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Thread: "Daddy's Girl" with Olivia Holt

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    fanfiction "Daddy's Girl" with Olivia Holt

    Daddy's Girl
    with Olivia Holt

    By LemonTalk
    Codes: MF, inc, blowjob, tease
    Disclaimer: The following is completely fiction; it never happened and never will
    A/N: Because why should Liv's brother get all the fun?

    My sweet, famous daughter had been acting strange ever since her sudden break-up with her relatively long term boyfriend. I didn't know the full details of what fell apart and didn't like to ask – it was usually her mom she went to in confidence to discuss the topic of boys.

    Naturally I hated seeing Olivia like this, moping around the house and acting nothing like her usual, bubbly self. It almost made me want to pay her ex a visit to give him a piece of my mind but I knew it would only make things worse. In essence I felt useless and would have done anything to cheer her up and see her pretty smile again.

    The chance to do so arose just a few days later. With my wife, Kim and son, Cade out for the day at some school event, Olivia and I were left home alone and I decided this would be the perfect opportunity to take her out for the day for some father/daughter bonding.

    "Ugh. Do we have to?" she whined when I woke her up to tell her my plans – not exactly the reaction I was hoping for.

    "It'll be fun!" I told her, giving her a poke while she snuggled into her warm bed sheets. "Besides it's about time you got out of the house."

    "I'm too comfy!"

    That first poke quickly turned into a few more until I was tickling her, making Olivia thrash and shriek with laughter on the bed, begging me to stop. Her and her bed were a dishevelled mess by the time I let up and allowed her to catch her breath.

    "You're so annoying, dad!" she accused playfully while finally throwing her covers off to get up.

    I immediately felt I had to look away. I had no idea my daughter slept so scantily clad, especially in the middle of winter – little more than a floaty crop-top and a pair of panties.

    "Let me just take a quick shower, I'll be down in a minute," Olivia said, approaching her wardrobe to choose an outfit as if it were perfectly natural to walk around in her underwear in front of her father.

    Being her father, I instantly felt incredibly ashamed of myself when, with her back to me, my eyes dropped to her ass to admire the way her panties clung to her young curves.

    "Okay, I'll leave you to it," I stammered, trying to sound natural. "Just make sure it's not one of your hour long showers."

    "Yeah, whatever."

    An hour later, Olivia came sloping into the kitchen, positively glowing while flashing a little midriff in a skin-hugging grey top and jeans, her favourite leather jacket in her arms.

    "What happened to 'quick shower'?" I asked, pouring her a cup of coffee.

    "I guess I lost track of time," she smiled apologetically.

    After a quick bite to eat, we grabbed our stuff and jumped in the car.

    "So, where are you taking me?" she asked.

    "I dunno, where do you want to go? What do you want to do?"

    "Huh? I thought you had it planned!"

    "What, you expected me to know what a 19-year-old girl likes to do in her spare time?"

    "Hey you do alright dad," my daughter assured me. "—for your age I mean."

    "In that case you better pick something quick or we'll be going for guided tours around the most boring museums I can find."

    "Ugh, I dunno, shopping I guess?" Olivia shrugged.

    "Shopping? Rodeo Drive it is then," I nodded, taking the next right.

    "We can do something else, I wouldn't put you through that."

    "Anything to put a smile on my favourite daughter's face," I grinned.

    "I'm your only daughter."

    "Favourite by default still makes you my favourite."

    Olivia rolled her eyes but smiled nonetheless.

    I didn't show it of course but I soon came to regret agreeing to a day of shopping as we browsed countless expensive stores with Olivia finding several items which took her fancy leaving me burdened with bags.

    "We can go do something else if you like," she offered at one point.

    I refused and insisted we keep going, it was the happiest I'd seen her in weeks. She hugged me tightly and didn't stop holding my hand as we wandered through the next few shops. In fact she didn't let me go until she spotted a little black dress, grabbing it off the rail and dragging me over to the fitting rooms.

    I slumped down into one of the seats they'd thankfully placed there for guys like me and waited a few minutes before I heard Olivia calling out for me.

    "You alright in there?" I asked from the other side of the curtain.

    "Yeah, I just—nggh—I can't reach the zipper on this thing," she complained. "Can you give me a hand?"

    With the place deserted I slipped through the curtain to see Olivia struggling with the tiny number. It was clearly inappropriate, far too short and far too tight on her young, hot body but I held my tongue when I saw how pleased she appeared to be, probably needing a confidence boost like this after her boyfriend had left her.

    Lifting her blonde hair, she turned her back to me so I could do her up. To my shame my hands were actually shaking a little as I pulled the zip up, my fingers grazing her warm, soft skin as I followed the arch of her back.

    "Aah, your hands are so cold!" she gasped quietly.

    "Sorry, this zip is really tight, are you sure it's the right size?"

    "Hey, what are you trying to say?!"

    "Oh no, I didn't mean—" I immediately tried to backtrack before seeing Olivia's cheeky smirk reflected at me in the mirror.

    "It's meant to be this tight," she explained once I was done and she gave a little twirl. "What do you think?"

    "I don't think I'm the one to ask," I muttered non-committedly.

    "Why not?" she pouted. "Don't you like it?"

    "It would just be...inappropriate," I told her, struggling to find the right words.

    "How come?" she grinned wickedly, finally catching on.


    "I'd say if it can even get my own daddy all hot and bothered, I'm definitely buying this dress."

    Olivia's voice had dropped to a husky whisper and she was taking a step closer towards me. I found myself flushing red and feeling hot under the collar. It was behaviour I'd seen countless times before from her flirtatious friends – I'd never dreamed my own daughter was just like the rest of them.

    "That's enough, Olivia," I said firmly, trying to sound authoritative.

    "I was only messing, dad!" she said, instantaneously switching back to her usual voice. "Help me out of this thing and we can go get something to eat, I'm starving!"

    I gulped and attempted to push the past few minutes out of my mind while Liv turned her back to me again so I could unzip her. I stepped forward and took a hold of the zipper while she pulled her hair over one shoulder but it was in that moment, stood right behind her, that my daughter purposely jutted her ass out and unabashedly grinded herself against my crotch.

    I'd been doing my best to hide it but there was no denying how stiff I'd gotten thanks to Olivia's sexy dress and playful antics.

    "Whoa, guess this dress really does look good on me, huh dad?" she giggled over her shoulder while I jumped away.

    "Stop it, Olivia." I repeated.


    "Because! It''s just..."

    "Inappropriate?" she finished mockingly, turning to face me.

    With her dress now undone it was loose and threatening to slip down her body. I found a part of me even wishing it would.

    "We're going home," I decided, attempting to back away.

    But to my surprise, Olivia took charge again, grabbing my arm in a firm grip and holding me where I was. Her dark, seductive eyes locked with mine as her hand moved from my wrist to my belt, giving it a sharp tug to pull me closer.

    "No we're not," she whispered, the spoiled, teen side of her emerging. "I want this dad, I love you."

    I found myself rendered absolutely speechless as my pretty, innocent daughter slipped her hand into my jeans and I felt her grasp my huge erection directly, all while she confidentially looked straight into my eyes, making it clear she knew exactly what she was doing.

    "Olivia—" I started, raising a hand to push her away but she stopped me.

    "Please dad, you said you'd do anything to make me happy," she pleaded softly.

    "I would but...this isn't exactly what I had in mind."

    "Trust me, it'll make you just as happy as it does me."

    With how good her soft, young hand felt around my cock already, I didn't doubt that but I still felt I had to be the voice of reason here, my teenage daughter obviously wasn't thinking straight.

    That being said, all rhyme or reason flew out the door when Olivia's dress finally slipped down her shoulders and exposed her two, pert teen breasts. They looked divine and she looked downright angelic now stood before me topless, jerking my cock in my pants with her blonde locks framing her face.

    She caught me looking and smiled.

    "You can touch them if you like, I don't mind."

    "...I shouldn't."

    But as I spoke, Olivia was already using her spare hand to guide me to her chest where I stroked and squeezed her young boob, making us both gasp quietly.

    "Ooh, I like that, it feels really good," she encouraged in a soft voice.

    After a few glorious minutes of this, Olivia wanted more.

    "I think it's only fair I saw this thing now," she told me.

    I found it hard to argue at this point and simply watched silently as she unzipped me and shoved my pants to my knees leaving my massive erection trapped and hidden just in my boxer-briefs.

    "Wh—what are you doing?" I stammered when Olivia suddenly dropped to her knees to examine my package more closely.

    "You're huge, dad!" she marvelled, her hand coming up to stroke the outline of my cock, a wet spot already forming at the tip where I'd leaked pre-cum.

    I could only groan when Olivia leant forward and planted a wet kiss right on the head of my cock, giving me a tease of what her lips felt like through the thin material of my underwear.

    Unfortunately I'd entirely forgotten where we were and my loud groan had alerted a suspicious sales assistant who knocked outside our cubicle and asked if everything was alright.

    "Everything's fine, we're just finishing up!" Olivia chirped back while I was in a total state of panic, pulling my pants back up.

    "I'll wait for you outside," I muttered, struggling to even look my daughter in the eye and desperate to get out of there before she began changing.

    Naturally I received an odd look from the sales assistant and had to simply pray he hadn't heard everything and worked out we were father and daughter.

    A few minutes later Olivia remerged, beaming happily as if she didn't have a care in the world while she paid for the dress at the register and we made our escape.

    Olivia of course found the whole thing hilarious as I hurried us to the car, picking up some drive thru on the way home.

    "Did you see that guy's face, the one who almost caught us?" she giggled. "You know, I reckon he was a little jealous of you."

    Despite myself, I couldn't help but join in with her infectious laughter as we shared lunch in the fast food restaurant's parking lot.

    "As amusing as you think it was Liv, you have to promise you never tell anyone," I said, turning serious again.

    "Our little secret, daddy," she grinned.

    "...and it can never, ever happen again, you hear?" I continued, ignoring the seductive way she was still looking at me.

    Olivia gave a non-committal shrug and no matter how much I pestered her, she refused to promise it wouldn't happen again but before I could get too angry with my wayward daughter, my phone rang with her mom checking up on us.

    I shared a brief conversation with my wife, telling her what we'd been up to, (excluding the obvious), and agreeing to pick up some things from the grocery store on the way home.

    By the time our jobs were done and we got back, Kim was busy in the kitchen while Olivia went and joined Cade in the living room to watch some TV.

    It was a strange feeling greeting my wife. I'd been a loyal husband for almost twenty years but now, not only had I strayed, it had been with our very own teenage daughter!

    Luckily she didn't suspect a thing but that didn't mean the family dinner that followed wasn't the longest, most awkward meal of my life, especially with Olivia sat opposite me, constantly giving me the eye.

    "You'll have to show me what you bought today Liv," her mom was saying.

    "Uh-huh, yeah I got this really cute dress," Olivia gushed enthusiastically.

    'Cute' definitely wouldn't have been the word I'd have described it but I didn't say a word and kept well out of the conversation.

    After dinner the ladies went upstairs so Olivia could try on and show off her new outfits while Cade and I cleared up. Surprisingly I didn't see Liv again for the rest of the night as she chose to stay in her bedroom, probably chatting to friends or browsing the web.

    "That was sweet of you, taking Liv shopping today," Kim whispered later on in bed. "She seems more like herself already."

    "Yeah well, I guess I can't help spoiling her, can I?" I shrugged, not really wanting to risk talking about our eventful day out.

    "That dress though...the black one?" my wife continued.

    "Uhh—yeah, what about it?" I asked nervously, rolling over to face her.

    "Do you really think she should be wearing it?"

    "Why not?"

    "It's hardly appropriate, you know what guys are like."

    "Maybe...but you should have seen how happy she was in it."

    "I just don't want anyone taking advantage of her because she's dressed like that."

    "I wouldn't worry, our girl can look after herself, trust me."

    "I suppose..." Kim murmured but she still sounded concerned.

    "Besides, it'll probably go in her closet and never come out again, you know what she's like."

    "—and when it does come out, it'll be my job to be the bad guy again and tell her she can't wear it!"

    "Exactly," I grinned.

    "You're just trying to make sure she's a proper daddy's girl, aren't you?" Kim teased playfully, having no idea the thoughts it caused to run through my head.

    "You can have Cade," I replied, thinking quickly and making her laugh.

    We chatted a little while longer before she leaned in to kiss me while I switched the light off.

    It must have been a good few hours later that I was stirred awake. I groggily refused to open my eyes but the creak of a floorboard caught my attention. I almost jumped out of my skin when I saw a figure standing over me on my side of the bed.

    "Dad? You awake?"

    "Jesus, I am now," I panted while Olivia giggled softly. "Are you alright, what's wrong?"

    "I couldn't sleep," she pouted.

    It had been years since she'd come to us when she struggled sleeping so I immediately knew she was up to something.

    "Go back to bed, Liv."

    "It's so cold in my room though, can't I get in with you?" she asked hopefully.

    "Err—I don't think that's a good idea," I replied, keeping my voice low and ensuring Kim was still fast asleep.

    "Why not, don't think you could handle it?" she purred, suddenly turning seductive again.

    "Don't," I warned.

    As my eyes became accustomed to the dark, I noticed she was wearing the same sleeping outfit she'd been in this morning, just a loose-fitting crop-top and panties although the ones she wore now seemed far more lacy and sheer than the ones I'd seen earlier on.

    "Don't what?" she whispered. "Don't you want to finish what we started?"

    "I told you, never again."

    "I never agreed to that, remember?" she shrugged before nonchalantly pulling her top over her head to stand over me topless.

    "Jesus Liv," I hissed, glancing over my shoulder at my sleeping wife. "Put that back on!"

    "Make me."

    Despite her attitude and the dangerous situation I was in, or perhaps because of those things, I was hard as steel under the covers, a fact my daughter quickly discovered for herself when she knelt down and slipped a roaming hand under the sheets.

    "Wow, you feel even harder than earlier daddy," she snickered.

    "Not here Liv," I almost pleaded, giving up on fighting her. "What if your mom wakes up?"

    "I just need to see it, I never got a chance earlier and I can't stop thinking about it," she explained while pushing my covers off me.

    I could only watch, spellbound as my rebellious, topless daughter climbed onto my bed to settle between my legs while she toyed with the waistband of my shorts.

    "So can I have a peek, daddy?" she smiled up at me.

    With one final check on my wife I reluctantly nodded in the affirmative. Without wasting another second, Olivia peeled my shorts down, causing my cock to spring out so forcefully I almost slapped her across her pretty face.

    "Holy shit!"

    I opened my mouth, moments away from instinctively scolding her for her language before realising that was the least of my worries about the true nature of my once innocent daughter.

    Gently, she stroked my manhood in her comparatively tiny hand, amazed by its girth and hardness. Olivia had only had a few boyfriends that I knew of, so there was no doubt in my mind given her reaction that I possessed the biggest cock she'd ever seen in her young life and was completely captivated by it.

    "I love how hard you get for me, dad," she whispered, her face so close to my penis I felt her breath on the swollen head. "Does mom not take care of you enough or something?"

    "Don't Liv," I cautioned her. "—don't talk about your mother like that."

    "I'll take that as a no then."

    "Jesus, what's gotten into you Olivia?" I grunted, her leisurely stroking gradually getting to me and making me squirm.

    "Nothing...yet," she winked.

    We didn't say anything for another full minute but I didn't take my eyes off her as she jerked my cock with two hands, watching it throb and leak pre-cum until she bit her lip thoughtfully.

    "Does mom ever put this thing in her mouth?" she asked bluntly.

    "Wha—I said not to talk about your mom," I reminded her.

    "I'll take that as a no as well then."

    "That's not what I said..."

    "Shh, stop talking, dad. You don't want to wake mom up do you?"

    I held my tongue and decided to lie back and close my eyes. Maybe if I stopped responding she'd eventually get bored of me, she was probably just after a reaction afterall – or so I told myself.

    Of course, it became incredibly difficult not to react a moment later when I felt Olivia's wet tongue trace the underside of my shaft from base to tip.

    "Oh God," I breathed as a shiver went up my spine and she swirled her hot tongue around the head of my cock, slurping pre-cum into her mouth.

    "I love giving head by the way," she informed me softly.

    "Fucking hell, you shouldn't tell me stuff like that, you're my daughter," I grunted in frustration.

    "There's a lot of things I shouldn't do because I'm your daughter," the smart-mouthed blonde retorted while suckling on the spongy bell-end.

    I'd given up. As always, Olivia was getting her own way, and if that meant sucking her own father's cock, then so be it and that's exactly what she did.

    While I no longer resisted her, the difficulty came in trying to stay silent and still what with my wife still sound asleep. If I didn't know any better, it was like Olivia was trying to wake her mother up what with her noisy sucking and slurping and the occasional muffled moan as she dragged her glossy, soft lips up and down my shaft or slapped my meat against her wet, extended tongue.

    After everything, my flirtatious daughter continued to surprise me and appeared to have no qualms about getting nice and messy, incorporating plenty of spit as she treated me to the intense, forbidden blowjob.

    I couldn't help but think that she was only nineteen yet was already giving her mother a run for her money with her oral aptitude.

    It came as no to surprise that I only lasted a few minutes or so of Olivia choking and gagging herself on my long cock before I felt my impending release.

    "Liv—ugh—Liv wait," I grunted in rapture.

    "Mmphff—cum!" she begged, rapidly jerking my slimy cock into her open mouth. "I want that load daddy!"

    Looking into my daughter's eyes there was nothing else to do but jerk my hips, thrashing wildly as I spilled my seed all over her extended tongue. I came so hard several thick, creamy spurts rocketed out to soil her beautiful face, making her gasp and flinch as I covered her.

    Never in my life had I seen such a sexy and wanton display of lust as Olivia moaned gleefully and continued to pump my cock, ensuring she got every single drop of my cum, the last of which oozed out over her fingers while she swallowed hard.

    She was a complete mess yet smiled through it while I lay there practically comatose as she got up and pulled the covers back over me.

    "I think we'll both be able to sleep much better now," she smiled sweetly before happily skipping off without another word, my load still plastered on her face...

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