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Thread: "A New Idea" with Hilary Duff

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    fanfiction "A New Idea" with Hilary Duff

    "A New Idea"
    featuring Hilary Duff

    Author: JFscribe
    Celebs: Hilary Duff
    (Codes: MF, finger, oral)

    Disclaimer: This FICTIONAL story contains Sexually Explicit Situations. It's totally made up and in fact some of these people don't even exist! If you're underage or easily offended STOP READING! In fact, due to its content, it should not be read by anyone.

Mike knocked softly on the bedroom door. He opened it and found his wife, Hilary, already asleep. He'd hoped to catch her when she came home from filming some TV promo, in hopes of some intimate time, but she'd already crashed out. He could hear her deep breathing in the dim light and he knew it was already too late to ask for sex. In his experience, he'd tried waking her up many times previous, but it never worked out. She'd always mumble something in an irritated voice before turning her back to him and nodding off to sleep. So with that in mind, he didn't even bother.

    Hilary and Mike were a married couple that had been married for about four years when their interest in each other began to wane. They had met when she was 20, and went through a semi-long distance relationship while she worked on her acting career on the west coast and he was a professional athlete in the Southwest. Though they remained faithful to each other, sometimes there would be weeks on end where they wouldn't see each other.

    Because of that, the sex was great. It was passionate and loving and when they really got into it, they could rock the shit out of that bed. Hilary was no prude either. Some guys think that these good girls were conservative, but Mike knew otherwise. They weren't swayed easily, but given the right motivation and situation, they could hold their own against any pornstar. Mike could remember more than once how dirty she could talk or instigate different positions or just do risky things like down in the living room of her parent's home or in the car on a whim. Maybe it was the 'starving man' sex syndrome, he thought, where a sex-starved couple will go all out and cum as many times, even until it hurt in order for their bodies to hold out until the next 'diet.'

    But after their son was born a few years ago, it seemed they had both lost interest in being intimate. Her, more than him. Hilary preferred to go to sleep early after a full day of filming her new show, coming home to fix dinner with Mike, and doing the obvious child-rearing jobs. Even though her job as an actress and sometimes-singer came in waves, the downtimes seemed as sexually sparse as the busy times. Mike's job as a professional sports figure also came in waves and during the season, he was tired from practice and doing the various "honey-do" chores on the weekends and his cooking. Having their schedules match up so their downtimes matched up was a chore in itself. But even when he was in the mood, it was like pulling teeth to get Hilary to put out, and sometimes it wasn't worth hearing her complain how tired she was or how she wasn't in the mood.

    So he relegated himself to what 95% of all red-blooded men do: watch online porn. For about a year, he tried all kinds of sites, at first paying the monthly $19.95, but then finding free sites like Pornhub that would post various full clips of movies for free of all various types of subjects: black on whites, gangbangs, MILFs, etc. It was basically youtube for porn. They weren't HD, but they were free, and for most men they didn't need to be. If there was a specific pornstar he liked, or type of porn he wanted, he could always find it; sometimes it was blond girls, sometimes it was redheads. Sometimes it was blondes on redheads. He knew it wasn't as good as the real thing, but it served its purpose, and without having to nag his wife for half an hour just to get a begrudging "okay." Sometimes, he didn't care and would just go for that limp fish act his wife provided. It was never as good if she wasn't wholeheartedly into it. And those times were far in between.

    Not to say that Hilary gave up sex. On the rare occasion she was feeling horny, which was about once every other month, they'd go at it, but it was never like when they were before they were married. She was a total hornbag back then. Nowadays, it was almost always missionary, and it was never kinky. And forget blowjobs. Gone, was the little horny blonde slut he once knew, and he assumed it was to be expected. They had their own house now so the risk adrenalin wasn't there and with their kid in the next room they couldn't be as boisterous. And since they hardly saw each other everyday, the need to have sex was taken for granted like 98% of all married couples.

So Mike stuck to his porn and self-satisfaction on the other 59 days. Not that he was addicted to porn or anything, but maybe every 2 or 3 days he'd have to toss one off to calm that urge.

    It was one such lonely night that Mike watched a young woman with older man/ younger woman video, which lead to a older woman/younger man video, then to a MILF video, and then to a MILF cheating on husband video. Mike watched as the man watched his "wife" fuck another man in front of him. He knew it was all fake, and they were pretty much all porn actors, but the 'storyline' seemed to intrigue him. It lead him to more of these cuckolding videos. Sometimes with the husband away for some reason but he really liked the ones with the 'husband' watching his 'wife' go at it in front of him. Protesting at the injustice as the wife taunted her husband for some fake misdeed while taking another man's cock in revenge.

    It was a new thing for Mike. He'd never heard nor seen this sort of thing before. It made him queasy yet intrigued at the same time. He wasn't a prude, but to have another man have his hands on his wife seemed unmentionable. Sure spouses cheated, some of his teammates go out and fuck other women while they were on the road, but to actually see the spouse getting fucked in front of them seemed just too strange a concept. For the next few days he avoided the internet, and just lay in bed next to Hilary's sleeping form, thinking. Is this something married couples actually do? He was sure there was swingers parties, he'd heard of them before. So why couldn't it be a one way thing? Where one watches as the spouse has the time of their life. Not a three-way. It was just a one way pleasure for the woman and the other man. Would the husband just watch and maybe masturbate to the scene unfolding before him? He guessed so.

    For the next few weeks, he couldn't help but think about it while laying there before falling asleep next to his actress wife. His mind moved into unchartered territory. Could he possibly get Hilary into something like that? Would he, himself, be able to mentally handle something like that? Would it just eat away at him afterwards? He was sure a lot of couples have their marriages fall apart after their partners cheat, but is it really cheating if both people agree on it? And would he think too much about it once it was done, and drive him to leave Hilary even though he initiated it?

Then one day, after a night out with their usual group of friends and acquaintances, Mike noticed there was a little friendly flirting going on. It was always the playful kind of thing you do among friends, but for some reason, Mike was hyper-aware of it. In fact, Sure, Mike was guilty of it as well, so were other men and women in the group. It was never serious; an indecent comment here or there, a double entendre to the group, etc. But it brought back images of his late night surfing and of cuckolding.

    He noticed his friend Charles was making comments a little more often toward Hilary more than usual, and Mike utilized it when they drove home.

    "Charles was flirting with the girls in the group a lot tonight…" Mike commented nonchalantly as they walked in the door to their house. "A little more than usual, I'd say."

    "Oh, he's harmless," Hilary said, laughing it off, kicking off her high heels as she stumbled into the, a little tipsy.

    "I know. It's just funny, that's all. Makes me wonder if I was like that once." Mike also chuckled, making it seem like it was a comment in passing.

    "Yeah, I know. He just needs a girlfriend to keep him in bounds; Someone to keep all his hormones off all the other girls."

    Then way she said it made Mike's temperature rise.

    "Yeah, right! Like you wouldn't be after him if you weren't married," Mike teased, curious about the turn in conversation, carefully gauging and selecting his words.
    Hilary chuckled again as she sipped from a glass of water. "Of course not."

    "Hey, you paused!" Mike accused with a light tone as if joking. "You actually thought about it!" Mike laughed as if not taking it seriously, but deep inside he was listening to everything she said and more importantly, didn't say.

    "You're being silly!" she said. Mike could see that the alcohol was impairing her acting skills. He could see the blush in her cheeks, "I'm married! HAPPILY married. To YOU, you idiot." she smiled, walking to their bedroom.

    That wasn't an answer and Mike knew it.

    "Besides, he's not my type," she added.

    Again, not an answer, Mike noticed. Hilary seemed to avoid his gaze as she removed her jewelry.

    "Now come to bed. I still have some energy in me. Care to help me use it?" She slipped off her dress and slid on her nightie.

    Mike stared at her ass as she did so. He knew she was using sex as a distraction technique, but he wasn't going to let it go. Sure, he was going to fuck her, but he was going for more than that. Besides, their son was away at her mom's house, so he knew he was definitely gonna fuck her whether or not his questioning didn't pan out.
"Not your type as a husband, or as a sex partner?" he asked, kicking off his shoes into the closet.

    "I don't see the difference," she said, lotioning up her arms and bare legs as he watched.

    "There's a big difference. There's people you'd sleep with to marry and there are ones just for sex," he clarified.

    "What's your point here?"

    "Would you do it if given a chance?" he finally said point-blank.

    "No, of course not. I'm happily married!" Hilary huffed with mock indignation.

    "Even with my permission?" he offered. "I'm sure he'd find you hot."

    "He would, and that's flattering. Being in the public eye, you kinda ignore all of that. But like I said, we're happily married. Besides, most guys who know who I am have this fantasy of fucking my old character from TV, not me."

    Mike was already hard now as she switched off the light and began to distract his talk with the act of stroking the growing bulge in his pants. Mike was turned on by her fingers, but was so turned on with the thought of her opening up her legs for Charles. It was weird, but those porn images got to him. In then dark, they began foreplay, with kissing and touching eagerly. Their hands exploring each other. He wondered whether his talk also got her revved up, since he never saw her this much into their sex life in a long time.

    He wondered if she was getting turned on by the thought he'd placed in her mind and in a way offered sex to him as a way to release that tension as well as shut him up. Not that he would deny her either way, but he now wanted to know.
    As he rubbed her between her legs through her panties, she writhed and moaned in the dim light. He worked her for a bit, feeling her pussy warm up through then satin underwear. He pushed the crotch of her panties aside and found her already nice and wet. His fingers adeptly rubbed up and down her slit, feeling her clit swell with each pass of his fingers.

    "You want to do it don't you?" he whispered.

    "Yes, I want you…" she breathed.

    "No, not me, you're thinking about Charles as I rub your pussy." Mike said, not accusing but curious.
Hilary paused, wondering, "No. Why? Would you want me to?" 
"Okay. I can do that if you want."

    Hilary's eyes closed. It didn't take long for her to get worked up after that. Mike wondered if it was because she was thinking about Charles, or did she just patronize him? She moaned as if in response.

    For an instant, Mike saw a glimpse of that young slutty woman that he once dated. That horny young woman came out from hiding.

    "Mmmmmmmmm…yeah right there…" Hilary's hips began to wriggle under Mike's fingering.

    "Yesssss…" she hissed.

    Mike noticed she was ready faster than usual as he thrusted his fingers in and out of his wife's pussy. He wondered if she was in fact thinking about Charles. Before he could finish the thought, Hilary began to thrash and grind uncontrollably under him.

    "AAAAHHHH FFFFFUUUUCK!!!" She came as hard as she ever had, squeezing hard on his fingers with her wet pussy. Mike climbed up over her and slid straight into her wet pussy. She was warm and wet as fuck. He was about three strokes behind, firing off a huge load into her. As soon as they both had caught their breath, Mike rolled off her and lay next to her. "It was just a fantasy, you know," she said groggily.
"You came pretty hard for it, though." Mike remarked, panting.

    She didn't say anything as she drifted off to sleep.

For a few weeks nothing was said between them. Mike wondered if Hilary ever thought of what he'd mentioned to her, even though he knew there wasn't a day that went by that he fantasized about it. One thing he did know, was that sex came a little more frequently between them after that. Even without him instigating it. He hadn't needed to watch porn for at least a month. He wondered if he'd opened a floodgate, so to speak, by allowing her to think about other guys more freely. Even in the midst of passion, they hadn't mentioned the whole "Charles thing." It wasn't until a couple of months later they were out with the same group, and once again, Charles's attentions were passed around in casual flirting, not just to Hilary, but to all the women in the group, and even to some other women in the club in passing.

    But what Mike noticed was that Hilary was allowing a little more of it, when it was directed at her; being a little more explicit in her replies. Hilary would counter his double entendres with inappropriate ones of her own. Mike wondered if it was his talk about Charles weeks ago had made her a bit bold. But about half way through the evening, Mike caught her over at Charles, and then looked away. She did it again, lingering yet again, as if wondering something. Mike caught her throughout the night doing this when she thought no one was looking. She seemed a little flushed, and Mike wondered if she was a feeling a bit frisky.

    When a good song came on Charles asked out loud if anyone wanted to dance. No big thing in this group, since they were mostly married and it offered any one of the husbands to tag out when they were feeling winded before their wives felt like leaving the floor. Mike noticed Hilary perk up and Charles caught this and escorted her to the dance floor. Through the crowd, Mike didn't notice anything out of the ordinary, or maybe it was his over-sensitivity that made it seem that way. Did she press up against him a little too long at times? or touch his arm half a second too long? Did she wait a little too long before pushing him away when his hands got a bit too fresh?

Maybe it was his imagination. But when Charles and Hilary got back to the table, Mike thought he saw the unmistakable signs of arousal in her face: slightly reddened cheeks, widened pupils, flared nostrils, a little more laughter than usual, and when she saw Mike looking over, she seemed to straighten up slightly as if gaining her composure. He seemed to ignore it, but ordered more drinks for her.

    When club started closing down, everyone headed home. Mike looked on, seeing Hilary looking toward Mike as he headed for his car. Mike and Hilary headed home in silence. It was later than usual as they got dressed for bed. It was after 2:00 am when they crawled into bed. She seemed tired since her limit was around 1:00 AM, so Mike was used to having her fall asleep. It was a pleasant shock when he heard her turn over.
"Hey you. Kid's out with grandma." she said, running a fingertip down Mike's arm. "Are you interested in some one-on-one time?"

Mike wasn't one to look a gift horse in the mouth, and Hilary immediately spread her legs so he could get down to lick her pussy, working his way to her clitoris. Mike was surprised at how wet she already was, and how good her pussy smelled with all her juices running. He found it extra slippery tonight as his fingers moved easily up into her.

    "Oh yeah, that's it. Lick my clit baby…" she whispered down at Mike urgently.

    Mike knew that she was turned on, due in part to her time dancing and flirting with Charles. But instead of feeling jealous, Mike found himself turned on by it. Charles got her primed and ready and here he was reaping the benefits.
Mike climbed above her on the bed and knelt between Hilary's legs. He positioned his cock at her wet opening and rubbed her clitoris with it. Sliding down her labia and then up the other side before rubbing her lit in a circular manner. He repeated this process over and over. He, himself getting turned on by the wet friction on his cockhead. Hilary moaned, gripping at the bedsheets, her back arching to expose her neck and taut breasts up to the ceiling. Mike repeated the circle: down one side of her labia and up the other. Hilary's eyes closed and pulled her legs back by putting her hands under her knees as she spread herself wide for her husband.

"Mmm, you're getting so wet. You want it, don't you, Hilary?" Mike asked as he slid the tip of his cock against her moistened labia. He could see the slippery wet juices run down her perineum and onto her anus. 
"Yessss," she hissed up at him, head tossed again side to side and she humped upward a little trying to get him inside herself. "Put it in," she commanded. 
"Not yet." Mike answered.

    She tossed her head again and, bucked her hips upward a little as if to protest. Mike pulled back and she trembled a little in frustration. Mike continued to stay at cock's length, and rubbed the entire underside of his shaft from tip to base up along her spread-open labia the head rubbing against her clitoris teasingly.

"Ohgod," Hilary shuddered.

    She wanted it inside her. She was as hot as he'd ever seen her, and again, he was reminded of a younger, hornier Hilary from her movies and videos. The risk-taker. The one who might fuck a co-star in her trailer between scenes. The one who might do something illicit for a part in a movie. Mike was loving this side of her. A younger, weaker Mike would've said 'Fuck it' and banged the hell out of her then and there, but this Mike had a mission. He was going for a greater goal. A delayed gratification, so to speak.

    Even though she may be turned on because of thoughts of another man, this only helped to further his resolve. The multiple drinks she had also helped. This made Mike both a little jealous and incredibly turned on all at once. This conflict of emotions was what fueled him all these months.

    "You want my cock in you?" Mike asked again. 

    "Yes, put it inside me," she pleaded a little more insistently.

Mike poised the tip of his cock right at her opening, and she gave off a little moan and lifted her hips, almost the tiniest bit as if to be coy about her movements, and tried to take in the stroke. But again, Mike changed the position of his hips slightly and instead of plunging it into her wet pussy, he slid it up along her slippery, parted labia and over her clitoris. He could feel her clit harden and her lips puff out as her sex became slightly engorged.

    "Stop teasing me," she groaned, half in horniness and half in frustration. Mike could feel her tremble before him.

    "I'll put it in if you answer my questions honestly, okay?" 
"Okay. Hurry…" She couldn't believe what he was doing. HIlary never knew her husband to tease her this much.
"You have to answer without thinking about it. Don't hesitate for a bit…or else it'll just take longer and we might even stop!" Mike knew it was a bluff, he was gonna fuck her whether she told him the truth or not. He was the man who hadn't had real sex in nearly a month, who was he kidding? But hopefully he had driven her crazy enough so that she would be in a state to do what he asked.

    "Promise?" he asked.

    "Yessss." she answered impatiently, " What is it? Ask me…" 
"I said PROMISE?" Mike rubbed the head of his cock against Hilary's pussy, letting her feel it throbbing against her. He was holding it while kneeling close, but with enough flexibility so that she couldn't buck her hips and suddenly take it in. Which she tried a couple times, of course. He couldn't blame her. He was in a half a mind to let her do it. He let his cock separate her labia and pushed in just a little by letting her take a little, but backing
off when she bucked up toward him almost reflexively. She was in a state where at least 51% of her libido was in control of her body. The alcohol also helped his cause. Her mind was taking the backseat at least for the moment.
"Yes, I promise. Now ask!" she begged up at him, still trying to buck her hips onto his cock. She was so wet. So turned on. She could feel him dipping and jabbing down there. His cock constantly rubbed or nudged her clit to keep her on edge.

"You were turned on tonight at the club weren't you?" 
"Yesssss," she hissed.
"Why?" Mike asked, rubbing at her labia and clit to keep her libido in play.
"Just dancing…mmmm…with another man, I guess…" Mike knew it was working. She was on edge and she didn't hesitate to tell him this.

    "Was Charles hard when he pressed against you? Could you feel it?" he asked while rubbing at her with an even pace.

    "Kinda--yeah he was…I could feel it," she groaned.
"You wanted that cock in you, didn't you?" Mike rubbed and teased faster.
"Yessss!" she whined.
"You want Charles' cock in you?" 
"Ohgawd Yessss!" 
Mike smiled and put the tip against her vaginal opening and again dragged the head up and around past her sensitive areas, sliding it along her sloppy wet slit. She bucked again, and writhed in obvious frustration when she hadn't caught him.

    "You said you'd put it in!" she said in a whiny little girl's voice.
"You said you wanted to let Charles fuck you. Do you?" 
"Yes," she moaned.
"You'd let him fuck you, wouldn't you?" His cock rubbed along her wet slit. Her thighs were spread wide, knees bent and pointing outwards.
"If you want me to." 
"I do. Say it for me."

    "I…I want Charles to fuck me," she said, unsure.
"And you'll let me watch you do it too." Mike added. 
"Yessss," she groaned down at her husband, "I'll--I'll fuck him and let you watch..." 
"When?" he asked while attacking her clitoris vigorously with his cocked.
"Whenever you want me to," her voice was pleading now, almost whining.

    "I want you to beg Charles to fuck you while I do you." Mike said down to her.

    She nodded eagerly in response. Her eyes closed, and back arched.

    "Say it!" Mike said more forcefully.

    "Ohgod, Charles Fuck me…"

And with that, Mike pushed deep into Hilary's pussy, causing his wife give off a guttural moan. Her back arched as her legs spread wider. Mike slid his cock deep inside her in one stroke. Her pussy taking him in without hesitation. Wetness lubricating him all the way to the back of her pussy.

    "Say it!" Mike told her.

    "Ohgawd Charles, fuck me! Fuck my wet pussy…" she groaned, her eyes closed.

    The lingering effects of the alcohol, combined with the fantasy of it all turned Hilary on. Her inhibitions were released and Mike's talk was making her juices flow. She parted her thighs and she actually imagined another man between her legs. He tried not to say anything then, letting only his grunts and moans keep her in this realistic daydream.

    Mike slammed into her cunt hard and she counter-thrusted, pushing her hips and pussy up to meet each stroke, spreading her legs open to
give her husband maximum penetration. He loved her like this: eager, horny, and on the verge of going crazy with pleasure.

    "I'm going to ask him to fuck you the next time we all go out, and I'm going to watch you do it. You want that? You'll be a good little slut and spread yourself wide open for him, while I watch, won't you?" he breathed as he tried to control himself.
"OhGodYesss!" Hilary screamed.
"You're going to look him in the eye and fuck him while I watch his cock slide in and out of your cunt…" 
"I'm gonna do it…whenever you want…I promise!" she groaned deliriously up at Mike, her eyes glassy and face in a horny demeanor.

    Mike thought she didn't hear him and her mouth was going on autopilot. She'd probably agree to piggyback an elephant to the moon if he asked her at that moment.

    "Tell me what position you'd want him in."

    "Doggy," Hilary said almost immediately.
"Show me how you'll cum for him, Hilary." Mike commanded.

    Hilary flipped over on her elbows and knees, her ass cheeks splayed widely for her husband.

    His hand on her hips, he pulled her toward him, his cock sliding easily into her wet pussy.

    Hilary moaned into the pillow. Her husband grunting as her wetness enveloped him.

    "Good lord, you're wet," he whispered.

    Mike rammed deep. The familiar sound of his cock pistoning into her wet cunt made him thrust harder. His hips slamming into the back of the former teen starlet. Her ass jiggled as pushed in and repeated over and over. Harder and harder.
"YESSSSSSSSS! Make me cum, baby. Make me fucking cum." she groaned over her shoulder at him.

    "That's it, hon, roll that ass for me. It's building up just for you."

    "I'm cumming, Charles, I'm cumming-cumming-cumming….FFFFFUCCCKKK!!" And with that, she pushed her ass back and exploded in an earth-shattering orgasm. Her body thrashing and trembling. In response, Mike grunted and slammed his hips into his wife over and over, aware that she called him Charles in her throes of passion. It made him ram harder into her.

    She was imagining their friend fucking her, and he was okay with it. In fact it was turning him on so bad. The bed shook in time with the quick motion slapping of his hips against her ass. Mike grunted as his cock unloaded inside her with what seemed like the biggest explosion he had ever shot.

    "AAAAHHHFFFFFUUUUUCCKKK!" His sperm and semen shot into her. Stream after stream of his cum flowed into the blonde in front of him. She'd never turned him on so much before.

He collapsed onto her, his sweaty chest pressed against her back, their beating hearts and panting breaths loud in their ears. Mike whispered to her, "I'm going to do it, you know... Have you fuck Charles." he said gently pulling out of her.

    They were the last words she heard as she fell asleep, exhaustion taking her over.

    Mike wasn't even sure if she'd heard him.

    As he drifted off to his own exhausted sleep, he wondered if he made the best decision of his life, or the worst.

  2. #2
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    That was so fucking hot 'scribe. Awesome read! ...I can totally see Duff being that kinky.

  3. Thanks RallyVincentCZ, X42, assman118, JFscribe, TheLW thanked for this post
  4. #3
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    Holy shit, that was absolutely amazing, Scribe.

    Please tell me there is going to be a part 2, with Hilary getting fucked by Charles.

  5. Thanks RallyVincentCZ, X42, assman118, TPG, JFscribe thanked for this post
  6. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheLW View Post
    Holy shit, that was absolutely amazing, Scribe.

    Please tell me there is going to be a part 2, with Hilary getting fucked by Charles.
    You never know...but with my track record, you'll see it the same time Star Wars 8 comes around. :silly:

  7. Thanks RallyVincentCZ, TPG thanked for this post

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