Coachella Nights
With Selena Gomez, Josie Canseco, Kylie and Kendall Jenner
Written by TPG
CODES: +F, gangbang, reluc, drugs, rim
DISCLAIMER: This FICTIONAL story was written for entertainment purposes only.

"—she said what!" Kendall Jenner exclaimed over the phone.

"Whoa. What happened now?" her sister asked as the ladies sat around in a field in the middle of Palm Springs, attending the annual Coachella Music Festival.

It was only the second night of the event but the trip was already proving to be jam-packed with drama.

In fact it had only been 24hrs since the girls had invited Selena Gomez to ride along with them, only to have the popular Latina ultimately met up with boyfriend (Bieber) and essentially drop them like a led balloon to spend more "quality" time with him.

But now with Justin leaving the event earlier than expected, Selena had apparently latched onto a new group of friends, and had started to bad mouth the Jenner sisters from the other side of the festival.

Surprisingly enough it didn't take long for word to travel back to Kendall and her friends, who were absolutely furious.

"Oh no she didn't," the elder Jenner sister hissed before looking through her cell phone for numbers to call.

"Why don't you just call and ask her if it's true?" Kylie suggested. "Maybe it's a simple misunderstanding?"

"I'm trying!" Kendall snapped. "But she's not picking up her phone. I think she's ignoring us deliberately."

"Yeah. Maybe she found some new friends to leech on to?" one of the girls in their clique remarked.

"You know what," Kendall added a minute later. "I've got a better idea."

"Uh-Oh." her sister replied. "I know that look. What are you going to do?"

"Hey Josie. Are you still around?" Kendall grinned evilly into the phone. "You want to hook up and have some fun tonight?"

It took most of the night but ultimately the Jenner's tracked Selena down to a nearby motel where she was spending the evening with a new group of "friends."

When the ladies arrived they were surprised to see that the pint-sized star was already well drunk, and appeared to be keeping company with a room full of men.

Despite this circumstance nothing inappropriate was going on, just the mere fact that Selena loved to be the center of attention, and preferred to surround herself with people who would place her up on a pedestal and cater to her beck and call.

But just because the guys in the motel room agreed to act all friendly and gentleman-like around her, didn't mean they didn't want to fuck her. On the contrary.

Almost every man in that room wanted to get a piece of her Latina ass, but as it turned out no one had the gall to make the first move, nobody wanted to offend her and make things awkward.

Inside, Kendall was briefly introduced to the guys before the rest of her entourage showed up behind her and joined the party. She then took this opportunity to help Selena up from the sofa and walked her into one of the bedrooms for some privacy.

"How are you going tonight babe?" Kendall faked concern. "You look trashed. Are you okay?"

"Yea. I'm just a little wasted right now." Gomez slurred. "I just need to lie down for a few minutes and I should be okay."

Kendall helped her "friend" take off her jacket and get comfortable on the bed. While the ladies lay there in the dark, listening to the party rage on around them, the reality star put her plan into effect.

"Selena, can I ask you something?" Kendall posed. "Do you think I'm pretty?"

"OMG. Of course I do." Selena answered groggily while staring up at the ceiling. "You're gorgeous Kendall. You know that."

"What I mean is, if you were a guy would sleep with me?"

"Absolutely," Selena giggled. "I'd probably fuck your brains out."

The ladies giggled at the premise but before they could continue with their heart-to-heart they heard a knock at the door and were interrupted by Josie Canseco.

"Hey guys," she said while peering her head into the room. "What are you two doing in the dark?"

"Hey gorgeous. Come on in." Kendall insisted before Selena whined about the noise and told the leggy blonde to shut the door.

Josie and Kendall both looked at each other knowingly before the leggy teenager shut the door behind her and joined the ladies on the bed, taking her position on the opposite side so as to leave Selena laying in the middle.

It was there Josie suggested the girls enjoy a blunt she had procured during the evening, and claimed that it would help with their current state of intoxication.

"Are you crazy?" Gomez sneered. "I'm already way too trashed. What are you trying to do, make me pass out?"

"No, honest." Josie claimed. "This stuff will actually help straighten you out. Won't it Kendall?"

"Absolutely." her friend agreed. "Trust me Selena. You really should try it. Just two tokes and it'll make you feel like a whole new person. Honest."

"Err. I dunno. Are you sure?"


With both ladies now tempting her into action, Selena couldn't resist and passed the hefty blunt between the three of them.

But unfortunately for her the drug appeared to have an odd effect on her, no doubt due to the fact that it had been laced with ecstasy, which now mixed with the vodka and bourbon she had ingested throughout the night and made the Latina feel strange all over.

"Shit." Selena whispered as she realized that not only was the room spinning but she was burning up.

"Mm. Yep. I think she likes it." Josie giggled while looking into Selena's glazed-over eyes. "Do you like that sweetie?"

The actress-turned-singer simply lay there enjoying her high as "the love drug" kicked into full effect and surged though her system. Her heart now raced while her body tingled all over and her speech slurred further.

To prove her point Josie leaned over to steal a kiss, to which the starlet barely responded much less objected.

"Wow. I didn't know you liked candy Selena."

"Huh?" she muttered softly on the bed. "What do you mean?"

"You know, X. Smarties. Pills. E. That's what you had." Josie smirked. "That's what you smoked. You couldn't taste it?"

"Wuh?" Selena mumbled incoherently. "Wha are you talking about?"

While Selena lay there mortified her "friends" giggled at her expense.

"God she's an idiot." Kendall chuckled.

"Aw. Come here and give me a little sugar." Josie snickered before leaning over to kiss Selena more firmly on the mouth - meeting no resistance whatsoever.

Gomez could only sigh into the blondes mouth as the leggy teen kissed her harshly, shoving her tongue down her throat before reaching up to fondle one of her breasts.

"Mm. I knew it." Josie smiled at Kendall. "She's got really soft lips."

"She does? Let me be the judge of that." Kendall said before she turned Selena's face towards hers and kissed her slowly.

It was at this point that Selena's mind began to reel. Was this a trap? Had they planned to drug and seduce her all a long?

Despite all these questions Selena couldn't focus on anything much less resist.

In fact her entire body seemed to be on fire and despite her reservations, she heard herself moan into Kendall's mouth as Josie leaned over at the same time and proceeded to kiss and lick the side of her neck.

Selena now lay there helpless as the ladies paused to share a moment of their and initiated a 3-way tongue-kiss, the three of them swapping a copious amount of spit.

While everything in her being told her to run, Gomez couldn't find the power to move and instead heard herself moan yet again when she realized one of the girls had reached down and was now rubbing her cunt through her panties.

"Oh. God." she sighed to the touch, which almost seemed to electrify her whole body.

"Mm. She's so wet right now." Josie grinned before kissing her neck and taking one of Selena's dark nipples into her mouth.

"Please," the singer moaned, arching her back to the action and inadvertently pushing her ample breasts into Josie's willing mouth.

"She's good isn't she?" Kendall whispered into Selena's ear, referring to the way Josie suckled her tits. "Just wait till she drags those lips down your body and licks your cunt, Selena. You're going to think you died and went to heaven."

But before Selena could respond, Kendall kissed her hard on the mouth again, this time almost sucking any and all resistance out of her body.

"Shh. Trust me. Just go with it." Kendall purred while caressing her face. "You'll thank me later boo."

Meanwhile Josie wasted little time kissing her way across Selena's breasts and licked along her flat tummy, circling her belly button with her tongue.

Once there she positioned herself between Selena's limp legs and spread her knees wide on the bed, gently caressing her fingers across her damp panties.

"Fuck you look so sexy right now," Josie remarked as she admired the way the material literally moldered to Selena's mound. "I don't usually eat pussy myself, but god-damn if I won't make an exception tonight. I just have to taste you girl."

"Ha! Exception my ass," Kendall snickered. "That's not what my sister tells me, you little slut."

A moment later Selena moaned loudly as she felt Josie's tongue glide across the front panel of her sheer panties, licking along the entire length of her freshly shaved slit and leaving a long drool of spit.

"Mm. I think I'm going to enjoy this." Josie whispered while inhaling the girls musky scent. "She smells so fucking good Kendall."

"Stop teasing her already," the reality star snapped. "And just eat her god damn peach."

"Hm. Should I?" the blonde teased from between Selena's legs. "I don't know if she wants me to."

"Just do it already. Put the girl out of her misery and eat her fucking cunt!" Kendall hissed. "Hurry up before I do it myself."

"Mm. I'd pay good money to see that."

"Yea, I know you would."

The ladies playfully poked their tongues at each other before Josie finally reached up and carefully peeled the lace material to the side to reveal Selena's entire cunt.

Without missing a beat she then dove right in and wrapped her entire mouth over her sex...taking her breath away.

"Ugh. F—Fuck." Gomez gasped as she felt Josie's tongue slither around and between her glistening cunt-lips.

"Hm. I knew you'd like it." Kendall grinned while playing with Selena's pebble-like nipples, pinching and tweaking them between her thumb and forefinger.

"Look at me, Selena." she added. "Look at me while Josie licks you."

"God damn, you taste good." Canseco moaned before burying her nose and chin into her cookie.

The drug-induced singer could only stare into her friends eyes as Josie Canseco now licked and sucked on her sweet wet slit, slurping and suckling loudly on her cunt while she placed her hands on the inside of her thighs to keep her legs spread open.

"You're such a sexy little slut, you know that?" Kendall whispered hotly into her ear. "A sexy, little cock tease."

"Ooh. No. I'm not," Selena managed to object between moans.

"What?" Kendall giggled. "Yes you are. You're not only a little whore, but you're my little whore now. Do you hear me?"

"Uh-Huh." Selena nodded as the younger, and way more experienced model placed her hand around her neck and teasingly choked her.

"Say it." Kendall insisted. "I want to hear you say it. Tell me you're a whore."

"Ugh. I'm a whore."


"I'm your whore." Selena grumbled as the leggy blonde between her legs loudly devouring her sopping cunt.

"Any time I want someone to eat my pussy, I want you to drop what you're doing and come right over to service me." Kendall said.

"Oh. That sounds hot." Josie chimed in from behind Selena's legs.

"Any time any of my sisters want to get off, including Kylie or Kim for that matter, I want you on your knees offering your mouth." Kendall went on. "Is that understood?"

Selena moaned in compliance as she felt Josie swirl the tip of her tongue around her clit, before suckling it into her mouth and drooling her saliva all over it.

"Oh. Fuck." Gomez gasped again as Kendall leaned over to attack one of her nipples with her mouth.

"God damn this slut has perfect tits," Kendall remarked jealously as she cupped and fondled her soft breasts with both hands.

To their delight it didn't take long for Selena to shut her eyes and ultimately climax abruptly, and as she did, her entire body shook violently as she creamed her juices all over Josie's mouth and chin.

But if Selena thought the girls were finished with her she was sorely mistaken.

It was only now that the Latina seemed to notice the loud thumbing of bass from the next room, and opened her eyes to see that the bedroom door was now wide open, with people wandering in and out.

"Here she is boys," Kylie Jenner grinned from the side of the bed. "Are you guys ready to have some fun tonight?"

"This is going to be a night none of you will ever forget." Kendall remarked. "Who wants to go first?"

Even though a voice screamed out inside her head, Selena couldn't find the strength to move.

As she attempted to get up and escape, she instead rolled over slowly which only allowed Josie to help place her in an even more compromising position on the bed: face down ass up in the air!!

The others laughed as the singer appeared so easily manipulated.

"Whoa. Well aren't we eager to please tonight." Kendall laughed as Selena was positioned on all fours on the bed.

"I told you she was a whore." remarked Josie.

With her face rubbing against the mattress, her sex was completely exposed and the guys gasped as they realized that not only could they see Selena's entire pussy, but she was visibly wet (no thanks to Josie's meticulous tongue work).

Selena looked up to see Kendall join her sister in flirting with two of the boys, sharing a drink and grinding along with them to the thumping bass of the music.

Josie on the other hand was still fixated on the singer, and grabbing hold of her thighs she peeled her panties down her legs and whipped it into the crowd, where several men dove and scrambled to pick it up.

In fact a playful scuffle ensued as one guy tried to shove it down his shirt and make a run for it, only to be tackled in the hallway. Selena then felt a gentle hand on the back of her head as she turned around.

Standing there beside the bed was Kylie, running her hands through Selena's hair like she was her pet, completely naked save for some Coachella inspired jewelry around her neck. Kylie then directed Selena's pretty face towards her neatly shaved crotch, inviting her to kiss her sex.

"Go ahead. You know you want to." Kylie teased. "You might as well get used to it, cause after tonight this is what you'll be doing whenever we click our fingers."

Gomez had never been so humiliated in all her life. She'd never even been this close to another woman's pussy before, and despite her initial trepidation she couldn't help but find Kylie's pussy fascinating, as it glistened with excitement right in front of her.

Without even realizing it, she pursed her lips and slowly kissed around the edge of Kylie's sex, only barely poking her tongue past her lips. She could feel Kylie tense up as she dug her fingernails into her skull, raked with pleasure as her back arched.

"Oh. Fuck yea." Kylie purred erotically. "Right there. Good. I like that."

By now the bed was surrounded by a handful of men as Selena was pushed onto her back with legs spread, while (a naked) Josie moved to kneel between her knees, as though preparing to fuck her missionary style.

The ladies kissed each other hotly on the mouth before Josie was abruptly ripped from her arms and Selena realized that the men who had gathered on either sides of the bed had decided to take matters into their own hands, so to speak.

At this point Selena was so high and inebriated that she ultimately just closed her eyes and decided to let them do whatever they wanted with her, growing more and more horny at what seemed to be an infinite set of hands exploring her 20-year-old body.

In truth, Selena had to admit that from as far back as she could remember she had always fantasized about something like this, not that she'd ever fess up to it of course.

She lay on her back, her pussy and ass lined up with the edge of the bed as more than one pair of hands held her legs apart and into the air.

Her body was ablaze with passion as a room full of strangers now groped and fondled her body, waiting to have her. Selena reached her hands around, not to resist them, but to grab the other edge of the bed.

"C'mon. Someone fuck this bitch already." Kendall hissed at the room full of perverts. "I want to see her get fucked tonight!"

"What do you want us to do?" one of the guys commented.

"I want you to pull a fucking train on her!!"

With that said the first volunteer stepped forward and offered his services. As it turned out he'd been in the motel with Selena all afternoon and had been feeding her drinks from the moment she had arrived with Justin.

It took him all of a few seconds to strip completely naked, stroke his long eight inch cock, while admiring the squirming Latina on the bed, waiting to be taken.

"Well?" Kendall dared. "What are you waiting for?"

"If we do this, does that mean we get a shot at you too?"

"In your dreams pal." Josie chimed in, making the other girls laugh.

Without missing a beat the "volunteer" planted his hands on Selena's hips and carefully pushed every inch of his rock hard manhood inside her, feeding her his 25-year-old cock.

"Ugh. F—Fuck." Selena gasped aloud, as she was immediately filled to capacity.

Truth be told it was probably the biggest cock she'd ever had, and he didn't waste time taking advantage of the situation.

His experienced tool worked in and out of her young cunt with great ease, the lips forming a tight seal around the base as he thrust in and out of her, an entire room full of masturbating men watching on intently.

Despite herself, Selena couldn't help but find the entire ordeal strangely arousing, being put on display like this and treated like some common whore.

She closed her eyes shut and almost cried out in pleasure as the head of his cock tickled the very tip of her cervix with every forceful, sucking thrust.

"Ugh. Ugh. Oh. Fuck." she grunted as she was fucked on the bed.

The "fan" eventually steadied himself above her and proceeded to pound her pussy at a swift pace, his balls slapping against her fine ass until he finally grunted out loud and to everyone's surprise shot his load deep inside her womb, watching it seep out onto the bed.

"Fuck yeah!" he growled defiantly. "God damn she's got a great pussy!"

"What do you expect?" a voice was heard to comment. "She's only been with Bieber her entire life. She's practically a virgin."

Noting this several guys suddenly seemed eager to go next, and it only took a few seconds for someone to fill her tight pussy again. With rough hands, her new lover gripped onto Selena's shoulders for support, fucking her for all he was worth.

His thrusts were hard and fast, so forceful that the bed began to shake underneath her.

Before long he too announced his impending climax and his seed intermingled with the previous load, causing Selena's pussy to ooze with two separate loads.

"God damn that looks nasty." Josie giggled as she amused herself with one of the cute boys, jacking his cock in her hand while she used the other to take snaps with her phone.

"I know right," Kendall smirked. "More. Give her more boys. We're just getting started here."

But to their surprise the men were taking too long to fill her eager cunt with cock, and Selena began to buck her hips, waiting to accept another reliable dick, any dick to fill the lusting void.

"Ha." Kylie remarked. "The little skank is getting off on it."

In a practiced move, a new pair of hands grabbed the side of Selena's head and casually pushed the tip of his cock into her open mouth, while at the same time another set pawed at the cheeks of her ass, spreading them apart as the next guy began to by-pass her sloppy pussy all together and entered her ass!

Selena didn't know what to say to this violation, but at that exact moment in time she was so preoccupied with the large (black) cock in her mouth, which was threatening to brush against her tonsils, that she didn't care.

In fact the sensation of a strangers cock nestled firmly inside her tight backdoor caused her anus to constrict around his well lubed tool, her hips bucking in unison with his thrusts as she sucked some ghetto cock.

Selena let out a long wail as he now fucked her sweet ass for the very first time and began to drill her butt while his friend fucked her pretty mouth.

"Fuck yea. She likes it!" Josie snickered. "That looks so fucking hot. I'm next!!"

"Josie?" Kendall quipped, reminding her that what she was suggesting was not part of the plan.

"What?" her blonde friend shrugged. "Why should she get to have all the fun?"

The Jenner sisters rolled their eyes at their blonde friend as Selena's moans were muffled after the first thug withdrew from her mouth and a second suddenly laid his lengthy cock across the lips of her open mouth.

Pursing her lips slightly, she stuck out the very tip of her tongue as the cock moved slowly across.

Selena had always loved the salty taste of semen, but now moaned with added glee as his man-meat brushed across the flat of her tongue, the musky scent of his balls just inches from her nose.

She suddenly had an overwhelming urge to make him cum, to make them all cum, and watch them shoot their loads all over her face and body!

His hand grabbed her hair firmly, swiveling her head sideways and she opened my mouth wide to accommodate him—accept his pulsing sword and taking his entire length in one go.

"Mmppfff...Give it to me," Selena moaned incoherently, shocking her friends.

He moved her head back and forth over his cock as she worked her jaw and tongue with his guidance, sucking him to a very satisfying climax that abruptly filled her mouth with his salty seed.

By now, the cock in her ass had also released its generous gift as the two men that were holding her legs moved in to take their turns with her. One stepped between her legs, propping them up onto his arms as he thrust forward, and impaled her goo-filled hole like a lance.

But instead of immediately fucking her, he put both hands on her ass, lifted her up into the air, and onto the turgid force of his boner. Selena grunted as she was picked up off the bed and bounced on his cock like a rag doll, each thrust driven by her own weight.

Her legs kicked out slightly as she sat floating on his cock, helpless in midair as he stood embedded inside her. Another pair of hands soon joined his on her ass and her cheeks were parted, the cock impaling her pussy joined by another one in her tiny rectum.

She now squealed as she took two cocks inside her at the same time, one in her pussy and the other in her ass, filling her completely. The sensation of fullness drove her to the brink of ecstasy as she could feel their cocks rubbing together through the thin wall of flesh that separated them.

The two men jack-hammered her holes relentlessly, dropping her weight down on their cocks over and over until she nearly passed out with pleasure.

It was while being tag-teamed in the "floating" position that Selena managed to get a glimpse at Josie, who at this point was so turned on by the spectacle, was now on all fours by the bed, being fucked doggy-style while sucking another guy's cock at the same time.

The fact that the guy she was blowing was the same dude who had just fucked Selena in the ass only moments earlier, turned her on to no end.

In fact watching her carry on, it could be argued that Josie was even more worked up and cock-hungry than Selena was, only she had the excuse of being fueled by X.

Selena also noticed that Josie's flowing blonde hair had become streaked with cum as she worked them over, bucking her hips backward to meet the thrusts while sucking the fat cock from the base to the tip.

Both men were rough with her, pulling her hair and slapping her around but she only seemed to encourage it.

"Yeah, Come on!" Josie grunted loudly. "Give it to me!! Fuck this hot teen slut!!"

Fortunately for her, Selena's lover grew tired and finally placed her back onto the bed where they continued to ravage her. This only lasted a few more minutes before they too finally stood over her naked form and sprayed their loads all over her face and breasts.

But as surreal as this moment was, Selena suddenly felt something warm and moist on her foot. It was Kendall, her warm lips kissing and sucking the top of her toes.

Selena was taken aback to discover that just like Josie, Kendall had decided to join the fun and had disrobed completely.

"Now this is what I call a party." one of the onlookers was heard to say.

In fact the leggy reality star gently licked and sucked on Sel's foot before she dragged her lips along her ankle and calf, her hands between Selena's thighs, parting them wide as she moved the tip of her tongue across her soft flesh and finally reached her destination.

"Mm." Kendall purred as she kissed and then probed her tongue inside Selena's cream-filled hole.

"Oh. God." Gomez wriggled around on the bed as she felt Kendall's tongue slither up inside her gaping cunt-hole.

It was at this point that Josie looked up to notice the ladies getting it on up on the bed and cheered them on.

Selena responded by wrapping her legs around Kendall's head, her friend's tongue licking away the generous loads of semen that had been deposited there.

Kendall's hands reached up to caress her lovers breasts as she wrapped her mouth entirely around the singers sex and sucked out the goo.


This was the first time Selena had ever had another woman perform oral sex on her, and she couldn't help but note how incredibly soft and delicate Kendall's tongue was.

The hands on her breasts were gentle and nurturing as they caressed her mounds.

Selena's back arched as Kendall began to lick the cum from her pussy, first in long hard strokes, then soft, her tongue probing around her clit and cleaning it of the collected seed.

Kendall's head turned sideways as her tongue and lips played with the singers clit, her hips thrashing wildly on the bed until she had a brutal, earth shattering orgasm and had licked her pussy clean of semen.

Turning her head to the side, Selena tried to bite into the pillow underneath her as waves of pleasure engulfed her entire body. Her fingers ran through Kendall's hair, which was matted with sweat and jizz, while her tongue inched down from her perineum and into her cum-filled anus.

Kendall's skillful tongue probed Selena's backdoor as she closed her eyes and lay back in surrender.

"Yes, God, Yes." Gomez finally sighed in compliance. "Eat my ass. Stick your tongue inside."

"Is that what you want, you little slut?" Kendall hissed without waiting for a reply. "You want my tongue inside you?"

"Uh-Huh," Selena squirmed. "Please."

It was at this point that Kylie decided to get in on the action and was now kissing her way up her body, stopping to lick up the pools of sweat that had collected on her belly and between her breasts.

Before long she had licked her entire chest and neck of any damp residue before she finally kissed her passionately on the mouth, swirling their tongues together.

Not wanting to be left out, Josie then got up and decide to join the all-girl party on the bed, and without warning she moved to place her legs on either side of Selena's head and attempted to straddle her face.

"C'mon. Go ahead." Josie insisted as she carefully hovered her body over Selena's mouth. "Stick your tongue out, Selena. I want to ride your face. Let's see if you eat pussy just as well as Kylie does."

Josie immediately proceeded to grind her sex against Selena's mouth, smearing her juices all over her lips and chin.

Gomez closed her eyes and grunted erotically as she licked and tongued Josie's flawless sex, dabbing and probing her body as eagerly as she could, only to discover a minute later that she was way slightly off the mark and actually licking her ass!

"Ugh. Fuck. You dirty little bitch!" Josie hissed from above. "Yeah. Don't stop. Lick my asshole you little slut! Lick it good!!"

Selena gave out a long arduous moan when she felt Kendall treat her to the exact same treatment, showing her exactly how good it felt to have someone rim her out.

It only took a few extra moments before Josie seemed to lose all decency and control and suddenly unleashed a torrent of juice all over Selena's startled face.

At first the singer was absolutely bewildered, unsure about what had just happened. Had Josie just lost all reason and peed all over her? Did she do it intentionally?

But before she had time to contemplate how disgusted she was, Kylie suddenly grew animated and jumped into action, pushing her blonde friend out of the way before swinging a leg over Selena's (sopping wet) face and straddling her mouth, placing the ladies into an impromptu 69.

The sisters now met directly over Selena's pussy and proceeded to lick and suck and slurp at her dripping wet sex at the same time, driving Selena wild with fervor.

"OHMIGODD. I'M GONNA CUMMM!!" she cried to the combined assault as both Jenner sisters licked and probed her with their tongues.

The singer had no idea how long she'd been laying there passed out, or how many guys had fucked her that night, but by morning she awoke to find herself laying naked on the bed, absolutely covered from head to toe in sticky wads of semen.

Getting up slowly she noticed a small note by the bedside table which was apparently addressed to her.

Consider Us Even