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Thread: "It's Not About the Money" with Livvy Dunne

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    fanfiction "It's Not About the Money" with Livvy Dunne

    It's Not About the Money
    With Livvy Dunne
    By Harbinger
    Disclaimer: This story is for entertainment purposes only, and not for money
    Tags: M/F, bj, riding, car sex, creampie, semi-public

    I had just finished a workout and cut the feed of my livestream to my Instagram channel when I saw an email notification run across the top of my phone.

    I ran a towel over my sweaty face and blew out a held in breath of air, unlocked my phone and opened the instant mail app.

    Among a bunch of spam emails I'd answer later, was a message from ODunne@lsu-edu. I opened the email and saw a professionally worded, if not anxious, letter. It read….

    "Mr. Carver,

    "My name is Olivia Dunne, but most people call me Livvy. I am a senior at Louisiana State University, and will be graduating in a very few short months. As such, I will no longer be an NCAA athlete and gymnast.

    "However, I do not wish to leave the world of fitness and sports, as it is my passion. I have been to your gym numerous times, and I would like to inquire into the possibility that I may be able to work or perhaps volunteer at your establishment as a coach, trainer, or instructor of either cardio, gymnastics, or general fitness. If you have any interest in this proposal, you can reach me at…."

    I certainly had an interest. I knew exactly who this Livvy Dunne was. She was a social media sensation. I would be an absolute fool to not hear her out.

    "Good afternoon, Livvy," I typed, using her preferred name, "It would be my pleasure to discuss such a possibility with you! I don't have particular office hours, but you can see me by appointment to discuss details. Thank you for your inquiry!

    "Damian," I signed off casually and hit send. I almost instantly got a reply back.

    "That's phenomenal! Would you be available tomorrow after I'm out of practice, day around 6?"

    "It's a date!" I said and hit send. Tomorrow evening, I would make the biggest PR move of my career, and start the hottest shadow relationship of my dreams, but I didn't quite know it then.

    I made sure to get a good night sleep and wake up early, hoping to make one hell of a business deal. I made sure to get everything done early in the day to make sure my entire evening was clear for this meeting. I didn't care how long it took. I wanted this girl in my gym, and I wanted the PR and advertising she could do for me.

    I had finished up with my day, paid all my bills and everything, and still had time to crush a workout and sign off of my Instagram.

    "Mr. Carver?" I heard a young, anxious voice behind me.

    I turned around, wiping my face with a towel. "Ms. Dunne?" I presumed, and offered a hand I had just dried off.

    "You can call me Livvy," she said with an awkward smile, but she tried to meet my eyes with her youthful brown ones.

    "Only if you call me Damian," I said back as she shook. "Lemme clean up my video spot here, and then we can have some discussion in the office.

    "What were you filming, if I can ask?" the beautiful student inquired, her head tilted to the side, long silky blonde hair running over the shoulder of her black tanktop, no doubt freshly changed into from practice.

    "Oh, I do live training sessions on my Instagram so folks can get some personal training from wherever they are. If they're local, hopefully it'll encourage them to use my gym, or get a day pass when they're visiting the city or passing through."

    "That's brilliant," the girl beamed as I collected my ring light. "It's a great gym, too. I post about it on the weekends when the student gym is closed."

    "I've seen that! Thank you so much. It's a huge boost," I told her as I waved for the leggy starlet to follow me.

    I opened the office door and closed it once we were both in. I handed her a water from the mini fridge by my desk and grabbed a fresh cold one for me as well. "So Livvy, tell me about this plan of yours," I said.

    "Well," she began, almost instantly starting to play with her long golden hair. "I'm graduating soon, as I said in my email, but I love the gym life, I love influencing, and I want to be able to share my fitness and sport love to others. And I see you do too, with your channel," she pointed, her eyes widening enthusiastically. "So I thought, that maybe it'd be cool if I taught my own classes here, if you think that'd be cool."

    I leaned back in my chair and scratched my 5 o'clock shadow. "How much would you expect me to pay you?" I asked.

    Livvy's eyes went wide again as she put out her hands and started shaking them, like she was trying to stop a bus. "Oh no no no," she said vibrantly. "I'm not asking for money, Mr… er, Damian. I'd be using your space, your equipment and floor time. I wasn't sure how much I'd be paying you in rent."

    It was my turn to raise my eyebrows. "Livvy, with the business and activity you'd be bringing to my gym, you think you would have to pay me?" I openly laughed at her. "The gym memberships alone you'll bring in will be insane."

    Livvy chewed that sexy bottom lip and looked at me for a moment. "So you won't take cash because I'll be making you money hand over fist?" she asked for clarification.

    "Exactly," I confirmed.

    "Well… I see what you're saying, but I'm still using your space and equipment for my own project. If you won't let me pay you cash, I'm sure I'll think of a way to pay you back," she said. She tone she used sounded determined, so I didn't even think of it in a dirty way. I couldn't believe I was so naive in that moment that I thought she just meant helping around the gym.

    "Well that sounds fine," I said, not being any wiser. "You can wait until you graduate, or you can do flash classes whenever you're schedule allows. How's that?" I asked, offering a hand.

    "That sounds perfect, Mr. Carver. Thank you so much," she said with a bright smile, her sexy lips peeling back to show me straight white teeth. As we stood up, I couldn't help but steal a glance at her muscular thighs, flexing with the movement, encased beautifully in Jean shorts, the little white pockets peeking out over tanned flesh.

    I licked my lips and looked up, and I cracked an awkward smile as I went to open the door for her, knowing I had been caught.

    As she approached the door, she pushed her hand out as if I wasn't holding it open enough for her, and the back of her hand brushed over my crotch. She just smiled, said "Thanks again," and took off.

    The fucking little tease! But… she caught me staring first. It was hard not to. The bottom on that young woman was insane.

    After Ms. Dunne had left, I wasn't far behind her, but soon saw the sight of her pear-shaped ass hugged in tight shorts as she leaned over the popped hood of her car, her calves tensed and mouth-wateringly flexed as she inspected the guts of her vehicle.

    "Oh, come the fuck on!" she cursed as she violently threw the hood of her car shut.

    "Everything okay, Livvy?" I asked as I approached, making my presence known from a distance.

    "No, no its not, Mr. Carver," she sighed as she turned around and leaned against the grill, brushing hair from her cute face.

    "What seems to be the issue?" I asked, coming closer to see if I could assist.

    "I don't know, but my car shouldn't be smoking like it just was from just starting up," she pouted, kicking the grill feebly. "I called to get it towed, and now I need an Uber. I fucking hate Uber. The last guy wouldn't stop… eye groping me," she shivered, "the whole ride."

    "I could be your Uber in shining armor that won't eye molest you," I offered with a smile, and it got her laughing.

    "Well at least you'd be an attractive man eye groping me," she giggled back, but then immediately sobered. "I didn't mean to say that out loud," she said, looking at her feet and playing with her hair adorably.

    "Don't worry about it," I chuckled. "And thanks. Now come on, let me give you a lift home," I said, leading her to my car.

    Livvy smiled when she saw I drive a Mercedes. She would be brought home in style and not some Subaru Outback. "Nice, Mr. Carver," she said as we got in. "And it's clean in here, too. I half expected a bunch of shakers and empty protein jugs."

    I laughed aloud at her joke as the engine turned over and she started up. "I try to keep things clean," I said, watching her out of the corner of my eye.

    "Do you keep everything clean?" she asked. If I didn't know any better, I'd swear she was asking about my shaving hygiene, but I didn't want to lose this deal over an assumption.

    I let the question hang, and Livvy smirked like she was winning a game she was playing. I think I was the game.

    It was only a 20 minute drive to Livvy's place, and it was a mix of awkward, what felt like sexual tension, and comfortable chatting. The tension was mostly on my end, as Livvy was a very skilled and casual, if not somewhat aggressive, flirt.

    As I pulled up in front of her dorm building, she unbundled her seat belt and paused. "I think I've came up with a payment system," she said. "Give me 20% of profit from the classes I teach. And as far as paying rent goes, I have a method to pay that, as well as a way to pay you for the Uber ride," she winked.

    Before I could ask, she leaned across my lap and took her time unbecoming my seat belt, and crazed her neck to look up at me expectantly. I took the bait and spanked her juicy 22 year-old ass.

    Livvy finally unlocked the buckle and sat back up , her hands going to the waist of my shorts.

    "Livvy, this is a parking lot…" I warned her, and she giggled as she took out my hardening length.

    "I share a dirty dorm room with three other girls. This is the most privacy we're going to get."

    "It's 7 p.m.," I tried to get her to see logic.

    "Do we want to go to your place, then? You'll have to bring me back here afterwards," she warned.

    "You really want to ‘pay me’ don't you?" I asked, but her soft hand already on my hardening cock was a hell of an answer.

    "The only thing stopping me from taking you into my throat right now is you," she growled as she licked her hand and then put it back on me. "I've seen a lot of things on this campus, and me blowing you in your car is what we call Wednesday. It's just a dorm parking lot. Important people aren't around," she insisted.

    "Okay, but try to be quick," I urged, and Livvy giggled.

    "No, I'm going to take my time with this. I'm going to enjoy this meaty cock, and I know you're going to love it," she purred as she pulled her long silky hair into a ponytail as she trailed a long line of spit onto my cockhead. "Pull your shorts down to your knees," she practically ordered. "We can't forget the nuts," she smiled as her hand glided down my sick, lathering the shaft with her spit.

    Luckily, my windows were tinted as dark as they could be while remaining legal, and I pulled out my phone while I freed all of my junk. I left it locked but pretended to watch it to act natural in case anyone did try to see past the blackness of my windows. I didn't want anyone else to see Livvy Dunne's face in my lap as she started to swirl her skilled tongue around my spongey cock head.

    "You didn't get the chance to shower after your workout," she said, bit didn't stop licking my length, one hand still holding her hair and the other directing my shaft wherever she needed it to go for her oral examination.

    "No I didn't. I'm sorry," I said, but rubbed her back through her tanktop as she continued to lick me like an ice cream cone, occasionally giving me a wet kiss on the pole or tip.

    "I like it. It's intoxicating and extremely male. I like the musk," she said as she brought her lips to kiss my nuts for the first time. "It makes me so horny, feral even," she said as she licked the sack skin between my balls.

    "Jesus Christ, Livvy," I moaned as she smiled, her lips suckling skillfully on my rock as she jacked me off with abandon.

    She soon went back to sucking on my head, her hand still controlling her hair as she began to go further this time, her wet lips rolling down my length, creating a delicious seal between our skins.

    I started to roll my hips, feeding more of me into her young, talented throat. I was wondering if I was going to far, but her moans around my meat were clearly encouraging. The girl loved smoking, and I didn't plan to stop her.

    She went further and further down, and the only sound in the car was my breathing and the wet slurping sound coming from Livvy's throat and mouth as she pleasured me.

    When she got to 2/3rds down me, she took in a deep breath through her nose, inhaling my sweaty musk she said she loved, and started to really bob her head up and down now. The slurping was replaced by a rhythmic "gack gack gack" as she picked up pace and really started to enjoy herself.

    My balls started to tighten as I fucked up into Livvy's tight college throat and she pushed her head down to meet me, nearly deepthroating me. I was pretty close to cumming, as I think we both knew… and then the Tiger stopped.

    She slowly came off of my cock and used the tip of her tongue to lick up the access spit that ran all over me, even licking up the spittle of my tightened, wrinkly ball sack.

    "Livvy, I was so close. Why would you stop?" I practically pleaded. I hated that it came out that way, but I wanted this girl to swallow my load so bad.

    "Because I'm so fucking wet, Mr. Carver. I love sucking cock, and I love sweaty dick so much more. I need you inside of me," she said as she undid her tight jean shorts and pulled them down her toned legs. "Lean your seat back. I need to ride that thing," she said as she kicked her offending shorts from her ankles.

    I happily did as told, reclining to a 45 degree angle, and the 5’5 gymnast quickly straddled me as she pulled her panties aside. She ground her scorching hot and soaked pussy lips up and down my cock, coating me in her wetness over the spit sheen she had given me before.

    "I want this cock so bad. I knew it was just my size when I brushed it in your office," she said with a giggle and a smile as she took my well lubed cock in her hand. One leg was on my right side, and her other knee was braced against the seat as she pierced her tucked in lips with just the head. That alone was enough to make her moan, and I wondered how vocal she liked to be when given the chance.

    With me properly lined up, Livvy let herself sink down and I pushed my hips up into her wet heat, allowing me to quickly bottom out in her impossibly tight pussy.

    "Oh! Oh my fucking God!" Liv moaned, pressing her forehead to mine as she came to rest on my thighs, her hands on my shoulders, her jaw dropping open as she ground her hips against me. "Oh my God you feel so good, Mr. Carver!" She knew she could call me Damian, but she must have liked the way calling me by a name of authority made her feel.

    "So do you, Livvy. You're so wet, so hot and tight, I told her as I grabbed her thick, fat ass in both hands. I smacked both cheeks at once, making her bountiful flesh ripple with the connection of my hand. Liv started to really rock and gyrate on my cock as I continued to fuck up into her and play with her ass, which she really seemed to like.

    As she rode me, I had a face full of her more than modest cleavage, but it's true glory was hidden by her black tanktop. I let hands leave her supple ass long enough for me to reach under her top to undo her bra.

    The gymnast kept bouncing on me with her incredible balance as she reached up into her top and managed to get her bra off, pulling it out by her shoulder and putting it on the headrest behind me.

    With Livvy's hands on the chair just behind my shoulders again, her chest teasingly in my face, I reached up between out bodies and pulled the neck of her top down, letting her plentiful titties free. I wasted no time in capstone one in my mouth and then the other, making her gasp as my hands went back to kneadeding her glorious ass as I sucked her hardened rosy pink nipples, making her throw her head back as she rode me.

    I knew I could only last so long in this sexy little minx. She was so fucking hot and tight. She had amazing kegel control, and she used it to pinch and release my cock, making me groan each time.

    Livvy started doing tight, controlled bouncing, allowing my cock to rub against her g-spot with more regularity, making her throw her head back as we both neared our release.

    "We're going to make so much money together," Livvy moaned, her wide eyes burning a hole through the roof of my car. "And I want to pay you rent like this."

    "It's going to be my favorite part of every month," I said with a strangled laugh as ai tried to stave off my orgasm.

    "Every month?" Livvy asked, raising herself almost completely off me before slamming herself down on me, taking her own breath away. "I want to pay you rent for every class. I'm going to be your personal sexy gym bunny, your business partner and gym whore. How does that sound?

    I spank her ass sharply three times and then grabbed her by the pack of her neck, pulling her chest into me as Ibdug my feet into the car floor and powered up into her.

    "Oh my fucking God, Mr. Carver! I'm going to love being your personal assistant and slut! I'm already addicted to you!" Livvy said as I got to the very end of my chain.

    "God that sounds nice," I said, fucking her so hard I worried anyone near the car would hear the slapping of our skin together. "In the showers, in my office, in front of the mirrors in the cardio room…" I listed off ideas as I came so close to peaking. "Anywhere and any time I can get you alone."

    Livvy bit done on my shoulder hard as she fluttered around me, her tight core squeezing and releasing me so rapidly. "Yes!" she cried out. "It could be in front of a class for all I care right now!" she said as she came all over my cock, a tide of slick, slimy liquid shooting out of her to run all over me and my car's seat. "Bring friends, it doesn't matter. I… FUCK… just love cock!" she exclaimed as her jaw dropped and she shuttered, hit by another orgasm right on top of the first one.

    It was too much. It was all too fucking much.

    I bit down on her soft tit and shot my hot load inside of her without permission, and she gasped and quaked, squealed even as I filled her up with creamy, seering jizz. I kept fucking her, and her face contorted, looking almost pained as she let out a new shriek, and she almost came fully off my cock as the last of my ropes found their way home inside her.

    Livvy seemed like a chain orgasm sufferer. Once she had that first one, it started a domino reaction of ecstatic waves that would abuse her until her partner stopped.

    Once my balls were good and empty, I slowed my hips until I stopped, and the LSU Tiger slumped into my chest, her hair slick with sweat as it met my own damp chest hair. "Holy shit!" I groaned as I still felt phantom spurts, like my balls were trying to give Livvy more than they really had.

    For Livvy's end, my cock was still in her, and her pussy still fluttered around me like it had its own heart beat, but slowly tapered off as her orgasmic bliss subsided.

    "That was wonderful, Mr. Carver," she breathed, her breath hot on my chest. "Thank you for the ride home," she said as she sat up and tucked her lovely tits back into her top, but didn't move to collect her bra. That was mine now, I presumed.

    Steadying herself on my shoulders, Livvy slowly rose, letting my softening prick fall out of her, along with a stream of our combined fluids that ran down onto my lap and the seat between my legs.

    "Oh my God, Mr. Carver. Look at all this mess," Livvy giggled as she slumped back into the passenger seat, rubbing her used and leaking pussy. "I should clean this up," she sighed and started scooping fingers of cum and her own wetness to her mouth, and licking them clean.

    Once her pussy was mostly cream-free, she asked, "Do you have napkins or paper towel in the glove box?"

    I reached in front of her and popped the box open, and she found an unopened package of Kleenex, which she opened and proceeded to clean the mess on the seat between my legs.

    She again gathered her hair behind her head and tongue my entire package clean, almost getting me up again, but deposited my junk back into my shorts with my assistance, lifting my ass so she could do so.

    As Livvy squirmed back into her tight cut-offs, she looked at me with a smile. "I don't want to wait until I graduate to start working with you, Mr. Carver. I like the idea of flash classes." Right after that intense, carnal fuck, the girl was back to business. "I can advertise it on my socials an hour before, and I guarantee we'll have a class of 20 all booked up."

    "That also means I get flash rent payments?" I asked with a hopeful smirk.

    Livvy giggled. "I'll see you soon, Mr. Carver," she winked and tipped her bra into the back seat. It definitely was for me. Livvy looked out the tinted windows and seeing it was all clear, she took off, blowing me a kiss and scampered into the dorm hall.

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    Fuck, Harbinger, that was a great ride.

    I was aware of Dunne prior to this, but man you've officially made me a fan.

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    Wow man, that might be my favorite story of 2024.

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    that is hell of payment plan

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    Damn,the intensity of that illicit interaction got me filling ill...raging fever that cries out, "More!,More!"

    Deepest regards, Harbinger, for capturing the sweaty heat with that passionate rhetoric and steady monologue that meshed very well with your exhilarating commentary. Better keep my mind loose, and my heart healthy, as this was only the warm-up session for the hotter and more lively session with Ms. Livvy.

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