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Thread: "An Unwanted Following" with Emmy Rossum

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    fanfiction "An Unwanted Following" with Emmy Rossum

    An Unwanted Following
    With Emmy Rossum
    By Harbinger
    Tags: M/F, violence, handjob, fingering, first time, creampie
    Disclaimer: This story is 100% fiction and for entertainment only.

    It was a quiet evening in the summer of 2004, and I was just a struggling young private investigator just trying to make my shit little start-up survive.

    My luck forever changed when I heard a quiet, nervous sounding "H-hello?" from the front/reception room of my office suite. It sounded like a girl or young woman.

    I put down the book I was reading and looked over through the glass window that separated my personal office from the lobby. Standing there, looking around with some clear worry on her face, was a tight bodied young woman with big brown eyes and long brunette hair pulled into a ponytail.

    I pushed off from my desk and went to the doorway. "Can I help you?" I asked, sounding calm, hoping it helped this frightened girl relax.

    "Oh my God, I hope so," she said, her hands on her hips. "The cops think I sound crazy, but please, listen to me. I think I'm being followed by at least two people. It could be more, but I have no idea how many."

    "Okay," I said, nodding. "Can I offer you a seat? Coffee, water or tea?"

    "Water please. I was just on a run when things got really weird, so I've been running more than I want."

    "Let's start here; what's your name?" I asked her as I filled two clean coffee mugs with tap water. She didn't seem to mind it was tap.

    "Emmy Rossum. I'm an actress, very unheard of until recently," she said.

    "Until recently?" I asked, sipping the cold water.

    "Yes. I was just in the screen adaptation of Phantom of the Opera. It's a big deal for me, anyway. After we wrapped on it is also when things started to get weird for me," the girl said.

    "Weird how?" I asked, leaning forward with my elbows on my knees.

    "Are you going to help me?" this Emmy girl asked, a huge smile on her face.

    "Probably. Keep talking so I can make a final decision," I encouraged her, but I had a gut feeling I needed to help Ms. Rossum, and not just for the payday.

    "It was last month after the Phantom wrapped that I started to feel followed. I felt like I was being watched and not just at home, but everywhere I went," Emmy said, clearly distressed. "But it didn't feel like one pair of eyes, you know? I felt like I couldn't pinpoint it, or like it was constantly moving."

    "Yeah, that's not something I'd want for me," I said, shaking my head.

    "Yeah, and you're an adult guy who probably carries a gun. I'm an 18 year old woman that lives alone." Emmy scoffed, putting her shoes on me for a bit.

    I sat there and chewed my lip for a moment. "Is there a boyfriend or a friend who can stay with you while we figure out more?"

    She shook her head. "My ex broke up with me when I moved after getting the Phantom role, and I haven't really made friends, let alone close ones. I'm pretty alone out here."

    "That complicates things a lot more," I said.

    "I don't feel safe alone. Anywhere. Not even my own house. I'm barely sleeping," Emmy said, shooting out short, choppy sentences. "I have no idea what I'm supposed to do."

    "Can I ask how you found me, Emmy?"

    "Yeah, of course. It was terribly on accident, actually. I was out for a run," she said, motioning to her tight shorts and sweat-drying t-shirt. "I felt like I was being followed again, so I went to the police. I gave them all the details I could, the ones I've already given you. They told me they couldn't do much for me except send a squad car by my place every few hours, but that doesn't make me feel that much better. I stumbled here just by running home," she finished with a shrug.

    "Well I'm not sure how much we can do immediately off the bat. We can conjecture about who these people are, but we can't be sure until we identify them or figure out what they want. If there is more than one, and they've been following you for a month, it has to be a sinister plot, I would think."

    "You're not making me feel better…." she leaned forward a bit, hand out, fishing for something? I hadn't told her my name yet!


    "That doesn't put me at ease, Shawn, learning they don't want to just take my purse."

    "I won't use you as bait. I refuse to do that," I said firmly.

    "Good. I don't want to be bait," she agreed. "That may work fine in movies, but this isn't one. I'd rather not be killed by a cult or taken for ransom or something else totally insane," Emmy said, putting the water down and covering her face. "I still have no idea what to do. Every day I feel like they're getting closer and I just don't know how much more I can take. They're driving me crazy and I think that's part of their plan."

    I opened my mouth to speak, but stopped. As I looked over Emmy's shoulder out the big bay window of my office suite. Across the street under the light post that just flickered to life, stood three people, I couldn't make out genders, wearing identical jeans and black hoodies, hoods pulled over their faces. Those descriptions would do 0 good to the cops.

    "Emmy, you're not crazy at all. I will absolutely take your case," I said slowly.

    Emmy's eyes grew wider and she went pale as a sheet. She could see I wasn't making eye contact, but was watching something outside. "Shawn, what's out there?" she asked in a trembling voice, clearly horrified.

    "I hope you trust me, because I think it best you stay at my place tonight. It's across town, miles from here," I told her. "I have a car just out back. I'll lock up, and we'll go. Do not turn around, just head to the back but do not go outside without me," I instructed carefully.

    Emmy and I made our way out the back together, and as I locked up, Emmy made no sound but pulled on my arm, grabbing my attention. There were another three in the back lot, waiting for us. There was no way the three from across the street could have gotten here so quickly.

    "Where are you going, Christine?" One of them asked, but all three stepped forward.

    "Leave me alone!" Emmy shouted, hiding behind me. While they slowly closed in, I handed my keys to Emmy. "I'll buy you time. Get the car started, do not leave without me."

    "Okay," she said, and as soon as I yelled go, she took off like a sprinter, and I charged the three stalkers, knocking one fully over and making the other two stumble a bit.

    I kicked one of the two still standing in the soft of his belly, knocking the wind from him, allowing me to drive a knee into his chin, shattering his teeth.

    The one left standing pulled a knife and slashed at me, and I jumped back. He lunged in, and I was able to side step it, grab his wrist, pull it up and twist it, snapping it, making him drop the knife and scream. Tucking my thumb under my index finger, I turned my hand into a knife edge and chopped his throat, making him gag. I drove the palm of my heel into his nose, breaking it, and he fell to the ground.

    The one I had initially knocked over was back up, also brandishing a knife. I jumped back in shock as Emmy barrelled into him with my car, knocking him back down easily, but not enough momentum to damage the car or set off airbags.

    "Get in!" she cried, and I listened, as the three from across the street finally joined us after hearing the commotion.

    "Come back! Christine!" they shouted as Emmy drove away.

    "Who the fuck is Christine?" I asked, looking back to see them chasing after us, fading away.

    "Christine isn't real. That's my character's name in Phantom of the Opera," she explained, watching in the rear view as the last one fell out of sight behind us. "What the fuck is wrong with them? Do they think this is funny, that it's a game?"

    "I'm not sure, but they're clearly dangerous and delusional," I chuckled, pressing my hand to my midsection and peeling it away to see a bit of blood on it.

    Emmy's eyes followed my hand and she gasped. "Oh my God, Shawn!"

    "It's okay, it's not very deep. It's just a little tag. I got away from most of it," I said as I dug through my glove box and pulled out a tiny first aid kit. "I need to restock this thing," I laughed.

    "Oh Jesus," Emmy almost hissed.

    "Just get me home, and we'll be okay," I urged, and gave her directions. We had reached my house in about 20 minutes. By the time we got there, I had definitely continued to bleed, but I wasn't dying or woosy.

    Emmy parked in the attached garage and I closed the door behind us, leaving us in silence and low light, a single light fixture on the ceiling.

    "Shawn, can I take a look at that cut?" Emmy asked, those big brown eyes trained on my bloodied hand.

    "Yeah, I guess," I agreed, and started undoing the snaps of my shirt, Emmy's worried eyes following my hands as I worked my way down, and then pulled the panels apart to reveal the angry red line and blood pressed to my belly.

    "Shawn, this is worse than you thought," she said, looking at me, her face paling. "We need to clean you up and get this covered."

    "We should probably talk about what to do about your situation," I suggested instead.

    Emmy pursed her lips and shook her head, so gently touching the wound, her fingers coming away bloody. "No, not till you're fixed up," she said seriously, her eyes holding mine down until I nodded.

    "Come inside, then," I told her. My kitchen was connected to the garage, so instantly after opening a door, 18 year old and break-out actress Emmy Rossum was in the heart of my home, that of a man 10 years her senior, my shirt open and blood on my body, she in light running gear and smelling of dried sweat and unshowered woman.

    Emmy stepped in first, and I kicked myself because I let my eyes travel down her slim, narrow back, over her feminine waist to her young, toned and pert little bubble booty. This girl's life was in danger and she was barely legal, but I still checked her out, including those smooth, shaved pins.

    "Bathroom is this way," I said as I stepped past her, brushing her arm, and led her past my dining room and down a hallway with a door leading to a storage closet, two bedrooms, and the bathroom.

    I flicked the light on and sat up on the counter next to the sink and fully shed my shirt, tossing it into the laundry hamper. I held my side and bent over, opening a slide-out drawer where I kept first-aid supplies.

    Emmy reached in and pulled out alcohol, gauze, and a soft absorbent pad, as well as some individually wrapped wipes. "Do you get hurt a lot as a PI?" she asked as she tore open a wipe.

    "I mean I can, but a lot of this was from before. I was an amateur MMA fighter. Bellator kinda shit, but cheap. Helped pay tuition."

    "Ah," Emmy said, her cute face scrunched in concentration and focus as she cleaned the wound.

    I felt my face contort and my body go rigid as the alcohol burned deep into where the knife had got me. Maybe I had been tagged a little more than I thought.

    After Emmy had disinfected the wound, she used the cooling wipes to remove the blood that had spread around, and the feeling under her hand helped me relax.

    With the area of the slash wound properly cleaned and drying blood free, Emmy opened one of the soft absorbent pads on me and gently circled my torso with the wrapping to hold it firmly in place without pulling too tightly on me.

    "How's that feel?" Emmy asked, her eyes on mine and her hand still over the patch. "Not too tight?"

    "Just right," I said quietly, putting a hand on the back of hers. "Thank you, Emmy."

    Emmy shook her head, a serious look on her face. "Thank you. You got that cut for me. If you hadn't helped me out, God only knows what condition I'd be in, where those freaks would have me right now." I had no response to that, but our eyes held each other, sharing a warm kindness and fondness our words didn't grasp.

    Finally I cleared my throat and looked down at her hands, my much larger one on hers. "I should let you shower. I don't have other clothes for you, but you can at least get clean."

    "That sounds great, thank you. I trust you'll be nearby?"

    "Yeah, but not too near," I joked with a chuckle, and then I felt a little bad, seeing her blush and immediately taking her hand off my bandage. "Uh, right. I'll leave you to it. Once you're all dried up and out, we can talk about what to do next?"

    "That sounds good," Emmy agreed, reaching behind her with both hands, inadvertently pushing her pert young chest out as she undid her ponytail, letting her gorgeous curly hair down. "Anything crazy I need to know about the faucet set up?"

    "No," I said shaking my head. "Pretty basic setup; left for hot, right for cold. Be careful though, because it's super sensitive. It will go from scolding hot to freezing and back with the tiniest twist. It's a good idea to get the temp where you want it before jumping in. Enjoy."

    "Will do. Thanks," Emmy beamed with giant smile, showing me all her white teeth. This young lady was super expressive and I found it very endearing.

    "Shawn!" I heard Emmy call for me a good time later, and with protective instincts I got from my room to the bathroom in seconds.

    "Are you okay?" I called as I opened the door and Emmy shrieked. As I stood in the bathroom, my hand on my aching torso, I saw Emmy still standing in the shower, her head with long soaked hair peeking out, the curtain pulled to her.

    "I was just going to ask about towels!" she shouted back, still startled. "I'm okay, I promise."

    I let out a breath and leaned against the door, my hand still on my side, having launched off my bed the way I had doing me no favors.

    "Oh my God, Shawn," Emmy said, her shoulders sagging. "I know you're, we're both worried about me, but you need to be careful with yourself right now," she chided.

    "I know. I've just never had a case that was this serious, where I've been cut, almost stabbed, and there's clearly an abduction plot against a client," I said as I slunk to the floor. "We're both in real deep here, Em."

    "I'd love to keep talking about this, but I'm getting cold, Shawn. That towel?" she asked again.

    "Oh, right!" I said, struggling to get up so I could grab her a fresh one from a cabinet. I handed it to her and she took it, yoinking it into the shower with her. In one brief moment, the curtain opened and Emmy stood there in just a fluffy towel, her still wet hair down and over the back of it. "I don't have a hair dryer," I said apologetically.

    "It's okay," she laughed, stepping out of the shower and standing next to me, but I sunk back to the floor. More gracefully than I took my seat, Emmy joined me.

    "So clearly six on two isn't great odds, even though I can fight," I started off with.

    "Agreed. I also don't know how much it'll take to get the cops to actually hear us. Maybe the knife wound will help?"

    "Probably a start for the precedent of real danger," I chuckled. I leaned forward and looked past her to my first-aid drawer. "Do I have enough of those wipes that I can take a baby bath?" I asked, only half joking.

    "Yeah, a shower for you probably isn't the best idea," Emmy agreed solemnly.

    "I couldn't even reach everywhere without pulling on it anyway."

    Emmy frowned and touched my arm. "I can't stay here forever, Shawn. We need an actual plan. I know this is more than you bargained for when I came into your office this evening."

    "It is, but I won't leave you. God only knows what you'd be sentenced to. We'll start here; in the morning, you'll stay here because they don't know where here is. I'll get clothes and anything you need from your place. You'll essentially be my roommate while I make some calls and figure this out."

    "So we're supposed to share a bed?" Emmy asked, pulling the towel around her naked form tighter.

    "No. One of the rooms you walked past is a spare. You'll have your own room." Emmy nodded. "Help yourself to anything in the house."

    Emmy sighed and tilted her head, looking at me with those warm, big brown eyes. "If this is a short term living arrangement now, how do I know what your billable hours are?"

    I just laughed. "The sooner I'm paid, the less the accrued interest."

    Emmy kept those burning eyes on me and bit her lip before saying, "Well I should start paying my debt immediately then."

    I meant to ask what she meant, but before I could, she had already unwrapped her towel and removed it, dropping next to her. "Emmy…."

    "I'm tired, and I'm not sleeping in sweat dried running clothes," she explained standing up, letting me see all of her slim, athletic build, her small tuft of brunette curls gracing her pubic mound. "Please show me to my room."

    I pushed myself off the floor and rose to my feet with some effort, and took young Ms. Rossum's hand, leading her down the hall.

    "This is you," I said, opening the door. To my surprise, Emmy stepped in and pulled me in with her, pushing me to the bed.

    "Are you ready for your first installment?" Emmy asked, pulling off my socks before crawling up the bed, her young soft tits dangling tantalizingly.

    "Emmy, you're only 18. I'm 10 years older than you," I said, not pushing her away as she kissed her way up my torso, her lips gracing the bandage she had so dutifully applied just a short time ago.

    "I prefer older guys, especially daring, caring, and sexy older guys that fight to protect me," she said, kissing my neck just under my jaw, her knees planted next to my hips, her hands undoing my pants.

    "I won't stop you, I just want you to know what you're signing up for," I said as she pulled my jeans down, my briefs with them, freeing my already erect penis.

    "You didn't know what you signed up for today and you're still here. I do know what I'm signing up for, and I'm glad to be here," Emmy said softly, leaning forward and cupping my jaw in one hand as she touched my cock with her other.

    She felt how warm, how hard I was for her and her eyes widened. She leaned back and put her weight on my thighs and looked down to see how tall and free standing it was in her hand, her fingers and palms on it so lightly.

    "You're awfully bold for someone whose never done this before," I said, watching the expression on her face.

    "I have too!" Emmy fired back indignantly, her hand still on me but not moving.

    "Then why are you acting like you've never held or even seen a cock in person before?" Her jaw dropped and she just scoffed. "Emmy, you don't have to do this, really. This isn't how you owe me."

    Emmy narrowed her eyes and started moving her hand up and down my length now, her eyes challenged me to tell her to stop. Unfortunately, her young, smooth and soft hand slowly trailing up and down me felt too damn good, even if I shouldn't be allowing this from a young, naive client.

    "Tell me it feels good, Shawn," Emmy almost demanded.

    "It does, Emmy. Your hand feels great on me," I said honestly, my hands perched behind my head. "Are you wet, though? Does trying to take control, having a cock in your hand and at your disposal make you wet?"

    Emmy paused, slowly gliding her eyes down her tight body, and moved her hand that wasn't on me from her throat, down the valley of her pert breasts, down her taut belly and between her legs. She sighed, her mouth agape as she stroked me and rubbed herself in unison, nodding fervently to my question.

    "I'm getting so wet, Shawn. My hot young pussy is getting so wet for you. I want your experienced, older cock in me so bad," she moaned as she started to flick her young dancer's hips over her hand, her other hand pushing my cock to my body, still smoothly gliding over my burning length. "You in my hand, my dripping wet pussy on my fingers… God it feels so good!"

    Emmy lowered her body over mine, her knees digging in deeper as she tensed her core so she could keep playing with the two of us. Her lips soon covered mine and we kissed madly, my hands running down her smooth back to grip her ass and play with her pliant round bubble butt.

    "I love your body. I love how you feel on me," I moaned into her talented mouth as she humped her own hand, and I could feel her wetness on my inner thighs as she rocked her hips.

    "I need to feel you inside me, Shawn. Please, you make me feel so safe. Take my virgin pussy," Emmy begged, her lips brushing mine with each word, and then she flicked her tongue, licking my lips.

    Grabbing her hips, I flipped her onto her side, her back facing me. I groped her firm but so silky soft, milky breast, kneading her flesh and playing with her opaque pink nipple as she reached behind her feminine hip and grabbed my straining cock, again stroking it.

    "I've gotten you so slick," she purred between moans, clearly reveling in the wetness she applied to me from the hand that had been between her pristine legs, her thumb circling the head of my cock and brushing my frenulum, that oh so sensitive flap at the base of my piss slit, making me shudder.

    "I don't know if I'll last long inside of you, Emmy. You're going to be so tight," I groaned as I released her boob and trailed down her abs to run my fingers through her light patch of pubic hair, feeling her hot and goosebumped skin.

    "It'll still feel amazing," she cooed and then took in a sharp exhale of breath when my fingers molded around her puffy vulva, my thumb running down her clitoral hood and collecting the wetness of her opening.

    Emmy gasped with a sharp, almost high pitched inhale and shuttered when I slid a finger into her hot and wet muscled walls, and I sighed into the back of her neck as I felt her walls clench and grab my finger.

    "Oh my God, Shawn," Emmy moaned, burying her face in the pillow as I curled my finger and slowly retracted it, only to push in again and curl a second time. "Jesus that feels so good," she said, sounding near tears from the ecstacy of my finger inside her and my thumb still circling around and so close to her succulent clit.

    "I knew your pussy was going to be tight, Emmy, but I had no idea it'd be like this," I groaned, licking just behind her ear before I nipped the soft fleshy lobe. I sped up my pace, her flexing walls, her wetness, her heat, driving me mad with lust and need to hear her keep moaning my name. I could hear her liquid arousal in her, sloshing and being pushed around, and my eyes rolled back in my head when her nails dug into my arm, her breathing so labored and shaking.

    "Oh my God, Shawn! Don't stop! Don't stop fucking me with your fingers! It feels so good. I'm gonna, I'm gonna…" Emmy struggled.

    "You're gonna what, Emmy? What are you going to do?" I pushed her as I inserted a second finger and she jumped into my hand.

    "I'm … I'm gonna cum!" the young Emmy Rossum cried out, her mouth falling wide open and her eyes just as wide as she came hard, wetness running wildly from her, coating her thighs and practically wetting the bed.

    I withdrew my fingers and she dug her fingers into my arm again, pricking enough to draw little drops of blood. "Are you ready?" I asked.

    Emmy nodded and said, "Mhmm."

    "Lift your leg, Emmy," I told her, helping her raise it up, and I felt her clammy hand grab my length and nuzzle my swollen purple cock head into her drenched lips.

    "I want you to have it. I want you to take my virginity, Shawn. I'm ready," she whispered, and I slowly pushed my hips forward, moling my way into the most scorching, tightest thing I had ever felt.

    "Jesus Christ, Emmy! Jesus Christ!" I growled into her ear as I slowly pumped in and out, still holding her leg up as I made slow but glorious project, taking the utmost care not to give her too much pipe at once.

    "Shawn!" Emmy cried digging into my arm again and trembling as I came closer to getting all the way to the hilt. "It hurts!"

    "Do you need me to stop?" I asked, putting on the breaks even though I really hated it.

    Emmy reached behind me, putting her hand on my ass and pushing. "Keep going. It hurts but it's starting… starting to feel, haaah, good!" she continued to shake and cry out as I pressed in again, all the way this time, holding it so she could adjust.

    "That's it, Emmy. That's all of me," I told her, kissing her neck.

    "Good, now fuck me with it," she ordered softly, craving her neck so we could kiss as I drew almost all the way out and then slid back in.

    It took three reps before Emmy was rolling her dancer's hips with me, crying into my mouth as I fucked her, a hand on her titty. I released her leg since I was fully buried, and put it around her throat, but I didn't apply any pressure.

    "Oh my God, Shawn, yes!" Emmy cried, her back arcing into me as we made hard, passionate love, her hands on my wrist and on my hand around her throat. "Keep fucking me! I need to cum again!" she begged, squeezing and releasing her walls around me.

    Using everything I had, I flipped us again so that she was on top of me, her perfect ass on my thighs. I buried my feet into the mattress and fucked up into her, making her cry out and reach up behind her to pull my hair.

    Emmy fully cried out, a cross of pain and bliss as I fucked her with every bit of power and length that I had. She didn't pull my hair or long, bit placed her hands on my shoulders and pushed up, braced on her hands on top of me, and she started rhythmically rolling her hips as I violently thrust into her.

    Her breathing was squeals and gasps as she came, but continued to ride me in reverse cowgirl as she came again, her walls tugging on my cock with every bounce up, her ass slapping my thighs on every come down until I grabbed her hips tight, and I came inside her, making her cry anew as I filled her with my own hot arousal.

    She continued to cry out sharp yesses and fucks, her hips continuing to roll and pop, telling me she had zero reserves with taking my sperm.

    Once we were both spent, Emmy's arms buckled and she fell back onto my chest, making me grunt. My side burned with white pain from the exertion and use of so recently offended muscle.

    Both of us laid there in the damp sheets, covered in sweat and our fluids, panting heavy, hungrily pressing kisses to the parts of each other's faces we could reach.

    "I know you just took a shower, but it wouldn't be a bad idea for you to take another," I suggested.

    "Okay, but only if I can give you your bird bath," she said with a giggle.

    "Deal." After a pause, I said "Maybe this short term living arrangement won't be so bad, till we get this all figured out."

    "I think you may be right," she agreed with a laugh, bringing my hand to her mouth, kissing the back of it. "I'll be thinking about you in the shower."

    With Emmy up on wobbly legs, headed to the shower, I was in bed alone for maybe five minutes before my phone rang.

    "This is Shawn," I said.

    "We know you have Christine. We will find you, and we will find her," a deep voice said, and the line went dead. While my house was a fantasy world, the real world out there was certainly a terrifying place.

    CYG May: Natalie Portman

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2020
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    Another banger. Loving these monthly Rossum stories especially something like this that rolls back the years. Keep them coming!

  3. Thanks Harbinger, TPG thanked for this post
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