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Thread: Endless Treasures Ch. 2 with Jessica Naz and Michelle Keegan

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    fanfiction Endless Treasures Ch. 2 with Jessica Naz and Michelle Keegan

    Endless Treasures Ch. 2
    With Jessica Naz and Michelle Keegan
    By Harbinger
    Tags: M/FF, stripped, groped, fingering, butt play, reluctance

    Dr. Michelle Keegan murmured and twisted in her sleep, her brow furrowing and her full lips curling. Her words were unintelligible, but were humorous to her new associate that watched on.

    The adventuring specialist Jessica Naz was comfortably sitting on a chair, lathering her fine skin with her favorite moisturizing lotion, but was occasionally distracted by the good doctor who was at that moment... fondling her tits.

    Jessica smiled and shook her head as she could only guess what Michelle was dreaming about. She stole another glance as Michelle rubbed her thighs together and gasped. "Dirty girl," she laughed quietly as she caressed her smooth, bare legs.

    "I didn't say you could do that," Michelle mumbled, burying her gorgeous face into the pillow, the hand not on her tits moved under the blanket and settled on her crotch.

    Jessica watched with fascination and couldn't decode whether to keep enjoying the show or to wake up the good doctor.

    "Please... stop...." the sleeping dirt sleuth begged as she thrashed. Jessica had never personally seen such an active dreamer. She wasn't so sure anymore that what she had told the man about Michelle were lies anymore.

    "Hey, Michelle!" Jessica raised her voice a little higher than was indoors appropriate. "It's time to get up." The doctor didn't seem to move.

    The long legged American put her lotion bottle down and stood up, and ripped the blanket from her sleeping Brit.

    Michelle was still wearing her nightie, but the bottom hem was high up her thighs, nearly exposing her pantieless sex which only her hand was hiding. The straps of the thin piece were still in place but a little haphazard, her dark areola of her left breast in sight, but her large caramel nipple was still barely hidden.

    "Hey Doc," Jessica tried again, this time having Michelle's shoulder, but the doctor just squirmed from her touch.

    "Oh for fuck's suck," Jessica groaned, her patience wearing thin just before an idea popped into her head.

    With a cunning smirk, Jessica sucked on two of her slender fingers and sat on the edge of the bed by Michelle's legs. With one hand, she pried Michelle's hand away and saw her wet pussy. She slid her prepped fingers inside easily and even the renowned Jessica Naz had to gasp at how wet Michelle had become from her dream.

    Jessica rolled her head, letting her silky black hair roll over to one shoulder as she took to the task of fingering the esteemed Dr. Keegan until she hit a powerful orgasm, finally waking her up with a rough start.

    "Bloody hell," Michelle moaned as she covered her face, red from the powerful morning O and from the immediate realization of what was going on. She could hear Jessica sucking her morning arousal from her fingers, for Christ's sake.

    "Having a good dream... or a bad one?" Jessica asked after retracting her fingers from her sinful mouth.

    "It was about last night..." the doctor admitted, her eyes finding Jessica's. "It went further, you uh, you didn't stop him from taking me."

    "Ah," Jessica said, slowly letting her head roll back. "Well, I'm glad it was only a dream, and that you were able to get something good out of it," Jessica said with that wink that Michelle found so aggravating and so... annoyingly sexy. "Anyway, get dressed. The sun will be up soon and we should get out of here and on our way to Peru."

    As Jessica stood up again and stretched, her beautiful chest rising up, she could feel Michelle's eyes on her. With her lithe back still bent, Jessica smiled, opened her eyes and winked at Michelle again, never tiring of her blush. Jessica knew how fucking good she looked, still in her black underwear herself.

    "Good morning," Jessica said and fondled her covered tits as she straightened her back. "I'm a little jealous of the start to your day," she teased.

    Michelle pulled the blanket back up over herself, hiding her body and the blush that seemed to always be nearby with Jessica around. "I can't believe the last 12 hours," she groaned.

    "Well we just got started," Jessica laughed. "I have a way of getting into trouble, but I promise it's always worth it."

    "It better be," Michelle growled and pulled the blanket down from over her head. "I'd like to get dressed now."

    "Good idea," Jessica said as she dug through her bag, shamelessly presenting her black pantie-clad ass to her ‘boss' as she dug out a pair of olive green shorts. She made no sign of going to the next room or even looking away as she climbed into her form fitting shorts.

    "Jessica, you're watching me," Michelle pointed out, her eyes narrowing as she stood up exposing her toned, bronzed legs.

    "I'm not leaving the room until we’re leaving," Jessica laughed. "You're going to need to get over your princess modesty, Doctor. I promise it'll be an easy mission if you can find it in you to get over yourself."

    Michelle bristled at Jessica's harsh words, but the mercenary's tone, the look behind her eyes, said she meant every word, and that it was Michelle's best interest. Jessica had already fingered her that morning, so what was there to really hide, anyway?

    With a huff, Michelle pulled the satin midnight blue nightie over her head, releasing her magnificent breasts to Jessica. She quickly found a black tank top and covered her bountiful chest before slipping into a pair of white panties.

    "No bra? Bold move, Doc," Jessica teased. "One gust of wind and you'll have two holes in your shirt."

    Michelle just huffed and fixed the error she had made in awkward haste, and then finished dressing in a pair of lycra black leggings. It turns out that her adventuring clothes weren't that dissimilar from Ms. Naz's.

    Jessica finished dressing as well and helped the doctor pack up her supplies, and they were soon headed out the door.

    The pair of adventurers had no problem catching a cab to the London Airport, their looks helping them get a ride over the average Joe next to them, who had been waiting longer, they were sure. The cabbie ogled them plenty, but didn't say a word, which the women in the backseat were grateful for.

    There were no problems boarding the London flight, the security checks being thorough but not overly invasive. Jessica had a "industry friend" that was able to get her tools of the trade out, allowing her to pass.

    Michelle's equipment was genuinely professional, and she also had a writ from the Royal Society, allowing her to pass easily.

    The girls were even seated next to each other in business class. Michelle had the money for 1st, but she didn't see the point in it, despite Jessica's immature grumbling.

    "This is Peru, and things work a little differently here, Doctor," Jessica warned the brilliant PhD as they stood up to leave their flight.

    "I've been to Peru before, Ms. Naz," Michelle laughed, not picking up on the ominous message of her colleague.

    "Have you ever been to Peru on a competitive dig with a hell of a paycheck to winner on the line?" Jessica whispered as they merged from their row into the hallway of the plane.

    "I have not," Michelle admitted. "Surely you're not worried about dirty play in an airport?" she asked in her almost raspy voice.

    "In Peru? I certainly am," she confirmed. "Especially when the people you're up against have a lot on the line, and enough money to bribe people in a struggling country."

    Michelle swallowed deeply as they shuffled off of the plane and down the long corridor that would connect them to the airport proper. "What should we expect?" she asked, her voice trembling noticeably.

    "Anything," Jessica warned with a shrug of her shoulders, but her voice staying nonchalant. "I've been through this situation plenty of times. Something could happen, maybe nothing. If anything, expect a delay in our time so the fiercest rivals can get a head start. I wouldn't expect torture or anything like that. There is only so far the people here can be bribed, and there is only so far people in the Royal Society will push. If we get the chance to return the favor, they know we'll remember whatever they had done to us," Jessica explained as they stood in their terminal.

    "Christ," Michelle let out with a breath. "This is more than I had bargained for." Her eyes turned up to Jessica. "I'm glad I have you and your experience with me."

    Jessica just nodded, not being the touchy and sappy type. "Let's go," she said and led the good doctor through the bustling, hot and overcrowded airport.

    The girls got through baggage claim easy enough, and with everything in tow, headed for the security checkpoint that would either bar them from, or allow them to Peru itself.

    "If anything happens, it's going to happen here. Be prepared and follow my lead," Jessica ordered, and Michelle submitted with a nod.

    With a bright smile and perfect Spanish, the temple sleuth made it through the metal detectors and the pat down, despite it being a little more handsy than the average. Jessica didn't flinch, expecting this for someone of her beauty and attributes.

    Michelle knew only little Spanish, and her smile was not as carefree and confident as Jessica's, which were her first mistakes. When she stepped through the metal detector, it violently pinged, and Michelle cursed.

    "It... it didn't go off in London!" Michelle hastily tried to explain as two Peruvians pulled her forward and immediately pried her legs apart and her arms up. "I don't know why it went off!" she lamented as strong hands felt up her arms and her meaty legs.

    The security agents spoke in rapid Spanish, and Michelle had no hope of understanding.

    "They said of course you got through London, you're British," Jessica translated, her arms crossed as she watched her friend's thighs get thoroughly groped, a hand from each man going as far as to feel the juncture between her legs, making the socialite gasp in humiliation.

    They spoke again and Jessica translated, "They didn't find anything, they're calling their supervisor."

    "What, why? Shouldn't they let me go if they didn't find anything?" Michelle protested.

    "Remember how I said this mission is going to be a lot easier if you get over yourself?" Jessica asked, raising a dark eyebrow.

    "Ye... yeah," Michelle breathed out pitifully.

    "This is a situation where that skill would help you. We're about to be searched... thoroughly," Naz warned.

    One of the two agents that had gone off came back and harshly pushed Michelle forward, almost making her fall. Jessica was pushed by the other, and in this fashion were led down a hallway with a few plain wood doors, and then one with a solid, bulkier metal door with no window.

    The girls were harshly pushed inside. The only thing in the room was a table and four chairs. The door was slammed behind them and a mechanical lock clicked, despite Michelle screaming for them to wait.

    "Buckle up, Princess. This is the kind of delay tactic I was told about. You want to know why the alarm went off? One of the agents stuck his steel-toe boot under the censor when you stepped in it."

    "No. No no no no!" Michelle cried as she pounded on the door.

    "It's useless, Doc. They're going to have a bit of fun with us, apologize when they find nothing, and then send us on the way. If I play our cards right, they may tell us who did it."

    "I have an assumption on what kind of fun Hey want," Michelle huffed, wiping away a tear.

    "It's probably a good bet," Jessica said flatly with a nod. They're going to want to see everything I saw this morning," she telegraphed.

    Michelle just sighed and took a seat at the table next to Jessica, and laid her head down over her arms.

    20 minutes or so passed and the door finally clicked open. A tall well built man in a security uniform walked in and circled the table slowly before sitting down across from them.

    "I'm told you are trying to smuggle something into my beloved Peru," the man said slowly, his accent pretty thick but his English wasn't horrible.

    "We..." Michelle tried, but Jessica clasped a hand over her mouth.

    "Listen, I've been through this before. I know the song and dance. How about I get to business and suck your cock right now, and then you let us go, hm?" Jessica offered without missing a beat. Michelle and the agent's eyebrow rose.

    "I don't know what you take my airport for, but this is a serious matter of security," he said with a very even tone, leaning forward on the table, maintaining eye contact with Jessica, refusing any urge to look at either of their insane bodies. "We're going to have a chat, I'm going to prove to myself you have nothing on your persons, and then you are free to go about Peru," he explained.

    "Firstly, why are you here?" he asked, leaning back in his chair.

    Jessica freed Michelle's mouth. The truth here would serve them best, and Michelle could word it better.

    "We are here on official business for the Royal Society of London. I am Doctor Michelle Keegan, an archeologist."

    "Ah," the man said, watching her face seriously. Do you have your papers?" he asked.

    "Yes, in my back pockets," Michelle confirmed. "May I rise and retrieve them?" she asked, hoping manners would make this go as smooth as possible.

    "Stand up, but put your hands on the table," the captain requested as they both rose at the same time. He crossed over behind Michelle as she braced her hands on the cool metal table, leaving her ass pressed out and her back at a 45 degree angle.

    The captain palmed both firm buttcheeks and felt for the paper. His fingers squeezed and brushed until they felt the thin outline of documents.

    Michelle rolled her eyes as he slid his hands into both of her tight back pockets, massaging her impressive gluten as he dug the paper out.

    "Discard your shorts please," he asked Michelle with a surprisingly polite air. "As I discover who you are, I must discover whether or not you're hiding something as well." He turned his eyes from the paperwork to Jessica. "You as well. I know even less about you," he said as he pulled Jessica up by her long braid.

    Jessica winced as she was forced up, and a strong hand pushed her forward until she was bent over like Michelle, now that her leggings and shoes had been removed. At least she had the opportunity to remove them herself.

    Jessica looked into Michelle’s brown eyes as she felt arms around her waist and then rough fingers undoing her belt. Michelle tried to offer a supporting smile as the security captain undid the button and fly of Jessica's army green shorts and pulled them down, his thumbs purposefully brushing her warm hips and thighs as he dragged them down her sexy legs.

    "It'll be okay, Michelle," Jessica said to her partner, not caring that the captain heard her clearly.

    "As long as the cooperation continues, it will be," he confirmed as he went through Jessica's pockets and then tossed her shorts aside. He stood behind Michelle again and pressed his full weight onto her, his noticeable erection pressing into the valley of her ass, his hangs going around to massage her bountiful breasts.

    "Take this off or I will," the Captain said plainly as he had said everything else so far. His boner and over-caressing hands were the only actual signs he was enjoying this.

    As Michelle removed her black tanktop, the security skeeze had amused his previous position over Jessica, and felt her young pert tits under her crop top, his fingers playing with the sleek black texture of her bra. "You as well," he ordered.

    In just moments, the two tan adventurers were left standing in the interrogation room in just their socks, bras and panties.

    "Seen enough yet? We're clearly not hiding anything," Michelle said, resuming her stance with legs straight, hands on the table, and Jessica with her.

    "I'm sorry to do this," he said as he pulled on a purple disposable glove.

    "Oh hell no," Michelle squealed, moving away from the table.

    "When you're not hiding anything in your clothes, that increases the likelihood of hiding something in you."

    Jessica took a deep breath and removed her own bra and panties, drawing his attention away from Michelle. "Alright then, let's get this over with you perverted fuck," she challenged.

    He sighed deeply and left Michelle in her corner as he approached the slender and toned Naz.

    "Want me like this, or like this?" she asked as she turned over, making her body straight as a board and leaning back on her forearms, her legs spread about three inches apart.

    "Either way," he shrugged. "A routine cavity search is a routine cavity search. And do not think that your bravado is saving Dr. Keegan," he assured her.

    Jessica smiled and winked at Michelle as the security captain did a quick glance over Jessica's fully exposed body. "Feel free to take your time, and be thorough. Whoever paid you should get their money's worth, don't you think?"

    For the first time, Jessica saw a chunk in his "professional" armor as his jaw quickly tensed and then relaxed.

    "Open," he ordered, and Jessica opened her mouth wide for two gloved fingers to snake in, feeling as far as they could go, making her gag. He pressed down on her tongue and felt around her gum line and behind her perfect white teeth.

    He was about to retract his fingers, but Jessica closed her lips around his digits and sucked on them, leaving them with her tongue, a smile lighting up her eyes before he pulled them out.

    "All lubed up for you," Jessica purred and leaned further back on the table, her long dark braid over a shoulder, her magnificent boobs on display for him. She spread her legs wider and looked at him expectantly.

    Taking Jessica bluff, he cupped his hand and grabbed her crotch, roughly bringing his tough skinned fingers over her smooth, velvety skin, making her gasp but she defiantly kept eye contact.

    She took in a deep breath as scratchy fingers rubbed over her pillowy vulva. She actually reveled in the contrast and let out a small moan. "Oh I'm sorry, I'm not supposed to enjoy this, am I?" Jessica teased and she caught another scowl from the man.

    He swirled his fingers over Jessica's upper pussy, trying to draw out her clit. "Well I didn't expect that kind of treatment," she commented and let out another sigh.

    "Shut up," he nearly growled, starting to lose his mask of this whole thing being for security's sake. He slid a finger into Jessica's tight heat and she threw her head back with a sharp intake of breath. "I can feel how rough your fingers are even through that glove," she marveled.

    Every time she spoke, he would thrust in harder and faster, trying to keep some semblance of control, but she was nowhere near breaking.

    He quickly withdrew his finger and turned her over. "One more hole to go," he almost growled as he used one hand to spread her magnificent ass apart as he kicked her legs apart even wider.

    "Let's do this, Cowboy," Jessica challenged even further as she pressed her body down fully against the table that had warmed up considerably.

    With the glove wet from Jessica's mouth and pussy, he circled her tight little asshole a few times before pushing the tip in, and hearing her moan against the steel.

    "Holy shit, that feels good," Jessica breathed, wriggling her ass into the man that was essentially her captor.

    He slid his digit in slowly, but up to his knuckle before he pulled it back out. He removed his glove and pulled on another one. "Trade places," he demanded.

    Michelle was still in her corner, having stayed quiet the entire time in the feeble hope that she would be forgotten, given he had all the chances he needed with the gorgeous Jessica Naz.

    "I tried," she said with a shrug.

    Michelle hadn't moved, so the captain went to her. Tired of Jessica's games, he wasted no time or niceties with the older woman, reaching behind her and tugging at her bra blindly until he undid the clasp and pulled it from her shoulders, freeing her great tits.

    She tried to cover them up, but he forced her arms down to her sides. He grabbed her shoulders and spun her around, pushing her against the wall, ignoring her startled squeaks and squeals as she was manhandled.

    "Come on asshole, you weren't that rough with me," Jessica tried to argue.

    "Shut up!" he spat, fully losing his composure for the first time as he yanked Michelle's silky panties down her incredibly smooth legs. "I've had enough of you, and she's definitely going to be the one to break," he growled as he pulled Michelle's hair back and licked the column of her neck, making the doctor groan.

    "Why are you doing this? Who is paying you?" Michelle asked as this man's true colors came put, his hands running all over her naked body, groping her tits, her thighs, her ass.

    "Professor Beckinsale sends her regards," he sneered and licked the shell of Michelle's ear, making her wince. One hand palmed her large breast and tweaked a nipple while the other snaked down her torso and wormed between her legs.

    "Please stop," Michelle pleaded as his gloved hand started massaging her lower lips, a groping with the intent of getting her good and wet.

    "Just enjoy it like your friend did," he tried to urge the uptight doctor as he continually played with her nipples as ran a finger between her dampening pussy lips.

    "I'm not like her, I can't just... fuck," she sighed as his blind rubbing brushed her hidden clit and made her labia fill with blood as she became more aroused from the friction and touching, bot because of the situation.

    "Shhh," he shushed her as his thumb circled around her clit and his index finger pushed just into her hot opening.

    "What are your[ur orders? What did this Professor Beckinsale pay you to do?" Jessica asked, her bra and panties back on since she had been cleared after the "search."

    Michelle closed her eyes and rested her head against the wall and focused on trying to keep her breathing even as this scumbag kissed around her shoulders and neck as he continued to finger her pussy.

    "To delay you, as you have already figured out, as well as to humiliate and demoralize Dr. Keegan here," he announced the second part of his mission as he inserted a second finger into the bustling bookworm.

    "Well I'd say that's mission accomplished, wouldn't you?" Jessica tried to argue for her friend as she whined against the white tile wall.

    "Not yet. Not until I get the bitch to cum," he growled as he changed his angle, allowing his meaty fingers to brush her g-spot.

    Michelle gasped and moaned as the gloved agent started to finger her deep, and the sounds of her arousal being clear in the small room. "Please stop, I can assure you this is one of the worst days of my life!" Michelle pleaded.

    "The professor wants you nearly broken, and I plan to deliver," he said as the hand not sloshing her cunt reached for his belt.

    He closed his eyes to focus on multitasking, and it's all the daring Jessica needed to sneak behind him, pull his gun, and point it at his own temple.

    "You're going to remove your fingers from her pussy, and you're going to apologize or I swear to God I will end your life here, the consequences be damned," Jessica growled, her breath hot on his neck."Two times in 24 hours, this has gone too far with her and I've stopped her from getting dicked down both times."

    "You wouldn't dare kill a security agent in an airport!" he spat back, calling her bluff.

    "If you're intent on fucking one of us, it's going to be me," Naz doubled down, pulling the hammer of the pistol back.

    There was a long pause before he growled, "Fine!"

    Jessica kissed his neck and smiled, now feeling happily in control. She handed the gun over to Michelle, who took it with a firm grip and steady hand, surprising the more seasoned adventurer.

    "Now let's see what we've got here, hmm?" Jessica said, undoing his pants and pulling his cock out. "Not bad," she said as she licked her hand and began to stroke him.

    "This is not what I was paid for," he grimaced, but couldn't help a small groan brought out by Jessoca's soft hand around his cock.

    "What exactly were you paid for? What were your exact orders?" Michelle asked, her hands over her tits.

    "Professor Beckinsale paid me to see how much you would tell me about the dig; what you knew and who you were working with. She paid me to do this... and to even fuck you if you didn't tell me enough," he admitted as Jessica jerked him off even faster, her wet hand on his precum leaking cock making a wet slick sound.

    "How are you supposed to give her the information?" Jessica asked, slowing her movement down, feeling like they were getting somewhere.

    He refused to say any more, so Jessica stopped her movements all together.

    "He won't tell us anything more, Jess. We should leave while we can," Michelle urged, still keeping the pistol steady.

    "Wait a moment..." Jessica said, stroking him slowly once again. She let go of him and then climbed on top of the table, ignoring the way the cooled metal felt on her ass. "I'll still give you your pound of flesh," she said, spreading her legs and running her fingers over her brown labia, "if you tell her exactly what Dr. Keegan tells you."

    Michelle smiled at her dubious, brilliant new business partner.

    The man looked down, right at his rock hard length and his straining balls. "Very well," he gave in and approached Jessica on the table.

    Jessica was a fit, very nubile young woman, and had no problems hooking her legs around his waist and pulling him flush against the table. "I'm just considering myself lucky you're not half bad looking."

    "And what... am I telling... the professor?" he asked as he took himself in hand and rubbed his cock head up and down over Jessica's swolen pussy lips, just sliding between them to get his head good and wet.

    "Tell them," Michelle began with a whisper, letting her bare breasts smooth into his back, "That Dr. Keegan is working with the infamous Jessica Naz, and our first stop is the Hidden Valley of Kings."

    None of this meant anything to Jessica or the man slowly pushing his length into her tight heat, but Michelle knew exactly what she was saying as she scraped her nails over the man's chest, pulling his buttons apart so she could feel his flesh.

    "Tell her, that we know the Lost Valley is 30 kilometers North of the Wintabash River, but somewhere West of the Lukabolo Mountains," she kissed his neck, watching as his prick slowly slid in and out of Jessica's scorching gash. "Tell him you had to fuck me hard, bent over this table to make me talk."

    Jessica smiled up at both of the conspirators, genuinely enjoying the slow fucking she was receiving, and also loving the new dark side Michelle was slowly picking up. "That's a great idea," Jessica purred as she played with her breasts and slowly stroked her clit, stoking her building fire more.

    "Tell Kate I hollered out the answer as you pinned me to this table and ate my pussy as Jessica could only watch," she even growled. "Fuck, I think I'm actually a little wet," she giggled, briefly breaking character.

    "I bet your pussy feels so good, Michelle," Jessica moaned as the man stuffing her picked up speed and power, fucking her good like Michelle described. "You're so underfucked, too."

    Michelle blushed and pulled her back away, no longer watching the in and out that Jessica was taking.

    Jessica pulled her legs up and away from the pistoning Peruvian. "Get out of me," she ordered. He stopped his thrusting and looked at her, almost in anger. "Fuck her instead. Like you were paid for."

    "Jessica, what?" Michelle shrieked, feeling utterly betrayed. She covered her breasts yet again and tried to back pedal, but before she knew it, she was cornered by a large man with a soaking wet cock and a stunning woman who was bare ass naked and a hell of a better fighter than her.

    "You teased him, and frankly I think you need this fucking," she said as she grabbed Michelle's arm and dragged her to the table. Michelle was easily overpowered and pushed down by to sets of arms.

    "Wait, please, I'm sorry! I don't need... fuck!" Michelle squealed as two fingers pushed inside of her pussy that was indeed wet.

    Jessica had gone to the other side of the table, and the thin doubt that it could have been her I. Michelle's cunt had been removed. His fingers also fit Jessica's depiction perfectly.

    "I'm going to fuck this uptight pussy," he growled into her ear, his body dwarfing hers as he lined himself up to enter her. "Your friend's juicy cunt got me nice and lubed for you."

    Michelle reached across the table for Jessica's hands. "Please, no! Come on, Jess!" She felt the bulbous cock head pierce her lips, and he gave her just the tip for a little, luxuriating in her tight hot glove entrance.

    Jessica did take her hands, but pushed her arms down to the table. "You're going to thank me, Michelle. He has a nice cock, he's good with it, and you just can't get dick like this when you're at home," she laughed as Michelle gasped, another solid inch sliding into her.

    "Oh, oh God! He really is fucking me, isn't he?" she asked in genuine disbelief. "He's barely inside but... argh!" she whined as he slid in deeper yet, but giving her time to warm up to him.

    "It's okay, you can fuck her good. I promise she'll be cumming on your cock in no time. You should have heard the dream she had this morning," Jessica told him but winked at Michelle.

    "HURH! AAAH!" Michelle bellowed, her mouth agape as Jessica held her in place and the burly security captain pulled her hips back into his, filling her completely. "Fuuuuck!" she moaned on the outstroke.

    "Admit it feels good!" Jessica demanded, a hot flame behind her sharp brown eyes. "Tell him you like the feel of his cock inside you!"

    Michelle dropped her head to the table and let out a series of strangled moans and grunts as she was relentlessly fucked by their captor. "Oh my Gawd!"

    "Just admit it!" Jessica called again. "Tell us you're a slut and his for the using!"

    I'm... I'm... urgh my God he's big!" Michelle took in deep breaths and cried out, "It feels so fucking good!"

    Jessica smiled triumphantly, laughed even, as the uptight and even prudish Dr. Michelle Keegan gave in to the carnal need to have a hard cock ravage her inside. "Go ahead, Michelle, cum all over that big Peruvian cock, come on!" she coached.

    "It feels so good, but I... I don't want it!" she tried to fight.

    "If it feels good, why not? Because you're a proper lady?" Jessica laughed. "Look at you, you're a proper lady getting fucked like a cheap whore. Enjoy being able to be both, and on the Queen's dime!"

    Michelle was no longer able to argue, the ball of hot desire and want in her too big and tight. She was going to cum all over this stranger's dick and she couldn't do anything about it. She was at the mercy of him and Jessica, who was under the twisted idea that she needed this! Every nerve in her body was alight and then finally exploded, her body tensing and the air pushed from her lungs as she violently came, a rush of arousal running out of her.

    The large man doing all the work smacked Michelle's rich ass and pressed down on the center of her back, asserting total dominance of the brunette as he pummeled her insides. "She's cumming! I can feel her clenching around my dick!" he declared and fucked her even faster with shallower thrusts until he pulled out and shot his thick ropes over her ass and the back of her thick thighs. His cock was soaking wet from Michelle's discharge, and there was no way she could pretend she didn't enjoy that feeling after that evidence was brought to florescent light.

    Michelle just trembled on the table and fought for breath as the large Peruvian picked his gun off the floor, which Michelle had dropped when she was cornered, and tucked himself back in.

    "I did what I was paid for; Dr. Keegan has been truly fucked and dominated, and I have my information. Professor Beckinsale never said I had to make sure it was correct."

    Jessica picked up Michelle's head and looked into her glassy eyes. "You were certainly fucked and dominated, but do you feel defeated?"

    Michelle laughed a deep, throaty chuckle as light came back to her eyes. "Far from it."

    CYG May: Natalie Portman

  2. #2
    TPG's Avatar
    TPG is offline "My Dear Sir,
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    to be Loved,
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    Grr that was hot AF Harbinger.
    Really enjoying their adventures together.

  3. #3
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    Sep 2021
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    This maybe the hottest pairing in history.

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  3. Endless Treasures Ch. 1 with Jessica Naz and Michelle Keegan
    By Harbinger in forum Michelle Keegan Stories
    Replies: 2
    Last Post: 11-04-2023, 01:32 PM
  4. Replies: 0
    Last Post: 09-29-2016, 09:22 PM
  5. Replies: 1
    Last Post: 10-23-2015, 05:18 AM



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