune of touching.

Dobrev then took my breath away as she slowly slid down my body and took my hard cock into her mouth. It was an incredibly haunting and erotic scene as the Canadian actress sucked my dick right there in the rain, in the middle of the secluded graveyard.

I had to use every fiber of my being not to bust a nut into the back of her throat, and placed my hand on the back of her head as it now bobbed up and down in my lap.

Unfortunately for us we were soon interrupted and almost caught by passing security, and zipping up quickly I grabbed her by the hand and rushed her across the garden grounds and into the haunted mansion just as the storm increased in ferocity and showered down.

Inside, Nina couldn't stop giggling and apparently found all the added excitement thrilling.

"Whoa." she sighed out of breath. "I haven't had this much fun in ages."

It was only now that I realized just how wet her clothes and hair were due to the rain, and how noticeably intoxicated she still was as she didn't waste any time throwing her arms around my neck and kissing me hard on the lips again, before I invited her to look around.

There, Nina seemed eager to pick up right where we left off outside, and without warning she reached up and grabbed the straps of her short black dress and simply dropped it to the floor, leaving her to stand there in nothing but her matching bra and panty set.

Her daring actions just about blew my mind, and while I tried to find the right words to speak Dobrev appeared to look around for a nice place for us to fuck, opting for any kind of a sturdy bench or counter top she could find.

"Hmm. Nice table, huh?" she remarked, while moving towards the large dining room table in the middle of the "haunted" room.

To my amusement, it was only now that she noticed an old rusty doorway to the right which led down to the cellar. The half naked thrill seeker instantly flashed me a mischievous grin and suggested that we head down into the dark, smoke-filled crypt.

Even though the special effects were merely generated by a man-made smoke machine, the atmosphere in the mansion combined with the storm outside made it particularly creepy. Playing the part, I attempted to bait her.

"Err, I dunno." I teased. "I wouldn't go down there if I was you."

"No? Why not?" she challenged, as I went on to tell her that there were most probably a number of "Ghouls" and "Goblins" down there waiting to take advantage of her.

As expected, this only seemed to spur her on and she reached over to take my hand and led the way.

"Come on," she insisted, still scantily clad in nothing but her underwear and high heeled shoes. "Let's have some fun."

It only took a few steps inside that doorway for her to realize just now narrow the space was, and while she paused for a moment to adjust to her ominous surroundings, Nina finally pushed any concerns she might of had to the back of her mind and boldly proceeded, only to find herself bathed in darkness with a single candle flickering high above us.

"Oh wow." she commented nervously. "This is kind of cool, scary."

A moment later, the actress shrieked with surprise as she felt something reach out and touch her on the leg, and despite her bravado she couldn't help but jump with fright as several hands now grabbed at her exposed flesh in the dark, while she moved alongside the rigged wall towards the stone staircase.

At first the starlet was a little surprised by this, while I grinned evilly and grabbed her roughly by the arm and pinned her against that very wall, taking her breath away as I essentially offered her body to the "Wall of Demons."

There, I kissed her hard on the lips as several hands now held her in place and groped her body. She moaned as I let my hand drop down between her legs and slipped my fingers inside her panties to stroke her increasingly wet slit directly.

Nina glared up at me with wide eyes, her mind reeling as I leisurely explored her moist sex, while several male hands now freely roamed and caressed her breasts, legs, and face.

It was like something straight out of a Wes Craven film as I watched her simply stand there getting fondled, man handled by several mysterious, faceless admirers.

Despite her initial fear I could see the entire ordeal really turned her on, and feeling bold I finally ripped the black bra from her chest and peeled her black lace boy-shorts down her slender legs, leaving her to stand there in nothing but her heels.

I paused for a moment to admire the scene before me, watching as the mysterious fingers moved along her naked flesh, around her legs, over her hips, and across her breasts, twisting and squeezing at her hard nipples against her will.

Her butt was grabbed for good measure, fingers trying to work their way further downward to push between her thighs.

Nina instinctively knocked them away, but even as she did, a second closed around one of her breasts, squeezing and kneading its fullness and causing her to moan involuntarily. Her body quickly betrayed her and her nipples responded appropriately.

Her ass was then slapped and fondled some more while the mystery fingers curled around her left ankle, a light grip sliding up the length of her smooth calf to her trembling knee.

"Oh. God." she purred erotically at the overwhelming sensation of so many hands on her body, as I reached over and pulled her away from the perverted wall and spun her around.

With both hands now grasping at her elbows, I pinning her arms back behind her shoulders and waited for my "friends" to come around from behind the artificial wall and join us in the narrow space.

Nina seemed to sense this as the group closed in around her, their breathing and excitement evident even in the dark.

She felt the cool air on her naked chest, causing her nipples to peak as hands once again made contact with her flesh, and stroked and grabbed at her naked body in the darkness.

"Oh." she let out at the added attention, but that was all she had time for before her mouth was covered with my own and she felt herself being pulled back against my body, against my erection.

The actress could feel my hardness pressed against her tight butt, as I kissed her neck and squeezed her tits with my hands. My god she had an incredible body. I couldn't believe how thick and erect her nipples were.

Nina didn't know how many men were there with us. It could have been two, or five, even twenty.

All she knew for sure was that they were all over her, their greedy mouths as well as their hands, kisses on her belly and her thighs, her nipples trapped between the lips of two separate assailants, each sucking and nibbling on her buds, making her gasp despite herself.

"Ugh. Ohmigod." she hissed inwardly, as I held her tight and allowed my "ghoulish" friends to have their seedy way with her.

I wrapped an arm around her slender waist and bent her over slightly. I placed my hands on her bare back and all she could do was follow my lead and drop to her knees and plant her own hands on the carpet to steady herself.

She gasped the moment she bent over and felt my fingers plunge between her long legs and search for and find her opening, two digits sliding effortlessly inside her tight young clam, where I worked them back and forth, sending hot pulses of pleasure to shoot up her spine, making her breath come in quick, shallow gasps.

The others were smoothing the skin of her back and her legs, kneading her breasts and fine round ass with insistence.

A fistful of her hair was used to lift her head, and before she had time to process what was about to happen next, the owner of that fist pressed the head of his hard cock between her soft lips and thrust forward.

"Mmmppfff." was her simply response, as she was unable to turn her head away and simply surrendered to the moment.

Resigned to her fate, Nina let her lips and tongue go limp and permitted him to enter her hot mouth.

Her nipples were hard between their pinching fingers, her pussy hot and wet. She was moaning around the thick shaft in her mouth, rocking with the rhythm of my fingers inside her pussy.

Her moans grew longer and louder as I added another finger to the mix and now probed her cunt with three digits.

At this point she was so wet that her pussy made a lewd squishing sound as I probed her incessantly, which aside from turning her on made her blush brightly with shame.

Despite her humiliation, I continued to finger-fuck her for several minutes before I finally withdrawn from her sopping wet cunt and replaced my fingers with the head of my cock.

"Mm. Yes." she grimaced to the intrusion, as I took hold of her soft hips with both hands and embed myself inside her.

As I pulled back, I felt Nina reach under her body with her spare hand and while I assumed that she might attempt to push me away, she instead took hold of my shaft and guiding me home, leaning her weight back against me to impale herself over my length, moaning as I stretched and filled her completely.

The boys and I all seemed to sense this change of demeanor from her, from unsuspecting victim to willing participant, and the guys released their grip from her wrists and arms as she began to fuck me enthusiastically, bucking her hips against me.

"Yes. Yes. Yes" she cried, as I slapped her sweet ass for good measure.

Two new hands now worked her pert breasts. Nina suddenly sensed there were at least two or three men gathering around her as she was fucked from behind and she reached out in the darkness to find a set of thighs and his hard cock.

She eagerly grasped the mystery penis in her hand and stroked one of the men while she blew the other, and alternated between the two of them as they grew bolder and closed in around her.

The "Vampire Dairies" star sucked each cock into her mouth, taking each in turn as the two, three men around her groaned gleefully.

Others stood back in the darkness, quietly beating off while listening to the seedy affair, waiting their turn and stroking themselves to the sound of her sweet, whimpering voice.

"Oh. Oh fuck." she grunted in front of me, her sweet ass bouncing against my hard cock, taking all of my length. "Yes. Give it to me. Gimme that cock."

"Ugh. Fuck." we suddenly heard one of the men exclaim, before he suddenly lost all control and shot his load all over her pretty face.

Having just busted his nut, Nina immediately took his shrinking cock back into her mouth, savoring his semen.

Even as she did, another "Ghoul" took hold of her long dark hair and directed her sweet mouth to his waiting boner, offering her a fresh new hard cock for her to suck.

Seeing her take to this new dick so enthusiastically, turned me on to no end and I now slammed into her pussy with renewed vigor, gripping her buttocks tightly and causing her to moan out loud with glee.

My enthusiasm was immediately matched by her own, as each thrust was punctuated by the slapping sound of flesh against flesh.

"Ugh. Fuck. Oh. Yeah." she grunted lustfully over her shoulder. "Fuck me. Fuck me harder."

Just as this was proclaimed, the cock in her hand suddenly exploded in front of her open mouth sending another load to strike her across her stunning face.

I watched as she responded to this action by licking her wet lips and allowing the sticky substance to mix with her saliva and drool down her chin and chest.

It was just about the sexiest fucking thing I had ever seen, and without wasting another moment I pulled out of her gleaming sex and dragged her body over mine, directing her to turn over and straddle me on the floor, but Nina suddenly had other ideas.

Thinking quickly she moved to position herself directly over me, but positioned herself in a way where she now straddled me reverse cowgirl style, with her back facing me.

It seemed she was eager to entertain the others in the room at the same time as she rode my cock, and this revelation really excited me. Nina Dobrev felt dizzy with arousal, drunk with excitement, and more aroused than she ever remembered being.

It seemed the darkness had made her bolder than usual and she immediately opened her mouth and offered her lips to the nearest cock as I rubbed the head of my own manhood against her slick sex and prepared to enter her again.

Another "Ghoul" quickly stepped forward and plunged his hot length into her waiting mouth, as I tapped my meat stick against her gleaming sex and then changed my mind and slipped it further down and between her firm buttocks and pressed it against her other opening, the one that instinctively clenched against the invasion and caused her to wince.

Despite this reluctance I pushed forward nonetheless and my bell-end struggled against her twitching rectum. Determined, I gently eased myself into her backdoor inch by inch until she was firmly seated in the cowgirl position above me, with my cock buried inside her ass.

"Ah. Shit." I growled approvingly, as I filled her butt with half my length. "That's it. Take that hard cock inside your ass, Nina."

With my rod thoroughly embedded inside her shitter, I raised my hips and lifted her up like an offering to the gods, as she felt a second man crouch between her spread legs, his twitching erection brushing against her slick vulva before entering her pussy in one motion: filling her until she could feel the two heads separated by the thinnest of walls inside her, every touch an electric shock coursing through her body.

Dobrev's head slumped back at the double penetration, her eyes rolling into the back of her head as she was filled both vaginally and anally at the same time. A third man stood over her, pushed his cock into her open mouth as the three of us began to move in unison, all of us focused on her pleasure.

As incredible as this was, Nina felt the thighs of a fourth man gripping her waist, and when his hands covered her breasts and pushed them together, his cock was there, the sweat from her body all the lubrication he needed to thrust his dick between those small mounds of pliant flesh.

The actresses body was now being used like some kind of meaningless pleasure device, who's only purpose was to take cock and make men cum, and yet this seemed to thrill her.

We all moaned and wailed together as her climax approached, an orgasm which had been building since she had capitulated to us. She felt it growing, pulsating, focusing on her ass and her pussy, where the friction of skin on skin was almost unbearable.

Clutching her hips, I took this opportunity to flick my hips and actually felt the other cock inside her twitch in response, causing her body to respond and her throat to cry out in rapture.

Her mouth opened wide, allowing the cock in her mouth to slide further inside her throat so that she almost gagged as she reached a massive, shuddering orgasm.

At that precise moment I groaned with glee as I listened to the others all around her climax one after the other, and shoot their filthy loads all over her remarkable body and face, causing my own loins to stir and finally erupt deep inside her hot sphincter.

"UGH! OH GODDD!" she shuddered loudly over the thunder storm outside, as she felt my hot spunk spurt deep inside her anal cavity.

In a matter of moments it was all over. Just as quickly as it had begun, the "Ghouls & Goblins" disappeared into the shadows leaving Nina Dobrev and I lying on the carpeted floor, both of us lying exhausted and delirious.

The stunning actress had steaming hot spunk splashed across her mouth and chin, her chest, her sex, and gooey white semen dripping from her used anus. Catching my breath, I took this opportunity to stand up and brush myself off.

"So, you wanted the Haunted Mansion tour and you got it." I snickered smugly.

Nina simply nodded dumbfounded, covered in cum.

"Next time you're in town," I added. "Remind me to give you a private tour of TomorrowLand. I think you'll like it."