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Thread: "War Games" with Yvonne Strahovski

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    fanfiction "War Games" with Yvonne Strahovski

    War Games
    With Yvonne Strahovski
    By Harbinger
    Tags: M/F, roleplay, handjob, outdoors, creampie
    Disclaimer: This story is completely fiction and for entertainment purposes only.

    "Excited, Strahovski?" I asked the tall blonde Aussie across from me.

    "Absolutely," she responded with a smile. "We leased to Pratt Platoon last year, but it's our year this time," she said, referring to our annual competitive paintball War.

    It was our Second Annual Paintball War with Yvonne and Chris Pratt, the stars of Amazon's The Tomorrow War. Along with them, it was me and a bunch of extras and instructors from the weapons training they had to take for the movie.

    "The teams are a little more even this year, so I like our chances," I said. "As agreed upon, I haven't had a chance to check out the terrain before hand."

    Yvonne nodded and played with the hard knee cover of her uniform. "I haven't either. Chris chose a pretty remote location for this year," she noted as our rented helicopter buzzed over an endless sea of treetops. With Yvonne and Chris bankrolling this, they had more than enough money to make it feel like we were going to a legitimate war zone.

    "Captain, we're coming up to the LZ in about two minutes," the pilot informed me over my headset.

    "Roger that," I responded and stood up, my paintball gun in my hand. "We're dropping in two, everybody up!" I ordered, and my team shot up to their feet, strapping their helmets and pulling their face covers down. I the red light on the wall lit up, telling us we were close. I watched the light with baited breath until it turned green. "Let's go! Let's go!" I shouted as I jumped out and hit the ground, pulling my gun into my shoulder and hitting the ground.

    Yvonne and I fired off into the tree line, providing covering fire as the rest of my platoon jumped out and followed us into the grass.

    "Hold fire!" I ordered, and my team stopped, but we stayed quiet and kept watching the tree line.

    "Nothing, Captain," Yvonne said, still not sounding too sure of it.

    I looked around and slowly rose from a prone to a kneeling position. "First squad, move forward," I said and watched my left flank move forward into the tree line. "Let's move," I said to Yvonne and the other two with us.

    We advanced into the trees ahead of us as we found ourselves looking at a dried up riverbed. I motioned us forward and we rolled into the natural trench and threw ourselves against the opposite bank. "Alright platoon, listen up; 1st and 2nd Squad, advance forward at a 45-degree angle to give us advanced flanks. 3rd Squad, stay on our immediate flank. Everyone, keep in touch when you make contact. Move out," I finished up and waved my squad forward.

    As soon as we stood up, we heard the report of paintball guns and saw the small balls pocking into the sand, dirt and mud around us. We got back down and started firing into the bushes where the rounds were coming from.

    I keyed my radio, "3rd Squad has made contact. Watch your flanks and stay on route," I ordered as my squad continued to lay down fire. "Hold!" I shouted, knowing that nobody was going to hit anybody at this distance. "Jules, Mike," I addressed my other squad mates, "go the length of the river bed, keep low, and flank the squad ahead of us. Stay low and keep quiet. We don't know where the other squads are. "Go!"

    Yvonne and I laid down more covering fire as my Jules and Mike cleared out about forty yards on each side before hopping over the riverbed.

    Once they were out, Yvonne and I slowed fire and waited. We soon heard fire again, telling me that Jules and Mike had made contact. Me and Yvonne used that distraction to rush forward and crowd the middle. We were able to eliminate a full squad, but we had lost Jules who had shouted "Alright, I'm out!" She had taken a paintball to the chest, a kill shot.

    "Alright Jules, head to the central LZ and we'll see you soon," I said as she walked back with the enemy squad we had taken out. This was super competitive, but we were all still friends at the end of this, and the five walking back to the main camp showed that.

    "Captain, this is 1st Squad! We've got two squads in front of us and we need support."

    "Heading to you now!" I keyed the radio and took off with Yvonne right on my heels.

    We headed the direction 1st Squad roughly should have been, but before we could reach the fight, we started taking fire and had to take cover in thick brush.

    "Fuck!" Yvonne shouted, hitting the grass hard and holding her ankle. She seemed genuinely hurt.

    "Are you okay?" I asked, keeping low and running over.

    "Yeah, I think I just twisted my ankle on a tree root," she winced, trying to rub the afflicted area through thick combat boots.

    "Mike, I'll cover you. Link up with 1st Squad and tell them we're coming." I raised up higher on my knee and sprayed off into the trees and Mike took off, but he was hit before he could clear 30 yards. "Fuck!" I shouted in anger, not genuine pain.

    "Get out of here, Captain. I'll buy you some time," Yvonne offered, backing herself against a tree.

    "Bullshit. I'm staying here,' I told her as paintballs flew all around us.

    They were getting closer to our position, and I knew they were choking us down.

    Luckily, 4th Squad came in from our right and chased off whatever was in front of us.

    "You all right, Captain?" James, leader of 4th Squad asked, looking at me and Yvonne.

    "Yeah, we're fine," I answered.

    "Just a twisted ankle. It doesn't feel sprained or anything. I just need a moment," Yvonne said, answering the worried look on James's face. "Go help 1st Squad if 3rd isn't there yet," Yvonne suggested.

    "You heard the lady, go," I said, backing up my partner.

    "Yvonne, I know you want to win, but if you can't show me you can continue, I'll have to consider you a casualty for your own well-being," I told the Handmaid's Tale star and my battle buddy.

    "I'm fine," she assured me, and used the tree to help her stand up. She tested her weight on her ankle, and with a little bit of a limp, we were able to press on. We had taken a three hour break, and the sun was at its peak height.

    "Captain, we got Pratt!" One of my squad leaders said, but didn't identify himself.

    Yvonne laughed. "It'll teach him to shock shit before we're even on the ground," she teased.

    "Good job, team. Keep it up," I radioed back. "I bet he'll be living it up before we get back," I said to just Yvonne.

    "I bet. I know I'm taking a nice long shower after this," Yvonne said, wiping sweat from her forehead.

    "That sounds great," I said, feeling the effects of the hot sun, the activity, and the gear running down my body.

    "Yeah? Are you thinking about taking a shower with me now, sir?" Yvonne teased, and I laughed.

    "I am now." She started it, so I had no reason to back down. "I shouldn’t focus on that too much right now. We don’t know how much is still out there. Until Chris uses the master radio to say his whole platoon is down, we should assume we’re still game on," I said.

    "Right," Yvonne nodded in agreement as we kept moving. "I will say though, sir, I do really want to win. And if we do win… I can make that shower come true, but only if we win," she teased.

    "Are you fucking with me right now?" I had to verify as we continued our trek over towards 1st Squad.

    "Dead serious," Yvonne said, her breath hot on my neck. "You’ve been so fucking hot all day. You’ve been turning me on since you showed up to the chopper in that uniform, and the way you’ve been in charge through all of this makes me want to tear your clothes off."

    I raised my eyebrows at that and smiled. "I enjoy this fearless and forthcoming side of you," I told her.

    "I only see you once a year for a few days. I have nothing to lose, and no one would believe this conversation anyway. I also trust both of us not to tell anyone," she added as we came to the top of a small hill.

    As we crested the feature, we got lower and lower until we were prone and hidden by the grass. I reached into a small pack on my hip and pulled out my binoculars and scanned the ground below us. There was a decent field ahead of us, maybe 100 yards, and then some scattered, smaller trees.

    The field and the trees were potted with red and green paintballs, telling us clearly there had been some fighting here. Could this have been where 1st Squad was?"

    "1st Squad, come in." I waited. "1st Squad, come in!" I tried again.

    "I think they’re gone, Captain," Yvonne said quietly.

    "Fuck," I spat, returning the binoculars to their case. I lost an entire squad and half of mine was down. I knew we had removed one squad at least from the field, and Chris Pratt, but other than that, I had no idea what was still out there or where.

    Staying low to the ground, Yvonne and I headed down the hill towards where the fight had been. Outside of the paint and the disturbances in the grass and dirt, there was no way to tell who came out on top, but the silence from my squad told me it wasn’t my side.
    I tried the rest of my team, but I got silence. Yvonne and I were all that was left, and she wasn’t in much condition to run. We were fucked.

    "Well, I don’t think I’m getting that shower with you," I said sadly as we continued on.

    "Where do we even go from here?" Yvonne asked, sounding defeated herself. I knew how competitive she was.

    "Towards water," I said and kept moving. " I keyed the master radio on my chest. "This is the captain of Strahovski Team. I believe we’re down to just please. Please confirm or deny."

    "This is Chris," the Guardians of the Galaxy star responded. "You are definitely the last two. As agreed upon to in the rules, I can’t tell you how much of Team Pratt is out there."

    "Roger that, Chris. Sooner or later, we’ll see you," I said and sighed off.

    "Well, let’s head for that water," Yvonne said, resigned to our loss.

    By the time we found a small creek, the sun was setting and we were exhausted. I kept my weapon nearby but shed my gear, and Yvonne did the same.

    Yvonne didn’t stop at just her combat gear, though, and stripped down to her white panties and tanktop. "I can’t take a shower right now, but I can take a nice bath," she said with a smile.

    I kept watch with my hand on my paintball gun as Yvonne waded in, bent backwards like a gymnast, and soaked her long blonde hair. As she swam and splashed around, it almost masked the sound of someone approaching us.

    I quickly waved for Yvonne to get out of the water and come over to me.

    As soon as she hit the grassy bank next to me, I pulled her body to me and pressed a hand over her mouth, keeping her silent as an opponent walked past us. He was just out of range, so ending the game right now was out of the question, and we couldn't go immediately after him.

    It would be night soon, and Yvonne and I were still out of our gear. I kept my hand over her mouth until I believed we were in the clear, but her body was still flush against me, and she didn't seem like she was in a hurry to go, anyway.

    Once I released her mouth, she whispered, "Maybe we should stay here for the night, don't you think?"

    I looked into her eyes, and I saw the littlest smile playing on her pink lips. "I think... that may be a good idea," I concurred as our faces drifted even closer together until we were kissing passionately.

    Yvonne moaned into my mouth as we kissed, our tongues shooting out and happily finding each other, dancing together as I ran a hand over her tight French braid and then rubbing circles over the wet fabric of her tank top.

    "I want you, Captain. I want you here, in the woods and in the grass," Yvonne whispered as we drew breath together. "I want you to fuck me, sir," she pressed.

    I kissed her again, just as deeply as before, just as full of need as I reached behind her and undid her pretty hairdo. I needed to run my hand through her hair, but I also needed my other arm to prop myself up.

    Yvonne decided that I didn't, as she rolled on top of me and undid my belt, fly, and button just as frantically. "I need to feel your cock, sir," Yvonne breathed against my lips, and then started kissing my neck as she reached in and pulled out my hot, hard prick. "That's better," she smiled, lowering her head to my chest as she started to slowly stroke me.

    "We need to stay quiet, Steahovski," I warned her as I kissed the crown of her head. She was still calling me "Captain," and "sir," instead of my real name, so I assumed this was all still part of the immersion and simulation for her, so I continued to address her like she was just one of my troops.

    "I'll try, sir. I can do it," she promised as she licked her hand and brought it down to my cock. "I just need this in case we don't make it back." She was definitely still in the role.

    I laid there and enjoyed Yvonne's hand on me as I watched the sunset wall over the treeline. "Damn this is nice," I whispered, my hand still rubbing her back as she jerked me off. With each repetition, I moved lower and lower until my hand touched her panty line.

    "It's okay, Captain, you can touch me. I want you to," she encouraged.

    I slid my hand into the back of her panties and massaged her round ass with my fingertips, enjoying the way she sighed into my neck. "You definitely have a hell of a body, Yvonne," I told her as I started to feel her up a little more, running my finger along what I could reach of her ass crack.

    "Thank you sir. I am yours to command," she reminded me, kissing my jaw. "What are your orders as we settle in for the night, sir?" she kept playing, those blue-gray eyes looking up at me, her chin on my chest.

    "I want you to show me how quiet you can be in any situation," I said as I wrapped an arm around her and quickly rolled us over so she was on her back.

    I strutted her hips, looked up along to the tree line to make sure we were alone, and then I grabbed the collar of her cotton tanktop and ripped it down the middle, exposing Yvonne's medium sized breasts, making her gasp in shock and excitement.

    "Oh my God, sir," she said with a little full body shake. She dug her hands in my hair as I nibbled her collarbone and kneaded her breasts, my palms rubbing her hardening nipples. "That feels so good," she said somewhere between a moan and a whisper. "Don't stop," she ordered as she pushed my head lower, prompting me to kiss her chests, her light brown areolas and then finally her nipples.

    I could feel her trying to arch her back into my touch, but my body weight on her was too much, pinning her to the ground. She couldn't push me off of her if she wanted to, but her long, athletic legs wrapped around my ribs told me she didn't want me to go anywhere.

    As I alternated between kissing her tits and sucking her rubbery nipples, I dragged my hands down her body to her soft white panties. As she didn't unwrap her legs from around me, I was left no choice but to tear them from her as well.

    "You're a fucking animal, sir," Yvonne growled into my ear before biting my earlobe, making me chuckle.

    "You have no idea," I warned her as I pried her legs off of me so I could kiss my way down her trembling, taut belly to her exposed center.

    She was completely shaved, smooth as all, and I could see her puffy light brown lips were starting to get dewy from her needs.

    She was still tight, but she was also wet enough that I easily slid a finger into her whole, making her bite my shoulder. "Oh, oh fuck," she mewled as I slid my digit I and out of her delicious heat.

    "Goddamn that's a nice tunnel," I growled as I started to curl my finger inside of her, hitting that perfect little spongy area. "I need to taste you," I said as I lurched forward, stuck my tongue out, and dragged it from where my finger was inside her up to her swelling pink clit.

    "Oh my God, sir," she moaned, pulling my hair as I licked her again and swirled my tongue at the top, drawing out that little bundle of nerves. "Yes, just like that, lick my dirty cunt. You can do whatever you want to me, Captain, I'm just a grunt for you to use and order around," she moaned as her hands left my hair and moved to massage her firm yet pliant tits.

    "My God you're a whore, Strahovski," I chuckled as I went back to lapping at her tangy honey pot, and added a second finger, making her intake a sharp breath. "Fuck you're a tight one, even after kids."

    "It took some work to get my glove back," she giggles and I laughed, my mouth still pressed to her sensitive pussy, and she jolted at the soft rumble of it.

    "I won't make you cum with my mouth unless you can promise you can keep it down, understood?"

    "Yes, sir. I can handle it," Yvonne promised, nodding enthusiastically.

    "Alright then," I said before diving back in, fingering her faster than I had to this point, and increased the speed and pressure I was licking her clit with.

    I looked up and saw her chest heaving, her perfect pink nipples rising and falling on the hills of her chest, and I could see her face contorted in pleasure through the valley of her cleavage. To really send her over the edge, I slowly but with measured pressure, inserted my pinky finger into her rosebud.

    Yvonne bit her hand and quietly sobbed as she rode my face and hand, her tight cunt contracting even further as I fingered both her holes and kept tongue flicking her bean.

    I kept up the pressure and didn't stop even as I knew she was coming. Her strong legs wrapping around my head didn't do anything to stop me, but actually forced my face deeper into her cunt, and I went as fast as my arm and jaw would let me go, quickly sending the waves of her second orgasm Into the ebbing of the second.

    Her free hand pushing on my head, begging to let her recover, was when I finally disengaged from her holes. I licked my lips, kissed my way up her magnificent body, and then kissed her forcefully, shooting my tongue into her mouth to make her taste her own pussy on me.

    She moaned lowly, he arms wrapping around my shoulders and scratching my back through my olive green shirt, as I plundered her mouth with my tongue.

    Once I was satisfied that she had tasted enough of herself, I rolled Yvonne over in the grass, covered her mouth with one hand, pushed her legs apart with my knees, and sank the length of my cock into her with one hard measured thrust.

    With the way she jolted forward and sobbed into my hand, I could only imagine those stunning eyes of hers were almost popping out of her head.

    I slowly pulled out of the former Chuck star's cunt, and then slid back in with less force, but I still wasn't gentle. I shush Ed her and started petting her hair with my hand that wasn't over her mouth as I started an even rhythm with my hips.

    Yvonne's breathing evened out, but her breaths under me were still deep, her exhales through her nose tickling my hand with moist heat.

    "That's a good soldier," I praised her as I swiveled my hips, pulled out, and slid back into her center. "Fuck you feel amazing," I groaned into her ear.

    I wanted to uncover her mouth, but her full body trembles, her moans, and her occasional sobs told me that I shouldn't trust her to stay silent until I had finished.

    "Now Strahovski, if I hurt you or I do anything too much, tap on my arm three times. Nod if you understand," I instructed her as I softly humped her. She nodded. "Good, that's a good girl," I said soothingly as I started picking up the pace again.

    I pushed myself up on one arm, keeping the other hand over her mouth, and knowing the angle I wanted, Yvonne dug her knees into the thick green grass and pushed her hips up with me, allowing me to fuck her face down and ass up.

    Like a lion mounting his queen in heat, I was able to observe the darkening horizon for trouble as I continued to bury my cock in the lovely Yvonne's tight, squelched pussy, hitting her g-spot with every thrust and recovery.

    To keep down the sound of my thighs hitting her ass, I had to fuck her with a nice, languid pace, edging both of us until I decided I wanted my finish.

    Keeping quiet myself, I pushed down on her back and followed her hips back down to the soft grass. I completely covered her body with mine, and I started to drill her with fast, short hips thrusts until I whispered through gritted teeth, "I'm about to bust, girl."

    Yvonne nodded, and with one pulling out tufts of grass, she clamped her other one over my ass, pushing it down, telling me to cum inside of her.

    I happily did just that, biting the soft tissue of her trap muscle as I blew my load all over her soft inner walls.

    I kept pumping slowly into her until I was sure I had emptied my balls completely.

    As I slowly pulled out of Yvonne and released my hand from her mouth, I rolled onto my back and pulled her on top of me. I didn't care if our combined mess got onto my pants and dried there. It would easily blend in with the dirt and grime of the fight anyway, but we would know what it was.

    "You take some rest, Strahovski. I've got first watch," I told her as I kissed her head.

    "Thank you, sir. It's just what I need after that," she sighed and curled into my chest as the last of the day's sun went down.

    CYG May: Natalie Portman

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    Grr that was so fucking hot!!
    Makes you wonder... this probably happened at least once right?! LoL
    I dunno how you did it Harbinger, but you managed to make Yvonne
    seem even hotter than she was before!!

  3. Thanks sid9764_c, Harbinger thanked for this post
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