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Thread: "A Warm Welcome" with Emmy Rossum

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    fanfiction "A Warm Welcome" with Emmy Rossum

    A Warm Welcome
    With Emmy Rossum
    By Harbinger
    Tags: M/F, cheating, sneaking, blowjob, riding, pullout
    Disclaimer: This story is purely fiction and for entertainment purposes only.

    Today is the worst day of my life. I just got home from work, and heard sirens before I even got to park my car. I saw an orange haze over my apartment building, like the sun was setting in isolation far too early.

    "Fuck, fuck fuck fuck!" I groan as I exit my car, watching police and firemen do their duty, my apartment complex up in flames. My entire floor's windows are blown out, vicious flames lapping up and pouring out through them.

    I run my hands through my hair and bite back a pitiful sob. Everything I owned was gone. I'm now homeless, with no clothes except what I wear. All my valuables, my food, was in there. All my personal belongings… gone.

    I sit down on the hood of my car and break down, sobbing. I feel like a stupid, weak piece of shit, but in my situation, what would you truly do?

    After my pity party subsides, I do the only thing I can think of. I get back in my car and head for a Super 8. It'll be my home for a while I guess.

    My phone rings, and I pick it up a little shaky. It's my best friend since college, Sam.

    "H… hey, Sam," I say, trying to control my voice.

    "Oh my God, Clark! You're okay," he says with evident relief. "Me and Emmy are etching thr news now. That's fucking terrible," he says.

    "Yeah, I know. I was working. When it happened. I pulled into the parking lot of my apartment and just saw… I'm homeless, man," I tell him, my voice cracking a little.

    "No. No You're not. That's bullshit. Get over here right now. You're staying with us," Sam demands.

    "I was just… I was about to get a motel," I tell him. "I can't put you guys out like that, really."

    "Yes you can. I'm telling you to, man. I'm not letting you get bedbugs and shit. I bet you could also use a home cooked meal right about now. Emmy and the kids will be so happy to see you. I won't take no for an answer. I'll see you when you get here." Just like that, my best buddy Sam hangs up.

    Don't get me wrong, I love Sam. I adore his whole family to bits. His kids are adorable, and his wife, Emmy… my God, what do I say about Emmy Rossum?

    Emmy is my absolute dream girl, or "wife material" as some say. She's gorgeous, smart, funny, a dedicated wife and mother, but also my longest lasting crush. Living with her but being able to be with her, is going to be torture.

    With an offer of free housing, I swallow my selfish doubts and head for Sam and Emmy's.

    As soon as I pull into the driveway, Emmy and Sam are coming outside to greet me with fake smiles and teary eyes.

    "Hey, Clark," Emmy says softly as she pulls me into a hug. "I'm sorry about your place. I'm just glad you're alright."

    Emmy is a tall girl, so I have to tilt my head up a bit to rest my chin on her head as I tell Sam, "Hey man. Thank you so much for having me."

    "No sweat, dude. You'd do the same for us," Sam says as he gives me one of those weird, unsure half handshake half hug things.

    I follow Sam and Emmy into the house, and sigh as the air conditioning hits my face and the smell of whatever Emmy's cooking graces my nose.

    "Make yourself at home, Clark," Emmy says warmly.

    "My house is your house, dude, you know that," Sam assures me as he heads through the kitchen, to the fridge to grab us some beer.

    "I can't help but notice it's a little quiet around here. Where are the kiddos?" I ask. I usually can't stand kids, but these two are so adorable and amazingly behaved.

    "They're with Sam's folks for the weekend," Em explained. "So if we want to use the hot tub tonight, that's cool. We won't be interrupted and I can enjoy it, too."

    I swallowed hard, and not just because I had a mouthful of beer. I want nothing more than Emmy Rossum in a hot tub, but I don't need to be fucking horny in their spare room when she's just down the hall in my best friend's arms.

    "That sounds great, babe," Sam says easily. "We're about the same size, Clark, so you can borrow a pair of trunks from me."

    "That's perfect," Emmy says with an award winning smile. We can have a few drinks and hit the tub after dinner. It's the first tub of the season, so it's nice to have you for it, Clark."

    I feel like a piece of shit. Sam and Emmy are such a model couple, both so nice and welcoming, and I'm here thinking about my best friend's wife in a skimpy bikini and what she'd look like taking it off.

    At least in my head, she's servicing me and Sam, and not just me.

    After an amazing dinner, Sam went to get the hot tub ready, leaving just me and Emmy in the kitchen to clean up.

    "I'm glad you took up Sam's offer, Clark," Emmy says as she clears the table and I get ready to receive the dishes.

    "Me too. Your house is beautiful, and you guys are far better hosts than a Super 8," I laugh.

    "And we have a pool that isn't full of weird strangers," she adds with a giggle. "Just you two and me," Emmy says knowingly, looking over at me as we do the dishes together.

    I actively don't make eye contact. I don't want to confirm anything by opening my stupid mouth.

    "You're deeply attracted to me, Clark. I can feel your eyes on me all the time, okay?" She knows, so I turn to look at her. "It's okay, it's natural. I think you're an attractive guy. We just can't act on it, so just don't make it weird, and we'll be fine."

    I smile back and say, "yeah, you're right. I'm sorry, Em. I've just had a crush on you since you and Sam got together," I admit.

    "I know, Clark. It's okay. This happens to couples and friends all the time," Emma says assuring, brushing my hand as we finish up. "I'm going to change. I won't tease you too hard… unless you want me to?" She smiles.

    "If I can look just not touch, bring it on."

    For my own sake, I'm hoping two kids, a happy marriage and being 36 years old would have kept Emmy from maintaining the hot, tight body she showed off in Shameless, but I'm proven wrong when she and Sam come back.

    "Damn, Em," I say with a chuckle.

    "I know, right?" Sam laughs, putting an arm around Emmy's lower back. Am I a lucky guy or what?"

    "I'm glad you two are happy," I say genuinely. "You both are two of the best people I know, and I couldn't ask for better friends in a personal crisis like this."

    "Aw, that's so sweet," Emmy gushes. "I wish we had wine. That would have been a beautiful toast," she says, a hand over her bikini-clad heart.

    "We have wine!" Sam boasts proudly. "You two hop in the tub and I'll be right out with it and some glasses."

    "Sounds great, baby," Emmy smiles and leads the way, her hips seductively swaying, her tight ass on display for me.

    "Getting a good look, Clark?" Emmy asks knowingly, not even turning around or looking over her shoulder.

    "Yup. Not touching, though," I say plainly.

    "Good man," she says with a bright smile, looking over her shoulder this time, those sexy brown curls framing her face perfectly.
    We climb into the tub together and Sam isn't too far behind.

    Sam pours for us and distributes glasses and then holds his up. "To Clark. It's a shame about your apartment, but I'm grateful we have each other."

    We clink glasses and Emmy giggles. "Sammy, you're such a big softy."

    "He really is," I laugh. "But I meant what I said; I can't thank you two enough for offering me a room. I'll start looking for a new place immediately."

    "Don't rush dude. Take some time to breathe, alright? Your house just burned down and you lost all your shit, bro. You're not going to recover over night. Just relax tomorrow and Sunday, and start looking Monday, okay?" Sam urges.

    "Sammy's right, Clark. You just had a hell of a traumatizing and economically disastrous situation. We're not going to kick you out, and you have a roof over your head, and you'll have food in your belly. Start small tomorrow. Go shopping and buy some new essentials like clothes," Emmy suggests. "Everything will come back with time."

    I nod and take another sip of wine, feeling Sam's sympathetic eyes on me and Emmy's hand resting on my knee.

    After that little heart to heart, things ease up and the three of us get to catching up, relaxing, and joking well into the night, the sun going down and the stars coming out. Because you're not supposed to spend too much time in a hot tub, we go back and forth between lounging, swimming in the big pool, and dipping into the hot tub again.

    Eventually, Sam can''t keep back the yawns and states he's off to bed. "But you two keep hanging out. Don't let me being old and tired stop you," he laughs.

    Emmy follows him out of the pool and kisses him goodnight before he disappears into the large house.

    "Sam is such a good fucking guy," I say.

    "Yeah, he really is. I do love him deeply, and I'm faithful to him," Emmy tells me pointedly as we reconvene in the hot tub one more time.

    "Good. You should be," I nod.

    "As his best friend, I know you would never hurt him. I know you take that bond seriously, too," she continues, but I feel her toes slowly dragging up and down my shin. "No matter the amount of temptation we both felt, we'd be able to hold off, right?" Emmy tests me, her toes grazing up to my knee.

    "Definitely. Not even a real question," I chuckle, but her voice, those big brown doe eyes, and that simple, soft touch combine to make me hard as a rock.

    "If you're so confident, tell me why you're so hard," she presse.

    "You don't know I'm hard," I laugh.

    "Bullshit. I know almost foe a fact you're fucking hard," she argues. "Stand up and prove you're not hard. I bet you have a fucking tent."

    "I'm not taking that bet. There is absolutely nothing in it for me."

    "If you don't have a visible tent…" Emmy taps her chin, "I'll stand up and take my top off," she grinned, definitely knowing I'm hard as hell. "But if you lose and you are hard… hmm…."

    I sit there in thought, trying to come up with anything to offer in this little game. "If you're right and I am hard, I have to sleep naked and wash all the house's bedding while I'm here."

    Emmy laughs and claps her hands together, a big shit eating grin on her pretty face. "Deal. Now stand up," she orders, motioning with her hands.

    I slowly stood up, bracing my hands on the tub behind me.

    Emmy laughs hysterically, her big eyes bulging as she points at my huge canopy. "I knew it! Guess who's sleeping naked!" she mocks and does a sexy little dance in her seated position, her long curls covering parts of her adorable face.

    "Alright, you've had your fun. Let's call it a night, shall we?"

    "Yeah, before you lose another bet," she teases, sticking her pink tongue out.

    Given everything that had transpired today, I had a hard time sleeping. I was also in my best friend's guest room, completely naked. The sheets were amazing, bit it's still weird to be nude in a different bed.

    I also know that Emmy is just a few yards away, and she knows I'm naked, too. She hasn't checked on me, but she knows me to be a man of my word.

    As I'm laying there, I have spoken too soon because I hear the softest footsteps right outside of my door. The handle slowly turns, and the door creeks open.

    I have no idea what the fuck is going on, so I do what comes natural in the moment; I fake like I'm asleep.

    The door clicks shut, and I don't know if I'm awake or not. Is it Emmy or Sam sleep walking? Either way, I'm fucking naked!

    "Oh, what the actual fuck are you doing, Emmy?" I hear my friend whisper to herself. "This is the dumbest thing you've ever done," she curses herself quietly.

    As for my part, I continue to lie here, trying to be as lifeless as possible.

    "Just… just a tiny peak to see…."

    I feel the slightest tug on the sheet, and because it's a warm night, it's the only thing between Emmy's eyes and my bare body.

    She keeps tugging, little inch by little inch, and I can feel the sheet exposing more and more of me to her. The moon light coming in through the window will show her everything.

    Much to my hidden shock, she pulls the sheet all the way off, exposing me completely.

    "Oh shit," she whispers. She knows now that I am indeed a man of my word. I hear her hum, and then I feel her fingers on the outside of my thigh.

    I jolt a little, ot expecting it as I can't see a thing she's doing. I imagine that would be a natural response to that even if I was sleeping.

    "Shhhh, it's okay," she whispers softly as she continues to rub my leg. "Don't wake up."

    I follow her advice, because I hate what waking up would do to us right now.

    I feel her fingertips glide higher up my leg, to my inner thigh.

    "That's right baby, get hard for me," she whispers, and I twitch a little, and turn my face away from her, as if I was starting to dream, or in the middle of one.

    Then I feel it, I feel her fingers touching my quickly erecting cock, her nails brushing the large vein on the underside.

    I hear her hum again as she starts running just the fingertips over my hot, tightening skin. I hear her lick her lips, like her mouth is dry. It probably is.

    To keep selling my act, I shift a little again and make the smallest noise like somethings caught in my throat. She stops her fingers, but doesn't take them off of me.

    I can't believe my luck, and I start to wonder if I am dreaming, because Emmy Rossum, my dream girl for years, is slowly stroking my now fully hard dick as I pretend to sleep. I have no idea how far she plans to go.

    I want to let her know I'm awake, to make sure she knows what she's doing, but I also eat to be selfish, I don't want to break this spell.

    The game is up, and I know I have to do something when I feel her hot breath tickle the skin at the base of my cock.

    I turn back towards her and slowly open my eyes as if just waking up from a deep sleep.

    "Wh… what the? Emmy?" I ask, faking shock.

    "Shhhh," she says, putting a slim finger over my lips. "You're dreaming. This isn't real," she whispers, her hand still gently stroking me from base to tip. "Just lay back down," she urges as she lowers her head and kisses my dick tip.

    "Emmy…" O try not to moan as she sticks out her tongue and flicks my piss slit. "What about Sam?" I remind her.

    "Sam is asleep, and as long as you shut the fuck up, he won't won't know about this," Emmy hisses as she sits on the edge of the bed, her bare legs so close to mine. She looks beautiful, ethereal even, in a loose t-shirt and just a pair of black silk panties.

    "Emmy, don't feel like you have to do this because I'm down on my luck," I tell her, trying to figure out why she's doing this.

    "That's just a small part of this, Clark," she says as she brushes her curls over to the other side of her face. "I know you've wanted me for a long time… and I've wanted you too," she admits as she kisses me from mushroom head to base. "We have to see how this feels," she says before parting her lips and taking just my tip inside her mouth.

    "It feels pretty fucking good to me," I tell her as she runs her tongue around my squishy rim, making me try not to moan.

    I lay back and dig my hands through her soft curls as she strokes me with her thumb and index finger, her wet mouth and skilled quietly, gently sucking and licking me.

    Emmy gives me the slowest, most elegant, sensual blowjob I have ever had, and I let her set the pace at the wrong time. She doesn't need any guidance, and I'm afraid if I push any wrong buttons, she's gone as suddenly as she came in.

    Emmy starts to moan a little as she slides a little further down, and I notice her free hand that isn't pleasuring me is down between her legs, pleasuring herself. It's the hottest thing I've ever seen.

    The only sounds in the room is our breathing, the lightest wet sucking sound, and an occasional moan from Emmy's throat.

    "Emmy, that feels so good," I growl lowly, and she slowly slides of of me and looks up from under her long eyelashes.

    "Good. You feel great in my mouth, and I love your taste."

    "Emmy, it's only fair if I repay the favor," I offer, holding her hands.

    "No," she says shaking her head and standing up. She sheds her t-shirt, and eyes drop down to her perfect, medium sized tits with perky pink nipples. "I'll have a hard time controlling my volume if you go down on me," she admits. "Honestly, I have a very sensitive clit, and I can be very vocal."

    "Jesus Christ that's hot," I chuckle, and Emmy rolls her eyes and giggles. "So what now, then?" I ask.

    Emmy smiles and grabs the gusset of her panties and pulls them to the side as she straddles me, and I can't fucking breathe as this sexy angle let's herself slide down my slick, wet cock, her mouth making that gorgeous O ad she's impaled on me.

    "Oh fuck, that's good," Emmy exhales as her ass comes to rest on my thighs. "Just lay there, and let me do the work, okay? You've had a long day," she points out as she puts a hand on my chest, letting her balance as she slowly rises up, and then settles back down.

    "Fuck Emmy, you're so damn toght," I grown.

    "My husband tells me that every time," Emmy chuckles as she slowly comes up almost all the way off, and then sinks back down again with a quiet moan.

    I just watch in rapture as this sexy MILF fucks herself on me, her head tilted back, the moonlight illuminating her rising and falling chest, and those curls, as my cock goes in and out of her.

    "Oh my God, Clark, I've wanted this cock for years now, and I finally have it."

    I reach up and fondle her exquisite chest, and I co tinge to let her do the work as I tweak her thick nipples. "You look so good on top of me."

    "I know," she giggles and winks at me, her hair falling over her face. Every angle I catch of her is like a celestial painting, a take on the perfect body, the anatomy of woman as art.

    Emmy puts her hands over mine and really encourages me to massage her breasts. Once she's satisfied with my pressure, she leans further back and starts grinding, and we both gasp at the new angle.

    She fucks me like this for a while, but says, "Clark, you have to let me know when you're about to cum, okay? You cannot cum inside me, understand?"

    "Yes, of course," I tell her assuringly. "I won't last much longer anyway," I tell her.

    Emmy pushes off the memory foam bed and leans forward, my dick in her hot tunnel the entire time as she brings her forehead to rest on mine.

    We kiss hotly as she continues to ride me, and I grab her ass. I massage and pull on her ass as she speeds up, as does our breathing.

    We're no longer doing sensual, middle of the night teenager love making; now she's grinding on me and moaning into my mouth like she's not only wanted, but needed this dick inside of her for years.

    I pull away from the kiss and warn her," Em, you off to get off now."

    "Okay," she says breathily and sits up. With measured effort, she pushes off of my chest and raises her hips, letting my dick slip out of her, making her gasp and shuddered at the loss inside of her.

    She doesn't leave me wondering how I'm supposed to get off tonight as she goes back to stroking me, and easily slides my lubed cock into her mouth, her tongue expertly running around my length and applying pressure.

    She sets a great rhythm, and still manages to make as little sound around me as possible until I say, "Em, Em, Em!" Letting her know it's time.

    Emmy shoots me a thumbs up and pulls her head up just until my crown is left in her mouth, and with a few swiped of her tongue over my slit, I bust, shooting rope after rope into her experienced mouth.

    She drinks down every last little bit, leaving me totally dry as she pops off of my cock. She runs her finger around her lips to make sure she got it all, and then sucks on her finger, making me growl.

    "Thanks for the late night snack, Clark," she winks and fixes her panties before putting her t-shirt back on. "Just what I needed.

    "So what now, after that?" I ask, my hands behind my head. "If that's a one time thing, I'm still glad it happened.

    Emmy laughs and shakes her head. "Sam said I can do that until you're back on your feet. We need to keep those spirits up," she says and winks.

    "Oh, what the fuck?"

    CYG May: Natalie Portman

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2020
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    Damn, that was a sensational story! Thoroughly enjoyed reading it and Emmy's such an underrated hottie. Thanks for giving her some much needed attention.

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