Lock Up
with Katrina Bowden
by Harbinger
Tags: break in, stripped, oral, bj, fingered, rough, creampie
Disclaimer: As much as I may want it to, this story never happened and is just for fun

I had just recently moved to California because the owner of the club I worked at closed up shop to start new in L.A. He wanted me to head up his new security team there. With his offer to fly me out there, plus the salary I'd be getting here, I couldn't say no. He's paying my first month's rent on my new place while he gets ready to open the doors. So in the meantime, I'm offering up some personal services. I have glowing references from Olivia Holt, Brie Larson, Natalie Alyn Lind, Hailee Steinfeld, and Yvonne Strahovski as big names I've worked with.

I really didn't expect to get a call from Katrina Bowden during the COVID-19 pandemic, though. L.A. was three days from going into quarantine/lock down. She asked if she could hire me to be her on-site body guard.

"Excuse me?" I asked into the phone, making sure I heard the "30 Rock" alum right.

"Yes Ben, I meant what I said. I want to pay you to quarantine with me. If I don't have someone with me, I'll lose my mind in isolation. Plus..." Katrina paused.

"What is it, Ms. Bowden?" I was still on a work-only mode at this point.

"I need to make sure I'm safe. I'm home alone, all by myself in a high-class house," she pointed out.

"You're afraid of someone taking this chance to rob you, and possibly harm you?" I connect the dots.

The other line is silent for a moment. "Yes. I really am," she sighs in defeat. "Maybe it's because I watched the Purge one too many times or... I don't know. But please. Will you take the job?" I could hear desperation in her voice.

It was my turn to provide a bit of silence. Finally, I caved. "Alright. All I need is a couch and room for one duffel bag," I told her.

"Oh my God, Ben! You're a lifesaver, and you might be literally," Katrina gushed into the phone. "I'll see you tomorrow and you can get moved in? It'll give you a day before lock down to see what else you need and to get used to the house."

"That'll work. I'll see you tomorrow, Ms. Bowden. Stay safe and have a good night." I ended the call and shook my head. I would be living with Katrina Bowden until further notice. I'm following her on Instagram, so I know how she likes to relax around her house. I'm going to be taking a lot of cold showers.


The next morning, I got up, showered, and headed over to Katrina's place. Her house was huge, like what people would expect a governor to live in from where I'm from. I rang the front door buzzer and waited patiently with my duffel bag thrown over my shoulder. I was only waiting a moment before Katrina opened the door in a purple floral print blouse and a matching skirt that ran to mid-calf. Her hair was down and tousled effortlessly.

"Ms. Bowden," I said with a curt nod and and offered my hand. She took it with a beautiful smile.

"You must be Ben. Please come in!" she opened the door further and stepped aside, allowing me and my single bag to enter. Her house was spotless, which was no surprise to me. "I hope you'll be comfortable here. Let me give you the tour and you can settle in. Is that okay?"

"Yes ma'am," I answered with another head nod, but gave her nothing else. I was still being my tight, professional self. I think it was throwing her off a little. I don't know what she was expecting, but I wasn't it.

"I'll show you to your room so you can drop your bag off," she offered, leading me through the spacious house. We could go two days without seeing each other if we chose to.

"Much appreciated," I responded, hefting my bag over my shoulder to make the trek upstairs. As we made the hike, we passed at least two different workout rooms, but the third room, she kicked the door closed and looked at me with a sheepish smile. "That's my room," she said with a giggle.

"No admittance, huh?" I asked, showing the first sign that I had a sense of humor at all.

"No sir. Not for you," she winked. I held her eye contact with a totally straight face. Katrina ended up blushing before she turned away. "So anyway, anything to say so far?"

"Nice house," was all I said as she led me to the end of the hallway.

"So this'll be you," she told me, opening the door. I tossed my bag in at the foot of the bed and looked at her, ready to move on. She looked almost hurt by my indifference. "Don't you want to check out your room?" She was openly pouting.

"This is work, Ms. Bowden, not a vacation," I said plainly, but with no hostility.

Katrina nodded, starting to understand that this is how I am on a job. "You are negative fun, but I understand, you're doing your job," she accepted sullenly.

We went through the rest of the house, and I make notes of entrances and exits, including side doors and the garage. The amount of large, bay windows made me weary. If anyone really wanted into this place, I could only stop them once they were already in.

The best thing about Katrina's house is that it's gated. Between her house, her pool, the garage, it's pretty much a compound.

"Ms. Bowden," I began, about to give her the summary of my thoughts, "you have a lovely spread."

"Thank you!" she smiled brightly for the first time since I arrived.

"The amount of windows are a security issue if you were under serious threat. But you have the gate surrounding your property, which is a plus. You have security cameras, which is good," I added.

"I can give you access to the feeds so you can view them from your cell," she offered.

"Perfect. I want the gate entrance locked at all times, too."

"No problem. Is there anything you need from me?" she asked, crossing her arms.

"No ma'am. You leave everything to me and you can live your life as much as you can under the circumstances."

"Thank you so much, Ben. I'm going to get a quick workout in and then I'll make lunch?" she offered.

"You don't have to consider me in your schedule, Ms. Bowden."

"Well, I like to cook and to eat, so I'll have enough for you should you choose to join me," she said with a cheeky smile and headed off.


I had made an office for myself in a room I assumed Katrina didn't use for anything. I had my laptop hooked into the security feed, and I was even able to rotate cameras. I didn't expect Katrina Bowden to have a setup this intricate. I started to wonder if anything actually happened to her, or if she was just paranoid about something happening to her.

"Hey Ben?" Katrina asked from the hallway.

"In here, Ms. Bowden," I answered her call and she stuck her head in the doorway.

"Got a whole command center, huh?" Katrina asked, coming into the room and leaning on the back of my chair.

"Yes ma'am," I responded, and showed her what I had working. "I have eyes on every part of your property. Like you said, I was able to get it fed into my phone, too."

"I don't have any cameras in-house. Is that a problem?" Katrina asked.

"No ma'am," I said shaking my head. "That's why you have me on premises, remember?"

"I also have you on site to keep me from going crazy," she pointed out. "At some point when you're settled in, I hope you start to talk to me before we both lose it." She let go of my chair, pushing off it with just a bit of force.

I had a bit to think about there. My jobs have always just been to guard and protect. It's never been my job to be a friend. She had me staying in her house to protect and to be her friend, not to protect her with a cold shoulder.

Katrina was about to leave the room, but I called out to her, "Ms. Bowden."

"What?" she asked, clearly not too happy with me.

"Let me know when you're out of the shower. I'll help you with lunch."

Katrina smiled and looked at me quizzically for a moment. "Have you ever done yoga?"


So I spent the first two weeks of quarantine with Ms. Bowden; cooking with her, watching TV and movies, going swimming and for runs, doing yoga and laughing at her when she would dance in her garage with a Skip-it.

One night, the two of us were watching "The Highway Men" on Netflix, when I thought I had heard something outside. Katrina had fallen asleep some time ago, her head on my lap. I slowly removed myself out from under her. I stand up and pause in place, my hand on the grip of my Ruger .38 snub-nose. Again, I was here to protect Katrina at all times. If I went out for supplies, I left her with a .22 Rough Rider revolver because it was small enough powered and easy enough for her to shoot should something happen.

I made my way to my security feed setup and checked the outdoor cameras. I found a guy in the backyard by the pool. He was holding one of Katrina's towels to his face, no doubt sniffing in hopes of picking up her lingering scent. I scoffed and went to address him.

He didn't hear me at all, he was so wrapped up in going through Katrina's shit. "Hey buddy. Can I help you?" I asked, making my sidearm noticeable but not moving to draw it.

"Oh shit!" the fool shouted and took off, running down the property to the front gate at the end of the driveway, probably the same way he got in. I shook my head with a quiet laugh and headed back in.

When I got back in, I froze two rooms before I could get back to Katrina. She wasn't alone in the room; there was a large man in the room with her standing three feet from the couch. He was about 6'6" and heavily muscled in a tank top and sweats. He had a big ass knife in his hand, and I wasn't about to risk Katrina's life by doing something cowboy.

I slowly inched closer as I watched him watch her. She was laying on her back, taking up most of the length of the couch. One hand supported her head and the other laid at her side. The intruder slowly approached her, knife still in hand. He ran a hand down his bearded face and then knelt down by the coach. He breathed in deeply and chewed on a finger nail for a moment.

He reached out and pulled on the opening of the bright red blouse Katrina wore, a blouse that exposed a most tantalizing amount of suntanned skin. He tugged on the knot that kept the shirt together. Rather than try to untie the shirt, He took hold of it and cut it open. His intents in this house were made more than clear to me. If had been here to rob her, he was now here for more.

I was one room away now, moving at a snail's pace to make sure I was as little detectable as possible for the moment. While I was taking my sweet time, our new friend was slowly pulling Katrina's shirt open to reveal her pert breasts to him. He licked his lips as I watched him turn his head to focus on the top of her skin-tight jeans. He put the knife between his teeth and undid the top of her jeans.

Katrina rolled over onto her side and snuggled into the arm rest. He licked his lips again took the knife back into his hand. I was surprised when he tugged on her pant leg and cut it from crotch seem to ankle. And then the other. He pulled the pieces to part and Katrina was still asleep, wearing just shreds of her clothes. He grew bolder and palmed Katrina's sex through her panties.

Katrina sighed, smiled in her sleep, and shifted into his touch. She started to moan as he continued to touch her. He increased speed and pressure, surprised at his luck at her inability to wake up. "Mmm..." she moaned in her sleep and bit her bottom lip.

Her eyes slowly opened and then filled with fear. I started to wonder if she thought it was me that was touching her. Her eyes shoot down her body and her state of undress sent her even more into a shock. She tried to scream, but he covered her mouth.

"Shh, shh..." he tried. "Shut your pretty fucking mouth, beautiful, okay?" Katrina screwed her eyes shut and nodded, trying to keep tears away. "That's a good girl," he said, uncovering her mouth and roughly groping her tit with that hand. Katrina just laid there and watched, being more than aware of the kitchen knife he held in the hand that wasn't touching her.

He leaned in and tried to kiss her, but Katrina just turned her head, making his lips land on her soft cheek.

"Kiss me, bitch," he demanded and took hold of her chin.

"That's more than enough, god damn it!" I bellowed, having seen more than enough. I drew my gun and aimed it right at his fucking face, and he knew right away that I would in fact, kill him. "Get up and drop the knife. Now."

The man did, and he took notice of the eight inches he had on me, but the revolver in my hand didn't give a shit. The man stood up and dropped the knife as I had ordered. Despite his size, he looked ready to piss himself.

"Ms. Bowden, what do you want me to do with this piece of shit?" I asked my employer, my bead never leaving the perp.

"Take your pants of. Underwear, too." She said and meant it. He did as told and Bowden took them. She picked up his knife and cut them to absolute shreds in front of him. "Now get out," she barked, flicking her head towards the door.

The man was completely embarrassed, wearing only a tank top, his ass, cock, and balls now free to the wind. He would have to scurry wherever he came from damn near in the nude. I followed him out to make sure he was gone. I saw get into his car, and I had the chance to get his plate and called it into 9-1-1 without tying to Katrina in anyway.

I headed back inside, confident our night stalker would get his deserts. Katrina was sitting on the couch, her feet tucked under her and her head in her hands. "Hey," I whispered and she looked up at me, her jeans wrecked and her shirt still hanging about her shoulders.

"I thought it was you touching me," she said, her voice shaky. "I wanted it to be you."

"Hey. Come here," I told her, holding my arms out. She nodded and got up, wrapping her arms around me. "Are you okay?" I ask her after we hugged for a minute or two. I held her at an arm's distance and scanned down her body.

I got down on my knees and checked her legs to make sure she hadn't been cut when that asshole had turned her jeans to ribbons.

Katrina ran her hands through my hair and she sighed, I'm okay, Ben. You got here before he could hurt me, really.

I looked up at her, my eyes meeting hers, my hands softly feeling her silky smooth thighs. "I shouldn't have let him get this far." I took a chance and leaned forward, pressing my lips to her thigh, and then the other. She sighed and her hands kept scratching my scalp encouragingly. I tilted my head up and put my nose against her panties. I could smell her excitement from when she thought he was me. I figured me being here like this right now was bringing her mood back.

I made eye contact with her gain and pulled her ruined pants down her legs and she stepped out of them She also shed her top.

I kissed Katrina's pussy over her panties and I nestled my nose into her covered lips. I inhaled her scent deeply, smirking because it was me and neither of the two that so badly wanted to. I pulled her increasingly damp panties to the side and licked her slickening lips. She sighed again and started to pull my hair.

"Oh Ben," she cooed as I began to leisurely stroke her folds with my tongue. "Oh Ben, that feels so good." She didn't let me stay there long though, because she tugged me up by my hair.

Katrina kissed me soundly and sucked my tongue into her mouth so she could taste herself on me. She dropped her hands to m waist and quickly undid my belt and jeans. She pushed them down as far as she could and jumped into my arms. We continued to feverishly dance our tongues together as I massaged her ass with my hands.

She moaned into my mouth and I pressed her bare back against the door. She dry humped me as best she could through our underwear as I drove her into the door over and over again with my hips.

"Ben, I want your cock, like now," she breathed into my ear. I set her down and I took off my boxers. I grabbed her panties at the waist and tore them straight from her beautiful frame, leaving her completely exposed, but to my eyes this time.

I took both her delicate wrists in one of my hands and held her arms above her head, keeping her pinned to the door. She was helpless as I thrust two fingers up into her core.

"OH FUCK!" Katrina gasped, not expecting the quick, forceful intrusion of my fingers. I sawed in and out of her as I latched my mouth onto her breasts. I sloppily tongued her pebbled nipples and nibbled her succulent breast flesh as I finger banged her hard. Katrina wriggled and fought on my fingers, trying to stay on her feet as I assaulted her. Her knees kept buckling every time I hit a certain spot or brushed her clit just right. She was free to thrash or go boneless as she pleased, because I still had her arms in my hand.

I finger fucked her for a good three minutes until she came twice and was an absolute mess. I picked her up in my arms and brought her back to the couch. I laid her down, face to the cushion with her hips on the arm rest. I dropped to my knees for the second time and immediately dove face first into her juicy cunt. I lapped and sucked on her sweet lips and drank of her nectar. She grabbed the couch cushions and humped into my face as I dined on her gash. I could feel her running down my chin as I stroked myself out of her sight.

I stood to full height and grabbed her hips. I effortlessly slid my cock deep into her, straight to the hilt. She craned her neck and watched me over her shoulder as I took her. She drew in deep, ragged breaths as I used her slit to house my dick. I fucked her at my own pace and occasionally shifted her weight on me to make sure I hit her at different angles. I used the fluttering of her walls or the sounds she made to guide my strokes.

After not too long, I pulled out and felt the cool air of the room hit me, and it felt odd. I grabbed Katrina by the shoulders and rolled her onto her back. She propped herself up on her forearms and I grabbed her tit and made her gasp, allowing me to house my cock in her mouth.

Katrina moaned and closed her eyes in bliss and happily bobbed her head on me. She pushed on her arms as much as she could to extend her throat range. Katrina was a cock slurper from hell and I had to try not to roll my eyes back. Spit and precum escaped her lips and dibbled down to my balls. I had never had a no hands blow job like this before, and if I let her have her way, she'd finish me with her mouth.

I pulled out and slapped her face with my slobber coated sword. I pulled my cock up and she obediently tongued at my nuts and sucked them into her mouth. The entire time she mouth worshipped me, she rocked and thrusted her hips like she was fucking me, and I wanted to run my tongue all over her abs. So I did. I took my balls from her mouth and slapped her face; enough to be playfully in control and not to hurt her.

Katrina stayed in the position she was in, her abs still flexed, showing off how hard we had been working out in quarantine. I straddled her with knees on either side of her and I again made my fingers home in her pussy. I plunged in deep and hard, ruthlessly as I kissed, nipped, and licked every inch of flesh I could from her hips to her neck. Every inch of her tits would have hickies and teeth marks by morning.

She humped my hand as if it were my hips and she came again. I don't know how much she had left as her breath was labored and her grunts were becoming more aggressive like she was in a fight or near the end of a hard run. This last orgasm was so fierce that she threw her head back and the force of her cumming damn near pushed my fingers out.

I pulled my fingers out myself and jammed them into her mouth. She sucked hard on my digits as I replaced them with my raging hard cock. Even after the pounding she'd received, she still hugged my cock like a tight vise. Her juice had been long cleaned off my fingers, but she kept sucking anyway and locked her fingers behind my head. She rode me fucking hard with her lower back pressed into the couch but her abs tight. and our foreheads pressed together.

Finally, I was pressed to the absolute brink. My entire body tensed up and my hips fucked like a dog as I shot hard into her guts. I kept fucking, making sure every drop I had got sent up as far into her beautiful body as it could. She kept throwing her hips up into mine as I filled her, making sure she really got her money's worth of my brew.

Once I was absolutely drained, I collapsed on top of her, both of our bodies drenched in sweat and fluids. She hugged me tight to her, her legs still wrapped around my waist and my dick still in her. She raked her fingers through my hair and we drew ragged breathes in each others' ears.

If the house was broken into again that night, they would have robbed us blind without us caring or moving from that spot.