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Thread: The Black Ch. 4 with Hailee Steinfeld and Victoria Justice

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    fanfiction The Black Ch. 4 with Hailee Steinfeld and Victoria Justice

    The Black Ch. 4
    With Hailee Steinfeld and Victoria Justice feat. Katherine McNamara and Michelle Keegan
    Written By Harbinger
    Codes: F/F, fingering, stripped, voyeur, oral, orgy
    Disclaimer: This is a purely fictional fantasy that did nor take place, and is for entertainment purposes only.

    "We can't stay hidden in the White Hall forever," Captain Victoria Justice lamented as she took another sip of rum. "But Katie McGrath is out there just waiting."

    "Surely Ms. McGrath wouldn't make a move in broad daylight, in the middle of the street," Mr. Luscious said, keeping a wary eye on Hailee as Victoria's "little princess" sang along with their host, Rachel Hardy.

    "Not a full attack, but I promise you we are watched," Jessica Kennedy, the long time friend of Rachel and Victoria said in her delicious French accent. "McGrath has eyes all over Nassau, and I promise there is no love lost between her and Ms. Rachel."

    "So what is our plan, Captain?" the muscled African asked the daring commander of the Gambit.

    "We need to pay off Katie," she said simply. "How I'm supposed to pay her as well as the crew is still a question. They won't go without pay forever, but I'm not giving Hailee to Katie or anybody."

    Victoria's eyes never left the pair of songbirds across the tavern. Hailee and Rachel had grown close very quickly, and Hailee had been in Rachel's bed since they arrived at Nassau. Victoria had the gorgeous body and erotic skills of the Madam Jessica Kennedy, but she missed her Princess.

    "Start taking jobs, my dear," Jessica suggested. "Two at a time; one to pay the crew, and one to pay off Katie."

    "The crew won't take lightly to half the pay for twice the work," Luscious added. "Could we take McGrath head on?"

    "No, sweet man," Jessica shook her head sadly. "Katie has an army, and also has the ear of the British admiral, who is her cousin. One word, and the Gambit will be endlessly hunted and harassed."

    "I couldn't help but overhear, darling, that you need to make fast money," the honeyed voice of Rachel said over Victoria's shoulder, her slender hands pulling long dark hair over said shoulders.

    "Do you have a lead?" Victoria asked as she leaned in to the shoulder rub she was receiving from her hostess.

    "I do," Rachel confirmed, brushing her lips on Victoria's neck. "A rich Irish merchant's daughter was recently seized by a pirate crew, and is being held for ransom, if they can hold the ship."

    "That is a good start," Jessica said, a hopeful tinge to her voice. "Take the merchant's goods for the crew, ransom the daughter to pay McGrath, or outright give her the girl."

    "That is a great idea, lovely," Victoria smiled and leaned across the table to kiss her lover soundly.

    Under cover of darkness, the trio of Mr. Luscious, Hailee and Victoria made their way back to the Gambit.

    Upon making it back to the deck, the majority of the crew was up top, expectantly waiting for the captain.

    "What's this about?" Victoria asked, studying the stern faces of the men and women around her.

    "The crew has some questions about our current state of affairs, Captain, and have elected me to inquire," a husky British accent asked, a tanned goddess of a sailor stepping forward.

    Hailee had never seen this vision of olive skin, long dark hair, and an athletic frame in a white ruffled blouse and black Spanish skirt.

    "What questions might those be, Ms. Keegan?" the beautiful captain asked, crossing her arms over her chest, not backing down from the intimidating woman.

    "We know about the mayor's daughter. I was in the capturing party meself," Michelle Keegan, the best sword fighter on the Gambit said, a hand on her shapely hip. "Why haven't we cashed her in yet, Captain?"

    "You all got paid, yeah?" Victoria asked, starting to pace. "You looted, drank, and raped all over the port. The mayor's daughter is my one share of that take, and I'm keeping her."

    Michelle laughed, and stepped forward, right in Hailee's face, looking up at the taller young woman. "What's so special about you, eh? Talented mouth? Delicious twat?"

    "Er, I don't… I don't really know, Miss…." Hailee said shyly, afraid to look into Keegan's eyes. The woman was breathtaking, but with a cutlass on each hip and sharp inquisitive eyes, she demanded respect and fear.

    "So what's next, Captain? Are we to stay in port while you fuck your new whore, or do we get to hunt again?" Michelle pressed, sifting a hand through Hailee's long dark hair and breathing in deeply. "Oh, she smells nice."

    "Captain, I want to go inside now," Hailee shuttered, feeling the eyes of the whole crew on her.

    "Why so scared, little bird?" Michelle teased, rubbing her knuckles over the bust line of Hailee's white dress that Rachel had gifted her. "I promise I could make you moan my name in minutes. Maybe we could have the whole crew watch. They could use some entertainment."

    "That's enough, Ms. Keegan," Victoria said through gritted teeth. "Mr. Luscious, escort Ms. Steinfeld to my quarters. No one but I is to see her."

    "You're majesty," Michelle conceded with a deep bow, stepping back, the motion letting cool night breeze billow her white half-buttoned blouse, exposing delicious cleavage to the frightened Hailee.

    Much to Hailee's own shock, she couldn't help but steal a glance. All this time with whores, bards, and pirates was changing her, and Michelle's body was art.

    "We're leaving on a hunt tomorrow, in fact," Victoria told the crew. "A rival ship has recently taken a very high dollar merchant vessel, and we're going to take it from them."

    "Ms. Rachel give you that lead? Should be some decent coin then," Michelle said, surprisingly pleased. "If you hide anything from us, we'll be having votes on a few things, I'm afraid," the swordswoman smirked. "And I doubt you two would like it… or maybe you would?" she teased.

    Victoria rubbed the bridge of her nose to keep away an anxiety headache as she headed for her cabin, the crew breaking up as well.

    "Thank you, Mr. Luscious. Have a good night," she told the huge mandingo as she put him at ease for the night.

    "Take care, Captain. I'll have a loyal man keep a watch on the cabin until things simmer down."

    Victoria patted his bicep in gratitude and opened the door of her cabin to find Hailee pacing in the room, still fully dressed.

    The worked up captain closed the door behind her and deadbolted it. She turned to look at Hailee who finally stopped pacing, her eyes on the captain.

    "Captain, I'm sorry. I didn't know my staying here would cause you such distress," Hailee said, wringing her hands.

    "I captured you, remember?" Victoria asked, stalking towards the girl, making Hailee feel quite small despite being the taller of them.

    "I don't feel like your prisoner anymore, Victoria. I feel like a guest, if you can believe that."

    Victoria backed her all the way to the wall, despite Hailee's admittance, and kissed her passionately, making the heiress moan as her tongue plunged into Hailee's mouth. Her hands were instantly at the ties of Hailee's bodice, rapidly pulling them away, needing to see and feel her.

    "You're mine, Princess, you got that?" Victoria growled before biting Hailee's lip, making her groan. "No one on this ship touches you without my permission. End of story."

    "Yes… yes Captain," Hailee said, reaching out to touch her lover's face, but Victoria reacted quickly and grabbed her wrist, pulling it above her head.

    "You may feel like my guest, maybe even a friend, but you're still my property, my pet," Victoria growled dangerously into Hailee's ear, cupping her face with her free hand for a moment, forcing the younger brunette to look her in the eye.

    Playing along, Hailee raised her other arm and let Victoria capture it in her hand as well, making the older lady smirk. Hailee had to admit Victoria's power plays made her feel hot and terribly bothered. She couldn't forget how wet being at Victoria's mercy made her the first night they met, and the same effect was at work again.

    "My willing whore. I love it," Victoria said as her hand removed the last string, allowing her to open the white bodice fully to finally reveal Hailee's pretty breasts, pebbled brown nipples proudly on display.

    "You make me feel so good, Captain," Hailee purred as Victoria roughly groped one tit and latched her mouth onto the other, making Hailee arc her back. "Oh Captain! I am your willing whore," Hailee shuddered as Victoria growled around her tit.

    Victoria worshiped Hailee's pert chest for a short while, but didn't wait too long before roughly pulling Hailee's dress fully off of her, leaving her nude in a flash.

    Hailee gasped and blushed, being left naked in the blink of an eye. She was protected by Victoria, but she was reminded quickly that Victoria was really in charge, too.

    The captain fully pressed herself into Hailee as they continued to make out, her hand running up smooth leg flesh and wasting no time getting to Hailee's rapidly heating core.

    Hailee moaned into Victoria's mouth as long slim fingers teased her lips and drew out her clit, the little bundle of nerves swelling fast.

    Hailee cried into Victoria's mouth as a finger slid inside her wet opening, and Victoria took the chance to fully plunder her mouth again.

    In a few short moments, Victoria had two fingers inside Hailee's gash, her arm pumping fast until Hailee couldn't even kiss her anymore.

    "Fuck! Oh fuck! Oh my God!" Hailee cried, not having the wherewithal to care if they were heard. "You finger me so good, Captain. I'm such a little whore for you," Hailee gasped, the only thing keeping her upright under Victoria's assault was the captain's hand pinning her to the wall.

    Victoria gave up the grasp on Hailee's wrists and exchanged it for wrapping her fingers around Hailee's throat.

    Hailee's brown eyes bulged as she felt a wave of arousal leave her at the way she was being dominated. There was no way she could ignore or argue with how hot she felt, being dominated and manhandled by the captain. She was a whore for Victoria Justice, and she loved it.

    "I want to cum, Captain," Hailee whispered, her face flushed red. "May I cum, Captain?"

    Victoria laughed aloud and rubbed her palm against Hailee's clit, making her whine. "A whore that asks to cum? What a rare find. But because you asked, yes you can," Victoria granted, her fingers never ceasing.

    Her sharp eyes stayed on Hailee's angelic face that contorted into an o face as she stopped trying to fight her body's needs. Hailee closed her eyes and let pleasure have her, a silent scream trapped in her throat, but the convulsing of her tight body told the seasoned captain that she had indeed been struck by a savage orgasm.

    Victoria slowed her assault on Hailee's inexperienced pussy, but worked her through her orgasm until she was breathing heavily, but not hyperventilating. "Such a good girl," Victoria praised as she slowly withdrew her soaked fingers and sucked them into her mouth.

    Hailee fell forward, seemingly lifeless into Victoria, her chest heaving. "Thank you, Captain; for your protection, and for the pleasure."

    The happy pair were interrupted, though, by that wily Michelle. "You can't protect that harlot forever, Captain. I will have her eventually. Mark me, Justice, I will taste her."

    Hailee held tightly to Victoria's blouse, flushed from the act, but also from knowing that Michelle Keegan, this on-board threat, had heard everything.

    "I won't let Michelle have you, little Princess. You're my whore, and only my whore. Now get into bed," Victoria ordered as she stripped out of her own leather trousers and blouse.

    Aboard the merchant ship Argenta, young Katherine McNamara laid on a cot, locked in the cargo hold of her own father's boat, her long strawberry blonde hair splayed around her head. On the other side of the hold were no less than 20 pirates hoping she would run out of food and water, forced to come out and fall into their hands.

    "C'mon, lass. Ye can't stay in there forever. Yer makin' it worse on yerself," Pirate captain Obediah Gould taunted. He wanted nothing more than to count what treasures lay inside the hold, including young Katherine.

    "I'll starve and whither away in here before I give myself to the likes of you, thank you," Katherine protested from inside her handmade cell.

    "Every hour you're in there is another prick that'll be going inside of you, missie. You're digging a grave for your own piety," Gould shouted, losing his temper.

    "Well I shall be dead or rescued before that horrid event may come," she said to herself, no longer feeling like verbally parrying with the old captain any longer.

    While Gould's crew was down in the bottom of the Argenta, a boarding party led by the cruel and skilled Michelle Keegan and loyal Mr. Luscious were silently approaching on row boats.

    Michelle and her raiders climbed up the side of the ship like whispers, and crept below deck.

    "The ship seems empty of crew, Michelle," Luscious said, his pistol and boarding ax ready.

    "I don't buy it," Keegan said, her own sabers drawn. "I bet they're trying to get into the cargo. Bet Ms. Rachel was right about it being a good haul. And that's Gould's ship tied next to us. I wouldn't mind killing him meself."

    Surely enough, Michelle and Luscious led their pack of throat cutters straight to the back of Gould's crew.

    "Drop your weapons and we won't have to kill every last one of you," Michelle said, her sword pointed right at the back of a sailor's neck.

    Gould turned around quickly. "And who might you… well if it isn't Mr. Luscious and Ms. Keegan, the bloody swords of Captain Justice. Here to steal my prize, eh?"

    "More like liberate, I'd say," Michelle laughed. "Weapons down, and maybe we'll give you a 10th of the cargo."

    "I think we'll be taking all of it, missie, especially the girl."

    "The girl?" Michelle asked, turning to Luscious.

    "What girl?" Luscious asked, pretending he didn't know. "No chance. We take the whole of it or none at all. Charge!" Luscious bellowed before firing his pistol and wading into Gould's men.

    The fight didn't last long, and rightfully, Captain Gould was the last one standing of his crew.

    Poor young Katherine, thinking she was saved, opened the cage to her would-be rescuers.

    "Thank you, noble friends, for my freedom." Katherine said, curtseying low, emerald green eyes finding Michelle's predatory brown ones, which sent a shock through her.

    Before anyone could act, Gould went straight back, pushing Ms. McNamara into the cargo and closing the self-locking cage behind him.

    "I told ye I'd have ye, lass. I fucking warned ye," he cackled as he freed his cock from his britches and stalked towards his captive.

    "No!" Katherine shouted, trying to back further away, her hands hiking up the bottom of her rich red dress so she wouldn't trip during her hopeless retreat attempt. "Help me!" she shouted as Gould approached, his shaft hardening a little more with her desperation.

    "I'm going to take any hole I want, and we'll have an audience for it!" Gould celebrated, lunging forward with a dagger, cutting Katherine's ruby dress down the center, right to her belly button, but miraculously didn't catch any pale white skin.

    "Get me out of here!" Katherine continued to holler to Luscious and Michelle behind her, but pull as they might at the bars, they couldn't open the door.

    Gould grabbed the hysterical Katherine by the shoulders and spun her around. "You want the goods in this ship, eh? Well come on girlie, let's show them the goods," he snarled as he peeled down the front of Ms. McNamara's dress, exposing firm, perky white breasts capped with pink nipples. "What a treasure indeed," he said, sniffing her strawberry blonde hair.

    "I've seen enough," Michelle said, pulling a dagger from her belt, and with expert precision, threw it through the bars and stuck Gould between the eyes, right over Katherine's shoulder.

    As the Pirate Captain Gould slowly slid to the floor, young Ms. McNamara pulled her dress back up over her tits and ran for the door, throwing herself in the arms of Michelle.

    "Thank you, thank you so much," Katherine panted, still holding on to the sleeves of Michelle's blouse. "How can I repay you?"

    "Don't thank us yet, pet," Michelle said, grabbing Katherine by the wrists and yanking her into her chest. "You've gone from the hand of one pirate crew to another," she growled.

    "You'll just sell me back to my father, right? He's a very wealthy merchant. He'll pay you any price you ask for," Katherine stammered, trying to buy herself time as she was pulled along and up through the ship by Michelle, the rest of the raiding party following them.

    When the crew returned to the surface of the Argenta, Captain Justice and Hailee were in attendance, watching from the deck of the Gambit.

    "The ship is ours, Captain, but this here tart is mine," Michelle proclaimed, raising the hand of the terrified Ms. McNamara.

    "Sell me back to my father," Katherine fully pleaded, her terrified green eyes scanning over the intimidating crew, as they were covered in blood, sweat, and smoke.

    "I'm sure we will, but I need my pound of flesh first," Michelle told the girl as she pulled down the front of her dress, Katherine's tits being exposed to others for the second time in such a short window.

    Just as before, the lithe girl gasped as her usually strawberry blonde hair, now an almost fiery orange in the full sunlight, covered her nipples. "Please don't hurt me," Katherine begged as she covered her breasts fully with her hands.

    "On the contrary, Miss, I'm going to make you feel really good," Michelle cooed in her ear with her sultry, come to bed voice. "I'll only hurt you if you make me, yeah?"

    Katherine nodded and swallowed hard, slowly removing her hands.

    "That's a good lass," Michelle praised her new toy before kissing Katherine's pouty lips, her hands brushing red hair over Katherine's shoulders. "She looks pretty good to me, mates," she teased.

    "Is Ms. Keegan really going to pleasure that girl in front of the whole crew?" Hailee asked the captain, her eyes wide and her jaw dropped.

    "Yes she is. She's asserting her dominance as one of my top crew members, the crew get a show and morale boost, and it's a way of keeping that girl safe. If Ms. Keegan doesn't let them watch, they could rush her and fuck her to pieces."

    "My lord. How come you didn't do that with me?" Hailee asked, but she seemed pleased that she hadn't been made a show.

    "I took a large risk in sparing you from that humiliation. You don't have to watch this if you don't want to," Victoria offered, keeping a sideways glance on the taller brunette.

    Hailee didn't move, seemingly trapped in place as she watched Michelle Keegan, the feared swordswoman, press Katherine the little redhead against the main mast of the Argenta.

    "Are you a virgin, Ms?" Michelle asked as she nipped the younger woman's neck.

    "My name is Katherine, and no I am not," Katherine said with a shutter.

    "I didn't ask for a fuckin' name," Michelle laughed as she swatted a pale tit with her hand. "Only answer what I ask, understood?"

    "Yes ma'am," Katherine said, looking up into the clear sky as Michelle nibbled on her neck and played with her soft tits, her little pink nipples beginning to stand up under the experienced pirate's fingers.

    "Feels good, eh?" Michelle asked in her ear, fingers tweaking hardening peaks.

    "Yes, but I wish we didn't have an audience," Katherine murmured.

    "Oh sweet Kat, I have to take you in front of the crew. If I don't mark you as mine, the entire crew will pass you around since you're not a virgin. The captain and her girl over there have a similar deal, she explained, flicking her head towards Victoria and Hailee.

    Meanwhile on the Gambit, Victoria found herself trying not to laugh at young Ms. Steinfeld, who was finding it difficult to stay still, trying to hide the signs that she was getting hot under the collar.

    "Doing okay, Princess?" Victoria asked knowingly, taking her lover's hand.

    "Yes, Captain," Hailee said with a deep gulp. "This is just… very unorthodox where I come from," she explained as they watched Keegan pull the rest of Katherine's dress down, exposing her while body to the crew.

    "Your society hangs people in the city Square for all to watch. In this little society, young Katherine there will be ashamed and humiliated, but she will live, and she will recover. So tell me who is more barbaric, hmm?" Victoria questioned, pulling Hailee closer into her side, her lips brushing Hailee's ear.

    On the Argenta, Michelle's relentless nipple play and kissing and nibbling on Kat's neck had the younger woman weak kneed.

    Michelle used Kat's failing constitution to push her down on her knees. She hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her black Spa ish skirt and pushed it from her legs, leaving her bottom half bare, only her bellowed blouse and golden hoop earrings remaining on her hardened athletic body.

    Kat looked up at the tan pirate and understood her task. "As you wish, Miss," Katherine sighed, accepting her fate.

    The little redhead put her hands on Michelle's toned thighs and pressed her lips to Michelle's lower set.

    "Take your time, love. There's no rush," Michelle said as she parted her legs a little to give Katherine room.

    "Yes Miss," Kat responded dutifully, sticking the tip of her tongue out and shyly licked Michelle's lips.

    "C'mon, lass. Lick it like a man livks yours," Michelle berated, rolling her hips one time for emphasis.

    "I've never had a man's mouth on me before, ma'am. The sex I've had so far as been, well, to the point," Katherine admitted, sounding genuinely sorry.

    "Oh for Christ's sake. Mr. Luscious, do me a favor and eat the little runt so she knows what to do?" Michelle asked the mandingo, rubbing her temples.

    Mr. Luscious, ever loyal to Captain Justice, turned and looked for permission.

    "I don't give a shit," Victoria said, dismally waving the hand that wasn't holding Hailee's. "Takes notes, Princess. Some time soon, it'll be your pretty face between my legs," Victoria whispered to Hailee. Hailee tried not to smile at the idea, and Victoria caught the small crack in character.

    Mr. Luscious approached from behind Katherine, and picked her up by the arms. She let out a squeak, feeling rough and massive hands on her small frame. She was turned around and found herself staring at the burly chest of a large Black man.

    Her emerald eyes slowly traveled up his intimidating frame and came to his face. He was handsome, but had a good 10 years on her, and easily over a foot in height. He had surprisingly warm eyes for a man she had witnessed in savage combat.

    "I'm sorry, Miss. I'll try to make this pleasurable for you," Mr. Luscious said with a curt head nod.

    "Stop being modest, Luscious. You have the biggest cock in Nassau and you're probably one of the best cunt munchers, too," Michelle said, slapping Katherine's round little ass.

    Mr. Luscious offered his hand to Katherine, who took it with a puzzled expression, and was led to the ship's wheel.

    "Turn your back to me and grab the wheel," Luscious ordered the stripped lady. Katherine followed her orders, and Luscious assisted her by pushing her hips back so her ass was sticking out on a gorgeous display.

    "I thought Mr. Luscious was just going to lick her pushy. He isn't going to fuck her, is he?" Hailee asked Victoria, horror written on her face.

    "I don't believe so," Victoria responded, a hand under her chin and her arms crossed. "He's going to eat her from behind, like that," she said pointing as Luscious dropped on his knees and put his mouth on Katherine's perfectly exposed, pristine pussy.

    Katherine gasped and held tight to the huge wooden ship wheel as Luscious pleased her with his mouth, doing all manner of slurping, sucking, and licking.

    The crew watched on as Katherine was subjected to being the evening's entertainment, her perfectly naked pale body shining in the mid-day sun with a large Mandingo warrior burying his face in her rich twat, hearing the moans and squeaks she was unable to hold back.

    Her legs were buckled but Katherine held tight to the ship wheel, Luscious' hands on her hips keeping her waif body in place as he devoured her.

    After some time, Katherine was genuinely crying, her body shaking, the wheel and the strength of Luscious being the only things keeping her up.

    "Please, no more!" the fit redhead cried, overestimated beyond her own imagination. Luscious conceded and gently laid the girl down onto a wool blanket, her juices soaking his mouth, chin, and neck. Katherine's own slim pins were soaked and glistening with Luscious' spit and her own arousal.

    Michelle made her way front and center again, still wearing nothing below the waist, but her blouse fully unbuttoned now.

    "You've had your tutorial in pussy eating. Now you can repay me for saving your sweet rich behind from Gould," Keegan said as she presented herself, standing straight over the still recovering Katherine.

    Katherine nodded, still wreathing on the blanket and breathing deeply. She gathered what strength she had and got onto her hands and knees.

    "I'll eat your pussy, Miss, as thanks," Katherine submitted, her head bowed and her gorgeous hair lit ablaze by the hot sun.

    "That's a good girl," Michelle cooed as she leaned back against the ship wheel, and set a foot to rest on the spoke, showing her magnificent feminine lips to Katherine, and in turn to Hailee and Captain Justice.

    "Fuck me," Hailee moaned from her viewing platform as she watched the continuing scene.

    "Getting a little wet, Princess?" Victoria asked teasingly.

    "Yes," Hailee admitted, rubbing her thighs together, a hand over her chest. "I hate to admit it, but this is a most arousing scene."

    "One you'd like to be the star of?" Victoria tested the waters as they watched Katherine put her hands on Michelle's muscled thighs, placing her face between the swordswoman's legs.

    Michelle breathed in deeply and slowly rolled her head back in pleasure. "Oh, she learns quick," she said in her husky voice.

    "I haven't the guts to do what that lady is doing," Hailee said. "Surely I would die from embarrassment."

    "All eyes are on the merchant's daughter and Ms. Keegan, but there is no shame or embarrassment," Victoria corrected her lover and understudy. "Ms. Keegan is very confident in her body, sensuality, and lethality. Lady Merchant, on the other hand, is currently under Ms. Keegan's protection."

    Hailee continued to look on as Katherine sucked and tongued Michelle's nethers, enjoying the flavor and the spectacle the two had become.

    Michelle was breathing hard and rolling her tanned athletic hips into Katherine's willing but inexperienced mouth. "That's a good lass, eat your mistress's pussy," Michelle urged.

    Hailee was positively squirming, needing to touch herself, or be touched, and Victoria was noticing.

    "You want to be down there, Hailee, don't you? You want to be in front of the whole crew, and naked and at my mercy. Maybe you want to lick my cunny in front of everyone, eh?"

    "I… I don't know," Hailee whispered, not sure herself what she wanted.

    Victoria looked at Hailee and smiled wickedly. "I took a serious hit to my reputation by keeping you safe, Princess. Maybe I need to remind the crew and this merchant's daughter who Captain Justice is, hmm?"

    "What do you mean?" Hailee asked, confusion written across her sweet face.

    Victoria cleared her throat, that simple act earning her the attention of the crew that were Aboard both ships.

    "Forlorn Hope… the option is yours, take your share from either the treasure… or your share in pleasure from the merchant's daughter."

    Hailee's jaw dropped as she heard cheers from the crew, and saw many of them stripping in place before descending on poor Ms. McNamara.

    "Wait, please!" she cried as Michelle pushed her over and straddled her face, keeping her gorgeous pussy on Katherine's mouth as dozens of hands groped her lean body, grasping at her tits, running up and down her ribs, belly, thighs and over her ass.

    Katherine couldn't see anything but Michelle's gyrating body above her, but could feel mouths and tongues worshipping her, hands and fingers fighting for access to her body. She could hear arguing and men fighting for their turn at her body.

    But her mouth was saved by Michelle, who rode it as payment, but kept away the cocks and balls of the crew that would have loved to ravage her pretty throat. For that small mercy, Katherine tried to focus on the task of eating Michelle's peach, and didn't mind it, enjoyed it even, as the ecstacy of becoming the crew's fuck toy and biggest focus overtook her.

    Every nerve cell in Katherine's body was alight as her body became completely covered by mouths and hands, as fingers filled her cunt and anus, filling her up. She cried out in orgasm after orgasm as she was used and adored, worshipped and touched by every member of the crew, save Hailee and Victoria.

    As for Hailee and Victoria, they were alone, but watched the orgy below from their spot in front of the cabin.

    Victoria had untied the back of Hailee's dress and kissed her exposed neck and shoulders. "Come to bed, Princess. It's time to see what you've learned today."

    "Will we be able to sell her back to her father after this?" Hailee asked, following the sexy, leather trousered captain.

    "Now you're starting to think like a pirate."

  2. Thanks nerick, JU5TU5, veelacharmer, MacDennis, jjcoolj, TPG thanked for this post
  3. #2
    TPG's Avatar
    TPG is offline "May The Gods Keep
    The Wolves in The Hills
    and The Women in our Beds"
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    Damn what a stella cast - the images you paint in that ship are just sexy AF.
    Michelle Keegan was born to play a hot pirate!
    I especially loved the teasing torture she put Kat through.
    And that Haiz/VJ pairing is just so hot to think about.
    This might be my favorite chapter in the series.

  4. Thanks Harbinger thanked for this post

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