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Thread: "Sorority Sluts" Chapter 1

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    TPG's Avatar
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    fanfiction "Sorority Sluts" Chapter 1

    Sorority Sluts Chapter 1
    With Miranda Cosgrove, Debby Ryan, and Victoria Justice
    Written by TPG
    CODES: MF, blowjob, handjob, inc, voy
    DISCLAIMER: This FICTIONAL story was written for entertainment purposes only

    Having flown into LAX earlier that day, I decided to get my family obligations out of the way and quickly drop in on my cousin and her sorority at UCLA. It had been almost twelve whole months since I had last seen or spoken to Miranda, so I was looking forward to catching up with her.

    Following the directions, I arrived to the sorority and knocked on the door, and to be honest was a little skeptical that I was at the right place considering how opulent and grandiose the building appeared to be.

    While I stood there contemplating this, I was suddenly greeted by two gorgeous young Latina's by the name of Selena GOMEZ and Demi LOVATO

    "Welcome to Kappa Pd Pi!" They announced cheerfully. "Can we help you?"

    "Hi." I replied as I took off my sunglasses and looked around. "I'm looking for a Miranda COSGROVE?"

    While the ladies both looked at each other, I quickly explained my relationship to her which to my surprise seemed to delight them.

    "OMG! Are you Rob?" Selena suddenly exclaimed. "Miranda talks about you all the time!"

    With that said they then kissed me on the cheek and went on to explain how Miranda was apparently away for the moment, but would be home at any minute.

    "Come in! Come in!" They insisted. "Make yourself at home."

    Inside they immediately offered me a drink, as another sorority sister suddenly emerged from the top of the stairs to check to see what all the commotion was about.

    "What's all the noise?" Debby RYAN bluntly quipped. "We have guests?"

    Right away I was taken aback by the busty beauty, who to my delight was sweating profusely and scantily clad in her workout attire.

    "Err. Hello?" She smiled tentatively as she approached us.

    "Deb. This is Rob." Selena stated. "Miranda's cousin from back east?"

    "Oh? Nice to meet you." She smiled while extending her hand. "Miranda will be thrilled. We've heard a lot about you Rob."

    "Nothing too bad I hope." I replied, making the girls swoon.

    "Not at all." Ryan smiled.

    "So how long have you been in L.A?" Selena interrupted. "Is it your first time?"

    "Do you have a girlfriend?" Demi blurted out before Selena berated her.

    "Demi! Don't be so rude."

    While the ladies exchanged barbs, I couldn't help but notice the way Debby now looked at me.

    If I didn't know any better I could swear there was a strong attraction between us. She was definitely flirting with me, undressing me with her big brown eyes.

    "Err. Sorry about my friends." Debby apologized. "They're not really acting themselves today."

    "Ha. Look who's talking." Demi quipped in the background before Selena hushed her.

    With that said the busty brunette nodded her head and motioned for the others to rush off to the kitchen and make me a drink as we waited for Miranda to return home.

    But a minute later, just as the three of us sat down around the coffee table and proceeded to catch up on current events, we heard the car pull into the driveway.

    "Oh. They're here!" Demi exclaimed as she leapt off the couch.

    Taking a deep breath, I then watched as a group of very attractive ladies spilled through the doorway, one of which was my beloved cousin Miranda.

    "Hey. You." I said, before Cosgrove looked up with surprise.

    "Rob? OMG!" She gasped before dropping her shopping bags and rushing over to embrace me.

    Caught up in the moment we kissed each other briefly on the side of the lip and held each other tight as her friends all sighed and applauded at the tender moment.

    "Aw. How sweet." The girls fawned at the display.

    "What the hell are you doing here?" Miranda beamed, as I went on to explain how I had promised her folks that I would drop in and check up on her, and see how she was fairing in the big bad college world.

    I had to admit, as Miranda and I spoke I was taken aback by her natural beauty. She was just as beautiful and radiant as I remembered. It seemed the West Coast had really agreed with her.

    It was then my cousin proceeded to introduce me to the rest of the house, which consisted of Alyson and Amanda MICHALKA, Selena GOMEZ, Demi LOVATO, Debby RYAN, and more importantly their sorority house mother Victoria JUSTICE.

    "Welcome to our humble adobe Rob." Justice smiled.

    "Close your mouth AJ." Her sister Aly remarked. "Before you swallow a fly."

    This comment made everyone snicker.

    "Err. Shut up!" Her sister quipped back. "What's wrong sis. Finally met a guy you can't seduce?"

    While the siblings began to bicker amongst themselves, Victoria interrupted their squabble and announced that they had successfully stocked up on their supplies of food and alcohol for the big weekend.

    "Drinks supply?" I repeated. "Are you guys celebrating something important?"

    Miranda giggled as she informed me that I had showed up at the perfect time as the following few days was the official commencement of "Rush Week" in which several hundred pledges would be making a bid to join the Sorority.

    This usually meant there would be countless meeting and interviews throughout the week, followed by several large scale mixers and sorority parties.

    Fortunately for me this was all being kicked off later that very evening with the girls holding a private "Games Night" and it was Victoria who insisted that I stay and celebrate with them, causing the others to all cheer.

    Still. As tempting as the invitation was I had to inform them that I would most probably have to leave as I still had to arrange a motel for myself, seeing as I had literally just arrived straight from the airport.

    Thankfully, Victoria seemed to take pity on me and simply winked before she reached over to pass my luggage to one of the girls and stated that she was sure that they could work something out, accommodation wise.

    "He can stay in our room if he likes!" AJ commented.

    "Ha! You wish." quipped Selena.

    "No. You can stay with us?" Demi offered. "We have plenty of room to spare. Don't we Selena?"

    While Miranda and I looked at each other and laughed, Victoria butted in and laid down the law.

    "Hey. Cool it guys. I think in this case Rob would most probably feel more comfortable staying in Miranda's room tonight, don't you think?"

    "Are you bunking with anyone at the moment?" I asked my cousin, who immediately looked over at Debby and grinned.

    "That'll be fine." Debby added. "We have the really comfy sofa in our room, so he's more than welcome to use it if he wants?"

    "Great!" Victoria exclaimed. "So its settled then."

    "Lucky bitch." We heard one of the other girls remark, making me chuckle.

    "Ladies! Ladies! Ladies!" VJ stated out loud. "C'mon! It's time to get ready for supper. Let's get cleaned up and get the party underway."

    With that said I then watched as the ladies scampered about the house, each doing their previously assigned duties, while Miranda took me by the hand and led me through the large house and into a garden area, a neat courtyard in the back which overlooked a luxurious pool.

    "Jesus Miranda." I gasped. "You have everything you could possibly want here."

    "I know right?" She replied. "I'm really lucky I guess."

    Taking a seat we then paused for a moment to just look at each other, and smiled before she reached over and tenderly caressed my face.

    "I can't believe you're actually here with me right now." She stated. "I missed you so much cuz."

    I kissed her hand before we quickly caught up with some family gossip and news, and I happened to notice a few of the ladies sneaking a peek outside and checking me out.

    By this stage I almost felt like a piece of meat. It was as though they were all on heat or something. Each one of them eying me up and down in their own way.

    "FYI. I think she likes you." Miranda giggled, nodding in the direction of Debby who stood watching us from the door.

    "I have to admit she's pretty cute. But not as cute as my beautiful cousin."

    Miranda responded by playfully slapping me in the arm.

    "Are you guys talking about me?" VJ suddenly shouted.

    "Err. No! Of course not." Miranda replied, before we both shared a giggle.

    "WTF is that about?" I commented, realizing just how insecure Victoria appeared to be.

    It was then Debby marched over and pulling me up off the seat, and announced that Victoria suggested that she give me a tour of the entire house.

    "Don't worry Cosmo." (Miranda's nickname in the house) "I'll take GOOD care of him."

    "That's what I'm afraid of." Miranda replied before Debby responded by poking her tongue out at her.

    My beautiful cousin would only watch as I was promptly whisked away by her roommate before she then announced that she as taking the opportunity to take a shower and get cleaned up.

    I then accompanied the BUSTY brunette around the two storey mansion, and I have to admit I was more than surprised and impressed at the size and lavishness of the house.

    It seemed to have just about every conceivable amenity, including a library, gym, pool, sauna, and gazebo - and situated just two streets away from the main campus grounds.

    It was while in the gym that Debby continued to openly flirt with me, shaking her sweet ass and flaunting her cleavage while standing on the elliptical machine.

    "This is pretty much where I spend most of my time." She boasted. "In the gym, working up a sweat."

    It was during this "show" that Debby also mentioned how she was single at the moment and only interested in pursuing one night stands, which I found hard to believe considering how sweet and innocent she appeared to be.

    "What's wrong?" She asked by my surprised reaction.

    "No. Nothing." I told her. "I'm just a little surprised to hear you say that."


    "You just don't look like the type."

    "What's that supposed to me?" She replied, taking offence.

    "What I mean're extremely beautiful Debby." I confessed. "And I would have assumed you were more into meaningful relationships that's all."

    While Ryan appeared offended by my words, I tried to clarify my statement.

    "All I'm saying is..I think you're extremely pretty. And you could probably have just about any guy you want."

    Fortunately for me Debby finally seemed to comprehend what I was trying to say and she blushed and smiled innocently.

    "Thanks. That's really sweet of you to say."

    "It's true though." I assured her. "You're probably one of the most attractive girls in this house."

    To my amusement Debby then seemed to turn a bright red before she went on to tell me to keep an eye out on the Michalka sisters, as they were both notorious flirts and had a reputation for being man eaters.

    Unfortunately for me before we could delve deeper into the discussion, we were called inside to the dining room to sit down and prepare for dinner.

    To my delight most of the ladies had changed outfits and returned to the table looking absolutely ravishing. It seemed they didn't often get guests to the Sorority House, so they made an extra effort on my behalf. And boy was I glad they did.

    I mean there was so much cleavage at the table I didn't know where to look first, a predicament I'm sure was not lost on Miranda who continued to flash me a mocking look as she caught my openly leering at Selena's chest.

    As expected the dinner itself was wonderful, before Victoria permitted everyone to help themselves to the various bottles of alcohol that adorned the large table.

    Naturally, once the drinking got underway the volume of conversation quickly increased and Debby and Victoria appeared to be quite the accomplished drinkers - kicking off a playful 3-way drinking competition at the table.

    Amusingly enough others attempted to keep up with us but were clearly out of their league. Unfortunately for me Miranda refused to drink due to my presents, but we finally convinced her to relax and enjoy herself, and I finally shared my very first alcoholic beverage with my dear cousin.

    It was during this time that the ladies became noticeably intoxicated, and playing a few drinking games, we engaged in various body shots.

    I now watched attentively as Demi playfully licked tequila from Selena's flat belly, before Victoria accepted a shot of bourbon from between Alyson's cleavage and the sisters put on quite the show.

    It was also around this time that Victoria and I got chatting for a few minutes as the others carried on, and she confessed to me just how horny bourbon made her. She also joked how I had ruined her plans to seduce Miranda later that very evening.

    "Did I really?" I chuckled. "And what exactly were you planning to do to my sweet, innocent cousin?"

    "Innocent? Ha!" Victoria slurred. "I dunno. Something spontaneous I guess? Like eat her pussy or something."

    Taken aback by her bold statement, Justice then added.

    "But now, thanks to you..I might have to change my plans and take out my frustrations on one of the other girls."

    It was only now that I suddenly realized that Victoria Justice was in fact Gay, or in the very least very, very Bi. We both laughed at her comments but at the same time knew she was dead serious. Nevertheless. There was definitely some kind of chemistry going on between us - despite her sexual orientation.

    As expected the party was a raging success and over the course of the next few hours everyone slowly peeled off to their respective bedrooms.

    To my amusement Miranda was utterly plastered, and ultimately could barely stand straight much less speak. I had never seen her so drunk in all my life. She was absolutely adorable.

    So finally around midnight, I helped my cousin to her feet and accompanied her back to her room. It was there that we both giggled uncontrollably as we tried our best to walk around in the dark and not make any noise, so as to not disturb Debby who had gone to bed earlier in the evening.

    "Hey. Don't try anything funny okay?" Miranda jested. "I know what you're like, mister."

    "Excuse me?"

    "I know that you're attracted to me." Miranda claimed. "But we're still related."

    "Ha! Speak for yourself cuz." I replied as I helped her to her bed. "Besides. You've been saying that for years."

    Kidding around she then went on to mumble about how all of her friends apparently liked me, and would most probably have sex with me if given half the chance - but that she was going to prohibit that from happening.

    I laughed at her enthusiasm when she added that she wanted to keep me all to herself. As Miranda rattled on, I helped her into the warm bed and then paused for a moment as she suddenly surprised me with a friendly peck on the lips.

    "Oops." She giggled drunkenly before repeating the action.


    "Oh. Sorry." She giggled.

    But she was clearly not sorry. In fact she was getting a kick out of provoking me.

    "And what was that for?" I asked.

    "I'm sorry about the sofa Rob." Miranda mumbled, referring to the sleeping arrangements.

    "Don't be ridiculous sweetheart." I assured her. "It'll be fine. Besides. It's looks nice and comfortable."

    "I really missed you." She confessed softly. "I'm really glad you're here tonight."

    Miranda then proceeded to nonchalantly slip off her shirt and bra in one motion and peeled her pants down her legs.

    Without thinking I instinctively turned to look away if only for her benefit, but I felt my heart skip a beat as I stole a sideward glance and I actually spied a bare nipple.

    Fortunately for her, Miranda was concealed by the shadows for the most part so I didn't really get to see anything scandalous. Nevertheless. I was shocked by her nonchalant behavior and free spirited attitude towards nudity, especially as I recalled just how painfully shy she had been growing up.

    "Comfy?" I asked, as she lay back with the sheets pooled just below her chest.

    This of course revealed a portion of her ample breasts in the dark. Having finally settled in, Miranda then extended her arms and pouted innocently as she asked for a hug - which I happily granted.

    Truth be told I had to fight ever urge in my body not to lean down and take one of those dark nipples between my lips. But to make matters worse as I offer her the hug she inadvertently rubbed her bare breasts against me.

    I suspected she was doing this on purpose. To what end I couldn't be sure, but there was no question it was against her nature to be so flirtatious and playfully, which told me it was most probably just the alcohol talking.

    It was then as I wished her a goodnight that I attempted to kiss her on the cheek, but misjudged my proximity to her lips and inadvertently kissed her firmly on the mouth again.

    This time however the contact was more firmer than before and apparently delighted her. Miranda sighed into my mouth as our lips opened and I felt the tip of her tongue suddenly push its way inside my mouth.

    "Whoa." I responded a little too late.

    "I love you Rob." She confessed, her hand draped around my neck refusing to let go.

    "I love you so much." She added sincerely. "I always have you know?"

    I could feel her breath on my face, the absolute sincerity dripping off her words.

    "I love you too Miranda." I replied. "You know that. Now go to sleep."

    I wasn't lying. I really did. In fact Miranda and I had always had an unconventional relationship.

    I had always looked up to her and she was like my best friend. Like my big sister. We were like two peas in a pod, until she ultimately packed up and moved across the country to attend college.

    I guess you could say we were as close as any two cousins could ever hope to be. In fact there were moments were I had to wonder if we were in fact lovers, since there were times when it definitely felt as though we were more than just friends.

    Although we never actually engaged in anything sexual, we did however constantly touch each other and hold hands, and frequently embraced whenever we were together.

    Fact was we just couldn't keep our hands off each other and constantly petted. Many a night she would sneak into my room and we would just lie there together, staring into each other's eyes for hours on end - simply caressing each other's hands while we drifted off to sleep.

    For two people who never actually had sex with one another, we sure knew each other pretty intimately. It was a strange dynamic, unlike any other I had.

    Looking at her now, I leaned over and kissed Miranda tenderly on the lips again, reveling in the taste of her Rum flavored mouth. I held that posture for an extra moment before I wished her "sweet dreams" and went over and got comfortable on the sofa which was located in the corner of the room.

    It was there that I took off my shirt and shoes, and stripped down to my boxer-briefs. It couldn't have been more than twenty minutes before I finally drifted off to sleep, only to be awoken by the feel of someone's fingers gently caressing the front of my boxers, rubbing and stroking my growing member.

    When I finally opened my eyes I almost jumped out of my skin as I realized who the hand belonged to. It was Debby Ryan! Shocked in to silence, I was about to speak but she quickly silenced any objections I might have had by placing her mouth over mine and kissing me!

    I had to admit, despite my initial shock she was a great kisser and knew exactly how to use her tongue.

    Inside Debby twirled and teased my own tongue into action, and once engaged we took turns sucking and wrestling against one another. Finally after several minutes of this, she reluctantly broke our embrace so as to catch her breath.

    "Debby..Wait." I meekly protested.

    "Shh. We can't wake her up." She alluded to my cousin. "She's a light sleeper."

    "Yeah. But she's drunk." I said without thinking.

    This only gave Debby more incentive to screw around.

    "Serious Deb." I told her. "We can't do this. It would break her heart."

    Noting this, Debby then stuffed her hand into my shorts and made direct contact with my prick - grasping it firmly with her hand and milking it expertly.

    "Are you sure about that?" She asked seductively. "Do you really want me to stop right now?"

    "Err. I guess not." I answered honestly. "After all. You do that so well."

    With that said Debby then shoved her tongue back into my mouth and whispered sweet nothings into my ear.

    "Ugh. I'm so horny right now." She claimed. "I need your cock in my mouth."

    Sharing another passionate kiss, I then let out an involuntary moan as she dropped her head in my lap and proceeded to suck my dick into her mouth.

    Truth be told I'd never felt lips as SOFT as hers in all my life - but as extraordinary as the blowjob was it was only now that it suddenly dawned on me that we were in full view of Miranda, which somehow wracked me with guilt.

    Thinking quickly I attempted to pull Debby's face away from my crotch - allowing her to bob her head up and down two more times before I finally pulled her up and distracted her with a deep kiss.

    But the busty teenager was more than determined to get me "off" and the moment our lips parted her head was buried in my lap again. When this tactic to "distract" her proved to be futile I then literally pushed her onto the floor as I stood up and announced that I HAD to use the bathroom.

    "Shit." I hissed as I stood up and she landed square on her butt.

    "Hey." She objected to the heavy handedness.

    "Sorry." I tried to explain. "I really need to go."

    "Kinky." She simply responded with a grin. "You can tie me up if you want?"

    "WTF?" I hissed softly. "Debby. Stop it."

    "What? What's wrong?" She countered. "Don't I turn you on?"

    Then glancing at my hard cock she added. "...I clearly do."

    "Of course you do." I barely managed to say before she was attempting to reach up and stroke my erection.

    "C'mon." She purred up at me. "Let me please you. I promise you'll like it."

    This I was already certain of. But for me it was just a question of timing.

    "C'mon Rob." Debby added. "I'll let you put it where ever you want?"

    "Err. What?" I stammered at the notion.

    She then repeated her offer.

    "You can stick in my ass if you want?" She whispered erotically. "I really need it right now. I need to GET FUCKED!"

    Without warning I slipped her grasp and quickly ducked out of the bedroom and into the dimply lit hallway. I needed a moment to think. Was I really making the right decision? God knows I would have LOVED to have fucked Debby Ryan in the ass, but in the same room where my cousin slept? I just dare not risk hurting her.

    Scratching my head, I then recalled the layout of the house and decided to head down to one of the bathrooms outside - hoping not to disturb the rest of the house with my drama.

    It was downstairs that I happen to glance out into the private courtyard and noticed that someone was swimming in the pool. Intrigued. I moved to take a closer look and discovered that it was in fact VJ.

    Standing there half naked, I watched as she completely several laps of the pool before moving to sit and relax in the adjoining Jacuzzi. There she helped herself to a glass or wine while scantily clad in just a sexy white two-piece bikini.

    She looked absolutely breathtaking, her magnificently body gleaming in the moonlight, while her long brown hair appeared slicked back and off her gorgeous face.

    Feeling bold I stepped out from the shadows and made myself known.

    "Hey. Need some company?" I offered to which Victoria smiled.

    "Hey. You." She beamed. "What are you still doing up?"

    Taking a seat beside her by the pool, Victoria and I began to converse.

    It was there as we chatted away that I couldn't help but gawk at her incredibly hard nipples. In fact her bikini was giving off some major pokies, which was hard not to avoid.

    I'm almost certain that VJ knew this was the case but instead of being embarrassed, she simply pushed out her chest even further, almost encouraging me to stare and take notice.

    It was a few minutes into this conversation that Victoria then insisted that I join her in the hot tub, but I declined.

    "Oh come on?" She dared. "You're just like Miranda, you know that? I can never convince her to do anything fun."

    When begging proved ineffective, Victoria then attempted to persuade me with a promise of massage. It was only now that I realize just how intoxicated she really was, as she now slurred her words and was incredibly temperamental.

    "C'mon!" She hissed. "Don't be such a bitch!"

    "Whoa. Excuse me?" I replied, taken aback by her abrasive manner.

    She certainly wasn't one you'd want to disappoint, and clearly didn't like taking no for an answer.

    Resigned to my fate I finally relented and slowly dipped my legs into the bubbling hot water, only to have her reach out and pull me in - dunking my entire body into the tub.

    Victoria laughed out loud before we shared a bottle of wine together and soon got talking about sex and relationships.

    It was during this time that she directed me to face the other way and instructed me to shimmy back between her parted legs while she placed her hands on my back and proceeded to give me that relaxing back rub she had promised me earlier.

    I have to admit though. Between the way she looked and the wine we shared, her fingers felt absolutely heavenly.

    In fact I couldn't help but grow hard in the water as I felt her talented hands go to work around my shoulders and neck, and felt her bare thighs gently rub and squeeze against my hips.

    Ultimately however, I pulled away in fear of embarrassing myself (boner) and I blushed as I told her that I had to get out of the water and use the bathroom.

    Victoria grinned as she probably assumed that I wanted to get out so I could go to the bathroom and rub one out. Truth was I had been dying to pee from the moment I first saw her doing laps of the pool.

    "You know, you wouldn't be the first guy to get off to me." She remarked as I began to climb out of the hot tub.

    "No seriously. I have to take a leak." I tried to explain but she simply didn't believe me.

    While I now tried to climb out of the water without exposing my erection, Victoria giggled as she helped herself to another drink.

    "Sure. Whatever. Go right ahead." She snickered to herself. "The bathroom is right over there. You can't miss it."

    As I then attempted to head for the toilet I glanced back at the Puerto-Rican beauty and noticed her eyes were locked on my budging erection.

    "Fuck." I thought as I ashamedly rushed across the courtyard and made it to the bathroom.

    Inside I soon discovered that I could barely take a leak due to my raging boner, and for a moment I actually consider relieving myself (just as Victoria has presumed) but opted out at the very last minute.

    Frustrated. I turned to leave the small space only to turn around and open the door and find myself face to face with the woman in question. Stand there in all her magnificent glory was Victoria Justice, her sexy dark eyes filled with lust.

    "Oh. Sorry." I began to apologize. "You can use the bathroom first if you want."

    But even before I could finish the sentence VJ suddenly pushed me back into the bathroom and kisses me hard on the lips. I staggered back and finally landed against the cold tiled wall, as I felt her hungrily thrust her tongue into my mouth.

    I could barely contain my excitement as I found myself being kissed by another sorority beauty for the second time that evening. Unlike Debby though, Victoria wasted little time getting straight to the point and keenly fondled my piss-hard on.

    "Kiss me." She urged to which I happily obliged, and we both moaned as our tongues finally mingled together.

    Breaking the embrace Victoria insisted. "How about we see what you're packing down there."

    Before I could respond, I then watched in awe as the ravishing beauty slowly dropped to her knees before me and pulled of the draw string and released my manhood. To her amusement it instantly bounced free from its restraint and now pointed straight up towards the ceiling.

    "Mm." She purred approvingly, before she swiftly snatched it by its base and in one swift action devoured my cock flesh.

    "Oh! Jesus. I let out, impressed by her enthusiasm to swallow dick. "You certainly don't waste any time do you."

    Victoria took her mouth away for just a moment to comment.

    "I bet when you arrived earlier today, you never imagined you'd be getting your cock sucked huh?"

    Before I could respond, Victoria sucked me deep into the back of her mouth as I reached down and persuaded her to take off her bikini top and expose her luscious breasts to me. A moment later, I was blown away at the vision of her marvelous breasts, and incredibly erect nipples. They were just about the perkiest set of tits I had ever seen.

    "Holy shit." I gasped as she continued to go to work on my cock.

    Victoria simply grinned and winked up at me with a mouth full of cock, before she moved her mouth up and down the length of my rod - pumping it in time with her fist.

    "Mmmpppffff! God I love sucking cock!" She purred softly, as she generously slobbered her saliva all over my meaty pole.

    Her breasts, like the rest of her body were absolutely flawless. The combination her pretty face and her increasingly talented mouth caused me to approach my zenith much quicker than I had anticipated.

    In fact I was so shocked by my own body's reaction that I almost began to blush with shame. Victoria had literally had my cock in her mouth for not more than five minutes, yet the pressure to cum was overwhelming.

    "Jesus. Please. Victoria." I pleaded. "You have to stop. I still have to pee!"

    To my shock surprise she simply replied. "I don't care. Do it."

    "Oh. God." I let out to this proclamation, the mere notion causing my cock to actually throb inside her mouth.

    Just how dirty was this girl?

    Clutching her dark mane with both hands, I then turned her face from side to side and began to fuck her hot mouth more intently, causing her cheeks to budge around my invading member. Victoria moaned lustfully to this action, sending me over the edge.

    "Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck!" I suddenly announced. "I'm gonna cum!"

    "Yeah?" She snapped back before grasping my cock and jerking me off promptly. "Cum for me baby!"

    Without thinking, I suddenly snatched my cock from her greedy hands and zealously stroked myself over her incredible face.

    "Cum on my tits!" She hissed as she cupped and fondled her breasts with both hands and mashed her cleavage together.

    Suddenly, a lewd thought crosses my mind and I growled down at her through gritted teeth.

    "Stick out your tongue!" I ordered. "Show me you're fucking tongue Victoria."

    The stunning Puerto-Rican was only too happy to oblige, and without hesitating she immediately looked up at me and speared out her impressively long tongue.

    A moment later I erupted intensely, and before I could stop myself I proceeded to plaster her gorgeous mug with hot volcanic jizz, startling her momentarily, before she finally found the sense to shut her eyes and accept her gooey reward.

    I sprayed her face repeatedly, initially striking her in the right eye and nose before shooting several hot ropes of cum into the back of her throat and across her extended tongue.

    Panting heavily, I finally stopped to catch my breath and looked down at the outrageous mess I made, horrified yet strangely proud of myself. I couldn't remember the last time I had shot my load so hard or prematurely. Her once gorgeous face was now absolutely obliterated, dripping in man juice.

    "Shit. Sorry about that." I tried to apologize while putting away my spent cock.

    "It's okay." She snickered while trying to wipe it out of her eyes and hair. "I like it."

    I think she was just as surprised by the volume of spunk as I was. Fortunately for me Victoria seemed to see the funny side of receiving such a messy facial and got to her feet and washed her face.

    I waited for her to leave before I finally relieved my bladder, and almost cried out in rapturous bliss from the exquisite relief.

    Cleaning myself up, I was still astounded by the nights events. I had only been in the house for a few short hours but had already experienced one of the most remarkable nights of my entire life. I could only imagine what the weekend lay in store for me.

    Turning off the light, I moved through the house and noticed the lights were still on in the library, but nonetheless headed upstairs. It was when I walked down the hall that I heard the sound of the shower emanating in the background, and my immediately thought was of Victoria.

    I grinned slyly to myself as I imagined she was in the shower caressing herself, and pampering that remarkable body of hers. In fact the thought alone caused my cock to twitch to life again, and feeling randy I decide to sneak a peek inside and maybe join her for a few minutes to finish what we had started.

    "I'm sure she won't mind." I convinced myself.

    With that said I took a deep breath and carefully leaned on the door and quietly entered the steam filled room - only to gasp aloud as I realized the petite figure in the shower belonged to Selena Gomez?! be continued.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
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    That was super great. Thx! I hope that Uncle Rob will make pleasure for Selena too in next chapter! :)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
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    Whoaaa Baby! That message board plan session was well worth it! Thanks TPG; Cant wait for the rest of the chapters! Did we narrow it down to 5 or 6 sorority sluts again?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
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    great job TPG , I hope part two ...!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
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    god I was left on a high cliff after reading this can't wait to read the next installments.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
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    From chat to story. All the ideas, discussion, details, and eventual agreements had come together to make quite a truly anticipated story. You were definitely the right person to put it all together. Though obviously I noticed a few things changed, including the swap for JoJo, though admittedly I agree with that fully and loved her part in it so far. The transition between each girl flows smoothly and the back story was well done, just enough info but never overdoing it. Undoubtedly, for me, the scene with Victoria was the highlight in chapter one, incredibly hot. You weren't joking when you said you had a great idea for her part. Love the cliff-hanger, even though I know where it's going, I still highly anticipate seeing just exactly how you put that particular 'highly anticipated' scene into detail (though with the changes so far, maybe I don't know where it's going. =P) among the rest yet to come.

    Ultimately this is only going to get better and if Chapter 1 is any indication... the anticipation for chapter 2 is thoroughly worth it.

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