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Thread: "College Daze" with Emma Watson

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    fanfiction "College Daze" with Emma Watson

    With Emma Watson
    Written By TPG
    CODES: MF, blowjob, drugs, gangbang
    DISCLAIMER: This FICTIONAL story was written for entertainment purposes only

    "Emma! Emma!" the crowd shouted from behind the velvet rope. "Can w get an autograph?"

    Despite their pleas Emma Watson could only flash me a curious look as she was bundled into the packed theater by her entourage. I couldn't help but snicker as I watched her glance over her bodyguard's shoulder trying to recall where she had seen me before.

    It had been almost three whole years since we had last seen each other in person, and although I presumed she would remember me, my identity apparently slipped her mind. Instead, Emma was preoccupied with promoting her latest film and was on the red carpet dressed to the nines.

    It was a far cry to the way she had looked the last time we were together. Although I knew it was going to be a little awkward to see her again, I decided to tempt fate and make the trip out to good ole' London town. Besides, just the mere look on her face would be well worth the drive.

    I watched her arrive to the star studded event and all I could think about was the way she looked that notorious night as she was fucked within an inch of her life by some random guys. The lewd imagery in my head made me grin with envy.

    "What a difference a few years can make." I remarked to an onlooker beside me.

    "She's looks so beautiful." The Harry Potter groupie replied. "She's just like an angel come to life."

    "Absolutely." I snickered. "A real angel."

    By all accounts Emma was a shy and innocent college student who dressed conservatively and mostly kept to herself. But from the moment she had arrived on campus everyone had made a huge fuss over her admittance into Brown. In fact it wasn't unusual to find a few paparazzi lurking around the grounds trying to land that special photo.

    Despite this threat, I noticed how her clothes always seemed to be a little too tight for her body, so much so that it wasn't uncommon to see her flash her thong panties as she walked up the stairs or took a seat in front of me during one of our many lectures together.

    Judging from her attire you could almost be mistaken for thinking that she actually enjoyed teasing the photographers - daring them to take that extra risk for that million dollar shot.

    Like Emma I too had originally hailed from Oxford in the UK, and was delighted to learn that we shared a number of classes together. But as eager as I was to introduce myself I soon discovered that she had a steady boyfriend who frequently visited her from back home.

    As I now stood there at the Film Premiere reminiscing about our brief history together, I found myself wondering if she had ever shared the story of her night of passionate with anyone.

    I mean I assume it wasn't everyday that a girl like her got gang-banged at a house party, especially with the knowledge that she was such a willing and eager participant. Nonetheless. As security came over and began to shoo us away I took the opportunity to reminisce about the torrid affair.

    IT WAS A GLORIOUS Spring day in Providence Rhode Island as I walked from class and heard someone call out my name. When I turned around I was surprised to see it was the actress. I waited for her to catch up and ask me about some assignments which were due later that day.

    "Oh, and by the way." she added in her sweet tone. "Somebody mentioned to me that you're also from Oxford?"

    "Yup." I affirmed. "Born and raised."

    "Why didn't you say something!" she exclaimed before pushing my shoulder in a playful way.

    "Err. I dunno." I shrugged. "I didn't want to bother you with it."

    "You could never bother me, silly." she replied before we walked and talked for several more minutes.

    It was during this conversation that we discussed our family and friends and our current living arrangements. And Feeling social I then told her about a party the guys and I were hosting later that evening and invited her along.

    "Yeah. Right." Emma scoffed. "I know ALL about those parties."

    "Nah. They're not all like that." I assured her. "It's all above board. There's just a lot of drinking that goes on. If that kind of thing interests you."

    "Interests me?" she grinned warmly. "Are you mad! Of course I love a pint or two."

    "I figured as much."

    "Hmm. I might take you up on that offer." she beamed her million dollar smile.

    "Well I hope so." I added. "Would love to see you there. Would be good to have another ex-pat in the house."

    "Wait." she suddenly stopped. "Are you inviting me along because I'm British, or cause you want to get in my knickers?"

    Shocked by her comment we both fell silent before she burst out laughing.

    "I'm only kidding!" she giggled. "I'm not that uptight. Jesus."

    "Geez. You had me going."

    A few hours later the party was well underway. It was the beginning of Spring Break and almost everyone had plans to leave campus. Suffice to say everybody was in a real party mood and looking forward to their time off.

    It was there that I surveyed the crowd and noticed a few women that were pretty attractive and clearly drunk. But for whatever reason I wasn't really interested. No one simply intrigued me in the way Emma did and despite the alcohol I started to feel a little depressed.

    That was until I glanced at the door and noticed the woman in question standing in the doorway.

    "YES!" I grinned. "There is a God."

    However, my excitement quickly turned to disappointment when I realised that Watson was holding hands with her boyfriend Tom, who had arrived in town earlier that afternoon and had decided to escort her to the party. Despite this, I approached her at the door and was taken aback when she greeted me warmly with a friendly peck on the cheek.

    "Hey James," she beamed. "Great party."

    "Thanks." I replied. "Pretty good turn out tonight."

    Meanwhile as Emma and I conversed I was still a little frazzled by the kiss, as it was the first time she had ever shown any form of affection towards me, and from the way she was smiling and carrying on, you'd assume we were lifelong friends.

    "Make yourself at home." I said inviting her in.

    Inside the music was loud enough that I could hardly hear her introduce her boyfriend. All the same I shook his hand and smirked to myself as I could see the look of disapproval in his eyes as he surveyed the scene.

    There on the sofa sat several people who were passing around a large bong, while a thick blue haze hung over the entire room. Others were chugging down beers and spirits and taking hits off various liquor bottles that guests had smuggled in.

    I asked Emma if she wanted anything to drink before I headed off to hunt down a couple of beers. When I returned the actress mouthed "Thanks you" but explained that she had to leave since they were apparently flying off to Mexico in the morning.

    The look of disappointment on my face must have been evident because she immediately pouted.

    "Aw." she pined. "Don't be like that. I promise to invite you along next year if you like?"

    "Am I that obvious?" I grinned.

    As Emma started to leave I walked them out to the front yard and without thinking my eyes happened to fall to the back of her ass. As per usual the sexy little crumpet was wearing one of her signature (thong) panties which immediately caused my cock to stiffen.

    But just as I helped myself to a real eyeful of her backside, Emma happened to glance over her shoulder to share a smile with me and caught me leering directly at her butt!!

    "Fuck." I panicked. "Busted! What do I say."

    In an instant I blushed with shame and impulsively flashed her a complimentary wink. Fortunately for me the actress didn't seem offended and simply blinked appreciatively behind her boyfriends back before we arrived at the end of the driveway and prepared to say our goodbyes.

    "Well. Have a fun trip." I said, while her BF climbed into a waiting car. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

    To her credit Emma laughed at my bad joke and thanked me again with another "friendly" kiss on the cheek before climbing into the car and driving away.

    "WTF! Why did I do that?" I chastised myself, as I recalled the look she gave me when she caught me checking her out.

    Although, if I didn't know any better I could have sworn she liked it.

    A FEW HOURS LATER I was fairly drunk and enjoying my high when something in the corner of my eye caught my attention. At first I thought I was hallucinating when I saw Emma standing on the other side of the room clutching a beer. But when I realized it was her I went over and tapped her on the shoulder.

    "Err, hello stranger??" I smirked with confusion. "Don't you have a flight to catch?"

    "There you are!" she beamed, before greeting me with a kiss on the cheek - the third kiss of the night - before she went on to explain how her boyfriend had passed out on the sofa due to jet lag, and she couldn't sleep, so she decided to come back for a drink.

    "Besides." she explained. "I wanted to see for myself if this party really is as wild as everyone keeps telling me."

    "Hey," I slurred a little. "Careful what you wish for."

    "Trust me." she replied. "I'm not as innocent as people think."

    "Yeah, I don't doubt it." I winked, recalling the smile she gave me while I scoped out her butt.

    We both laughed and toasted to her curiosity and enjoyed each other's company. Ultimately Watson and I found ourselves in the kitchen where I got us another round of drinks. It was also there that I offered her some weed.

    Emma shook her head nervously as she admitted that she had never smoked pot before, but in saying that she was apparently eager to experiment a little. I quickly rolled a fresh blunt and we found a private area by the laundry where we could smoke out of the way of prying eyes.

    To my amusement Hermione soon coughed out her lungs but not before taking in a considerable amount of tainted air. The pot itself was impressively strong so her pretty brown eyes glazed over fairly quickly.

    "Ha!" I laughed. "You look so fucking baked right now."

    "Nah. You do!" she replied back in a childishly tone, only proving my point.

    We soon spaced out and discussed various subjects before the topic of conversation turned towards sex and relationships. Emma candidly explained that it had already been arranged for her to get engaged and ultimately married off to her boyfriend Tom.

    Unfortunately for them it appeared that her career and studies had prevented them from taking that final plunge together, which naturally shocked me.

    "Wait," I finally gasped. "Aren't you like eighteen or something?"

    "So?" she shrugged. "That doesn't matter. Tom really loves me. You saw the way he was giving you the evil eye earlier. He's really protective of me like that."

    "Well shit, Em." I scoffed. "I know tons of guys who 'love you.' You're fucking famous remember?"

    Emma giggled before downing some more of her drink. At this point we were both so wasted we could barely stand straight much less walk around.

    "Why would you get hitched so young?" I quizzed. "You know it probably wouldn't work out in the long run anyway?"

    "Well. Look at Jamie-Lynn Spears." she argued. "She just had a baby and she's just a teenager."

    "Wow. That's your example?" I laughed. "My god. You ARE stoned."

    We both laughed again as I couldn't help but note just how adorable she was.

    Emma and I shared a few more hits before I began to notice a change in her demenor. She suddenly seemed to be a lot more animated and increasingly affectionate, constantly touching my arm and leaning onto me as she giggled.

    "So how do you like it?" I asked her.

    "Meh. I'm easy." she replied without thinking. "It all depends on whatever mood I'm in. Fast and hard I guess."


    There was an awkward silence as I tried to figure out what she was saying.

    "Wait. What was the question?" she said in her pot-haze.

    "I mean the weed, dummy." I clarified. "How do you like being high?"

    "Huh? Oh! Right." she began to laugh hysterically. "That's what you meant. Of course. Sure. I like it. I like it a lot."

    Her laugh was infectious, and realizing her slip-up we both fell into hysterics.

    "So you're easy, huh?" I remarked a minute later. "Hard and fast eh? You sound like my type of girl."

    Emma blushed as I dropped the subject and we talked about something else, even though we both knew I was more than willing to discuss sex with her.

    Meanwhile it was during this time as we attempted to finish the joint that she insisted on taking the last drag. This caused us to briefly tussled with one another before she inadvertently placed her hand over my leg and rubbed very close to my crotch.

    "Hey. Don't make me hurt you." she whispered close to my face while pinning me against the wall.

    My hands instinctively slipped around her slender hips and I pulled her in tight - holding her close before blowing the excess smoke shotgun-style into her open mouth.

    "Hurt me? I'd like to see you try."

    The starlet happily pursed her lips and we both laughed as we took turns blowing the excess smoke into each other's mouths. At one point her lips were so close to mine I would practically taste her. Caught up in the moment I finally leaned forward and pressed my lips to hers.

    To my delight Emma didn't resist. In fact she immediately reciprocated. In an instant I slipped my tongue into her mouth and the two of us proceeded to make out aggressively.

    I soon moved my hands down her body and across her ass, pulling her harder against me and grinding her denim clad crotch against my leg. I was almost certain she could feel my hard cock as I pressed it against her hip. Nonetheless the actress didn't seem to hesitate and eagerly responded.

    The "Harry Potter" star moaned into my mouth, as I now contemplated getting her to a more private area of the house so we could mess around in private. However the starlet barely gave me a moment to act as she continued to kiss me harder and longer, to the point of total distraction.

    Ultimately, I grabbed her by the hand and led her through the party and up the stairs in search of a spare bedroom. But as it turned out the room I had intended on using was already in use. We now stood outside in the hallway listening to another couple moaning excessively from inside.

    I don't mind admitting that it was both funny and kind of thrilling to hear, especially as Emma and I held hands and shared several more kisses.

    "Wow. Well someone's getting lucky in there." Emma snickered before we proceeded to look for another room.

    When spent the next few minutes moving from door to door, and finding any excuse to stop and make out with each other passionately, with her reaching down to squeeze and stroke my hard on. In fact she soon began to play games with our lips, and now proceeded to take turns sucking on our tongues and biting each others bottom lips.

    "okay, okay..." she panted between kisses. "We seriously need to find a room."

    I happily agreed, and began to kiss her neck and run my lips up and down the side of her neck which really seemed to set her off.

    Emma moaned and then responded to this by reaching down and grabbing a fistful of cock directly, while I followed her lead and plunged my hand inside her panties to finger her, finding and massaging her hot wet velvet folds.

    In next to no time we were now getting each other off right there in the dark hallway, both of us staring into each others eyes as we tried to get one another off.

    "Oh. Fuck." she whimpered softly as she raised a knee and parted her legs to accommodate my exploring hand.

    I immediately smeared her wetness across her clit and proceeded to tease her against the wall, revelling in the scent of her overheated cunt as I probed her with two fingers.

    "Ugh. God." she let out before giving me a deep luscious neck hickie.

    The "Noah" star was clearly ready to get fucked, and while I contemplated nailing her right there in the hallway, she seemed perfectly fine with the idea as she pulled me in tighter and spurred me on.

    "Ooh-yeah." she panted hotly. "Fuck me. Fuck me with your fingers James. Get me off, right here!"

    I could feel her slimy-hot cunt contracting around my fingers as I proceeded to spear them in and out, watching her hips sway back and forth as I finger-banged her in the hallway. As soon as she climaxed I shoved her pants down her legs leaving her to stand there completely exposed from the waist down!

    Emma wriggled against me as I grabbed at her t-shirt and pulled it up to reveal her lace bra - with two extraordinarily large, thick red nipples. I immediately devoured her pert tits causing her to moan out loud, and flick her head back in delight.

    I took this opportunity to scoop her boobs out of their tight confines and gave her succulent mounds a good tongue-lashing, bathing her large nips in saliva. But as incredibly hot and spontaneous as this interaction was, nothing could have prepared me for what happened next.

    To my delight, the actress suddenly dropped to her knees!

    "C'mon... take it out!" she insisted from below. "Take it out before I lose my fucking mind!"

    For a moment I thought I had died and gone to heaven. I peered up and down the empty hallway as she reached in and fished out my rock-hard cock. Amusingly enough, at that point I was so hard that I almost struck her in the face.

    Without wasting another moment Emma swiftly wrapped her sweet wet lips around the head of my cock and enveloped my prick with both hands. Her mouth felt like strawberry velvet as I watched her lick and slurp her tongue along the side of my shaft - like she was devouring her favorite ice cream cone.

    "Jesus... fuck." I gasped unintelligibly, before I grabbed the side of her head and briefly fucked her pretty mouth.

    "Open!" I hissed. "Gimme your mouth, Emma."

    Watson did as she was told, and moaned lustfully as I fucked her mouth - my balls slapping against her chin. I finally pulled her up to her feet and finished removing her pants entirely.

    "Come 'ere." I growled down at her. "I need you on this cock!"

    "Yeah?" she teased back, while jacking me off and shoving her tongue down my throat. "Are you going to FUCK ME James?"

    She now stood there completely naked except for a pair of white thong panties which stretched around her parted knees. Without warning I flipped her around and bent her over, and pressed the head of my cock against her slippery opening and pushed in.

    "UGHH!! Goddd." she hissed over her shoulder. "Oh-Fuu.. Oh... that's the ticket! Don't.. Stop!"

    To my surprise the naked sex kitten was incredibly tight but astonishingly wet too, so much so that I had little trouble burying my sword to the hilt in just a few short strokes. I quickly proceeded to ram my full length in and out of her tight little cunny, as she responded to each thrust by moaning my name and grinding her hips back at me.

    "UGH. FUCK." she grunted audibly as I slammed into her from behind. "Fuck yeah. Harder!"

    I felt the contractions as she experienced her second orgasm of the evening and pulled out and dropped to my knees and proceeded to eat her glistening cunt enthusiastically - making sure to slurp down her juices before sticking my tongue in her ass which she seemed to enjoy.

    "OMG. Yes." she pined against the wall as her hands snaked around to shove my face even deeper between her cheeks. "Yes. Eat my ass James!!"

    It was at this point that Emma grabbed me by the shirt and directed me to sit down against the wall, so she could straddle me. In a matter of moments we had gone from making out aggressively in the hallway, to her lowering herself down onto my waiting cock.

    Time itself seemed to stand still as I felt her slowly impale herself, before she proceeded to hump my cock like a woman possessed.

    Despite her attempts to keep it down, she made so much noise that a few people in adjacent rooms came out to investigate, including a hot drunk blonde who peered out to find us fucking right outside their bedroom door.

    "Oh. Yea." she encouraged. "Go for it girlfriend. Ride that stallion. That looks so fucking hot right now."

    Realizing the growing audience we had, I found I couldn't hold off any longer so I grabbed her firmly by the ass and jammed my cock as deep as humanly possible, filling her clam with hot gooey spunk! Both Emma and I grunted out loud as I filled her cunt with goo, just as several onlookers rooted for us to keep going.

    "Nice show." another onlooker said while chugging his beer. "Fuck the shit out of that little slut!"

    Whether or not they knew who she was I didn't know, but in any event it turned us on. In fact, I watched with surprise as Emma suddenly stopped what she was doing and turned to acknowledge him.

    "What about you?" she teased. "You think your man enough?"

    "Fuck-yeah." he replied, before Emma smirked seductively.

    "Fuck off, or prove it!"

    The next thing I knew the second onlooker casually pulled her up to her feet and the two guys literally carried her into one of the bedrooms to have sex with her. Truth be told I was so drunk, stoned, and exhausted from my ejaculation, that I simply sat there catching my breath as they man handled her.

    The entire event happened so fast I actually thought I had imagined it.

    As shocked as I was, I was equally surprised to see two more guys enter the dark room and suddenly realized the actress was woefully outnumbered. Panic set in as I knew that if I didn't act fast things were about to get way out of control. But when I finally leaned over and took a look inside I was shocked to discover that not only was Emma not resisting, but she was encouraging them - urging them to fuck the shit out of her!

    "Come on. Do it. Yeah?" she hissed. "Prove it. Show me what you got."

    In fact the lippy starlet was rewarded by her incessant teasing with a hard cock in her mouth, while one of the other guys positioned himself between her legs and prepared to fuck her!

    "Holy shit." I gasped, as I watched them have their way with her on the bed.

    For a moment I was confused, even angered by this turn of events. But that emotion was quickly replaced with sheer lust as I watched her get fucked by the four guys. I actually chuckled as I wondered if these "Jocks" even knew how fortunate they were - that the drunk wanton slut they were tag-teaming, was in fact Emma Watson of "Harry Potter" fame.

    "You like that!" one of them blared down at her. "You like getting fucked hard you little slut!"

    "Mm-Hmm." she murmured back with a mouth full of cock. "Don't Stop. Is that all you got... huh... unnghh!"

    While I still tried to make sense of it all, one of the black guys in the group grabbed her by the hips and flipped her over into the doggy-style position, where he entered her harshly and began to pound her hard from behind - causing her to wail out loud.

    To our surprise this position really seemed to turn her on, particularly after he proceeded to pull her hair and slap her around a little.

    "UGH. YESS. YESS. FUCK ME!!" Emma spat loudly. "C'mon. Fuck me hard you bastards!"

    The bystanders all cheered as her dark lover drove into her one final time and without warning deposited another huge load deep inside her young womb. Emma groaned and shook violently in bliss as I actually began to wonder just how stoned she was.

    At this stage almost all of the guys in the room had unzipped their pants and were beating off to her, as they waited their turn and pulled a train on her. Even so, as inebriated as Emma was she still seemed to know exactly what she was doing.

    "C'mon boys." she hissed. "Who's next! Show me what you got... gimme your hard cocks!"

    "Sexy little slut!"

    "Yeah.. teach this little slut a lesson!!"

    I don't know how many cocks she had sucked before that evening but the sexy little minx was now getting quite the workout, servicing at least four of the boys at the same time. In fact everybody appeared to fuck her mouth and cunt at least twice, with one of the guys being fortunate enough to take her backdoor before he ultimately pulled out and showered her back and ass in thick streams of semen.

    In the end I also joined the guys in taking another turn, and this time I made sure to paint her pretty face with my own cum - watching as the wanton slut revelled in the huge facial I gave her.

    Suffice to say it was an extraordinary even to particular in. One for the highlight reel. And standing there in London and watching her schmooze with her male co-stars on the red carpet, it was hard to believe this was the same person I watched get gang-banged.

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  3. #2
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    TPG does it once again. great read. Back story, descriptions, dialogue. All so well done. love the way it turned out, such intensity and hotness. Great job.

  4. Thanks TPG thanked for this post
  5. #3
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    Wow, that alone will be my erection for the rest of the week.

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  7. #4
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    amazing story once again

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  9. #5
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    This needs a sequel or at least another Emma story.

  10. Thanks TPG, thanked for this post
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