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Thread: "Cat and Mouse" with Natalie Portman

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    fanfiction "Cat and Mouse" with Natalie Portman

    Cat and Mouse
    With Natalie Portman
    By Harbinger
    Tags: M/F, historical, reluc/nonconsent, stripping, spanking, fingering, oral, rimming, rough fuck, anal creampie
    Disclaimer: This story is historical fiction and for entertainment only.

    I took a deep breath, held it, squeezed the trigger, and released the breath. A Russian rifleman took the force of my bullet and smashed into the wall next to him. I pulled back the level of my rifle to dispense the empty shell and racked another. Repeating the process, a second Russian fell. The squad of soldiers knew now they were being fired on from two sides.

    They couldn't retreat under pain of death, so forward was their only honorable death. Up they sprang, trying to leave the false safety of the rubble pile, but we're cut down by heavy German machine gun fire.

    I slowly shook my head and rose from my position, to find a new group of footsoldiers to pressure and pester.

    Carefully, I slipped from burned out and rumbled building to building, constantly alert and watching my own back while being as noiseless as possible.

    This late in the campaign, all the fighting was house to house and chaos in the streets. Stalingrad, once a jewel of Russia, was now a graveyard of people and pride itself. Nobody who fought here would ever be the same, if any of us got out alive.

    As I climbed into my next building, a four story shell with the front blown off of two floors, I made myself home in a pile of brick and mortar, burying myself alive and establishing my own new post. I had two days to stay here without having to return to base. If I didn't show up and report in, I would be recorded as dead.

    For seven hours I saw nothing. I could smell smoke, gunpowder, and death. I could hear the war around me, the screams of the brutal hand to hand fighting, wounded waiting to either be rescued or die where they lay. But in my little corner of Stalingrad, I saw nothing.

    Finally, finally as sleep threatened me, I saw movement ahead of me. In the building across the street, one floor down, I saw real movement! Pulling up my rifle and looking down the iron sights, the uniform was Russian, but I couldn't make out the face. The soldier was surprisingly small, but moved nimbly through the rubble and set up a nest similar to my own.

    I should have killed this marksman before he could set up his nest, but something inside of me stayed my finger over my trigger.

    So I continued to watch, what for, I have no clue. I kept watch, not sure why I was so fascinated by this simple Russian soldier that from a distance, looked so much like the others I had killed.

    More hours passed, and my new friend stayed put, unmoving. Had they gotten there before I had, I had no doubts I would be a tally on the but of the gun by now.

    Eventually, more movement came from what was my left. It was a 12-man German team moving towards some irrelevant point. I didn't move to join them, that wasn't my goal. I kept an eye on my friend, who had no idea I was here.

    I saw a flash of movement across the way, telling me the Russian hadn't fallen asleep on me. A hand snuck out of the rubble and pulled the lever back on the rifle.

    Before the Russian could get a shot off, I fired, directly under his face, freezing him. If he tried to fire, I would kill him and simply move on to my next spot.

    I think the Russian understood the game, because there was no fire from across the street, and the German unit went by unmolested.

    Night fell and the only lights were from artillery fire and flares. I waited until we were under darkness for a few hours before I pushed a brick from my rubbel pile, and I saw no sign of movement or light from across the street. Had my adversary fallen asleep?

    So carefully, and only moving when covered by the far off sounds of artillery report, I removed myself from my nest, and carefully Mae my way to the ground floor, making sure I was the only one in my building.

    I was able to make it across the street, further confirming my prey was asleep. Wanting it to stay that way, I crept through the house, making sure I wasn't being baited. I didn't want to walk into a Red hive, but with the exception of the marksman, the building seemed perfectly empty.

    Keeping my bearing, I thought about where the shooter was stationed from my own position, and then where the shooter would be in the building.

    I made it into the room I suspected the Red to be in, and I saw the pile of debris I had been staring at for hours. I approached so slowly, every step as deliberate as possible, my heavy boots making little sound as the leather soles touched the gravel and glass covered floor.

    Finally, I could see the muzzle of the rifle. Quicker than a flash, I grabbed the barrel and wrenched it from the pile, the owner of the piece had a hold on it but lost it, and they woke immediately.

    Fear flashed across almond shaped eyes, intelligent brown irises looking back at me. I studied the gun, and saw 13 notches on the butt. Not terrible, but it wasn't my 57.

    "Up," I ordered. "Out of the rubble, move," I tried in my own language. Surprisingly, the Russian followed instruction and slowly picked itself up, standing up straight. Finally, I saw my adversary's face. This little gunman wasn't a man at all, but a young woman! Had the Russian machine become so in need that they were throwing women at us now?

    She was a tiny little thing, her eyes at level with my chest, but she showed no fear. Admirable. I wanted to see how far I could push her. I reached out my arm, giving her plenty of time to stop me, but she didn't move. I knocked off her helmet and let it fall to the rubble behind her.

    A flair ruptured in the air, casting everything a fluorescent bright red. A whistle sounded in the distance followed by shouts and erupting fire. Here though, in this building, I'm safe. I have not decided yet what is to become of this young woman who could be no more than 25.

    I take in her soft, subtly curving face with a strong jaw. She looks feminine, but like she could be wild when backed into a corner, like right now.

    She looked straight ahead, as if under inspection. I tower over her and touch her soft, dust covered cheek, her skin soft and smooth, however. Her eyes flit up to look at mine, questioning me.

    "Why am I still alive?" she asks in German, but it's not her first language.

    "I don't know," I shrugged. "I could have killed you hours ago."

    "I know that, she said, still defiantly holding my glare. "Kill me and be done with it. Add another notch," she tells me, her voice soft and velvety, despite her trying to sound cold, even at least.

    "It would be cruel to kill one so young and beautiful as you," I tell her, my hand still cupping her rounded chin.

    "I would be but one added to the number," she said, clearly not afraid of dying.

    "If death means nothing to you, what does phase you?" I asked as I drew my hand down her chin, along the slender column of her neck. "What indeed will make you fearful?" I spoke to her, not expecting a verbal answer, my hand coming to the first button of her heavy wool jacket.

    My fingers worked deftly, undoing the four large brass buttons, and I pushed the horrid thing from her shoulders.

    She looked like she had a slim frame under such a large, pillowy shirt tucked into her uniform pants.

    "Come with me," I said curtly, leaving no room for argument, as I had both of our rifles.

    "Please sir, be kind and kill me," the petite woman asked, dread coming up from the back of her throat.

    "Nein," I shook my head. "You will live if you do as I tell you." I watched her swallow harshly, but she wrapped her arms around her body and followed. We stayed on the same floor, but I brought us to a room with four walls, and a fully intact floor and ceiling. It looked to be an office of sorts given it had a fireplace, some lamps, two chairs and a quite stately desk.

    I motioned for her to go in ahead of me, which she did, and then I closed the door behind us.

    She had to have known what I was thinking, as she covered her breasts with her arms, and tried to pinch her collar even tighter around her neck. "I'm begging you sir, just kill me," she pleaded.

    "What is your name, soldier?" I asked, taking off my own coat, but standing between her and the guns. I took them with me as I started a fire so we wouldn't freeze, but the room was anything but warm.

    "Natalia Portmanov," she gave in, probably just trying to buy herself time.

    "A beautiful name," I nodded.

    "Yours?" she asked hopefully, thinking I would allow her to build a report.

    "Nein, no name," I said, shaking my head. "Your clothes; take them off," I said coldly, staring at her as I set the rifles against the wall.

    She just stared at me with those fierce brown eyes, willing daggers into my chest, but I continued to stand, an iron wall with all of the ammo.

    She kept her defiant gaze but started to quickly unbutton her long sleeve shirt.

    "Slower," I said and sat on the table, my rifle on my lap, the 57 notches visible. Those were 57 of her comrades that were alive before mein fuhrer divined I should come to Stalingrad.

    Her jaw tensed and I could see the muscle playing under her alabaster skin as the fire came more to life now, illuminating her in warm yellows, oranges and reds. Natalia's pace did slow, but her teeth threatened to crack under the force of her building rage that she was helpless to expel.

    Finally, the shirt came open and she peeled off her suspenders, a shoulder at a time, stripping for me. She untucked her shirt, and her fingers lingered at the open button line.

    "Off," I said slowly, more poignantly. She shed it and I saw her small, perky breasts with dusky nipples, hardened from the cold to stand proudly on her little Red chest. "Beautiful," I said, and stared next at her pants, making it obvious what was next to go.

    I watched as Ms. Portmanov leaned back against the wall behind her and wrestled off her boots and wool socks, and then stood back up, her lithe body, toned muscle fitting of the will she was showing. She undid her belt, slacks button and fly, and pushed them down her legs, and stepped out of them.

    She covered her enticing breasts and stood there, legs crossed, her undergarments the last surviving piece of her modesty.

    "Everything," I said with a wolfish grin. "Show me."

    Her face was red with humiliation, anger and embarrassment, but she uncovered her chest and slipped out of her bottoms, leaving her completely exposed, deliciously lit by the cracking fire.

    "Good," I said as I took in her nubile yet strong body with soft curves and smooth skin, up her shapely legs to her cleft with short, curly brown hairs at the top. "How could I kill such a pretty thing?" I asked myself aloud and motioned for her to approach me with a beckoning hand.

    She approached me slowly, cautiously, the fear now written in her eyes as she stood completely bare before me, her intimate parts covered only by her hands.

    She stood before me as I lounged on the stately desk. I sat up, again cupping her face, and drew her towards me. Our faces were close and I knew she could feel my breath on her full, kissable lips. I leaned forward to kiss her, but she tilted her head in my hand, making me kiss her cheek.

    If she wanted to play defiant, I would make her grimace at every turn. I stuck out my tongue and licked her neck, up her jawbone and straight to the corner of her eye. She grunted and shuttered in protest, and I did it again.

    I let go of her face and fought her arms in an attempt to maul her sweet little pliant chest with my hands as I licked every part of her face she would turn to me, even flicking my tongue over the tiniest mole on her cheekbone.

    "Stop it!" Natalia demanded and I licked across her lips as the words came out. "Stop!" she tried again forcefully as I pried her arms away holding them out as I kissed down her neck and bit her collarbone. "Nein!" she tried to step away but I pulled her back into me, wrapping my legs around her to pin her in place as I nibbled the swelling tops of her breasts in turn. "Please!"

    "Please what?" I teased as I licked the sides and then undersides of her breasts, making her moan and grunt simultaneously. "Please make you feel pleasured? It would surely please me."

    "Just kill me and be done!" she begged as I circled her swollen nipples with my tongue and sucked ravenously on each one, letting them go with a pop every time. "Stop this!"

    "But you are so beautiful when you are flushed, down to your breasts. Do not tell me the sensations you are feeling are worse than death! Once you get over the humiliation you feel and embrace me, the better this becomes."

    "I am not humiliated, I am enraged!" the little lioness roared as I worried a throbbing nipple between my teeth.

    "Not humiliated?" I challenged and stood up. With her arms still in my hands, I easily danced us around and pushed her over the desk.

    Her sweet angelic face flared red as she looked over my shoulder as I brought my palm down smartly on her rounded behind, making her gasp.

    "You spank me as if I am a child?" she asked indignantly.

    "Yes!" I responded and spanked her other cheek, watching the soft warming flesh jiggle. As I continued to rain gentle blows on her, I marveled at the shadows of us playing on the walls; the way she was arcing her back every time my hand landed, the way it elongated and exaggerated the size as it fell through the air.

    "This is ridiculous, you have made your point!" Natalia argued, her face redder than beats, a tear ready to fall. She truly was embarrassed, as my palm strikes were not that hard.

    "You see yourself as a tough soldier of Russia, no? Mighty because of your kills and your rifle you needn't share with another comrade, but here you are, now just a plaything of a dreaded German dog!" I laughed as I spanked her faster, alternating on the moons of her buttocks, making her weep at the sight she could also see playing on the wall across from us.

    Once I had my fun, I adoringly ran my hands over her assaulted flesh and dug my fingers into the supple meat, groaning as I did so, and I could just tell she was biting back a moan as I spread her gorgeous cheeks.

    "You are a beautiful little soldier, my Natalia," I said wistfully as I looked at her winking rosebud and her puffy pussy lips still squeezed by her trembling thighs.

    "Stop touching me!" she demanded, her face pressed to the desk, but both my hands were focused on spreading her firm young ass apart. Natalia was being far more subservient than I was demanding of her. I smiled to myself as I brought a hand to stroke her inner thighs.

    "I don't think you want me to stop, my dear," I said as I kicked her leg out, giving me better access as I felt where her leg joined her hip. I pressed down on the middle of her back as I palmed her wet pussy, and she clearly bit back a moan. She was already so wet.

    She weakly tried to push off against my hand, and I had to use little force to keep her down as I brought the rough heel of my palm against her soft, moist pussy lips. She wanted this so bad, bit wanted to pretend she didn't. That would work for me.

    "There's no point in fighting it, little wolf," I called her, tipping a hat to her self-perceived tenacity, but knowing I had already made her my whore. I wondered if this was a fantasy for Ms. Portmanav, and if so, how deprived could it be?

    I removed my hand, and she growled, trying to sound threatening but I caught the disappointment she tried to mask. I pressed my crotch against her warm pillowy ass and reached under her, groping both of her perky tits, enjoying her nipples on my palm as I ground myself against her.

    "Can you feel how hard I am?" I growled in her ear and licked the side of her neck, and she turned her head just a little, a playful show of feigned defiance.

    "You disgust me! Release me, filth!" she spat and squirmed under me, pressing her ass against my erection. I released one of her soft breasts and slid it between us, undoing my belt and pants, releasing my cock and went back to fondling her both tits again, loving the hardness of her nipples.

    "You may be disgusted, madam, but I am enthralled," I told her and let the heat of my length press to her thigh, and she made a sound of revulsion that I almost bought. The woman must have done theater before the war.

    I pulled my hands away from her breasts begrudgingly and trailed them along her sides until I again came to her angelic ass, small but so round and tight. I pulled her ass apart again and blew a cold stream of air from her asshole down to as much of her pussy as I old, making her moan hotly.

    "Ms. Portmanov, I'm about to have my first taste of Russian," I told the naked beauty as I lowered my head and sank my teeth softly into her ass.

    "Ahh! What-what do you mean?" she asked sounding genuinely nervous. Brava, I thought as I kissed my way over her rounded flesh and inhaled deeply, making clear my intentions, my hot breath touching her when I exhaled.

    "No no! Please! You've done enough!" she protested with words only, her body trembling but otherwise not moving.

    "No no no no!" she cried out as I stuck out my tongue and lapped at her soft pink pussy, her short hairs above pressed into the table and out of my way.

    I groaned at her tart, heady flavor as she moaned, her knees buckling as I wiggled my tongue sloppily, no method or rhythm as I licked her all over, her slimy inner lips, her puffy outer ones, the backs and insides of her thighs, even her asshole which made her shriek every time I danced over it.

    "Please stop, please!" the defeated little soldier whined as I continued to spank her with my palms and play with her ass cheeks as I chaotically lucked every bit of skin I reach from my place on my knees. "What do you want from me?"

    "I'm taking what I want, little wolf, and I think you want it to. I can taste your want," I whispered as I inserted a finger right into her and she bit her lip, her body trembling at the delicious intrusion.

    "No, I don't want it. I want your German fingers out of my pussy. I signed up for death, not pleasure," she sobbed as I tapped her asshole with a thumb and continued to pull my finger out and then slide it back in, enjoying the view of it disappearing and then showing back up again, shinier each time.

    "Ah, so you are being pleasured," I caught her.

    "No!" she said indignantly but knew I had heard her slip. "I don't like what your finger, your tongue, are doing to me at all!"

    "You protest with your mouth, but not with your body, I notice." She looked over her shoulder at me, her mouth agape, her face flush. She looked like she could cry either from embarrassment or from what I was doing to her, now with two fingers. "Let's see if that mouth can do anything other than complain."

    "No, please don't! I felt you on my leg! I can't accommodate..." I had already pulled her up from the table, spun her around, and pushed her to her knees. "It's so big!" she moaned, looking at it and then me. "Please don't make me suck it!"

    I didn't miss the way her eyes had a hard time leaving my length, only looking at me with those puppy dog eyes once in a while. "Suck it, Natalia. We both know you want to," I told her, taking her arms and putting them on the desk, like she was in the stocks or hung to receive my anger. I took her chin in my hand and pressed on her jaw point, and she opened her mouth.

    I closed my eyes, rolled my head back and sighed as I felt my tip slide between her wet lips, her tongue grazing the soft underside of my cock as I went in. She played her game of masking her lecherous moans with grunts of malcontent, but women who don't want to blow you don't work their tongues and suck on your tip that vigorously.

    With Portmanov's arms still on the desk, the good obedient she was, I took her soft brown hair in my hands, and I guided my hips in further. I looked down and saw those gorgeous eyes looking up at me, the look of innocence there with a master's touch, but I couldn't miss the way she fluttered her throat to pleasure me, her thighs trembling, trying to push together to offer herself at least a little relief.

    I reached down and cupped her soft breast, and then slapped it, making her moan. She wanted to feel like a prisoner, like she wasn't letting herself be used by the enemy, so I would degrade the young tart as such.

    I twisted her nipple, making her practically gurgle around the spit in her mouth and my cock as she was hit with the sensuous pain. I teased it again lightly before twisting the opposite nipple for the same effect. She struggled to keep her arms up, the picture of being used against her will still in her head as she salivate over me and it ran down her chin.

    I fucked her throat fast but shallow, letting her know I could bruise her throat if I wanted to, but her submission and humiliation, as well as both of our pleasures, were my goals, and I was achieving them.

    I got close to reaching my peak, so I withdrew from her quickly, taking in her sputters and gasps, how beautifully the fire light lit the spit on her mouth, chin, and neck as she caught her breath.

    I gave her no time, picking her up under her slender singer's arms and sitting her on the desk. I pushed her down and pulled her legs over my shoulders as I went back to voraciously eating her tender, moist pussy that belonged to me now.

    She cried out and cursed in Russian now as I devoured her like a starving man about to meet the firing squad. She gripped the desk past her head and moaned as I tugged on her short bush, running my fingers past it up over her trembling soft tummy to grasp her tits as I made her cum into my violent, soul devouring mouth.

    I tore my face from between her legs, lunged over her sprawled out body, locked our fingers together and I drove my cock deep and hard I to her hot waiting maul slot, making her cry into my mouth. Oh how high her back would have come off the table if I wasn't holding her down with all of my weight.

    Her legs wrapped around me and her heels dug into my sides as I held nothing back and fucked her hard, listening to her scream next to my ear as my didk claimed her, released her, and claimed her again like territory trading hands. I ravaged her and enjoyed the way she bit into my neck and shoulder as I pounded her.

    "Oh my God, yes!" she finally gave, dropping her act altogether. "Yes! Fuck me! Fuck me! Oh God yes!"

    "This pussy belongs to me now. You can be a Russian soldier, but it's mine," I growled before claiming her with a hard bite, clearly leaving imprints of my teeth in her soft neck flesh.

    As I removed my teeth and licked over the spot, she came hard around me.

    "That's right, cum! Cum on my German prick you Russian filth!" I spat, and spit into her mouth, making sure she knew how much I had conquered her. "I could have killed you, but this is such a better use for your warm body."

    "It's yours!" she decreed as she still had the ability to hump me back, telling me she wasn't broken yet.

    "I haven't owned all of you yet," I sneered and retreated from her slick cavern fast. Making her cry out at the sudden, devastating retreat.

    I easily grabbed her legs and flipped her over, spitting onto her asshole and pulling her cheeks apart, pressing my head against the tight resistance.

    "Do it, jut get it over with. Take everything. I no longer care!" she tried to play tough, but cried out as I pushed my head past her defenses. I slowly pushed in, bit by bit, letting her get used to me as I went, enjoying the sight of my train going deeper and deeper into her back hole. "Oh fuck! Oh fuck! I thought you felt big before!"

    "I'm almost there," I told her as I pressed the last bit in and draped my body over her back, reveling in the feel of her tight little ass against my thighs. She almost felt like a ballerina.

    "Oh God, oh fuck, sir! Please please please! I'm done playing! Just fuck me!" she pleaded, reaching a hand behind her to grab the back of my head and pull my hair as I started throwing my hip into her again.

    "Oh you're so tight, my little wolf. Your Red ass feels so good around me! Fuck!" I moaned as I grabbed her tits under her again and held them firmly as I powered into her, her cries a lot louder than my feral grunts.

    "Burst in me! Do it! I want to feel you run out of my ass!" she begged, her teeth grit together.

    "Can't have a soldier pregnant out here," I agreed as I felt my balls impossibly tighten. "Here!" I said as I pushed her face down against the desk and came in her ass, white light exploding behind my eyes as we exploded together.

    I kept humping her until I was sure she was done, and then I pulled out of her.

    I cleaned myself quickly and pulled myself into my pants.

    Natalia Portmanov laid out on the table. Her back rising and falling with breath, my seven running down her ass and legs, collecting on the bottom of her pussy as she wanted, a satisfied smile on her face. "I'm glad you didn't kill me," she giggled.

    "Have you been captured like this before?" I asked, the possibility making me more jealous than I could have expected.

    "Nein," she said, shaking her head. I believed her, something in her eyes telling the truth.

    "If I catch you again, this will be repeated," I warned her, and left, but allowed her to keep her rifle. The chase wouldn't be as fun if she were unarmed.

    Two weeks time went by and I was up to 64 kills. I was staking out in an old train station, when I caught Ms. Portmanov in my sights again. She was smiling, making me think she had caught me first. To my disbelief, I watched her turn her back to me and take a prone position, wanting me to "catch her off guard." Little wolf indeed.

    CYG May: Natalie Portman

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    Grrr welp. You just ruined the History Channel for me Harbinger,
    LOL cos it'll never match this scene! That was fucking awesome!!

  3. Thanks HoneyB, Harbinger thanked for this post
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    I might have to start calling her Portmanov from now on. Brilliant story and loved every bit of it!

  5. Thanks Harbinger, TPG thanked for this post
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