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Thread: "The Black" with Hailee Steinfeld and Victoria Justice

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    fanfiction "The Black" with Hailee Steinfeld and Victoria Justice

    The Black Ch. 1
    With Hailee Steinfeld and Victoria Justice
    Written by Harbinger
    Codes: F/F, reluctant, seduced, submission, oral, fingering, spanking
    Disclaimer: This story is 100% fiction and not monetized.

    A large, dark hulking mass slowly drifts towards the quiet harbor under cover of darkness, just as the ship's captain planned. By the time the sentries atop the fort could notice, it would be too late; launches with the raiding vanguard would already be halfway to the docks, and the gun crews still aboard the ship would already be zeroed in on the fort's batteries.

    The captain's lips curled into a predatory smile as the command to open fire and awake the port city was given. Cannons on the ship opened up with a blazing roar, bombarding the old stone fort for maximum damage. The small boats were nearly to the docks, not making a sound until the men were already running down the planks of the boardwalk towards the unsuspecting town.

    "Do not disturb me until I have my prize, Mr. Lucious," the captain ordered before turning and entering the large cabin on the back of the ship. "I want my prize unharmed."

    "Aye, Captain," the giant African said with a nod of his head. "It's only a matter of time."

    The sound of far off cannon fire woke the sleeping heiress with a start.

    "What the fuck is going on?" she asked in her quiet room.

    Rising out of bed, Hailee quickly slipped on shoes and a robe to go over her night dress before leaving the safety of her dark room.

    Padding down the hallway, she looked over the railing of the third floor and down to the entryway, the colonial militia tasked with guarding her were running about, attempting to barricade the mansion's entrance.

    "What's going on out there?" Hailee yelled, fright beginning to grip her at their urgency.

    "We're under attack, madam," one of them shouted back as they propped more furniture against the door.

    "By whom?" Hailee asked, making her way down the stairs.

    "Dirty pirates!" the same soldier exclaimed. "No doubt they'll come here for plunder, God help us."

    "Surely the fort will offer enough protection?" she asked, not sure at all.

    "Unlikely, Miss Steinfeld,' one answered. "Raiders are already ashore and sacking the town."

    "Fuck," Hailee mumbled under her voice. "Where is my father?"

    "At the fort, where we should get you. It's under heavy fire, but putting you in the cells beneath the fort is the safest place for you."

    "Agreed," Hailee said with a nod. "The door's been barricaded. How am I getting out?"

    "We have a secret passage through the larder that we can..." His explanation was cut off by screaming and pounding outside the door. "They're already here," he groaned, running a hand down his face.

    The sound of glass shattering around them raised their sense of urgency, spurring them into action, but grizzled men were already climbing through the windows on different levels of the mansion, their grappling hooks making the barricaded doors a wasted effort.

    "Fuck," Hailee cursed as the few guards circled around her.

    "Protect the mistress at all costs!" the sergeant barked, a pistol and a saber both drawn.

    Hailee was frozen with fear, her own death and torture had never been so near, looking her directly in the eyes in the visage of savage men, and even a few women.

    One man stepped forward, tapping the tip of his sword on the ground. "How 'bout everyone here surrenders? Drop yer weapons, and we can all quietly go the ship and meet the captain. No bloodshed, nobody gets hurt, eh?"

    "Over my dead body," the sergeant sneered.

    "Do you really want the girlie to see that?" the pirate asked, raising his sword, all of his men raising their weapons as well. "It won't be pretty, and the captain would hate for his prize to be... damaged in any way."

    The sergeant looked over his shoulder at the poor young woman whose fate seemed to be darkening by the second.

    "Stand down, Sergeant. We've no hope of rescuing me, and there's no reason you and your men should die for what is inevitable," she said, resting a hand on his shoulder.

    The sergeant nodded and lowered his weapons, his men doing the same.

    "Smart girl," the pirate in charge said. "The captain's going to like you."

    "Tell me about your captain," Hailee tried as her guard were ordered to remove the barricade they had set up.

    "No. The captain likes to remain anonymous," the pirate said with a smirk. "You'll learn all about the captain soon enough.

    "Captain," Lucious called through the door, pounding on the wood. "The raiding crew has returned... full handed.

    The captain smiled wolfishly and pushed the doors open before confidently striding out, heavy boots thundering across the floor before hitting the stairs down to the main deck. Slow, methodic but heavy footfalls made the entire crew and the prisoners give their full attention to the captain's approach.

    The captain was not what any prisoner expects. The captain wasn't a demon, a ghostly figure or a gnarled man from the depths of hell, but a beautiful woman with long dark brunette hair that fell sleek down her back. Intelligent brown eyes scanned the prisoners, full ruby red lips graced her stern face as she scrutinized every prisoner as she looked for her top prize.

    In the center of the soldiers was whom she was looking for, a brunette woman in a robe and a night dress, naturally beautiful without any of the day's makeup to hide her real shine.

    "You. You're clearly not the governor," the captain said, pushing the soldiers aside and grabbing her dainty wrist roughly.

    "Of course not," the young woman shot back, trying to pull her hand away from the shorter but stronger captain. "I'm the governor's daughter."

    "Where the fuck is Governor Steinfeld?" the captain barked with a tone that sounded like it should belong to a much larger woman.

    "The governor is still in the fort, Captain," Mr. Lucious answered. "The fort could not be breached without great loss."

    "Absolute shame," the captain said, shaking her head, allowing moonlight to catch the gold hoops she wore in each ear. "I'll settle for his daughter, then. I'm sure he'll pay any price to have his lovely daughter back," the captain said with a smirk. "What's your name, girl?"

    "Hailee Steinfeld, Captain," Hailee said with a deep curtsy.

    "Such manners aboard a pirate ship!" the captain laughed, her crew following suit. "Welcome aboard the Gambit, Ms. Steinfeld. I'm Captain Justice, and this is my ship," she explained, turning her back on her new guests, the ruffled sleeves of her white blouse swishing dramatically. "Won't you join me for a late supper?" It wasn't a question.

    Lucious grabbed Hailee's hand and nearly dragged her up the stairs behind Justice.

    Captain Justice threw open the doors to her quarters and Lucious almost threw Hailee inside, stepped in behind the women, and closed the doors with a bang.

    "I apologize for not having a proper feast ready for you, Ms. Steinfeld, you look famished regardless," Captain Justice said. "Behind closed doors, you may call me Victoria."

    "I am rather hungry, Victoria," Hailee admitted as she took the seat at a small table that Victoria motioned too.

    "A glass of port, perhaps?" she asked, picking up a bottle and a small cup. "I don't have anything that you would see at your father's table, but it satisfies my peasant belly well enough," Victoria said, striding to the table with her leather pants encased legs.

    "Port is more than suitable, Captain," Hailee said, almost too happily, hoping some libation would help calm her nerves in front of the beautiful but commanding captain.

    Once both women were served their glasses, Victoria took her seat across the table and put her feet up on the table, her high-top leather boots making a raucous as they hit the tabletop.

    "What am I to do with you, Ms. Steinfeld?" Victoria asked.

    "Ransom me back to my father, I assume?" Hailee asked, taking a sip. "Was that not the point of my capture?"

    "It was. At first."

    Hailee froze, the glass still at her lips as her own brown eyes grew wide.

    Victoria smiled at the poor thing. "Don't worry, Ms. Steinfeld. I won't have you harmed, as that will decrease your value if I choose to sell you back to your father."

    "What else would you do with me?" Hailee asked, beyond confused.

    Victoria let her eyes scan over every part of Hailee that she could see, hoping that action alone would answer Hailee's question.

    "No..." Hailee whispered, fear making her heartbeat increase to a frightening tempo.

    "You're a gorgeous little thing, Ms. Steinfeld, and I feel I would be remiss if I didn't... appreciate a piece of art fully."

    "Please, don't give me to them!" Hailee begged in a nearly controlled voice. "I thought you said harming me would decrease my value."

    "It would," Victoria confirmed. "That's why I'm not going to give you to my crew," she said with a wicked smile. She swung her feet of the table and leaned forward, her billowing shirt flashing Hailee her cleavage. "But if I have at you, who would be able to tell?"

    "I would prefer not to be sullied at all, Captain," Hailee said, swallowing deeply as she rose from her chair.

    Victoria was also on her feet, in front of the taller girl in a flash, forcefully pressing her up against the wall. "What's wrong Princess? Afraid I'll bite," Victoria teased, her breath hot on Hailee's neck.

    "Don't call me that. I'm not a princess," Hailee argued, trying to keep any strength.

    "Yes, you fucking are," Victoria almost spat, cupping Hailee's face and making her look at her. "You were born with a silver spoon in your mouth. You have lived in luxury every moment of your life up to this moment." Victoria applied pressure with her fingertips, making Hailee open her mouth. Victoria spit in the younger woman's mouth. "Remember that on this ship, nobody gives a shit about who you are, Princess. You are a pile of gold to them, and that is it."

    Tears pricked Hailee's eyes as she nodded her understanding. This was Captain Victoria Justice's ship, and her world. Hailee was helplessly over her head. She was just hoping Victoria would leave her alone to cry for a while, but she wasn't that lucky.

    "Look at you," Victoria giggled. "Already about to cry and I haven't even done anything yet. You wouldn't last five minutes if I gave you to my crew. They would strip you in seconds and fuck you unconscious, and then they'd keep going."

    Hailee opened her mouth again, but nothing came out. She was petrified and didn't want to antagonize the testy pirate queen any further.

    "No witty retort? Not going to beg me to keep you safe from the dozens of cocks out there?" Victoria questioned. "Are you a whore, princess?"

    Hailee shook her head vigorously. "No, I'm not a whore. I'm terrified," she said honestly.

    "Oh princess," Victoria said with mock concern. She raised herself up on her tiptoes, so their lips were millimeters apart. "I can keep you safe. The men and women out there are very loyal to me. I tell them to leave you alone for maximum payout, and they obey. I tell them to fuck the hell out of you if you step out of line, they also obey. So, the question is whether or not you will obey."

    "I'll... I'll obey," Hailee accepted her fate weakly, barely finding the strength to meet the captain's pretty brown eyes.

    "Good," Victoria said softly, closing the last distance to kiss Hailee's lips. She lingered only a second before Hailee caught up and kissed her back. "You passed the first test," Victoria said, pulling back with a smile before running a finger along Hailee's lips. "I'm going to enjoy this mouth."

    Hailee closed her eyes and shuddered, thinking about whatever that could mean. Hailee felt trapped, as if the weight of the sea beneath her was suddenly on top of her.

    "Would you like to sleep in here with me tonight, or down in the brig?" Victoria asked like it was a real option, though it wasn't much of a choice at all.

    Hailee slowly looked up and studied her captor, waiting for some kind of extra punchline to hit her in the gut. "I'll stay here... with you," she gave in.

    "Good choice, princess," Victoria smiled as she began to loosen the tie at the front of her blouse, opening the shirt further than it had already been. She untucked it from her leather pants and carelessly tugged it over her head, baring her breasts.

    Hailee gasped just audibly enough to make Victoria giggle. "Do you like what you see, Princess? And don't fucking lie to me, because I'll make you regret it."

    "I... I like what I see, Captain," Hailee admitted, needed to admit.

    "Come here, Princess," Victoria ordered, pointing in front of her. Hailee did as told, and Victoria smirked. She reached forward and pushed the robe from Hailee's shoulders and watched as it pooled on the floor.

    "What are you doing?" Hailee nearly stammered.

    "We're getting ready for bed," Victoria answered simply. "Are you taking this off, or am I cutting it off you?"

    "Can... can you help me with the ties in the back?" Hailee asked, turning around. She shivered at the giggle that came out of Victoria's mouth and hated herself for wanting to hear it again.

    Victoria's fingers made quick work of the ties at Hailee's back, kissing the column of her neck, and slowly pushed the shoulders of the night gown down Hailee's slender arms. "You're going to find out how much more comfortable it is to sleep naked than in this stupid thing."

    "We're going to sleep together naked?" Hailee asked but was answered by feeling clothe slide down over her breasts, and then her belly.

    "Mhmm," Victoria confirmed as she kissed Hailee's shoulders and upper back as her hands drifted around Hailee to gently cup her breasts.

    Hailee gasped and closed her eyes, going stiff as a board in the pirate captain's arms. "Please, Captain..." Hailee whined but didn't know where that plea was going to end.

    "Please what?" Victoria teased, lightly biting Hailee's earlobe, gently massaging Hailee's chest with both hands.

    "I can't..." Hailee protested breathlessly.

    "Why not? Because the world out there says no, or because you want to say no?" Victoria challenged before running her tongue up and down Hailee's exposed neck, and then bit her shoulder.

    "We can't. It's so wrong," Hailee continued to argue, moving her hands to rest on Victoria's but didn't try to pull them off of her.

    "This is my ship, and my rules. We talked about that," the devilish captain parried. "Anything I want to do is what's right," she said, her fingers brushing over Hailee's nipples, enjoying how peaked they'd become. "And think you're liking this," she teased, slowly trailing one hand down her midsection, slipping past the bunched-up night gown at her waist.

    "Captain..." Hailee tried again, but she had total cottonmouth, and her words were deserting her.

    "Yes, Princess?" Victoria asked again as her fingers just brushed the top of Hailee's angel hair. "Ask for it. Tell me you want me to touch you," she ordered, holding her hand still.

    "T... touch me, Captain," Hailee said, both her hands holding Victoria's slim wrist.

    "As you ask, Princess," Victoria teased, her teeth nipping Hailee's flushed skin at her shoulder and she moved her hand the final distance to find Hailee's slick, hot opening. "So wet for your captain. You are a little whore, aren't you?"

    "No, Captain," Hailee shook her head, but didn't try to move.

    "It's okay, Princess, I won't tell anyone you're a whore. You can be my secret whore, okay?"

    "Okay," Hailee nodded, closing her eyes again. It was all so much, Victoria's words and her fingers gliding up and down, up and down her wet lips but not penetrating.

    "That's a good girl," Victoria praised, and finally, slowly inserted a finger into Hailee, making her prisoner gasp so loud. Victoria couldn't help but smile as she slowly moved her finger inside Hailee in little circles and come-hither motions to drive her wild.

    "Oh fuck," Hailee moaned, dropping her head back on Victoria's shoulder, allowing her to slouch further down, in turn allowing Victoria's finger to go a little deeper.

    "Shhh, it's okay, Princess. You can be my little whore all you want to be in here. I won't tell anyone," she promised, moving her finger a little quicker, and Hailee's breathing followed. "You feel so damn good on my finger, Hailee. I want to finger you like this every night until I return you. Do you understand?"

    "Y... yes, Captain," Hailee conceded, not even caring as an orgasm washed over her, making her knees shake.

    "Come to bed, Princess," Victoria said in her ear, removing her finger and wiping it on Hailee's nightgown before pulling it down her legs, and Hailee stepping out of it.

    Hailee's inhibitions of being nude in front of the captain were removed by her orgasm, so she had no issue marching to bed naked.

    Once in bed, the sheets pulled to her chin, she watched her captor in the candlelight as she smiled sweetly, peeling out of her leggings, and then her breeches, leaving her just as naked as Hailee. Hailee failed to keep her mouth closed as she took in the sleek, athletic and sexy figure of the devilish captain. Victoria was one of the most alluring creatures Hailee had ever seen, like a real-life siren.

    "I didn't say you could hide from me yet, Princess," Victoria scolded as she swayed her hips, getting nearer. "That means take the fucking sheet off," she growled, pulling it from Hailee's bare form.

    "I'm sorry, Captain," Hailee blushed, and kept her arms at her side, afraid trying to cover her nakedness would upset Captain Justice. It was a nature response to being naked on a bed, but Victoria was having none of it.

    "You should be. A body like yours should never be hidden," Victoria said like it was a school lesson. "Now roll over and grip the sheets."

    "Captain?" Hailee questioned, completely confused.

    "Like this," Victoria said sternly with a hand on Hailee's back, pushing her forward and pulling her hips back so her ass was up in the air. "That's a good whore."

    Before Hailee could even look behind her to figure out what was going on, Victoria's palm landed flat on Hailee's ass with a satisfying crack. "Ow! Fuck!" Hailee whined at the stinging sensation.

    "That was for hiding from me." Another spank. "That's for trying to deny me in the first place." A third, final crack cannoned through the cabin. "And that is to remind you that this incredible ass belongs to Captain Justice now," Victoria growled before smoothingly rubbing Hailee's offended backside.

    "Yes Captain," Hailee moaned, trying to avoid another three spanks.

    "How's my princess? Does she have a sore bottom?" Victoria mocked.

    "Yes, Captain," Hailee admitted, her hands still firmly grasping the sheet.

    "I am nothing if not fair," Victoria said, sweeping her long dark hair over one shoulder as she crouched down on the bed behind the punished and humiliated Hailee. "Let me make it up to you," Victoria breathed on Hailee's reddened backside, making Hailee shudder yet again in anticipation.

    Victoria began by kissing and licking the reddened surface of Hailee's toned ass, taking care to press her lips and tongue to every bit of discolored flesh.

    "I... I feel better now, Victoria," Hailee said quietly, afraid to move with Victoria's face so near her greatest privacies.

    Victoria smacked Hailee's ass again, making the poor girl cry out again. "When one or both of us is naked or in any matter of undress, if I am thinking about you being undressed, you will only call me Captain."

    "Yes, Captain," Hailee rushed in apology.

    "Good," Victoria said with a large smile. "I can't help but notice that we didn't actually have supper," Victoria said, almost apologetically, her hand tracing from the swell of the small of Hailee's back, over her ass and down her thighs to then trace her still-wet pussy lips. "I for one, am famished.

    "If it pleases you, we could..." Hailee was stopped short by Victoria's wet, warm mouth on her pussy. "Oh..." she shuttered, lurching forward, but Victoria's surprisingly strong hands on her hips held her in place.

    Victoria pulled away from Hailee's opening long enough to say, "Don't fucking run from me, Princess. Your pussy is mine as long as I want it, and I'm not full yet."

    Hailee moaned lowly at not only Victoria's dirty words, but also at the return of her skilled mouth, her pink tongue spearing between soft light brown folds to delve into tight hot pink. "Oh Captain, this shouldn't feel so good," Hailee lamented, her hips rolling back into Victoria's mouth despite her protests. Victoria simply hummed behind her, the vibration strumming through Hailee.

    It didn't take Victoria's oral prowess long to make Hailee cum in her mouth, and as Hailee went slack from her orgasm thinking she was done, she found out she was mistaken. Victoria looped an arm under Hailee's sweat and juice slicked thigh and rolled her over, ignoring her panting and labored breathing.

    "Please Captain, no more," Hailee begged, trying to wave off the insatiable pirate goddess. "I can't take any more."

    "It's okay, Princess, it's time for you to go to sleep," Victoria said, her fingers tracing Hailee's folds again, her lips moving to her trembling thighs. "Relax," Victoria whispered, kissing her way down to the juncture of Hailee's legs. "Go to sleep," she continued, slowly inserting a finger into the poor girl, her lips kissing her clit.

    "What are you doing to me, Captain?" Hailee asked, turning her face to the side as she submitted to Captain Justice's touches.

    "I'm making you my whore, little, Princess. And I think we're both going to never want to stop," Victoria answered, lazily stroking Hailee's insides and lapping her clit in steady rhythm with her finger. "Now sleep."

  2. #2
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    Great story, hope we get more of this pair

  3. #3
    TPG's Avatar
    TPG is offline "May The Gods Keep
    The Wolves in The Hills
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    If only History class was this hot!!
    That was awesome Harbinger.
    Got a feeling this series is going to be epic!

  4. #4
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    What a great pairing.

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