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Thread: "Third Wheel" Part 1 with Paris Berelc and Olivia Holt

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    fanfiction "Third Wheel" Part 1 with Paris Berelc and Olivia Holt

    Third Wheel
    Part 1

    With Paris Berelc and Olivia Holt
    By LemonTalk
    Codes: MF, text, public, mutual mast, exhib
    Disclaimer: The following is completely fiction; it never happened and never will
    A/N: Had one hot scene in my head with these two (which I haven't even written yet) and now it's turned into this two part story. Hope you like this one and, fingers crossed, Part 2 should be up soon.

    Most guys would think I was mad for being so infatuated with a seventeen-year-old girl I barely knew, especially since I was close to ten years her senior. But there was just something about Paris Berelc that drove me crazy.

    We'd only met in person once and even then it was very briefly, introduced by mutual friends at Coachella where the leggy starlet and I instantly hit it off and we'd been in constant contact ever since. Even so, we'd kept our friendship fairly low-key, mainly because of the age difference and the fact neither of us really knew what our 'relationship' really was.

    Paris had hinted several times that her friends would likely disapprove of me but thankfully, she'd ignored them and insisted she was more than mature enough to "take on an older guy" as she'd cryptically put it.

    Naturally I desperately wanted to meet up with her for a proper date but due to both our busy working schedules, in the months following the music festival our friendship had been limited to text messaging, late night, whispered phone conversations and even the occasional private photo.

    If anything it was the secretive nature of our relationship that kept me most interested, of course it helped that Paris was not only a gorgeous Disney starlet, she was also a grade-A tease who constantly kept me on edge, regularly sending me dirty messages in the middle of the work day.

    "So what do you think of this one?" she'd ask accompanied by a photo of herself in front of a dressing room mirror trying on yet another two-piece bikini.

    "Jesus, don't make me choose. Just buy them all!"

    "Aww, am I making you uncomfortable at work? Xx" she teased.

    "You always do and you know it..."

    "It's too much fun, getting you all worked up like this when you're in the office!"

    "You just wait until we do meet up and I finally get my hands on you!"

    "Hmm, I like the sound of that..."


    "Uh-huh, I need a strong pair of hands on me. ...even made me a little wet in here..."

    "Fucking hell, you're gunna get me in trouble Paris..."

    "I can't help it! Why don't we get in trouble together?"

    "What do you have in mind?"

    "In mind? ...I've already started."

    While we'd done stuff like this over the phone before, this was the first time she'd ever dared to do it in such a public place.

    "You're crazy," I replied while quickly making my way to the office bathrooms to lock myself in a stall.

    "This feels so naughty," she typed back. "I'm so wet I just wanna scream! This is my favourite store though so I better not, don't want to be banned, lol."

    "I think kicking you out would be the last thing the security guy who found you would be doing."

    "Fuck. There's a thought. Maybe I should scream a little, get their attention? Or would you get jealous?"

    "You can be a right little slut when you want to be y'know. Where are you fingers right now?" I asked impatiently, already knowing the answer.

    "Inside me, so fucking deep. I wish it was your cock instead though..."

    If I wasn't in another state I probably would have walked out of my job and driven straight to the mall to burst in on her in that very moment. But as it was I had to make do with the images she was conjuring in my head.

    "Are you stroking it for me?" she asked a moment later.

    "Yes, but I'm not sure how much longer I'm gunna last if you carry on like this."

    "Good boy, I just wish you were here right now. I shaved this morning and my pussy feels so good, I haven't been able to stop touching it all day!"

    "Jesus, there's an image..."

    "I'll send you a pic later, but I want you to cum for me first, make a mess of your fancy business suit!"

    "Fuck. I'm there..."

    A moment later I came, knowing that hundreds of miles away, in some clothing store dressing room, Paris Berelc was doing the exact same thing.

    "I hope you didn't scream too loud," I typed afterwards.

    "The bikini bottoms I put in my mouth helped with that," she teased back. "I guess I should probably buy them now."

    "Alright, definitely add 'department store changing room' to our list of places to visit when we find the time!"

    "Fuck. You'd really be brave enough?"

    "If you're involved? Absolutely."

    "Hmm, I'm gunna hold you to that! I got all of next week off so how about we finally make this thing official?"

    "Oh yeah? I thought you'd never ask, I'll be there!" I promised. I didn't care if I had to quit my job to make it work, she had me so worked up I probably would have agreed to anything.

    "Awesome, we'll sort something out. Now get back to work!"

    Over the next few days we arranged a firm date with Paris insisting we meet at the very same mall in the middle of the day. I'd only been joking about my dressing room comment but her plans made me wonder if perhaps she was actually serious and planned on revisiting them with me – not that I was about to start complaining.

    Fortunately I got the time off work so Monday night I flew out to Los Angeles, booked into a nice hotel and struggled to sleep, feeling strangely nervous about meeting up with the young starlet the next day.

    I arrived early, grabbed a coffee and waited at the pre-arranged spot but when I finally saw her approaching, I couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed. Not by Paris who'd come wearing the shortest pair of denim cut-offs I'd ever seen along with a loose white top that flashed her midriff with every other step. I was disappointed by the fact my leggy date hadn't come alone and was accompanied by a pretty young blonde, one of her friend's I recognised from Coachella.

    Although I disguised my disappointment, Paris immediately flashed me an apologetic look when she greeted me with a peck on the cheek.

    "You remember Olivia, right?" she beamed, doing the introductions.

    All things considered it wasn't so bad given Olivia Holt was an absolute stunner herself and there were definitely worse ways to spend a Tuesday afternoon than alone with the two young actresses. Or at least it would have been the case if Olivia was in a better mood.

    While Olivia went to get the girls a coffee, Paris took the opportunity to pull me aside and explain the situation.

    "I'm really sorry about this," she pouted. "There was all this stuff with her boyfriend and she didn't want to be alone so I couldn't leave her, but then I didn't want to cancel on you and—"

    "Hey, hey, relax! It's fine, really," I promised, cutting her exasperated ramble short.

    "Well I was thinking, it might be good to have her around anyway," she said, lowering her voice to a mischievous whisper.

    "Oh, why's that?"

    "Figured a lookout would be a good idea, y'know?"

    "A lookout? For what?" I asked dumbly, failing to catch on and making Paris roll her eyes.

    "Don't pretend you've forgotten. We're visiting that dressing room," she answered authoritatively. "I haven't been able to stop thinking about it all week. ...unless you're chickening out on me?"

    "Of course not! I just didn't realise you were serious about it," I stammered.

    "Good! And by the way," she leaned in close to whisper while Olivia approached us again, "—I shaved again just this morning."

    Her words sent a shiver down my spine and the look she gave me tempted me to push her onto the table and take her then and there.

    Frustratingly the store Paris planned to mess around in was on the other side of the mall so we were forced to stop off in every other shop on the way until my feet hurt and I was burdened with several bags of clothing. Of course I knew it would be worth it in the end and on the bright side, Olivia had cheered up considerably and maybe it was just her nature, but I could've sworn she'd started flirting with me, not that Paris seemed to mind.

    Finally we arrived at the store in question with Paris casting me a seductive smile before taking my hand and leading the three of us through the large clothing store, grabbing a few items to "try on" on the way.

    Since it was quiet there didn't seem to be any shop assistants at the changing rooms so after checking the coast was clear, Paris turned to Olivia.

    "Liv, keep an eye out for us."

    "Wait, hold on! Paris what are you doing?!" Olivia gasped when she saw her dragging me in with her.

    "Just warn us if anyone's coming, we won't be too long."

    "Are you insane? You can't!"

    "Ugh, it's just a bit of fun Liv," Paris said, rolling her eyes.

    "But what if you get caught?!"

    "We won't if you keep a look out for us!"

    "This isn't what I had in mind when we came out today," Olivia huffed, crossing her arms.

    "Well it's definitely what we had in mind," Paris winked before dragging me behind the curtain.

    In an instant I pressed my lips onto hers, the force of it pushing her back against the mirrored wall while we grappled with each other's clothes.

    We'd both been teasing each other for so long we didn't want to waste another second and the risky location barely even crossed my mind when I reached under her top to feel her perky, bra-less tits while she sighed into my mouth.

    "Let's see that shaven little pussy then," I whispered, fumbling with the buttons on her shorts while Paris busied her own hands feeling the stiff outline of my cock in my jeans.

    As soon as I was able to, I forced her shorts and panties down to her knees to expose her perfectly smooth, glistening cunt to my hungry eyes.

    "Fuck you're so hard..." she purred urgently. "Take it out, quick!"

    This wasn't at all what I'd expected our first time to be like. I'd always assumed I'd take my time with her, spend hours exploring every inch of her immaculate gymnast body. But I definitely wasn't complaining. The location and spontaneous nature of it was so hot I almost felt ready to burst as soon as Paris wrapped her hand around my thick cock.

    "Fuck yes, it's even bigger in real life!" she marvelled before lifting herself to her tiptoes and quickly guiding it between her petal-like lips.

    There was some brief resistance at the entrance to her tight hole but after some wiggling and force from both of us we gasped when I suddenly entered her, my fat cock sinking deep into her cunt until her eyes rolled back.

    "Holy shit, that's perfect," she groaned.

    It was an awkward position with her clothes still stretched around her knees but we made it work in our urgency.

    "Yes. Ugh. Yes! You like that?" she hissed in my ear. "Like fucking my tight teen pussy with that huge cock?!"

    I could only groan in response. Having her speak dirty through text messages was one thing but to have it whispered in my ear was something else entirely and the temptation to blow my load inside her almost overwhelmed me.

    "Fuck, sit down. I wanna ride this thing," she gasped, pushing me back onto the small wooden bench.

    In an instant Paris was on top of me, sliding herself back down on my cock, managing to take it even deeper than before. I simply sat there, holding onto her hips as she did all the work, bouncing and grinding against me in an effort to make us both cum as quickly as possible.

    "Guys would you hurry up in there?!" Olivia's voice suddenly hissed from the other side of the curtain.

    Paris and I were both far too distracted to bother replying although the reminder that Olivia was outside listening to us have sex made my cock throb deep inside Paris – something that didn't go unnoticed by the energetic teen.

    "It's turning you on isn't it? Having Liv out there?" she giggled.

    "And what about you?" I countered, "—would you really be this fucking wet if she wasn't out there?"

    "Ugh. Fuck. Maybe I should invite her in? She'd have you blowing real quick if she got on her knees and started cleaning this big cock off..."


    "And trust me, she's very talented with that pretty little mouth of hers," Paris added with a seductive wink. "...the things she does with that tongue. Ugh."

    "The security guy keeps looking at me weird," Olivia called out in a nervous voice as if on cue.

    Another minute passed with Paris starting to get sweaty as she continued to show off her amazing endurance, her hands on my shoulders and eyes closed as she concentrated on the rapid rhythm she'd built up to, slamming her ass down again and again.

    I had no idea how I was lasting so long myself, especially with Paris's casual admissions about Olivia, whether they were true or not I wasn't sure but they definitely painted a pretty picture in my head.

    With Paris aggressively riding me I was seeing so many stars and vivid images of the teen friends in various naked positions, I thought I was imagining it when the real Olivia suddenly ducked through the curtain.

    "Shit, uhh—sorry I thought he was coming over, I panicked..." she explained, blushing profusely at the sight and averting her gaze. Unfortunately for her with the mirrored walls it was almost impossible to look anywhere without getting a good eyeful.

    "Hmm, we were just talking about you..." Paris grinned over her shoulder.

    "...about what exactly?" Olivia asked hesitantly, leading me to wonder if perhaps there was some truth to what Paris had said afterall.

    "We just liked the idea of you listening in," Paris explained innocently. "...but watching us is even better!"

    "Alright well I'm here now so can you please just hurry up, they're gunna catch you sooner or later."

    "Come over here," Paris whispered, holding a hand out.

    At this point she'd slowed down to a snail's pace, slowly rising and falling on my slick member as she tried to convince her friend to cooperate.

    "Errr—no I'm fine over here thanks," Olivia insisted, crossing her arms defiantly.

    "C'mon Liv, when was the last time you did something crazy? Had some real fun?"

    "I have fun all the time!" Olivia remarked defensively.

    "Bullshit," I heard myself blurt out.

    It seemed me calling her out got more of a rise out of her than anything given I'd only known her a few short hours and could already see right through her.

    "C'mon, get that hot little ass over here," Paris repeated more firmly with a grin on her face.

    Olivia gave it another seconds thought, thoughtfully running her tongue over her teeth before giving in.

    "Fine, but only because it'll get us out of here faster."

    But the moment she took Paris's hand she gasped when she was forcefully pulled over and kissed squarely on the lips!

    I almost came that very second watching the girls tongue wrestle. Olivia lost herself practically immediately, sighing lustfully into Paris's open mouth and even reaching over to squeeze one of her friend's breasts through her top.

    "Ngh—I like that," Paris grunted. "Keep touching me..."

    As soon as they broke apart Olivia seemed like a different person, there was lust in her eyes as her hands began to explore Paris's fit body and she kissed her way down her slender neck. With Paris now otherwise distracted I took control, holding onto her waist and began to jackhammer into her sopping pussy, making her moan.

    "I never thought you were this much of a slut, Paris," Liv purred in a sultry whisper. "Taking this big cock like that in public..."

    "Bitch, you can hardly talk," Paris smirked back, her voice gasping.

    "What was that?" Olivia growled as she suddenly nibbled at Paris's ear and brought one hand up to her throat, choking her gently.

    Despite being deep inside Paris I suddenly felt like a simple bystander. Their roles had suddenly reversed with Liv now in control who seemed to know exactly what Paris liked and how to get her off as quickly as possible. All I had to do was continue to piston into her while Liv worked her magic, squeezed her throat a little harder and reached down to twiddle her clit until finally Paris shrieked out and came.

    "F—fuck I need to cum!" I grunted desperately as Paris continued to gush all over my shiny cock while Olivia's fingers continued to rub her and inadvertently brush against my cock.

    "Feed it to her," Olivia instructed, speaking to me for the first time before turning back to her breathless friend. "Get on your knees and swallow it!"

    Paris simply nodded obediently, her body still twitching from the aftershocks of her intense orgasm before sliding down and taking my throbbing cock into her hot mouth.

    Almost the second her tongue flicked against me I came, spurting a white flood into her pretty face and making her choke on it. Despite the burning eye contact I was getting from Paris I couldn't resist glancing up to see Olivia's reaction to watching her friend hungrily gulp down my thick load.

    The way she was smiling and biting her lower lip as she watched Paris diligently swallow and lick my cock clean only made me pulse harder until I was completely spent.

    To my surprise Olivia instantly snapped out of it and began hurrying us to get dressed and leave.

    "Alright you've had your fun, let's get outta here."

    A minute later we stepped out and I had to wonder what was going through the nearby security guy's mind as we walked out, Paris and I sweaty and dishevelled while even Olivia was rather flushed and more than a little breathless.

    "Fucking hell, what if he recognised us?!" Olivia asked in a panic while we quickly made our way to the parking lot.

    "Relax of course he didn't," Paris promised, a wide unbreakable smile on her face.

    "I'd love to see his face the next time his kids put the Disney channel on and see you two on there," I couldn't help but joke.

    Thankfully Olivia managed to crack a smile at that just as we reached my car.

    "I can't believe you guys just did that," she said, shaking her head in disbelief.

    "Hey you were just as involved!"

    "I—I just needed to get you out of there quickly," Olivia claimed defensively.

    "Sure, you keep telling yourself that," Paris teased.

    "Well it definitely worked," I added. "Never expected to see that side of you that's for sure."

    "Trust me, I'm full of surprises," she winked back before following Paris into the back of my car.

    "So where to, ladies?" I asked after climbing into the driver's seat.

    "Back to mine," Paris replied as if it were obvious. "I've got the place to myself so a swim in the pool and some drinks sounds good to me."

    Looking at them in the rear-view Olivia didn't seem bothered about where we were taking her, already engrossed in her phone while Paris threw me a final seductive wink telling me today was only just getting started.

    To be continued...

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    Don't even know what to say, that was so fucking hot!!

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    So Hot ! Can't wait for Pt 2

  5. #4
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    Amazing, I'm eagerly awaiting part two.

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