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Thread: "Rebound Girls" with Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift

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    TPG's Avatar
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    fanfiction "Rebound Girls" with Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift

    Rebound Girls
    With Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift
    Written by TPG
    CODES: MFF, drunk, oral
    DISCLAIMER: This FICTIONAL story was written for entertainment purposes only

    I arrived to the event not really knowing what to expect but soon found myself surrounded by some of high societies rich and famous.

    Clearly out of my element, I was about to finish my drink and leave when I noticed several people milling around and gossiping about two of the nights special guests...Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift.

    According to rumors the two were apparently going through some personal issues and were currently single.

    Amusingly enough, they had still agreed to perform for the evening but now sat in the corner enjoying each other's company as onlookers watched them from afar and discussed their very messy break ups.

    Despite recent events, almost everyone seemed to be intimidated by them and seemed to go out of their way to stay clear of their table. Not that it really mattered since the girls were clearly having a great time on their own, laughing and chatting loudly.

    It seemed that despite Selena's young age, the two were throwing back drinks and appeared to be very affectionate towards one another, making everyone at the party speculate whether or not the two were in fact an item.

    Considering their recent luck with men it probably wouldn't have surprised anyone if they had announced that they were in fact hot for each other. In fact considering how happy they looked it'd probably make sense.

    With nothing to lose I decided to head on over to the bar knowing full well that this would put me in their direct line of sight and tempt them into action.

    There I ordered myself a stiff drink as the ladies immediately noticed me standing there and tried to get my attention by playfully flicking bits of paper at me.

    Flashing them a bemused look, Taylor then got up and sidled up to the bar beside me where she ordered a fresh round of drinks for her and Selena. Thinking quickly I took this opportunity to make a comment.

    "Gee. Thirsty much." I remarked which caused Taylor to smile.

    "What. Oh. No. That's not for me. It's for me and Selena over there."

    "Celebrating tonight."

    "Err. Not exactly." she replied. "Well. Yeah. In a way I guess. We're celebrating the fact that we're both single."

    "Seriously." I replied. "That can't possibly be true. Are you really single."

    Swift giggled apprehensively. "Yeah...Why."

    "Honestly. You're probably one of the sexiest women I've seen tonight. So I find it hard to believe that you don't have a boyfriend."

    As expected, the singer blushed before she offered me her hand and officially introduced herself.

    "I'm Taylor, by the way."

    "Nate." I replied. "Nice to meet you."

    With her friend watching on I then insisted that Taylor share a shot with me, and while she appeared a little flustered by the offer I knew that in reality she kind of got a kick out of the attention I was giving her.

    The fact that some guy was now trying to pick *her* up over Selena must have appealed to her. Especially since Gomez had always hogged all the limelight whenever the two of them were together.

    "Um. Err. Okay. One drink." she accepted, as the barman poured us two fresh shots of Black Sambuca.

    "Ready," I grinned. "3-2-1. Skull."

    As expected Taylor grimaced the moment the harsh substance hit her belly but I urged the barman to quickly refill our shot glasses.

    "Ugh." Swift choked back tears. "That's disgusting. What's in that."

    "It's Black Sambuca." I laughed. "Come on, quick. One more."

    Before she could object I picked up her glass and handed it to her and once again insisted that she throw it back without question.

    "Okay. Round Two. Ready. 3-2-1. Skull."

    "Ugh!" Taylor scowled a moment later. "Jesus. Why am I doing this."

    "Come on," I chuckled. "This will grow some hair on your tits. One more for the road."

    "What. Wait. No way." she replied, as I ignored her whining and nodded at the barman to proceed.

    "Seriously. Just one more and we're done." I added. "I promise. Come on. You can do it."

    After several moments of hesitation Taylor finally conceded and we enjoyed our third shot of Sambuca together which by now caught everyone's attention.

    "Ugh!" I growled. "Now that's that ticket."

    "Ohmigod." Taylor gasped. "That stuff is so terrible. Why would you deliberately put yourself through that."

    "Because its fun." I laughed. "Aren't you having fun yet."

    Ultimately the singer invited me to join her at her table, and to the shock of onlookers around us I happily accepted. A minute later I was promptly introduced to Selena Gomez who to my amusement was already wasted and in a sad yet giggly mood.

    The girls claimed that they were both trying to drown their sorrows since the men in their lives had both turned out to be complete assholes; with one of them being a cheat while the other was apparently gay.

    Despite this touchy subject, we sat and drank and discussed this at great length as they both seemed to think that getting drunk was the appropriate thing to do.

    However, this all changed when I boldly suggested that if the girls were serious about getting back at their ex-boyfriends that they should nix the drinks and have themselves some revenge sex.

    While Taylor refused and claimed that she would never stoop to such a level, Selena on the other hand simply grinned at me knowingly. It was at this point that I knew I had a shot at her.

    To prove my point I then asked the ladies what they thought their boyfriends were doing at that precise moment in time, pointing out that they were most probably getting high or getting laid, or both for that matter.

    As expect this allowed them to contemplate it for a minute and come to their own conclusions, as I now noted the way Selena drank and looked at me in a very seductive way.

    Nothing this chemistry, Taylor suddenly seemed to grow jealous and now openly flirted with me as well. I now had both starlets openly fawn all over me, both apparently trying to win me over, while everyone else in the room watched on in envy.

    It was a strangely empowering feeling having those two fight over me, as I went on to comment that the best thing the two of them could do was to use the media to their advantage.

    "And how exactly do we do that." Selena quizzed while leaning back to fold her arms across her chest.

    I then suggested that if they weren't willing to actually sleep around that they could at least appear to do so and hook up with someone at the event, implying that they find some guys and leave with them in front of the paparazzi.

    "And what's that supposed to do." Swift quipped, as Selena explained the implication to her dim-witted friend.

    "It'll get them jealous stupid." Gomez scoffed. "I don't know about you. But I know for a fact that it would totally drive Justin crazy if he thought I was getting laid."

    With that said the ladies giggled and then looked over their shoulders as they scanned the room for eligible men, while I laughed inwardly and enjoyed my drink.

    While Selena seemed to really like the idea I then offered to help them out and claimed that I would accompany them back to their hotel, all in the interest of "revenge" of course.

    "You would really do that for us." Taylor remarked naively.

    "Ugh. Of course he would." Selena rolled her eyes. "Anyone would. Trust me."

    I simply laughed and kept my mouth shut as I realized just how frustrating it was for Selena to converse with her gullible friend. Although Taylor was striking to look at, she really did seem to have the mind of a twelve-year-old and seemed detached from the world.

    "But you really sell this lie." Selena commented a minute later. "Maybe you should make out with one of us before we leave."

    While Selena and I smiled at the notion, I then did a double take as she insisted that Taylor and I share a kiss, to create some buzz and get chins wagging at the event.

    While I was more than up for it, Taylor seemed a little hesitant as I quickly discovered just how manipulative Selena really was. It seemed that when it came to her friend, Taylor was almost willing to do just about anything Selena suggested, no matter how daring or ridiculous.

    With that said Taylor finally got up and came over to cozy up to me, and together we "hammed it up" for the crowd and various photographers that we knew were in the vicinity and secretly spying on us from afar.

    With everyone watching, Taylor playfully sat over my knee as I put my arms around her and we continued to chat and drink and enjoy each other's company...all the while as Selena flashed me the most incredible eyes yet.

    Although she didn't say it I could tell that she was feeling a little envious and having regrets about hooking me up with her friend.

    Nevertheless at one point she then insisted that Taylor bite the bullet and kiss me in front of everyone, to which the country singer reluctantly agreed. As sweet as she was though, I had to admit that the entire time as we kissed and canoodled I was totally thinking about Selena, who watched on intently.

    "Wow. You guys really make a great couple." Gomez slurred, as we heard murmurings from the other side of the room and knew we were causing a scandal.

    It seemed our plan had worked and the ladies couldn't have be more delighted with the results. While Taylor and I then sat there huddled together on the seat we discussed Selena's broken relationship(s).

    According to her it seemed Bieber couldn't get it up most of the time and instead almost always wanted to get high and just "crash."

    This naturally left the striking Latina frustrated and horny on most nights and she claimed that she had frequently resorted to finishing herself in the bathroom.

    "Are you serious." Taylor gasped. "All by yourself."

    "Well yeah." Gomez quipped. "How else was I going to get my rocks off...I certainly wasn't going to just fuck anyone."

    Selena then added how one of Justin's bodyguards was really cute, and how the two of them had been flirting with each other for months on end. She actually even entertained the idea of making a pass at him the next time she saw him.

    "We flirt with each other all the time." she added. "But I don't know if he'd ever act on it...I know I would."

    "Absolutely." I encouraged her. "You should go for it."

    "Yeah. Sure." she giggled. "Although I don't know what my step-dad would say if he ever found out...since the guy is black."

    The conversation then turned towards drugs with Selena claiming that although she had only ever tried weed once, while on the Spring Breakers set, she'd love to try it again.

    Trying my best to keep a straight face, I then informed her that I just happen to have a joint in my jacket pocket to which Gomez almost immediately lit up. To say she was excited would be an understatement of the century.

    In fact Selena wouldn't stop nagging me for the next several minutes and ultimately got up and grappled with me, her hands resting on my knees and thighs, urging me to submit.

    I guess I'd be lying if I said this didn't give me a boner, especially since the entire time as we wrestled Taylor sat on my lap and attempted to tickle me into submission.

    I could only imagine what this must have looked like to the room full of onlookers and photogs. To them it must have seemed like I had won the lottery or something, with both of them being so physical with me.

    Feeling bold I reminded the ladies about the paparazzi and made Selena a deal that I genuinely thought she would simply dismiss. As it was the sexy Latina simply smiled as I told her that I'd only agree to give her the joint if she would give me a quick peck on the lips.

    To my surprise not only did she agree to the peck, but a moment later, in full view of the room, Selena kissed me hard on the mouth, plunging her tongue deep into my mouth and taking my breath away.

    Our tongues immediately twisted and wrestled as Taylor simply giggled beside us and watched on. After several moments of this kiss Selena and I finally broke our embrace and I happily handed her the joint.

    She then shrieked with delight and kissed Taylor on the cheek before she rushed off to the bathroom leaving me alone with my new drunk friend.

    To my amusement it seemed Taylor was much more insecure than I imagined as she quizzed me about the kiss.

    "Can I ask you a question." she spoke sweetly.

    "Absolutely. Shoot."

    "Now be honest with me." she added.

    "Of course. Go ahead."

    "Well. Does Selena kiss better than me."

    I reassure Taylor with a deep lip lock of our own that quickly deepened and gave the room full of onlookers something to talk about. With everyone watching on in disbelief, I boldly took Taylor's hand and placed it against my cock causing her to giggle.

    Fortunately for us the seats at the event were designed in a way where others could not see below our shoulders, and after several minutes of prodding Taylor finally responded.

    "You're crazy." she giggled softly. "You know that."

    "Hey. No one's forcing you to do it." I grinned. "And yet I don't see you pulling your hand away."

    As the two of us made out some more, Taylor treated me to a mind numbing handjob. But as confident as we were that the others couldn't see anything, we were suddenly interrupted by a waitress who quickly realized what we were doing and raised a brow.

    Taylor was naturally ashamed by this and blushed brightly as I tried to convince her to keep going, but a minute later Selena returned and was clearly stoned off her tits.

    In fact she seemed to have an extra swagger in her step and appeared to be in a super flirtatious mood, smiling and waving to photographers across the room.

    Back at the table Gomez claimed that she did a lot of thinking and suggested that we leave the event and go back to her hotel suite a few blocks away.

    "Are you sure." Taylor replied, a little surprised by her friends carefree demeanor.

    "Well at least there we can drink in private."

    "Sounds good to me." I agreed, as the ladies grabbed their things.

    A minute later I took both girls by the hand and followed them out to a waiting car. Outside there was a large pack of fans and paparazzi who took pictures and yelled their names.

    Ignoring them, we climbed into the back of the town car and laughed among ourselves as I now found myself seated in between the two lovelies.

    A moment later, I turned my head slightly to the right and before I knew what was happening Selena and I were making out like two love struck teenagers...kissing each other passionately as the car pulled away from the curb.

    At the same time I sensed movement on my left and felt Taylor reach down and grab my hard cock through my pants, picking up right where we left off inside the gala.

    Caught up in the moment I reached over and groped Selena's breasts before I changed direction and now kissed Taylor hard on the lips.

    As this went on I could feel my pants being unzipped and loosened and a moment later gasp with surprise as Selena Gomez dropped her head in my lap and took my hard cock into her pretty mouth.

    Without thinking I reached down between Taylor's legs and urged her to spread her knees wide, before plunging two fingers underneath her panties and into her hot wet cunt.

    I finger-banged her right there beside me while her BFF now sucked my cock.

    While Taylor hardly had any real breasts to speak off, she did however possess the best set of lips I had the good fortunate of kissing, and I invited her to drag them along the side of my neck before I pushed her head down and directed her to join her friend.

    The two singers now shared my cock like a microphone and took turns sucking it into their mouths. There I urged them to spit and drool all over my tool, and invited them to make out with each other, which they keenly did.

    Watching them tongue-kiss each other there was no doubt in my mind that they had done this before, and the notion along made my cock swell.

    At one point I had Taylor Swift sucking on my bell-end while Selena Gomez twisted her head around and now flicked the tip of her tongue against my nuts.

    The sight and sound in that backseat was just extraordinary as the two starlets serviced me keenly. But unfortunately for us just as things were starting to get interesting in the back of the vehicle the car pulled over as we arrived to Selena's hotel.

    "Fuck." I hissed in frustration. "God damn it. I think we're here."

    The ladies simply sat up and wiped their mouths like it was the most natural thing in the world. I quickly zipped up my pants and watched as one of the minders stepped around the vehicle and opened the door for us.

    Moments later the girls and I were escorted through a lavish lobby and directed towards a bank of waiting elevator where Selena stopped and insisted on some privacy.

    "Err. I can take it from here guys." she told her security team before leaving them standing outside the lift.

    "Would you like us to meet you upstairs."

    "No. I'm fine really." she reassured them. "Thanks a lot guys. See you in the morning."

    A moment later, the doors to the elevator shut and Selena turned and literally pounced on me, kissing me hard on the lips while pushing her petite body against me.

    Taylor simply giggled and then joined the fray, as I now stood in the corner of the carriage being manhandled by the two of them. Both starlets now kissed my face and neck and grabbed at my cock and butt as Selena suddenly dropped to her knees before me and urged me to take out my cock.

    Taylor chuckled to this action as it almost seemed as though Selena couldn't even wait till we got upstairs to screw around, and before I could object I watched as the sexy Latina hungrily devoured my cock and proceeded to blow me right there in the lift!!

    As luck would have it just a half minute later we heard the chime of a bell announce that we had arrived to the top floor of the hotel, and as the doors opened I now stood there sucking face with Taylor while her BFF knelt on the floor before us sucking my dick.

    Fortunately for us the floor appeared to be deserted as Gomez ignored the warning chimes and soldiered on, now bobbed her head up and down and swallowed my sword as I reached over and fingered Taylor again.

    To our amusement the elevator then began to ring with a new sounding warning and threatened to shut down causing us to finally stop what we were doing and leave.

    The three of us reluctantly stumbled out of the lift, and with my cock still wet and dangling from my pants, we made our way towards Selena's hotel room.

    There she fiddled with the security card while Taylor and I got it on almost immediately. In fact I was sure that if Gomez didn't manage to open that door any sooner her friend and I were in danger of having sex right there in the hallway.

    Thankfully Selena opened her front door as I playfully picked Swift up and threw her over my shoulder and carried her inside.

    The skinny singer shrieked with excitement as I took her inside and promptly dropped her to the edge of the sofa, while Selena slammed the door shut behind her and proceeded to undress.

    Kissing me hard on the lips I then grabbed the Latina by the wrist and pushed her down to sit beside her disheveled friend. The two songbirds worked Selena's dress off quickly and she was now topless with her friend licking and sucking at her breasts.

    I watched Selena's face blush red as this was probably the first time they had ever engaged in such activity in front of another human being.

    Taylor's outfit went next, as did the skimpy black lace bra that snapped in the front. In an instant the slender blonde was as naked as the day she was born as I genuinely marveled at her breasts, not for their lack of size but at the sight of her incredibly puffy pink nipples.

    The two moved on the couch to kiss some more as I was now privy to a perfect view of both their bodies. Together they made quite the scene, with Swift's light pale complexion to Gomez's exotic dark features.

    While Taylor was smallish up top, her flawless pale skin and swollen puffy nipples more than made up for it.

    Selena on the other hand was huge by comparison, and possessed cantaloupe size tits which appeared to curve outward. Her skin was a deeper hue while her nipples were thick, dark, and tiny in diameter, the type of nips you just wanted to suck on.

    I watched with fascination as Taylor hungrily suckled her friends nipples into her mouth and bit them between her teeth, before she dragged her tongue across them as though she was licking an ice-cream cone.

    My cock pulsated between my legs and began to tilt skyward. In that current state I would have made a mess of myself so I decided to hold back as this was a moment to savor, not crash.

    The onetime country singer slid to the floor as Selena leaned back and allowed Taylor to place her hands on her inside of her thighs and proceeded to kiss her way up to her knees.

    Gomez then turned her head to watch me stroke my cock as I in turn watched Taylor kiss her way to the center and finally smooch the soft mound above Selena's clit.

    Without wasting another moment Taylor buried her face between her friends legs, tonguing her cunt furiously as Selena leaned her head back against the sofa cushions and enjoyed being eaten.

    Whatever messages we had failed to convey by then would have to wait until some later time, as Selena draped her slender legs over Taylor's shoulders and her body trembled with the beginnings of an all mighty orgasm.

    Having me as an audience member had apparently excited her into a quick resolution, but it certainly wasn't the only or last climax she'd enjoy that night.

    A minute later Taylor leaned back with a smug look on her face, her entire mouth and chin smeared in her friends essence as Selena sat forward and kissed her flat belly. Her hands reaching around to hold her friend's butt.

    They moved together, slightly awkwardly as Selena lay back on the sofa again only this time she directed her friend to straddle her face.

    It was a practiced move as Taylor settled in over Selena's mouth and the striking little Latina speared out her tongue and plunged it all the way inside Taylor's pussy. Swift finally looked over at me, not for approval but now invited me to join.

    Her tiny pert breasts jutted out from her exquisite frame and the temptation to have them in my mouth was far more than I could resist.

    I immediately moved to stand behind the sofa and bent over to kiss her miraculous breasts, and hold those splendid nipples between my teeth.

    Meanwhile Selena's hands fumbled and found my crotch, grasping at my erection as though begging for cock. I felt myself ready to come if she'd so much as tug on it once.

    Instead, I attacked Taylor's chest as I waited to see what Selena would do, but she sensed my dilemma and graciously let go. I took this opportunity to strip off most my clothes and was nearly as naked as they were.

    Taylor, still riding Selena's face, leaned over to kiss me passionately while my hand wandered around her body. It was around this time that she began to shudder with her first climax and I paused for a moment to watch her pretty little mouth open and sigh hotly.

    Up until that point the couch had served its purpose, but now we needed room to play.

    As Taylor dismounted her lovers face I stripped off the last of my clothes and followed the two naked ladies down the long hall and into the master bedroom.

    The girls giggled as they jumped on the bed and lay down together and began to kiss. I merely stood there watching them before Selena reached over and took my hand and pulled me in.

    I lay down behind her as Taylor and I kissed each other over her shoulder. As we did, Selena moved down between us and I suddenly felt her warm mouth around my cock again.

    The "Spring Breakers" star alternated between sucking me and licking Taylor before she moved back up and I went down. While she and Swift kissed each other sensually I took this time to explore their bodies and gently kissed and licked their pussies.

    Sucking their cunt lips into my mouth, I marveled at how dissimilar they both appeared to taste. It was almost like going from Mango to Peach.

    To my surprise Selena was far more muskier than Taylor, and a bit hairier as well. Still, Gomez had a deliciously thick labia which I found appealing to suck on as every time I did her entire body would shiver.

    Taylor finally moved down to suck on my cock, and without any organization we fell into a sort of daisy chain on the bed...with me eating Selena, her eating Taylor, and Taylor sucking me. We stayed in this configuration for a while, moaning and squirming against one another before Selena finally broke us gently apart.

    "I want to watch you fuck her." she insisted, as she moved up and sat at the head of the bed, propping herself up with all the pillows.

    I watched as she spread her legs apart and played with herself as Taylor and I slowly moved into position. I had always preferred the missionary position as it allowed me full and total control, but apparently so did she.

    Swift simply lay back and permitted me to mount her as I held her legs apart with my own and leisurely pounded away at her at a steady pace, before she ultimately took control and moved to straddle me.

    As Taylor wiggled her hips and bounced her ass over me Selena descended from her pillow mountain and kissed her friend on the mouth, as I urged her to move in a little closer so her knees were beside my head and I could crane my neck up to lick at her pussy.

    Selena stuffed the corner of a pillow underneath my head to save my neck, as I tongue-fucked her while Taylor continued to ride my cock at a "swift" pace, no pun intended.

    Between the pussy in my mouth and the pussy wrapped snugly around my tool, I couldn't hold back any longer. Taylor was tight and hot and her vaginal muscles grabbed and milked my cock like a vice.

    I grabbed Selena's ass in both hands and tongued her as deeply as I could, thrusting my tongue all the way inside her 19-year-old sex while groaning out loud when my cock finally exploded inside Taylor Swift's cunt.

    All the while Selena noisily sucked at Taylor's breasts and came again as soon as she realized that I was spilling my seed deep inside her friend.

    Taylor then climaxed too, and we broke apart again. I simply lay on the bed staring up at the ceiling and panting incessantly, trying to wrap my head around the fact that not only was I involved in a threesome with Selena and Taylor, but that I had just treated the leggy blonde to a good old fashioned creampie.

    While I lay there trying to catch my breath, Selena laid Taylor down and gently sunk her face into Taylor's pussy, lapping up my load as it trickled out of her pristine cunt.

    This lewd action brought Taylor off to yet another toe-curling climax, and when Selena sat up her face glistened with the juices she had been drinking.

    The actress-turned-singer now lay down beside me and casually sucked on my cock in a playful way, tasting Taylor all over me and trying to bring me back to life.

    At this point I just couldn't believe how insatiable she was. Selena was like the fucking Ever-Ready Bunny, always willing and ready to go at the drop of a hat. With that said I finally got up and moved to mound her from behind and impaled her promptly.

    "Ugh. God. You're big." she muttered, as she now absentmindedly licking at her friends gleaming sex. "That feels good."

    I began to thrust into her, already moving into a gentle rhythm. Her knees spread further on the mattress and she dipped her butt lower to accommodate me.

    Each time I pumped forward she would whimper and mutter something about "needing it." Her long nails now dug into Taylor's thighs as I moved my hips faster, harder, deeper.

    My hardness plunged into her at a different angle and found her G-spot. She gave a choked moan as I now pounded her into submission, her curvy hips humping back against me while she licked at her friends slit furiously.

    Every so often she would permit her tongue to snake down and briefly brush against Taylor's taint and tight little bunghole.

    "Yeah. That's it Selena." I moaned from behind her. "Eat her ass. Get her off with your tongue."

    Gomez happily obliged and now alternated between sucking Swift's pussy lips into her mouth and probing her butt with the tip of her tongue while Taylor twiddled her clit.

    Reaching over I grabbed a handful of Selena's hair and tugged her head back aggressively as I fucked her intently, my balls slapping loudly against her sex.

    When she finally came a minute later she grunted out loud and pushed me away and lay panting heavily in the middle of the bed, before she giggled and told me she was ready for more.

    At this point I lay there playing with my boner as she came over and slipped my shiny erection back into of her hot mouth and Taylor joined her between my legs where they took turns sucking the tip and kissing my shaft and balls.

    When it was time for me to finally cum again they both had their faces so close that I spurted all over them, spraying their lips and foreheads in spunk before I watched them greedily lick each other's faces clean.

    "Jesus." I panted out of breath. "You rebound girls are truly crazy."

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
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    Great story as always! The only thing I don't quite get is, being able to go again and not have a go at Selena?

  3. Thanks Jshisler79, TPG thanked for this post
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  4. #3
    TPG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Camio View Post
    Great story as always! The only thing I don't quite get is, being able to go again and not have a go at Selena?

    Fixed! Thanks for the feedback.

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
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    Amazing as always TPG.... Selena and Taylor never fail to rouse the magic.. and you make it all the more better!

  6. Thanks TPG thanked for this post
  7. #5
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    Great story as always TPG!

  8. Thanks TPG thanked for this post
  9. #6
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    To simply say this is a great story doesn't do it justice. One of my favorite stories ever is what this is. You continue to out do yourself TPG.

  10. Thanks heywood jablowme, TPG thanked for this post
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