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Thread: "Love Me Harder" with Ariana Grande

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    TPG's Avatar
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    fanfiction "Love Me Harder" with Ariana Grande

    Love Me Harder
    With Ariana Grande
    Written by TPG
    CODES: MF, blowjob, spank, inc
    DISCLAIMER: This FICTIONAL story was written for entertainment purposes only.
    A/N: Let's face it. We all know Ari deserves this kind of treatment thanks to her diva-like antics!
    Figured she needed to be taken down a peg or two.

    It was a classic case of teenage stupidity—a situation in which Ariana and her friends had gone out shopping for the day and thought it would be amusing to see if they could get away with stealing some clothes.

    Naturally the pint-sized teenager was stopped by the department store detective and the police were soon called.

    But fortunately for them the officer in charge recognised who they were and took pity on them, gave them a stern warning before driving them home.

    As luck would have it I had been staying at the house for a few days and it was sheer chance that Ariana's folks were still at work when she arrived home in the squad car.

    "What's going on?" I said at the door.

    "Are you a parent or guardian?" the female officer asked.

    "Yes. She's my niece. Her folks will be home in a few hours."

    The policewoman went on to explain what had occurred and how Ariana would be made to pay a substantial fine.

    "I think all things considered," the officer added. "Miss Grande and her friends got off very lightly in my opinion."

    "Absolutely." I agreed. "Thank you for bringing it to my attention."

    Without saying a word Ariana pushed her way passed me at the door and marched up to her bedroom, while I waited for the officer to leave before I shut the door and attempted to confront my niece about what had happened.

    When I knocked on Ari's door there was no answer—no doubt still peeved about the entire embarrassing affair. I knocked another two more times before I finally turned the handle and peered inside.

    "GET OUT!!" she yelled as she rushed from her position at the window where she had been smoking a cigarette.

    It seemed on top of everything else, I had caught her smoking in her room.

    "Wow." I chuckled. "I guess today just isn't your day."

    "Leave me alone." she whined. "It's got nothing to do with you, uncle Mike."

    Well. Obviously it did. And I wasn't going to leave until we sorted it out.

    As I shut the bedroom door behind me I turned to see her spray air freshener around the room, trying to disguise the stench of smoke. I had to chuckle at her futile attempts, but more importantly, found myself leering at her young body as I noticed her outfit or lack thereof.

    It seemed Ariana had changed into something more "comfortable" while in her room which now consisted of a tiny singlet top and skimpy boy shorts.

    With her long fuchsia-red hair tied back into a ponytail, she appeared to be bra-less underneath her shirt causing her firm young cantaloupe-sized titties to curve outward slightly.

    Noting this I was sure that her mom wouldn't approve of her current state of dress, much less my presents in her bedroom considering how "naked" she was.

    "What do you want?"

    "I just want to talk."

    "Are you going to tell mom?" she remarked as she went right back to finishing her cigarette.

    "Tell her what?" I smirked. "About the smoking or the stealing and police escort?"

    My niece rolled her eyes and made abundantly clear that she couldn't care less about what I thought, or what I might say. I guess she just presumed that I was a push over and that she could flirt her way out of it, like usual.

    Considering her current state of dress she might have been right as my eyes roamed across her smooth caramel legs. When the hell did she develop into a such a hot little piece of ass, I wondered. The girl was an absolute pocket-rocket.

    "What's gotten into you lately?" I said as she confidently blew out the cigarette smoke and smiled at me.

    "Relax, uncle Mike." she teased. "Want a cigarette? I won't tell anyone I promise."

    The fucking BALLS on this girl. Who did she think she was?

    "Are trying to provoke me?"

    "No." she giggled. "Not at all."

    But we both knew she was. In fact I got the distinct feeling that she was just toying with me and didn't think very much of me. Probably thought I was just a push over and someone she could fuck with.

    "What then? Are you trying to become the next Miley Cyrus?"

    "Don't be ridiculous. I'm just having a little fun. Didn't you have any fun when you were my age?"

    "Yes, but—"

    "But what?" she interrupted. "I suppose it was okay for you and mom to make mistakes, but not okay for me?"

    She had a point. Especially when I thought back to how her mother used to behavior. Ariana was practically a saint compared to her.

    "C'mon uncle Mike. Can't you just keep this between us?" she pouted sweetly. "Mom doesn't have to know everything."

    She was turning on all the charm she could muster and for a moment I actually considered letting her off the hook.

    "I should probably ground you though." I suggested out loud.

    However, dressed the way she was it was hard to refuse her, but at the same time I could see right through her ruse. The sly little nymph was actually trying to bluff her way out of trouble.

    It was at this point that Ariana turned to put out her cigarette and as she bent over at her desk she intentionally flaunted her teenage ass. The action caused my eyes to grow wide and my cock to twitch inside my pants as I detected a very visible camel toe.

    Furthermore, her singlet top was so loose (and devoid of a bra) that as she stood there hunched over for a minute or so it gaped open and granted me a peek inside to see her firm young natural tits.

    Holy shit, I thought. Those are just about the most perfect set of tits I think I've ever seen.

    Ariana might have been incredibly naive but she sure was intuitive—knowing full well that most boys (and men) in town wanted to fuck her.

    Watching her saunter around the room half naked I suddenly began to suspect that she wasn't as innocent as I was led to believe, as the next series of images that filled my head involved thoughts of her engaged in various sexual positions. I started to wonder if she was still a virgin, but I highly doubted it.

    I shook my head and felt ashamed of myself, which in turn only strengthened my resolve. I hated her for making me feel this way, and I intended to pay her back in spades.

    "You know I'm going to have to tell your mother everything." I told her. "I mean what kind of brother would I be if I didn't tell her what kind of a SLUT you're becoming."

    The look on her face was priceless.

    "Excuse me?" Ariana snapped, finally finding the courage to stand up for herself.

    "You heard me."

    "You can't talk to me like that!"

    "I can, and I will young lady."

    Amusingly enough Ariana quickly began to back down.

    "—you don't understand!"

    "Sweetie, there's no excuse for what you did today." I added. "It's pretty damn serious. I mean you're a goddamn TV star now, and you go out and steal items from a store?"

    Ariana pouted as my eyes immediately drifted back to her chest and the fact that her nipples seemed to strain against her shirt.

    "You're just lucky that cop was a fan of the show." I pointed out. "Otherwise we wouldn't be having this conversation, and you'd be sitting in a holding cell."

    Even though it was a lie, I wanted to scare her a little and keep her off balance.


    "Absolutely. I really don't think you realise just how serious this is, and I'm sure your mother is going to punish you for it when she gets home."

    I let the words sink in and watched as her eyes begin to well up in tears.

    "Unless of course..." I trailed off.

    "Unless what?" she pleaded.

    I suppressed a smile as I carried out my cunning plan.

    "Well... I suppose I could punish you myself." I suggested. "Then I wouldn't have to tell your mom anything."

    Ariana looked confused.

    "I mean, I know what I would do if you were my daughter, and if you're willing to take your punishment like an adult then maybe your mom doesn't have to know all the sordid details."

    "Wait. You're going to punish me?" she snickered, finding it funny.

    Once again she apparently assumed that I was a push over, which only infuriated me.

    "How are YOU going to punish me uncle Mike?" she added suggestively.

    "Well if it were up to me, I think you need to be spanked!"


    "Hey, you can either take your punishment now or we can wait for your mom to arrive home and have her ground you for a few weeks. And that's before I tell her about the smoking in your bedroom."

    I let my comment marinate with her for a minute as I took a seat on the edge of her bed. Ariana lowered her gaze in shame before she finally whispered her answer.

    "okay, fine."

    "Sorry? I didn't hear you."

    "I said FINE!" she relented. "You can spank me."

    I felt my cock throb with anticipation as the teen starlet wandered around her room to put away her cigarettes while I spoke in my best authoritative tone.

    "Good. Now come over here. I'm going to need you to lie across my lap."

    The starlet paused.

    "Err, I dunno."

    Amusing enough Ariana suddenly seemed uncertain about the whole thing before I grabbed her roughly by the wrist and pulled her over my knee. At first she yelped with surprise but then giggled at the absurdity of it all.

    "oh my god, this is so embarrassing..."

    "Stop it!" I berated her. "Stop laughing. This isn't funny."

    "I'm sorry." she giggled sweetly. "This is just so wrong on so many levels."

    "Hey. Just shut your eyes and accept your punishment young lady." I told her.

    It was only now that I realised just how intricate her red lace boy-shorts appeared to be. They were almost transparent in nature and left little to the imagination, exposing most if not all of her tender cheeks.

    Meanwhile below her belly I was sure she could feel my raging boner as she squirmed around. I shuddered in anticipation as I watched her relinquish all control over to me while she awaited her punishment.

    I moved my hand gingerly down the length of her spine and rested my fingertips on the back of her legs, feeling the warmth of her soft-smooth flesh. My hand moved slowly and skimmed across the plump cheek of her right buttock, my breathing shallow as I admired the sight and feel of my niece's supple booty.

    "Are we ready to begin?" I announced. "I want you to count them out."

    "Erm. okay." she chirped back. "...but how many spanks am I getting?"

    "As many as I deem fit. Also if you fail to count out loud you'll be penalised with two additional spanks so I better hear you."

    "Jesus, really?" she rolled her eyes. "Whatever."

    Ariana groaned her consent, acutely aware of my hand on her butt which had been absentmindedly petting her the entire time as we conversed.


    "Yes, sir."

    With that said I lifted my hand and held it in the air for a long second, savoring the way she tensed up in anticipation—and began her punishment.


    "Ouch!" she gasped in shock.

    "Ouch?" I repeated.

    "Err. I mean... One." she announced.

    "Good girl. That's the first and last time I'll remind you."


    "T-Two." she stuttered.


    ...and so it went.

    With each measured blow I let my fingers linger there for an extra moment to caress her sore behind. I don't mind admitting that at this point I was rock hard and fairly certain she knew it too.

    It was several swats in that I let my fingers slip further down between her legs where I lightly caressed her pussy. Ariana shivered to the contact and whispered the corresponding number before I felt her arch her hips and grind her sex against my fingers.


    "S-Seven!" she muttered.

    "Had enough?" I remarked rhetorically, to which she simply shook her head.

    Like her I was now breathing heavily.


    "Eight." she whispered.

    "You know. I could do this all day."

    "Mmm... I bet you could."

    "Excuse me?"




    "You've been a very bad girl Ariana." I hissed between spanks.

    "uh-huh." she panted back. "I've been bad, uncle Mike. I've been very, very bad."

    My fingers now rested between her legs, urging her thighs to separate slightly to grant me access inside. Using the back of my knuckle, I applied some pressure to her pussy and gently messaged the length of her slit, causing her to moan for the first time.

    "ooh—uncle Mike..."

    Reluctantly, I raised my hand from her teenage sex and readied to smack her again, but grinned inwardly as I noticed her hips shift upward in anticipation. Was she actually getting off on this? The sight of her hips now rolling in motion was all the evidence I needed.

    "You've been such a dirty little girl." I told her.

    "Yes. I've been dirty, uncle Mike." she confessed, her hips now grinding against my fingers.

    Her breathing was coming in sharp gasps while her body seemed to have a mind of its own, almost begging for my attention. Any pretence about this being her "punishment" was long gone as she now moaned audibly.

    "How about we take this off, shall we?" I said as I urged her to take off her panties.

    To my delight my famous niece didn't hesitate and hooked her fingers into the elastic band of her boy-shorts and peeled them down her legs, revealing her incredible sex in all its glory.

    I literally moaned as her pussy was finally revealed and immediately caressed her tender flesh. I let my hands freely roam her magnificent body, slip under her shirt and absentmindedly fondle one of her breasts.

    Ariana felt the last shreds of resistance slip away from her as I now openly groped and molested her bare-naked ass and caressed the lips of her cunt with my fingertips.


    When I spanked her again I must have caught her off guard cause she yelped loudly. Her cunt was on fire, as every touch of my hand sent a wave of pleasure coursing through her young body.

    I now switched between spanking her perfect ass and massaging her glistening wet pussy with my fingers and had the petite starlet moaning incessantly.

    "Ghaaa!" she grunted out loud, followed immediately by a deep long moan.


    "ugh—goddd." she sighed as my free hand slipped under her shirt to tweak and pull at her bullet-like nipples.

    "This will teach you for being such a dirty little girl." I hissed as I tried to coax her into talking dirty.

    "oh god," she purred softly as I now freely played with her body.

    "Is this what you like... you dirty girl?"

    Her hips were now grinding against my hand almost spurring me on. I had to fight with all my might not to just throw her onto the bed and fuck the ever-loving SHIT out of her.

    "Mm... such a pretty pussy." I whispered as I dipped the tips of my fingers between her folds. "So pink and juicy."

    "ooh please..." she purred. "More!!"


    Overcome with lust, I suddenly plunged my fingers deep into her little pink hole and withdrew them with a pop, stuffing them into my mouth! I just had to taste her. My eyes closed as I moaned and relished the first fresh taste of her teenage pussy.

    She was now bucking wildly over my lap and almost humping me, grinding against my cock and driving me nuts. I immediately returned my gleaming digits back to her tight hole and buried two fingers knuckle-deep!

    "unngh—fuckkk." she gasped loudly to the intense penetration.

    "Are you going to come for me?" I hissed as I probed her insides. "is my little dirty girl going to cum again?"

    To my surprise Ariana suddenly jerked and thrashed about wildly as a powerful orgasm washed over her, before I pushed her to the floor in disgust and stood over her. She lay there panting as I unzipped my pants and released my straining cock from its confines.

    "You know what, if you're going to act like a total slut, then I'm going to treat you like one."

    The look on her face was priceless. I doubt she'd ever seen a cock that big or hard for that matter.

    Without wasting another moment I grabbed the back of her head (wrapping my first around her pony tail) and forced her mouth down onto my cock!

    That "Victorious" star groaned but quickly relaxed her lips to accommodate me, sucking my dick with a loud slurping noise while glaring up at me with those big brown eyes.

    "Show me how you suck that fat dick, baby."

    My niece simply blinked up at me and obliged.

    "Hm. Good girl. You've obviously done this before haven't you?" I growled.

    My cock-sucking niece didn't answer, but I could tell from the guilty expression on her face that I was right.

    "Yeah. I bet you and your friends get up to all kinds of trouble behind closed doors." I groaned. "I bet you're friends Liz Gillies and Victoria Justice smoke a great cock too, huh?"

    Ariana glared up at me and blinked at the sentiment, and if agreeing with me while I fucked her face. The mere notion that I was right about her friends caused my cock to throb inside her mouth before I roared out loud and exploded between her lips.

    Hot volcanic semen blasted out across her tongue and into the back of her throat—almost gagging her. The poor little dear could only gawk up at me in panic, her eyes growing wide as load after hot sticky load filled her gullet and oozed down into her belly.

    "Grrrr... fuck yeah!" I grunted. "That's a good little slut. Swallow every last drop!"

    I finally released her head and watched as she smacked her wet lips together.

    "Does this mean you won't tell mom?"

    "Sure." I smirked. "That's enough punishment for one day."

    Ariana took a deep breath and sighed, with genuine relief.

    "Maybe next time you can introduce me to your friends and I can punish them too."

    My niece smiled.

    "I think they'd like that. I'd like that too."

    "Good girl. Make it happen."

  2. #2
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    Nice work....+1 on the twitter boobs...

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  4. #3
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    I hope this is to be continued. It's an awesome story, TPG.

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  6. #4
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    Amazingly hot story. Builds up really well and when it gets there it doesn't disappoint at all. Truly great read, well done TPG.

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