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Thread: "End of Year Dance" with Jennifer Hawkins

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    fanfiction "End of Year Dance" with Jennifer Hawkins

    End of Year Dance
    With Jennifer Hawkins
    Written by TPG
    CODES: MF, phone, mast
    DISCLAIMER: This FICTIONAL story was written for entertainment purposes only

    It all started as a practical joke.

    It was the end of September, and while my friends and I made final preparations for our end of year dance, we happened to discuss our favorite celebrities during which time I mentioned my devotion towards Jennifer Hawkins, who I insisted was the sexiest woman on earth.

    It was during this conversation that my friends dared me to contact her via email, and ask if she'd be interested in accompanying me to my Year 12 formal. Naturally I assumed she wouldn't even respond, much less accept my invitation, but that's precisely what happened!

    At first I thought someone was playing a practical joke on ME, but when Jen called my phone to confirm it was her I was absolutely floored and almost hung up in her face! Fortunately for me I stayed on the line, with trembling hands.

    To my surprise the former cheerleader turned Miss Universe winner seemed genuinely flattered and keen to discuss my proposal, and remarked how she found my letter touching and thoughtful.

    Thankfully I had made sure to include a photo of myself which she apparently appreciated.

    "—I'm just glad you provided a photo." she giggled sweetly. "I don't do well on blind dates."

    "Yeah I know what you mean."

    Actually I didn't, but I was so nervous talking to her I didn't comprehend half the things I was saying to her.

    I went on to explain how I was single and looking to go to college as soon as I graduated with my class. Jen then directed the conversation back to her and asked me point black what it was that I liked about her.

    "I assume you can take anyone from your high school," she commented. "—why me?"

    I was a little taken aback to learn just how much she enjoyed hearing compliments about herself, which I was more than happy to give. I told her how I thought she was the sexiest woman alive, and how her smile could light up a room.

    I also mentioned how my friends and I thought she had the worlds best, longest legs. And how she looked absolutely divine in a two piece bikini.

    Amusingly enough Jen simply barreled through my compliments only to ask what my favorite body part was, as I explained that it was an extremely hard question to answer.

    "Well. My mates and I argue about that all the time—" I admitted. "but I'd have to say it's either you're legs or that toned mid-section."

    "Is that so?" she giggled. "Go on."

    "—my mate Joel on the other hand insist it's your ass!"

    "And you don't agree." she quizzed. "What's wrong with my ass, Scott?"

    "Huh. Nothing! Nothing I can see." I quipped. "But you asked me what MY favorite part was and I told you."

    "Fair enough."

    To my delight our conversation went extremely well and she seemed to be very sweet and easy to talk to. So much so that I found it hard to believe that the girl I was laughing with on the phone was the same woman I had a poster of up on my bedroom wall.

    The entire thing was just surreal.

    It was at this point that I took the opportunity to ask her about her boyfriend to which she explained how he was over in the States for a few weeks, and that she missed him terribly.

    "I bet you wouldn't leave your girl stranded here all by myself, if we were dating amiright?" she giggled.

    "You bet your ass I wouldn't!" I responded, making her laugh. "We wouldn't leave the house."

    Jen giggled before she explained that it was time for her to go.

    "So wait, are we going to talk again?" I stammered a little too enthusiastically.

    "Aw, you're too sweet. I'll give you a buzz in a few days if I'm not too busy."

    I was then surprised when she told me that I was more than welcome to call her if I ever wanted to talk to somebody.

    "Now I trust you won't give my number out—" she said. "I'd hate to have to change it again."

    I quickly assured her that her number was safe with me.

    "Well, this has been fun." she added sweetly. "I hope I didn't disappoint you."

    "Are you kidding?" I exclaimed. "I doubt I'll sleep tonight!"

    Hawko giggled.

    "Don't stay up too long," she snickered playfully. "You might end up hurting yourself."

    Her comment was so quick and out of left field, that I didn't even realize the sexual connotation until we hung up with each other.

    The moment I put down the phone, I could hardly contain my excitement and immediately called my mates to tell them the incredible news, who naturally scoffed and thought I was out of my fucking mind.

    The next day I rushed home from school and could hardly contained myself as I stared at her phone number and repeated the numbers over and over again. At this point I had burned those digits into my brain.

    Despite my better judgment I finally picked up the phone and called her, and to my delight she answered the phone almost immediately, and moreover, actually seemed pleased to hear from me.

    "Hey Scott, what's up?"

    I told her I was bored, and as usual was thinking about her and thought I would call. It was only later that I realized just how creepy I sounded, but to her credit Jen took this all in her stride and happily chatted with me.

    Not soon after calling her, the stunning blonde then explained how she was currently lounging around in the yard by the pool, working on her tan and helping herself to a good book and some wine.

    The mere notion gave me instant wood, and I'm sure this wasn't lost on her as she giggled lightly and continued to tease me.

    "So Scott, you never answered my question?" she reminded me about my little assignment from the day before.


    "What you would do to me if we were dating?"

    I laughed nervously and took the opportunity to reach down and adjust the hard cock in my pants. I'm almost certain that despite being on the phone she could tell what I was doing as the tone in my voice changed, and my breathing grew labored.

    "I, uh. I um—" I stammered nervously before I finally made up a scenario in my head which described a scene where I lay beside her by the pool.

    "Well I guess if we were dating I'd be applying some lotion to your body right now." I stated boldly.

    I almost regretted it the moment the worlds left my mouth, terrified that I may have gone too far and offended her. But to her credit Jen simply giggled and almost seemed to encourage this sort of behavior from me.

    "Oh really? You cheeky bugger." she snickered. "—and what makes you think I'd let you?"

    "Well we wouldn't want you to get burned."

    We laughed and conversed for almost an hour during which time I repeatedly went back to my "fantasy" which consisted of me applying lotion to her body.

    "—you really seem to like that idea huh?" she smiled.

    As I spoke I could hear her breath deepening and get more comfortable. If I didn't know any better, I could swear she was getting off to my fantasy: at least, I secretly hoped she was.

    "—and then what?" she repeated, as I went on to describe where I would put my hands, on her back, butt, and all over her legs.

    Feeling bold I then heard myself speak without thinking, and I asked her point blank if the imagery I was painting turned her on.

    "What are you wearing right now?" I asked. "—what does your bikini look like?"

    To my surprise Jen happily described that it was a skimpy little red number, from her own "lovables" range.

    The leggy model then proceeded to tease me by saying that she was lying by the pool applying some lotion to her body. At first I wasn't sure whether to believe her or not, but then heard her squeeze the plastic bottle.

    While I cooed with delight, Jen snickered and told me how incredibly intoxicating it was, and how "good" it made her feel.

    Just then, as quickly as our sexy conversation had begun, it suddenly ended, and as though coming back to her sense she changed tact and told me she had to go.

    "I'm sorry sweetheart, but I have to leave soon."

    Just hearing her say that send a shiver up my spin. For a single moment, I actually imagined we were a couple.

    While I was clearly disappointed, Hawkins explained that she still had to shower and get ready as she had a store opening to attend in a few hours.

    Without thinking, I heard myself murmur, "Shower?"

    Hearing this, Jen reiterates about taking a long hot, relaxing shower, and letting the water run all over her. God she could tease.

    Glancing at the time once again, she then told me that she had to hang up but before ending the call, she briefly remarked that our conversation had got her all hot and bothered.

    "I think I may need to go take care of business before I get clean up." she told me, causing my brain to almost explode.

    Jennifer then cruelly teased me with, "Just think about that for a few minutes."

    "You are such a bitch." I joked, making her laugh aloud.

    Accomplishing my mission, I hung up the phone and fall to my bed in exhaustion having had a raging erection throughout the entire 20 minute call.

    Stroking my cock, I tried to imagine the scene at her place at the moment, imagining her slipping out of her skimpy bikini and getting off at that very moment.

    As expected I could barely get her out of my mind and I glared up at the large poster of her which adorned the back of my bedroom door. It was about 2am and I was sound asleep when I felt my cell phone vibrate under my pillow.

    Waking up, I answered it groggily, and immediately recognized the sexy husky tone through the phone.

    "Are you awake?" Jennifer asked.

    "Um, sure, I guess?"

    "Liar!" she replied, and judging from her ton I could tell that she was heavily intoxicated.

    "Hey, Jen. What's the time, what's up?"

    Without wasting any time the striking blonde spoke her mind.

    "What would you do to me Scott? Tell me."

    Without missing a beat, I replied, "I'd fuck you so good."

    "Yeah? How?"

    "I'd pick you up and take you over to your bed and take off all your clothes."

    As I spoke I could hear some rustling of clothes and it sounded like she was in fact getting undressed in her bedroom.

    It seemed Jen had just returned home from the event she had mentioned earlier that day, and drunk, decided to call me and ask me what I wanted to do to her.

    It had apparently been on her mind all evening, which thrilled me to no end. Just then, I heard her purr audibly and confess how much she loved her bed.

    "Are you in bed right now? What are you wearing?" I asked her boldly, my free hand stroking my hard on again.

    "Right now, nothing but my panties." she confessed. "Well, that and my black five inch heels. I just had to crawl into bed, so tired, and drunk right now."

    "Can you give me a second Scottie?" she then added, "While I take off my shoes?"

    "No, wait!" I insisted. "Don't do that."

    "Huh? Why not?"

    "Cause I want to imagine you there, lying there in nothing but your panties and your heels. That is so fucking sexy, Jen."

    Jennifer giggled before she answered, "Okay, for you I'll leave them on."

    "But you can take off you panties, by all means." I joked.

    "You're just lucky I bought them today," she said referring to her newly acquired Louboutin's, "And I absolutely love them. I just spent $1,600 bucks for them."

    Stroking myself more intently, I let out, "Where's your hand?"

    Jen teases, "Holding the phone, silly."

    "No I mean you're other hand?"

    Jen smiled shyly, "On my breast, playing with my nipple."

    "Is it hard?"


    "Are they both really hard? Make sure."

    I heard Jen go quiet for a few moments and could hear her breathing quicken. There was no doubt about it, the girl was aroused.

    "They're both really hard right now." she confessed softly. "I like playing with them, watching them stand up straight."

    "How do you play with them, Jen? Tell me."

    Jen replied, "I like to take them between my thumb and forefinger and twist them a little, and then pinch and pull them away from me. It gets me really hot."

    "Hmm I can imagine."

    "No, I don't think you can." she smirked. "Right now I'm lying here in nothing but my five inch pumps and lace panties, my knees are up and my legs are spread a little, while I leisurely play with my nipples."


    "Tell me again, Scott. What would you do to me?"

    "I'd fuck!" I suddenly changed my mind. "I'd probably get down on my knees and crawl towards the edge of that bed."

    "uh-huh." I heard her respond.

    "—then I'd gently slip your feet out of your heels, and softly kiss your toes and lick my way over your ankle and up your legs."

    "Mm. uh-huh. Then what?"

    Then while I'd kiss and lick you're long smooth legs, and caress your calves with my hands. I'd gently spread your legs open and admire your pussy."

    "Hmm. I like that." she purred.



    "Take off your panties."

    There as a short paused before she responded.


    With that I listened to her lift her butt and wriggle them down her legs, hearing the elastic snap as they briefly caught around her feet.

    "Better?" she remarked once the deed was done.

    "I'd probably take your panties from your legs and hold them in my hand while I look down at your bare pussy, Jen." I continued with the sexy story.

    "Would I be wet?"

    "Fuck yeah." I answered. "Really wet,"

    I added, "Then I'd make you touch yourself for me, and get you to lick your fingers with your mouth before placing them over your clit."

    Just then I heard her slobber a generous amount of saliva all over her free hand and inhale softly as she caressed her tiny bud.

    "Are you doing that right now?"


    "Where is your hand, Jen?"

    "Between my legs," she gasped. "Over of my pussy."

    "Are you rubbing your clit?"

    "Yes. So wet right now," she admitted. "I need some relief."

    "Are you playing with your hair down there?"

    Without missing a beat Jennifer confessed, "I don't have any. I'm totally shaved Scott. My pussy is completely hairless right now."

    "Jesus H Christ." I gasped, my hand jerking my cock for all it was worth.

    The mere notion almost made me come, as Jennifer turned the tables and asked me what I was doing.

    "What are you doing Scott? Are you stroking yourself for me?"

    "Fucking-A." I disclosed. "I'm so hard right now I think I'm going to pass out. Just lying here thinking about you and those spread legs, and that hairless cunt."

    "Don't pass out yet, baby." she purred through the phone. "Not before you hear me come, OK?"

    Just then, I heard her move around and tell me to hang on a minute, before she reached back from the bedside drawer.

    "Are you okay?"

    Jennifer smiled, "I am now." And with that I heard the unmistakable sound of a vibrator.

    "Mm, that feels so good." she moaned into my ear, sending a jolt of electricity up my spine.

    "Did you slide it inside?"

    "No, not yet, just rubbing it against my clit." she panted, "Feels so good."

    "Talk dirty to me Scott," she urged, "Tell me all the nasty things you want to do to me. Tell me that you want to fuck me, Scott!"

    "God, I want to just grab you by the hips and stuff my hard cock inside you right now."

    "Mm, yeah! Do it! Do me now, Scott! I'm lying here waiting." she whimpered, as I heard the tip of the toy slid in and out of her sopping cunt.

    The buzzing sound emanating between her legs seemed to alternating with each fresh raid, the toy pitching high with strain.

    "Ugh Scott, my legs are spread wide right now." she whimpered. "My legs are wide open babe. Fuck me! Fuck me, please!"

    Without warning, my cock explodes in my hand, sending a torrent of semen all over myself as I heard the one time Miss Universe fuck herself with her toy and bring herself to a screaming climax.

    Suddenly, she shrieked out loud before the phone went dead, as she apparently hung up accidentally.

    I lay there for several minutes trying to comprehend what had just happened, wondered if it was real or did I in fact just imagine it all. Just as I started to fall asleep, I heard a text message chime and looked to see it was from Jen.

    "Tired. Got to sleep. Thank you XOXO"

    My stomach filled with knots as I began to wonder just what lay in store for us, and our date to the formal in a few weeks.

  2. Thanks loving_one30, James079, Wes, Radar thanked for this post
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    Holy shit man. You just described my ultimate fantasy. Thanks for the awesome story mate.

  4. Thanks TPG thanked for this post
  5. #3
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    omg dude.. amazing.. cant wait for the next one!

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